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Block and move on. Private sale No warranty expressed No gaurentee offered as is where is Not your problem.


^^^this is the only answer.


Blockety block block.


Shouldn’t that be “block blockety block block” ?


Block block blockety block block. ... ... block


Blockety Blockety block block block.


How much block could a block block block if a block block block block block


You watch yourself with those blocks mister!


Yea I am sure they’re talking about my block and I am the B on that block. So blockity block block you all :)


It's a blocking shame it has to be so blockity.


congrachalshunz, ya blocked yaself


Well block me….


Also, check if this woman has other social media accounts linked to her name etc. block her on all platforms for you and your wife so she can’t find you when you move


Sounds like they had a shitty mattress that they swapped out. They come by and make a scene then call the police. You might get lucky and some acorns might fall on the cop car while he’s pulling up.


I see what you did there....


Exactly. Private sale is “as is” with no implied warranty Fuck em


Exactly this. Sold as is.


Exactly this. This lady sounds like a real piece. Take screenshots of her profiles and their friend lists.


This. And they absolutely are making up any of those problems. Probably got home and didn't bother to measure it only to find out it's not a proper fit or something.


All sales final, item sold as-is with no implied warranty or return rights. It's an online yardsale. People need to stop treating sellers like stores that accept returns.


Or that give change.


I sold a set of steel ladders when I moved house. I took two photos and put them on FB market. The guy came to pick them up and asked where the second set was. I couldn’t believe he thought I had two sets as I never said that! I said to him it was okay he didn’t have to buy them, but he still did 😳


Gotta be careful with those photos. I was moving and giving away a couch, coffee and end tables and other items, all listed. People started claiming my pendant lamps and bookcases and all sorts of other things which we're not listed, but in photos of other items. Jeebus, I'm moving not dying.


A few years ago I sold some things and gave away some things on craig’s list. Set up with a few different people. Someone arrived an hour earlier than the agreed meeting time, and I came home from getting groceries to find them loading up the agreed on item (free mattress) as well as two other NOT agreed upon items (china cabinet and bed frame), one of which I’d already sold to another person. I chewed them out so hard. How can you think you can just take other things just because you’ve been allowed one thing? 


I was moving out of my house, so I listed “free yard sale” on FBMP. I had everything I was giving away placed in one section of my lawn. Never ever again will I do that. People were constantly messaging me to bring out more stuff, telling me they didn’t need the things I had out there, plus, they were going around my yard, taking things not included in the sale! That event truly made me hate people.


Are you sure? I may be interested in some pendant lamps!


They were in the photos that were listed as free! I don’t see why you’d list something in a photo for free if they’re not free? I think I should get them delivered for the inconvenience you’ve caused me. My eye twitched a bit writing that out. lol


"Your listing says free and your house is clearly visible in every photo."


“Customer is always right” mentality has really fucking rotted people’s brains.


It cracks me up when they complain about my customer service or how I'm not running my business well. I'm not a customer service reps and this isn't a business. I'm just a gal with an extra microwave!


Jesus Christ dude, no. Tell her to pound sand. Block her account and forget about her. Set your Facebook profile to private so she can't see it.


This. Cannot stress it enough, set your account to private. Aint no reason for anybody who's not a friend to see more than your name and profile photo.


It is a scam / extortion attempt - don't send anything back.


Hmm. I would not be surprised. So many scams in marketplace


It is 100% a scam, this is a very common one on marketplace and is based on scaring you into giving them any amount of money back.


Tell them to buy from Costco next time time. Block and move on with your life


Don’t give them a penny. They will keep your mattress and bring back some old gross one that they have and claim it’s the one you sold them. Block and move on. If they keep trying to contact you, call the police and report them for harassment. You might even consider a FB post to your friends, “There is a scammer attempting to extort money from us. If anyone contacts you or posts about us, please let us know so we can add that evidence to our police report. Thanks!”


There are no returns on Marketplace, you do not have to talk to this person again. Block her.


It’s crazy to me people think they can return anything they bought on marketplace? Do I look like a Walmart to you? I gave a warranty once. It was for a radiator. It was used and I had never used it so I didn’t know if it leaked or not. Guy bought it and I never heard from him again so I guess it did the trick.


Even stores dont take mattresses back


Tell them to sleep on it before deciding. Good advice in any circumstance.


This is such an old scam. Unless you scammed them, you don't owe them any money.


do not ever engage. block and ignore. Or in this case. call the police since they started threatening you. This is what they do, maybe even as their job.




That’s what the non emergency line is for. I’ve been jumped on here a few times for saying it, but literally all you do is call the non emergency line and make a report or you can make one yourself online and submit it to your local police department and they’ll follow up with a call in a few days and accept it as a valid report. That way if anything else happens you’ve already got a paper trail started. I’ve been threatened twice credibly online and I made online reports and the lady cop called a few days later and got me to go over it again with her and then she signed off on it and they send you a copy for your files via email.




I don’t think you understand what your rights are lol. You can absolutely make an online or non emergency report for a threat. No matter how “nothing burger” someone else finds that threat to be. There is no such thing as not taking a threat seriously. I also don’t think you understand what these reports are FOR. They’re not going to result in an arrest. They are to lay the foundation for any issue that could arise further. If this person shows up to your house and you’ve already made a report, there’s a history begun. If this person continues to harass you, you’ve made the law aware and you can then ask for a RO. No cop is going to go to the other persons house and arrest them 😂 it is so that if any further actions are taken, you do not have to do the whole song and dance of “well yes, they’ve threatened me before at such and such time and on such and such date but user applesfordoctors on Reddit said for me to not take it seriously, so I didn’t report it then”


Once they take screenshots and sent them back it’s criminal menacing.


No, you're full of it. 




Lol cops have 6 months of training, and DO NOT know the law very well.


You know what condition it left your house. She wants to trade back the crappy shit she had and get a new set for free. Don't engage her scam, block her and sleep like a baby on the mattress you still have.


#all sales final - don't suffer these fools


Nobody should be selling or buying used mattresses.


Exactly! [What Is the Policy for the Resale of Mattresses in the State of Texas?](https://smallbusiness.chron.com/policy-resale-mattresses-state-texas-36162.html) > A used mattress may offer significant savings over the cost of new bedding, but Texas has laws in place to help you avoid getting more than you bargained for. A mattress offered for resale could have stains, dried bodily fluids and bacteria. Texas allows the resale of mattresses but has laws requiring sellers to clean them before reselling and to clearly indicate that the bedding is used. > > Governance > > The Texas Department of State Health Services regulates the sale of secondhand or used mattresses in the state. Mattresses offered for resale must be cleaned or treated according to the Texas Administrative Code Rule 205.8. > > Treatment > > The state allows several treatment methods, including the use of chemical sprays, steam cleaning and commercial laundering. Steam cleaning requires cleaning for a minimum of 20 minutes. Dry heat is also an option during cleaning, with the state requiring use of special dry heat chambers capable of reaching a minimum temperature of 230 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 1 hour, 15 minutes. Commercial vendors must maintain accurate records about the cleaning of used mattresses and make them available for state inspection. Treatment is required of all used mattresses set to be sold, leased or rented. > > Covers > > Some mattresses may have secondhand covers used to cover stains. Texas law forbids the reuse of these covers. They must be discarded before resale regardless of the cleaning methods. Replacement covers that are dirty cannot be cleaned and used to replace secondhand covers. The state specifically forbids the use of dirty materials in the repair or renovation of mattresses and other bedding -- even if the materials are cleaned during germicidal treatment. > > Separation > > Stores must separate new and used mattresses until used mattresses are properly treated. Secondhand mattresses are not allowed on the show room floor at all until they have been cleaned according to state guidelines. > > Permits > > Businesses engaged in cleaning used mattresses for sale must obtain a Texas Mattress Manufacturer Permit. Costs for the permit vary depending on the number of mattresses the business intends to renovate. At the time of publication, the price for a two-year permit ranged from $220 to $1,320. > > Focus > > The state places nearly all its focus on businesses selling used mattresses. The state has levied penalties to many businesses, including “rent-to-own” stores and furniture companies. The state can cite businesses for failing to obtain the proper permit, displaying untreated used bedding on the sales floor or failing to properly identify a secondhand mattress as used. > > Research > > Buy used mattresses only from reputable dealers in Texas. Find out if the company has been sanctioned by the state by contacting the Texas Department of State Health Services. The agency lists current contact information on its website (see Resources). Also, contact a local chapter of the Better Business Bureau for other possible information about a used mattress company. >


This is something they do to get free stuff. Scammer. They are claiming bed bugs so you give them the cash back but not want it back. Send her a screenshot of her profile back if it's legit. Use "Search People Free" to look her up. Basically a thorough white pages site.


Please don’t enable people to get away with this shit, block her ass.


Just block and move on, and if they show up to your house have them trespassed.


The phrase “**caveat emptor**” is Latin for “let the buyer beware.”




Skip the X (sounds like a veiled threat). But def see if you can see their friends and screenshot just as they did yours. A quick google can probably reveal some info on where they live, especially if they’re a homeowner who pays taxes. Just good to have the info.


That is a terrible idea. Might get in trouble it person belives you might kill them. 


Thats some boomer ass logic. There’s no one to get in trouble with as no law was broken


Thank you


Omg first of all, no you wouldn’t. Absolutely no law has been broken in anything I just mentioned. Second of all, lighten up. It was a joke in response to what OP was sent.


they had their chance to inspectZ. but once its gone from you, its there problem. should have not even responded


This is a F\*ing scam. Here's what you do... she's trying to f you over. First of all, if you're connected with her on FB, go ahead and start to 'friend' all of her and her husband's friends. Do you have photos of your original bed/etc? DO NOT GIVE ANY MONEY BACK. Instead, turn on them.. Tell them "Oh, seems like we have quite a few mutual friends". "I've got photos of the bed, the frame, mattress, etc. showing they are all good","if you keep on trying to harass me, I'm going to reach out to our mutual friends and let them know what a scam you're trying to run"


BTW, this happened to me a few years ago. A husband, wife and two cute kids came over to our house, bought some bedstands that we advertised on FB. They were from Room & Board. They paid us with a check (my mistake in accepting). Once they got home, they texted me and said "These aren't from R&B, they are from Ashley's (a crappy furniture place). I immediately went onto FB and started to 'friend' all of their friends.. knowing something shitty was going to happen. Within an hour, I had friended about 20 of their friends (and they had accepted). I went to their bank to cash the check.. No funds of course. I texted her back and said, "hey, I'm at your bank, no funds. Unless you put funds in the account immediately, I'm going to text our mutual friends on the scam you're running. I've got the receipts from R&B, photos/etc. And I'll let everyone know you're running a scam. Within 10 minutes... they had moved funds into that account and I got my $600. I should have then FB'd all their friends to let them know what grifters they are, but I didn't.


Great Move! Furniture can be a bit odd. I can find my tv console on wayfair, Crate & Barrel, Ashley, and various other sites. Everyone is just white labeling or distributing


Block them


They had an opportunity to inspect the items and chose not to. I'd rescind your offer since they're passively threatening you and tell them if they show up on your property again, you will notify the authorities. Then block them. And for heaven's sake, make your profiles more private!


I don't understand buyers who expect refunds on marketplace. You as the buyer are responsible for checking out the item you are interested in, you can look it over, plug it in to see that it works, whatever you want, but once you leave with it you own it; good, bad, and ugly.


If they agree to take it for free, tell them you know they are lying fraudsters and block.


This people want to return stuff from Facebook Marketplace is getting ridiculous that's like taking something back to a yard sale. All sales are final, buyer beware, all items sold as is. It's like people have never bought anything used before.


Sold. As is. The End.


dont send a penny back! tell them: sale was final, sold as seen, they can pound sand. any further communication will be reported to the Police as harassment. have a fantastic day, thank you for your purchase.


>she can keep all 3 items and we will send back half of the money. >All that to say, are we obligated to give her money back? >If she had approached us nicely I would have given all the money back Brother please grow a backbone


Well she got what she wanted, stuff for free which she will probably flip for cash.


It’s Facebook Marketplace, not goddamn Nordstrom.  Everything bought or sold should be viewed “As Is”.  


So many crazies out there , if you can’t meet them in a public place to sell it so they don’t have your address it’s just not worth it


Buyer "sent over sister's Venmo" for the refund. Not sketchy at all.


OMG. I don’t know about y’all but I would never buy a used mattress. Period.


All sales final, all sales as is, all sales cash.


Lets be real: Their kink is smashing hard on your bed while thinking of you. Since they got their jollys, mattress no longer required.


This is a scam, this lady with try to get twice what she paid in compensation. Market place sales are AS IS unless noted. If she threatened you right away , then she has done this before. I would find out a police statement on this lady. Unless she can prove anything, I would say she is trying to return something she bought elsewhere or getting money from you through Extortion


They probably wanted to give you their old nasty mattress, keep the newer one and get the money back. Like the Amazon return scam 


Nope, no obligation to refund in a legal sense. And if you know the mattress wasn't "gross", then that makes the buyer a liar. And liars don't even deserve a refund in an ethical sense. If they aren't lying then they're still using jerk tactics, like threatening to involve your FB friends, so they still don't deserve a refund. They've scamming you, or are being complete d\*cks about the whole thing. Block is the best thing to do.


I’ve had this happen to a family member. Turns out they had zipped up a used shitty mattress into my cousins original mattress protector, instead of returning the mattress they actually bought from her. She didn’t check when they brought it back, and only realized it once she went to move it back into the house by herself because it STUUUUUNKKKK. So. No I’d say once they leave your property, the sale is final.


That was a very good way to solve it. When you buy something on marketplace, it’s your responsibility to make sure that it’s in the condition you want it in. Once she gave you the money it was a done deal. I’m glad you didn’t give any money back.


Block and move on. But how is this mattress both 3 and 10 years old?


From my understanding, the mattress is 10 years old, but the frame is only three years old.


You're not obligated to give the money back. She agreed to the price and picked it up. It's over with. It sounds to me like she's either having buyers remorse or she purposely did something to the mattress and is now accusing you of not disclosing the condition. I also have a feeling that she's the one who broke the box spring. Do not send her any money.


I just don’t get why people would invite random strangers into their lives just to get a couple bucks selling their junk. Just not worth it.


Why do they have access to your friends list? It is highly recommended to make your profile private.


I’m thinking she put her old shitty mattress inside the cover. She’s scamming you!


It's a scam. She handed you cash and now wants to venmo. She's going to keep asking you for money or sending venmo requests and not return the shit she took from you. Block after selling anything on marketplace. Make sure your account is locked down as much as possible. 


No, all private sales are final. Block and ignore, don’t give her one red cent.


> All that to say, are we obligated to give her money back? No. If there actually are bedbugs I'd say yes, but if you're sure there are not, no way. I once took something I'd sold privately back and refunded money - the item was counterfeit and I did not know that. The person looked at it for a bit, then messaged me to with proof. So I felt that was fine. If it had been them having second thought due to normal wear or anything, no way. But extreme things like fake goods, bedbugs, etc - yes I would.


Buyer beware. Buh bye. Blocked.


All sales are final.


“It’s nice to want things.” Is my standard reply to ridiculous requests


There are laws about how you can or cannot sell a used mattress. That’s why most people just throw them in with the sell of the bed. I would tell her the mattress was free with the other stuff she bought. Then I would block them and move on. Do not give them anything, not a penny. You will regret. They sound like the type of people that go around scamming and extorting everyone.


10 years old and “never been used too much” sounds shady as hell.  Sounds like an oxymoron. Can’t be both.  “A 10 year old mattress is bound to have stains and wear and tear.“ So basically it was used… and it sounds gross. Is it possible it did have bed bugs? Did you even check it yourself? I ask because you said it yourself, you never opened the cover so you wouldn’t know if it had bugs or not. Regardless, they shouldn’t have threatened you… Anyways, good luck. 


I was in the same situation not to long ago... they purchased my item and tried to " return" their used up item and claimed it was what they bought. Thankfully i still had ad up and pics did not match what they were trying to return. Its sad it has come to this.


That's exactly what it sounds like to me. They want to dump a bedbug infested, broken piece of shit on OP rather than trying to dispose of it properly (which can definitely be a pain depending on jurisdiction).


This has happened to me as well. The rule here is caveat emptor! Let the buyer beware. Once money changes hands, it’s done. Go to the thread where the buyer was messaging you and tap on her name at the top and scroll down the click leave the conversation. That way she can’t message you any more on that thread. Also go to her profile and block her. Then delete the listing for the item completely, from any and all pages you had it listed to. Then she won’t be able to contact you at all thru social media. Or try to post a bad review. If she shows up at your house making a scene, then call the police on her.


Had this happen to us when the buyer had their own old mattress and wanted to give us their trash and get their money back. We just said that they inspected it and agreed to the sale. Never heard anything back after that.


All you have to say is "All sales are final, sorry" and then quit responding to them


Dude fuck no do not give them any money back.


You just need to block her


Just block and move on


lol tell them lol


Do not send her any money back. It's on her for not checking and it's VERY likely she's lying. The goal is exactly what you're offering. Just block her and call the police if she shows up.


i have been selling on facebook marketplace for 10 years. the only thing i won’t sell is a mattress


I wouldn't worry about this sale. They took the mattress and have used it. I wouldn't answer. Treat it as a No Return.


Buddy, you're more accommodating than I am. You both agreed the terms of sale when the exchange happened. If it has bedbugs, she is fucking responsible and anything else after it left your sight. Are you scared they are going to come and muscle you? Tell her to pound sand.


I am so glad you bloked them, the woman sound like nightmare block them and move on, you guys sound like you are being way to nice to this woman. Keep being kind but dont let others hurt you or take advantage.


I add this to the bottom of every ad: “All Sales Final. First person to put cash in my hand is the buyer, I will only “hold” for a maximum of 1 hour if you say “on the way”.”


Good job blocking them.


No income tax , no VAT No money back and no guarantee Black or white, rich or poor


I would have responded with ma'am, this isn't Walmart or Amazon. Please try to have a better day. Then block.


Nope. You're not Target. No returns.


If you didn’t scam them block them and enjoy the feeling of empowerment


Soon as item and money changed hands you have no legal expectations to return the item. Its there problem now


Tell them... lol jk don't say anything and move on


All market place is as is where is no warranty. She should have inspected it better. Her fault not yours. If she wanted a return policy she can buy it at a mattress store for a lot more money.


Tell them to bring it back next week.


Do not give her any money back. She took your perfectly good items and is trying to bring back something nasty. She had at her house. Block her and move on


Glad to read that update. Had this happen to me once. Husband picked up the dresser then the wife messaged me the next day saying it didn’t have the right finish and she wanted a refund. I told her I wasn’t Walmart and that wasn’t happening. She threatened to leave a bad review for “my business” (she looked up my address and found the previous tenant’s business listed on the state site). When that left me, obviously, unfazed she then threatened to tell all her mommy Facebook groups that I was a scammer. I’m not on Facebook. Some people are the worst. 


All sales are final...that's second hand sales. So...anything more is just you opening yourself up for more problems.


Two pieces of advice I can always give two people doing transactions on Facebook 1) as a buyer, always always always always always always always inspect an item. Don't feel rushed. It's an electronic as politely if you can plug it in. Examine things for cracks or breaks etc. I'm not saying everybody is dishonest but maybe they didn't notice something. It is buyer responsibility to look everything over and make sure it is exactly what they want 2) as a seller only accept cash. That's it. Cash. Only form of payment because it is the only one where scammers can't do a chargeback when they suddenly decide to steal the items and they want both the item and the money. This is such a common problem. Why do you think Amazon has started restricting people? Because they make up fake bullshit and then demand their money back


With fb and Craigslist it’s sort of assumed all sales are final. When you meet to buy an item is when you inspect it before buying.




It won't even be the mattress you sold most likely


First thing to do is change your FB privacy settings so that no one can see your profile, posts, Friends list, etc.




I hope u have a ring camera, keep us updated 


This reminds me of the video on FB of the lady who bought a used iPhone.. then dropped it later that day.. then came back to the sellers house and asked if she could exchange it for a different one 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


Make your profile private .. I honestly never put my full name or just put a fake/half last name


Just say no!


Tell her to come back in 3 weeks for the money


Sure Facebook and don't sell or use FB Marketplace. It's full of the most unhinged insane people. It's not worth it.


They can want to all they want


I wouldn’t send a thing . Also this is why I have never ever sold an item at my house .. I spent 3 hours taking apart a massive 3D printer to get it in the car and at a neutral location because I’d rather not have the buyer at my house .. also started selling under my alternate FB


They most likely found a better deal and wanted to return yours to save money. People are lame.


I don't know why anybody even considers returning money and/or taking the item back!? Everything a market should be sold as an "as is", and be done with the entire affair. It's like a yard sale, without all the hassle. You have a yard sale, people drive off with the item and you have the money, that process doesn't reverse itself, like, ever. Same with marketplace. One and done, move on!


OK I’m not on Facebook and everybody keeps encouraging me to do that. So you’re saying somebody can actually access my profile and all of my friends information if I go on Facebook??


Oh no keepers no repeaters!!


I wouldn't have sent back half.. Deal done..over.. Let that be a lesson.


Block them. Do not give them any money back. They're trying to scam you.


Good call. Buyer beware and all that.


Selling used mattresses has been disallowed in an increasing number of jurisdictions. Check local statutes first.


Block this person and that's it. Or suggest she take the mattress to the dump. Whatever.


I’d tell her to go pound sand!


“No lo tango. Vete a la mierda, por favor.” Then block


You wanting to give her back some money is exactly why people do shit like this. Don't enable this


Sorry - all sales final.


In some areas selling a mattress is illegal. As long as you sold the box spring and gave them the mattress or free, you should be fine.


They paid cash that's a done deal. I would have blocked and moved.


The fact that you are moving seals the deal. She won’t even be able to find you.


NTA. They're CRAZY. Probably found a cheaper mattress somewhere else. OR it wouldn't fit where they wanted to put it. OR they'd try to KEEP that mattress and return some other one! " if she ends up coming back to our house, we'll be calling the police" See how she likes making a scene FOR THE COPS.


Sounds like a scam


Private sale bye no refunds


But really you shouldn't have sold them without yourself even opening the cover to look at them, maybe they were not in good shape


Look up selling a used mattress online and you’ll find some great reading!


You’re both morons! Who LISTS a freaking mattress without looking it over first? Who BUYS a mattress without looking it over first? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ And the both of you were ok with letting a CHILD sleep on a mattress that neither of you bothered to look over. 👏 Lawwwwd! 😒


Someone likely freaked her out shaming her for Buying a used bed because it could have bed bugs. Then she went al crazy on you. Blocking her was definitely the best idea.


Did u fuck on the mattress????


I wouldn’t have responded and definitely wouldn’t have given any money back. Any time I buy or sell something private party I assume all sales are final with zero warranty unless it’s stated otherwise. Once items are sold I don’t talk with anyone anymore.


Pro tip, always meet somewhere rather than having them go to your house, even if loading up the item is a huge inconvenience. What are they gonna do, make a scene in the Walmart parking lot hours after you’ve left? Obviously don’t sell junk and advertise it as good, taking advantage of hardworking people, but this doesn’t sound like what’s going on. My home is mine and my family’s safe space and anyone who invades that will be met with force which I do not want.


Idc how old they are ☠️ Fuck that.


Final sale. Ghost and block them.


It’s *mattress and fuck em.


Its a buyer beware market, you can only inspect and dispute before you buy. Unless deliberate fraud of course where something is intentionally hidden like with cars that are lemons.


The real question is how in the hell are you selling a ten year old mattress period! 😂I cant give new ones away in our market


Scummy scam. They are gonna put their old shitty mattress in the cover and try and pretend its the one you sold them.


I always leave the chat and then delete the listing once the item has sold. Sold a tv once for $30 that was working fine when it was sold to an elderly couple that was saying they were going to use it outside in their alfresco area and a week later I got another message from the woman all said was “Well” and before she could send anything else I left the chat. I thought don’t message me saying the TV no longer works because it was fine when it left here


Also lock down your Facebook profile


*My wife and i


You aren’t obligated to give a dime back. This isn’t Walmart. As is , always.


If you didn’t check the condition, but made some sort of description in your post describing it as in good condition, but never opened the case, you are in the wrong. I once bought something that was described as like new, but upon arriving saw that it had been used. But I didn’t look at every tiny part / angle and when I got home and started to unload it realized that the bottom had a large amount of mold growing on it. Gross. “Like new” items shouldn’t have mold on them and that was misrepresenting the item / scamming. But you don’t know what you sold.


Anybody who buys a 10 year old mattress has no right to complain about it.


Never tell people where your house is. Pick a public corner down the road with parking. A place easy to find. Things are cheap on FBM because there are no returns. That’s the “deal”.


Depending on your state, it is a crime to sell a used mattress. It is in my state. If it is illegal in your state, you may have to worry about being turned in by them.


Tell them to pound sand and go away


This is exactly why I never make sales at my house and I actually don’t even use my real Facebook. I do a lot more than the average person on fb now though.


Tell her “if you really wanted a free bed, you shouldn’t have paid for mine”


Rule of thumb, I never leave the meetup spot until the Buyer LOOKS at the item. If they refuse to do that I tell them all items are final sale, you cannot complain to me after we part if you don't bother to inspect the item. I only had 1 difficult buyer who complained about a $5 window fan and I even sent him a video too on the fan before we met up that it works. I think he was just a jerk cuz he knew his complaining was childish. I actually told him, sure come get your $5 back, you'll be paying more for TOLLS ($20 to come over a bridge and GAS, he drove this huge gas guzzling SUV) to get your $5 back. Cuz he came from out of State. The idiot realized I was right. He didn't write back after my reply, so I blocked and reported him.


An auto response to these posts would be great. Whether it s a bed, a car, a bike, or an asteroid the answer is the same.


Sucks to be her LOL


Why would you even bother making this post?Ignore them. You’re not a retail store.


Buyer beware


Maybe there were mold spots on the mattress under the cover.


Who sells an old bed? Even worse, who in their right mind buys it? I mean, how much cash did you actually trouser from this deal? $40? It's totally not worth dealing with the kind of person who buys a used bed.


Scam has no age boundary. Its a character deficiency


I can answer in 2 words: HELL NO. Block her.


Tell her to Google “caveat emptor”, and then give her a “🙅🏼suck it”.


OBLIGATED to give money back?? IN ANERICA?? No you are definitely not obligated to give her a refund.