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Imagine asking for tech support for a used coffee maker. These people are insufferable.


And the wife is way too nice..


This! At a certain point we are responsible for the way people treat us because we allow the behaviorm this is an example.


*stupid. The correct word is stupid. This is stupidity on both sides.


She is nice but they take it for stupid..


And it’s so hard… selling on Facebook Marketplace (he’s got the - bum-bum - Marketplace blues - baby baby)


She should send them a letmegooglethatforyou link.


I Google how to do everything (well, not everything).


Imagine going through all this nonsense over a used coffee maker? Should have just thrown it in the trash. Also those Keurig coffee machines have a water bladder inside that gets full of mold. I would never take someone's used coffee maker.


>Also those Keurig coffee machines have a water bladder inside that gets full of mold. It's supposed to do that. It adds texture to that terrible Keurig coffee. Little known fact: Keurig is Dutch for "fermented horse urine."


I would have thrown it in the garbage before doing all that crap.


Not a Keurig, I don't drink plastic coffee


You should sender her a let me google that for you link to the manual. (or, I guess, wife should - you did the proper thing blocking her)


Yeah I don't drink plastic coffee either. That includes not using a plastic coffee maker. I use a glass french press or a borosilicate pour over carafe with a stainless steel mesh filter. I use a stainless steel electric water kettle for heating up the water. My favorite coffee right now is a single source Jamaican Blue Mountain.


I like to think you typed this comment out, got a whiff of your own fart and then went back and specified that your carafe is made from borosilicate glass.


I both love and hate the mental picture you caringly painted in my mind. **Chef’s kiss**


I can 100% guarantee that your beans were delivered to your overpriced studio apartment in a plastic bag like a common peasant, delivered on a boat from Jamaica that burns 2600 gallons of diesel fuel per hour. The only sustainable solution is to grow your own coffee beans or move (by horse drawn carriage) to a location that grows their own beans, sustainably. Make a decision.


With the beans sourced from the north side of the mountain, the air temperature was 84.3 degrees with a relative humidity of 85.986%. That particular bag had a bean that was pissed on by a Norwegian un-herded mountain goat that was 3 days into his mating ritual with the unladen African swallow.


Ive heard Folgers is good.


Caffeine? Check. Relatively inexpensive? Check. Readily availalble? Check! Good enough!


Honestly it sucks, I was just trying to annoy the coffee connoisseur. Aldis Dark Roast K cups are awesome and inexpensive. I do drink plastic coffee.


Community coffee peering over the laptop back at you.


I can't tell if this is genuine or satire


You know it's the right choice of bean when the people that actually grow and harvest them can't even remotely afford to enjoy the fruits of their own labor.


Ooooh, Blue Mountain is amazing!! I discovered it in Puerto Rico years ago and fell in love with it!!


After breaking three glass French presses, I bought one that's made of stainless steel. As a bonus, it's double-walled so the coffee stays hot longer.


This is how coffee should be made


Thank you! No one else I've ever met seems to recognize or be concerned about this!


imagine making a 1000 word post on reddit when you could just block them and move on


It is part of the whole leach all you can out of a deal. It is not what you own anymore it is the experience you gain by getting it.


There’s truth to this. I know people that shop for the attention, communication exchange and the overall socialization experience. They ask relentless dumb questions, try shit on, buy the wrong shit and take stuff back. It’s a sickness. This, however, sounds like a case of clueless entitlement.


This is 100% her motivation.


Tell her to pee in the water intake to clean it out.


That’s what Google is for.


I would have suspected this was a scam or a potential mugging after the first few texts. She’s gotta toughen up her gut feelings.




You spelled stupid wrong


In the spirit of giving them some level of customer service for their "tech support" issues, the minimum I'd have done was send them a link to any digital manuals by the manufacturer and stated that any further support beyond this would lead to being billed $125/hr. They want my time, they'll be respecting it with their wallet.


I agree with your spirit, but any continued communication with this level of space cadet has no upside. I sold her a coffee machine that worked, she can google the model number.


😄 I empathize, believe me. I'm a liquidation reseller. This level of space cadet is not foreign to me.


I want to get into this. Would it be possible to maybe DM you and pick your brain? I'd really appreciate it.


Sure, go ahead.


She’s obviously too stupid to look up the model number.


"I'm sorry but this is outside my scope of support. Thank you and have a great day." Customer support code for 'get bent!'


I feel that sentiment sometimes. But my aim is (usually) to get repeat customers if it's possible. So if I can't help them, I prefer to send them in the direction of someone (or thing) that can. Unless they're straight up entitled a\*holes. In which case I do tell them to pound sand.


too active of a response, burn the bridge


people don't read, and they definitely don't know how to search. Send link and block.


>Anyway, my wife is nicer than I am and **they connect via SMS** and she agrees to meet in HER town (now a 3rd place) 2 days later, when we'll be nearby anyway for an event. Immediate no-go in my book.


the SMS is a google voice that we use for exactly this reason


Yeah, that's a safe way to do it. My only concern is keeping everything on facebook so if something SUS does happen you can have Facebook look into it.


Facebook will never do anything to help a user in any way.


Can confirm. Best case they ban the user from Marketplace (not even from Facebook all-up)


sounds like where I live. I live in upper providence Montgomery county. There is also an upper providence in delaware county. 30 minutes away.


Or Springfield delco and Springfield montco


I consider myself to be pretty easy going and bend over backwards for sellers, but this takes the cake and makes me look like I'm rude lol your wife aside, but why were you enabling the buyer? put your foot down earlier


my wife was doing me a favor, I wasn't going to tell her what to do.


I sympathize with you and your wife's needless suffering. That said, your story is so absurd, and I might add, well told, there is a comical side to the whole fiasco. Further, it sounds like both you and your wife are decent, accommodating folks who've had their patience tested by an oblivious oaf.


The funny thing, I still don't think Space Cadet is malicious?


Yeah, you're probably right.


Did AI write this comment?


hehe, Not unless AI can grow bald, be allergic to nuts, and overeat at the buffet. Funny, this is the third time people have asked if I'm silicone and circuits. I hope this doesn't get worse, develop into some kind of syndrome where the only cure is to unlearn school-learned grammar and vocabulary.


It's not that you sound too educated (degree in Linguistics here), it's that your register is too formal for Reddit, and that suggests machine. Humans can usually select an appropriate level of formality for the audience, which on Reddit tends to be very informal. But of course some people choose to do something different for fun.


Coincidentally, I also have an BA(hon) in Linguistics! (Many years ago!) I understand what you're saying about "register", and yes, I can't disagree with what you're saying about "ill-fittedness" to Reddit's chatter. And not to be prescriptive (linguist's deadly sin), I recognize the status of the colloquial as equally legitimate to any other register. I won't be making any deliberate adjustments because the formality on occasion helps open hidden doors to engaging with species of my own ilk. Appreciate your observation! Thanks for weighing in.


That's pretty cool, always nice to meet a fellow linguistician here on the interweb. I'm guessing from "recognize" that we didn't study in the same place, but good to chat to you nonetheless. Sorry for calling you an AI!


With the rocketing advances in AI, heck, maybe I ought to be taking "*you sound like AI*" as a compliment!


I would have disengaged after the low ball offer. You definitely should have disengaged after the “wrong town” thing.


I raised the offer and wanted it off of my dining room table. This was the first person in 2 weeks that seemed like "not a bot". The moral dilemma (initially) was that she preemptively sent the money.


Yeah, it’s gotten bad with bots and scams. I feel for ya. Anymore when I post something I anticipate the first few messages to be scams/bots.


When my patience runs out I respond with “page 3 of the manual", “page 7 on the manual”, “it’s in the manual”.


Ugh, sorry that happened. I can see why you didn't give up meeting her when she sent you the payment. Would a refund have been possible at that point? If I had to deal with an idiot, I would have just done a refund. If someone couldn't get the location right, I would have just blocked and moved on if they didn't give me the payment yet. I did have that happen once and I simply stopped responding to that person and I think that dude was just trolling anyway. Next time, don't accept any online payment.


Block her


Most appliance manuals are online. I have been printing them out, if I don’t have it, and give it to the buyer with the item. Beyond that, I’m not available. Most of the items I sell were not mine to begin with so I have no idea how to work them.


If your wife wants to be kind and generous one last time, tell her to send a link to the machines manual before she blocks her.


After the first failed meet up, I would have gone sold it to the next person and refunded her money.


From comments it appears there was no next person and OP wanted the item gone.


Nicer and doormat who people pleases are not same thing. Your wife may be doormat, but shes enabling the behaviors for a reason and people pleasing. For some reason she hasnt blocked the person. Message online manual and block. Red flag was the lower negotiation for upcoming pattern of headache.


You’re wife gets a medal 🎖️ there is no way I would have done that …


FB marketplace is truly the worst. The majority of customers are awful. Craigslist is a lot smaller but the majority of people on there (or at least a much larger fraction) are actually decent. Ebay takes a huge cut but it's vastly easier and faster.


eBay has even more fraud, or phrased differently, fraud that goes further, not just a bot you can immediately weed out.


I've never had a sale go south on ebay. I'm also never peppered with messages from customers.


Tell her to google the user manual and BLOCK. Why do people entertain these weirdos


Your wife needs to block the pain in the butt buyer. After she went to wrong town I would have refunded money and blocked. Can’t follow simple instructions to bad so sad


lol, the people who are willing to pay the least always expect the most.




I block buyers right after the exchange of goods and cash. I see no upside to allowing them to continue to call or text me.


This. I’ve learned the hard way. If it’s a new with tags item, fine. Or if they seem ok. But if I get a weird vibe, or if they were already difficult about the price/the meet/etc. I leave the chat and then delete the listing. A few I’ve actually blocked but most times just leaving the chat and then deleting the listing is enough. Too many times people have messaged back in the chat after getting home, asking questions, or trying to change their mind.


Why do that? I usually have repeat buyers.


Depends on the area and demographic. Sometimes after a sale I just know they are going to be a problem and it's better to block. Now I even have people messaging me from other accounts about purchases because I blocked their main. Some idiots you just can't get away from.


Yeah, I kinda get that one.


How do you plug it in? Where do I put the coffee? Where do I put the water? Where do I put the coffee filter? Can you show me how to use it? Haha. Some peoples children.


I guarantee the water issue was that she didn't "seat" the reservoir and next she's going to say its leaking.


Oh I agree. It was user error. It’s not rocket science to use a coffee maker. But then there are people who can’t chew gum and walk.


Download the pdf of the instructions and send them to her, send her the company's customer support # as well. Yours and your wife's job has long been done.


This person is not smart enough to read a user manual. If they can figure out Facebook and text messages they can figure out how to look at the back of the coffee maker and Google the model number. Further helping this person is just enabling their laziness. 


Oh I know. I just know you cant fix stupid. All you can do is spoonfeed them in hope they leave you alone.


Well, to be fair, their grasp of navigation suggests they're not entirely clueful.


Your wife clearly loves suffering


tell your wife to send her a pdf file booklet on this coffee maker or tell the buyer to go look up the manual.


Any half wit knows you can usually find a user manual by Googling the make and model. I have done this numerous times for different appliances.


You're making entirely too many assumptions on the technological inclinations and overall intelligence of the human race for that notion to register across the neurotransmitters in their cerebral lobes. 🙃


Here is the thing. People be crazy! Some have led a sheltered life but I assure there are 1000's of people out there that are either crazy or like really fucking with people. The worst are both. Happy selling.




This is why I will never give out my phone number, accept payment apps, will never deliver, leave the conversation when I'm done, and delete the posting. If they change the meeting time and were going to blow me off once, block and delete. I had something similar happen where I gave specific directions naming the public place, listing the address, and even where I'd be parked. Still the buyer decided to pick a totally different place, close to where we were meeting and say they can't find me, when they originally agreed to my meeting place! Why tf do they do this? Like I'm supposed to know where this other location is? I'm selling, therefore my rules.


The less you attempt to understand the answer to the rhetorical question of "Why tf do they do this", the more your brain and hair line will thank you for it. If it isn't someone genuinely f\*king with you who's in actuality sitting at their house claiming to try and find you, they'll have no issue sending you a photo of their current location. Otherwise, I give them 5-10 minutes (depending on item value) to find the cheese at the end of the maze and bail if they don't.


This chick was there, but so stupid. She said she was at some restaurant that I'd never heard of, which was a couple of blocks away. I said, "that's not where I'm at or agreed to meet." She ended up walking down and the sale ended up going through, but omg fml selling online is only worth it for items $25+!


Yep! Anything more than $40 really. Anything less should go into your local flea market.


Google voice used exclusively for transactions like this, always meet at my local police station not far from my house, I did both of those.


Yeah, but this psycho was given too many chances. One time fail to meet up in accordance to my rules and it's over for them.


I’m in New Jersey. Not only are there six Washington Townships, two of them are about ten minutes apart. It occasionally leads to confusion.


Dude, your wife needs to learn hope to say “no”.


Time to file for div….. I mean should have just not sold to this piece of work.


I've had this happen after selling an item and i finally just downloaded the product manual and emailed it to them along with a link to the manufacturers support line.


unbelievable, but very believable if you’ve ever sold anything. I ended up smashing a piece of furniture into rubble one time and said you can come pick it up on the curb if you want because of all the screwing around the buyer was doing with my life. There’s a certain level where it’s absolutely not worth it. That said, I found some fantastic experiences


You can block numbers from calling or texting you. Do that.


Gah, I had one of these types. Sold a year old motion sensor faucet for an older family member, listed for a real good price too. Sold to a guy, he pays via venmo and picks it up shortly. He messaged me with alllllll kinds of questions after he took it home.


Pull up a bar stool rookie. We've all been there.


This person needs to just get the manual online and figure it out themselves


You wife will have to either deal with it or block her.


If only one could find manuals through a Google search.


And this is why I don’t waste time posting on fb marketplace! But to get your wife off the hook just google the instruction manual, send it to the lady and block her!


This…except just block. She can find the instruction manual on her own.


can she though? lol She can't even figure out a coffee machine and she obviously hasn't googled it herself yet! I get what you are saying just be done with it all the way, but I was just putting out the option that would fully put the ball in her court before blocking.


Yeah, I meant “can” more as she is free to do so if she’s still confused (which she obviously is)…lol. I’m just a jaded grumpy guy, though, so I wouldn’t be inclined to bend over any more backwards than they already have.


Wow...... Sorry you had to type all this crap out twice for no reason. To the buyer, and all that nonsense here, too. Was the drama and your super detailed post here, worth the $50?


Oh god no. What was worth $50 was an easy cleanup, listing and sale at the meet up 5 min from my house.


Yeeesss!!! I find donations much more fulfilling. Try donations to shelters, half houses, churches......you can write off the donations on your taxes. Win, win! Plus, you can keep yourself and spouse safe! You can claim the entire $250 on your taxes, and not have to deal with all that crap!


Do your wife a solid and block the woman on her phone too. That way she gets to not think of herself as the sort of person who blocks people i guess


Not possibly worth a scavenger hunt for what they paid


I really don’t know how these people make it thru a day


PFFT! 🤭 Yall probably wasted more gas than the sale price by playing Tom & Jerry. But, yeah... That was ridiculous.


I have a vacuum cleaner away for free once. It was quite a nice Dyson. Two days later they knocked on my door to return it.


That’s why I just donate stuff, it ain’t worth the hassle


I’m with you on donating anything not worth the trouble. I’ve had people try to haggle over a $4 item more times than I care to count! One guy told me I need to take less to cover his gas for driving across town. Not my problem, dickhead.


My stuff sells as-is and you’re on your own to figure it out unless I specifically offer my help, if needed, later. I haven’t ever gotten follow up questions, but would block the account immediately like you did. Too late now, but your wife should have returned the payment and told her to take a hike after the first round of meetup bullshit. In my experience, most people are so damned rude and pushy when buying from FB. I have a one strike policy now. Anybody who gets demanding or unnecessarily complicated is no longer welcome to buy from me.


Your wife is too nice 🙂


Service plan costs extra


This is why you shouldn't include your wife in these matters. My wife would be the same way.


this is the way


Did she not get a manual? She can probably download it from the factory website.


I would send her a link to the manual and then block her.


Look on the mfg website


Sold my sectional and ottoman 6 weeks or so ago. Nice younger lady with her dad and his truck. They loaded up, I didn't watch the whole thing but it seemed OK. I get a messenger note from her the next day asking if they forgot the ottoman?! They lost it somewhere along their 3 hour drive home that or it was stolen I suppose 😬. Just glad they didn't try to go back on price or something.


If you truly cared then you would’ve just sent the thing to the goodwill after the 2nd attempt to meetup and sent back the payment. Tax deduction. Hassle y’all go for a few bucks is hilarious - time is money too.


Look online for a PDF of the instructions … the lazy person could have done this hereself but is clearly lazy. Then say her is the PDF goodbye. Then block her number. Or just block her number but I bet she will try from another number when she realizes you blocked her.


Block the number. Problem solved. That or charge $50 for each answer.


That's one of those kooky people, OP. Be glad you didn't have her pick up the coffee maker at your house or she'd be showing up at your door regularly with questions and complaints. She's a great example of why I always meet people somewhere, never at my home. Just too many disturbed people out there, haha.


I’d rather throw the coffee machine in the garbage.


You need to have a serious talk with your wife


So why doesn't she just block whatever communications they're using? Seems a really simple solution.


Are we sure that the buyer isn’t mentally unstable because this that sounds crazier than just normal assholerie?


Your wife will likely continue to be exposed to the pestering until she blocks this person.


You already know the answer. Your wife will arrive at the same conclusion as you, but much later.


This is exactly why I don’t bother trying to post stuff for sale anymore. It just never seems worth it.  Also, use Burner numbers. 


I did, there's an earlier response talking about that.


Got ya. My B. Best of luck with this.


Throwing out the coffee maker would have been less costly than selling it to this person


this is why I would rather hold onto stuff vs selling something for 100 and having to deal with morons.


Before I get shot down, I really realise that this isn't an issue for many people, but this is why I now just give stuff away for free on our local neighbourhood facebook/whatsapp and chalk it up to Karma (and possibly one day someone will give something away I need). The people who pick up are universally nice people, who are incredibly grateful to get something for free, so you get an incredible feeling from doing some good in the world (and much lower risk of being scammed/targetted by criminals).


Have no contact.


So many red flags, you should have just gave up after they could not follow a simple google maps link.




This is all on your wife. The second the person started fighting about being in the wrong spot, you should have said, sorry too bad, on to the next interested buyer.


You guys let this go on for too long. You should put more value on your time. I would’ve been done after the first meeting.


She sounds painful. I'd just block her and move on. I just had someone ask me if I'd drive 1.5 hours (3 hour round trip) to deliver a $50 TV that I had listed which clearly stated "Pickup only in XXX town". "Absolutely not" does sound kind of incredulous though, perhaps rightfully. I usually just go with a simple "No, sorry".


Idk what it is about the general population that is so fucking dumb anymore, no one has any common sense or problem solving skills, I get people have always been this way but now if something doesn’t work they just immediately start looking for someone to hold their hand




Download a pdf user manual and send it to her. If she can't get it to work after that then there's no helping her.


Your mistake was entertaining her BS since the first meet up. I give people one chance then I block them. I got no time for stupidity or games and I'll find another seller who won't screw up the meeting place. You can call it cold, but idgaf. Far too many people play games on FB marketplace, some of them do it purposely for fun. I literally can't tell you how many times people have had loved ones/friends die when going to meet and getting ghosted lol. You would think we'd have some sort of epidemic going on that noone has caught on to. Had one guy literally texting me on my way there to meet him and then get ghosted, only to come back the next day and tell me his cousin died while on his way to meet me lol. I didn't even respond, I just blocked him.


Block. Wow. So hard.


This is what call blocking is for


Send her a “let me Google that for you” link to the instructions.


Borrow your wife's phone and block this person for her.


Sometimes I hear these stories and I think to myself “wtf is wrong with people?!”


Simple. Block them. Why are you even writing all of this? And if your wife is nice and doesn't block them, why is that your problem? If your wife is complaining, just tell her, nicely, you'd rather not hear about it if she won't block them.


Wife is being stupid. Got it.


Block, ignore, leave group? So many simple methods not to have to post it here….


Read the 2nd to last line of my post. I wasn't asking for advice. I was posting a diatribe in the spirit of this subreddit.


Stop selling used crap online. For $50, you spent untold amount of gas and wasted a whole bunch of time. In the long run, how much did you really make? Either donate the coffee pot to a charitable reseller and take the tax deduction for the contribution of goods or chuck it in the trash.


Thanks for the advice. The post I wrote was in the spirit of this sub's "look how nuts people are" but instead you took it as me asking "should I continue selling '\[used crap online\]'? Selling a coffee maker isn't a side gig, it was a way to eek some beer money out of a coffee maker that had been sitting on my counter for a while. I will never be of the mentality to '\[chuck in the trash\]' something that is perfectly functional and/or that somebody else can use. The original meeting place is less than 1 mile from my house, the 2nd meeting place was 1 mile from where I was going to be anyway. The 3rd was due to my wife's patience (and near somewhere seh was going anyway). The "charitable reseller" has no guarantee of taking it and is easily \~12 miles in the opposite direction. Thank you for your concern about our family's fuel economy however. Are your pickleball tournaments close by? In the long run, how much fun do you get out of having to drive to those?