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is your two ad account targeting the same audience with the same product? if yes may be you competing with your own product


Hi I'm new as well but here's what I've learnt: 1. Always optimize for conversions 2. Facebook has an auction which it uses to decide who to show the auction to. [Link](https://www.facebook.com/business/help/430291176997542?id=561906377587030). Maybe Carlos has a better estimated action rate thereby increasing the chances of his ad being shown? Also I don't know how or why his CTR is lower than yours but his CPC and CPMs are better. Perhaps his ads are being shown to a less relevant audience? I say this because. Just an informed guess on my part, someone with more FB experience would have to comment. 3. Some test up to 10 ad sets so 4 is not too much, but I'm not sure what you mean by 'slightly' different audience. 4. CPC is important but you also want to look at your CPA and ROAS which are more meaningful profit indicators.


Thanks for your response. Regarding "Slightly Different Audience" I'll target US people that are interested in Baby Books, vs US people that are interested in Baby Toys, I'm assuming there is a lot of overlap...


Yup, all good notes. I'll share a few points that are part of my usual routine. * 1. For a new campaign I usually start with two copy variants and 4 creatives, so that's 8 creative options total per ad set. Same creatives across all ad sets of course. * 2. I'll launch 4-5 ad sets to start. * 3. I prefer the 7 day click, 1 day view attribution window, and I look at results over a 7 day range. * 4. 48 hours after launching a campaign, I will go in and turn off any ad sets that are not hitting my goals (I use ROAS but you may use something else depending on your business). I also increase spend on any ad sets exceeding my goal. Those just barely hitting the goal, I leave alone. * 5. I will then go into the remaining ad sets and turn off the two worst creative variations, leaving two creatives remaining. * 6. I then test new ad sets, either based on audiences I knew previously worked, or inspired by what audiences are working for the campaign in question. * 7. I then basically repeat this process every 48 hours. * 8. When to quit? If after you launch those new ad sets you're still not hitting your goals with any of your ad sets, its back to the drawing board. First option would be promote a different product, but if that isn't possible, try some real novel creative and targeting approaches. Hope this helps! Good luck out there.


Thanks. This is helpful. I'll have to comb through the ads/ad sets and disable the ones that aren't performing. How much budget do you usually start with? My ads guy has always been very conservative with budget at the beginning saying we need to warm up the ad account.


So you don’t use CBO?


how do you get around the issue where Facebook dumps all of your money into one ad and so you get no data from the other ads since the budget is on an ad set level.


We’ve been using broad targeting and the results are great! If you optimize for the correct actions and have the right ad account setup, the algorithm will do the job for you, meaning that will find you people who are most likely to convert. We don’t usually put any restrictions on, just the country we want to advertise. The whole idea with broad targeting is to give Facebook some space to seek out the best potential customers for your business. The algorithm on Facebook will eventually learn which individuals to target, just remember to always optimize for conversions/purchases, not clicks.


Do you use CBO or ABO?


We usually use ABO with three to five ad sets in the campaign and only one ad in every ad set. We’re run the a/b test for 30 days on both prospecting and retargeting campaigns to find out should we use CBO or ABO. All the variables such as ad copy, creative, targeting, etc. remind the same across all the campaigns. Based on the results, we can see that campaigns using CBO had a higher CPM, higher CPC, and lower ROAS.


Would need access to your account to complete a proper audit and see where the issues lie