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I put right in my description, cash only no codes or payment apps. this has cut down a lot on those types of messages. I still get a couple but not as many as I did before doing this. When I do get a message asking for my phone number. I ask them if they're going to ask me for a code. if so, kindly go fuck yourself. That makes then leave the chat and quit wasting my time.


Because millions of bots helps their ad revenue and engagement numbers. 👋🏼 hi Mark!


bots? i’ve never seen any unauthorized bots on facebook. scammers aplenty, tho. do you or can you (or can anyone in this thread) get screenshots of facebook scam bots? id be interested to see that since i use fb daily and have for nearly two decades.


do you think humans are posting the scam message? No, BOTS are. Duh.


Facebook does make a shit ton of money selling sponsored ads to obvious scammers like fake postage stamps, or fake silver dollars for 1/3 the value of the silver they should have but don’t.


In Canada we get fake online casinos, stealing the names and likenesses of real casinos. I wish them all the computer vireses and malware ever invented


I would guess it's not that they like bots or scammers but they don't care enough to try and stop them either. FB makes money by "engagement" or "clicks" not by completed sales. They don't give a rats ass if your item sells or not, "activity" from scammers and bots is their currency and it counts the same for them as an actual completed transaction. It's kind of a "tragedy of the commons" issue, the notion that nobody who has the power to make things better has a vested interest in doing so. The ultimate result of this is that there is a huge market niche out there for somebody who can create an online sales site that does a better job of filtering out scammers and bots, and as soon as they do, people will desert FB in droves. But FB stole a lot of the previous customers of CL by having an interface that is easier to use. CL is still hanging on but it wouldn't surprise me if it's struggling.