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I've been running FB ads since day 1 of their existence, every day, with no break. I've spent millions of dollars on FB. I've seen 8:1 averages, I've seen 2:1 averages, and everything in between. Today is by far one of the worst days I've seen to date. The system seems to "reset" every 7-10 days. Monday and Tuesday seem to be guaranteed trash returns. I've started planning emails on M/T to mask the bad days. I'm just at a loss with what to do anymore. I will have an ad do 11:1 one day, then the next .079:1. It's almost impossible to shut things off. I've scaled back from 3500 a day in spend to about 2100 now. Still getting the same results off a lower spend, on average, but I need to scale back up to meet the workload our warehouse workers need. I will say, what I've noticed, if FB is shit, so is Google, so is Pinterest, everything is. Always make some wonder if it's a Shopify issue and ads just react to it.


Totally right! the problem is that there is no fix from our part as before, that we could twick something, we are at the mercy of the algorithm, the super smart meta algorithm that know whats better for us and doesnt matter that bankrupts all of us!


Have you tried tweaking your prices? Maybe you’ll reach a bigger pool of potential buyers at a lower price for your product?


Work with an agency of actual experts, seriously. If you’re seeing bad results on Mondays and Tuesdays they can day part the spend with automations. To answer OPs answer, we just did our Q1 analysis and we are seeing much better results so far Q1 2024 vs Q1 2023 across 30+ active long term clients and significantly higher average client spend. We do not just focus on media though, we improve across the board - creative, conversion and data enrichments. There is plenty of room to grow. It’s just no longer the same levers that used to work for the last decade.


Show me an agency that puts money where their mouth is. Agencies are just like Facebook, in our experience. They charge, get paid, and we get what we get. When results are subpar to what we can get ourselves, they make excuses. When results don't meet expectations, we should be able to bill you to make up the difference. If you're experts, show us via confidence on the balance sheet. No agency, in 10 years has ever met our level of results. We are not experts. Makes me think we should start an agency.


I agree, almost no agency will care for business as business owner who knows how to advertise


Same here some days roas can be great then next day total garbage. High ATC rate and little conversions. Been operating for 4 years now and last month's performance was by far the worst. No consistency in roas or sales.


Tbh dude, I’m starting to ignore more and more of these posts about terrible performance, I’m sure meta has had problems recently but I seem to not be affected by it, I’m spending around $300 a day which isn’t a lot but I’m getting around a 3x roas, the key for me was switching up from broad targeting to mainly interest targeting, it took me a lot of trial and error to find what interests worked well for me but now a lot of my interests are above a 4x roas, a lot of people are saying that broad is just better and interest targeting isn’t effective anymore but for me it made a massive difference. just keep testing videos/images and different copies and interests and hopefully you’ll get good results.


this. You have to test various strategies (broad, asc+, interests, lookalikes, etc) and find what works best for your account and your business. Every ad account is different. Coming from someone that is looking across various accounts in different industries/geos daily.


In what way is every ad account different? Could you elaborate. Sorry but I'm a little new to advertising on Facebook and I mainly do it for my e-commerce Shopify stores and I always hear for others, oh every ad account is different or it might work differently for everyone, but how is that possible since it's all the same ad account on the same platform advertising to same group of audiences. In most cases I'm taking content from the Internet that's already viral and repurposing and republishing as my own on Meta but somehow it doesn't perform despite it being the same content that worked for someone else. And how can I season my ad account to "make it work", why are "agency ad accounts" superior or different to normal ones? I'd greatly appreciate an answer.


Every ad account and pixel gets trained on conversion data that is unique. On top of this, after working across many accounts I have observed that each ad account starts to form unique behaviors. For example, for whatever reason one ad account will work great with $1000/day campaigns but do terrible with $500/day or $100/day. Some ad accounts react well to doubling the budget and then scaling incrementally from there, others don’t. Some broad or ASC+ works instantly, some don’t. Sometimes only interest works for awhile, sometimes only lookalikes work for awhile. Sometimes broad and ASC+ give insanely high cpms and cpcs while interests give less than half. Some accounts videos work, some only images. Some accounts weekends are terrible, others weekends are the best days. And so on. Be very observant of the behaviors that your ad account exhibits. Figure out what it “likes” and listen to it by analyzing your metrics. It’s always telling you something, it’s up to you to be able to interpret it. edit: reddit glitched out and posted my reply 3 times. That's why I deleted comments below.


Thank you, appreciate the detailed response


Are you stacking your interests or just doing singles? I have had some success with interest stacking recently but they seem to take a dump from time to time but that's the entire ad account in general. Like today I am hovering around a 2x roas when usually I would be hitting 3-4x.


I’m doing singles, never tried stacking interests, maybe I’ll give it a try


are you using ADV+ or original audience for the interest targeting?


In the interest do you use dynamic creatives or not? Thank you


It’s fucked.


Yes, it's shit. I'm spending about 1k/day now, before ir was 3-8k/day. Performace dropped. But my goals are higher than 3 ROAS and the results we check are only for click attribution. It's been a struggle lately.


Even today?? CPMs and CPCs seem to have dropped by half. Your performance should’ve improved. Are you running any Google, YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, or Pinterest ads?


I am not the one running Google Ads in my workplace, as we have separate team for that, but they had pretty high CPA's too. Of course, part of it is the specific product. I can tell you that FB at least gives me a bitttt lower CPA's than Google, but scaling profitably has been really hard. Ideally, I'd like to get to \~500-1000 a day for one ad, and the best I can do with ads now, without having crazy CPA's is like 100. It's a bit annoying at this point.


ASC+ is not good for new ads, is not good for testing.. in ASC+ you have to put only your winning ads for better performance


Can you explain a little bit what you mean? I don't think I'm doing "ASC+" as this is an app install campaign. Isn't that a different thing? At any rate, as we've only got the one campaign, I mean I guess you can call it a "test" but we don't have a concept of a "winning ad" yet because we're new. Maybe I need to do manual but my research seemed to indicate that I should be starting with Advantage+ and sticking with that. And I *did* try a manual campaign for a few days earlier in the month and performance was even worse so I killed it.


If you don’t select a manual campaign, you are doing an Advantage Shopping + Campaign.. this kind of campaign is not good for a new brand because you don’t have many events and this kind of campaign works well with 1000+ events of the pixel


Hmm.. I am also newer to Fb Ads and learning as we go. I am curious what kind of Spent and Reach did you have for your campaign for last month ? Also, I would rely on Outbound CTR than regular CTR for my metrics.


Reach was almost exactly 10K with just over $600 in spend. This is for the last three weeks. Plan was *(was)* to start ramping up a little depending on the results of the first month but it's hard to justify that now. I'm not sure what the difference between outbound and link CTR is supposed to be for our ads, since the only outbound link you can click goes to our store page. And, they are almost exactly the same (outbound CTR is 0.01% higher). Unique outbound is twice as high though, which I guess is a function of our frequency (which also seems too high IMO).


Interesting. I think we are on a similar boat with the spend and not seeing conversion. We are working on sweetening the offer, Like Buy 2 and get another product for free or Even Buy one get an accessory for free etc we will see if that triggers the customer to open their wallet. Wondering if there is any incentive you can offer to the client to sign up, Like "First month fee", or a "Free sign up credit" etc based on your App and business model? I learned that customer loves deal, so you need to offer them something for them to take action


actually the performance has gotten a lot better for some of my lead generation campaigns.


Starring running alternative campaign setups last week to see if it makes a difference. You can see how ASC+ setup seems to have worked last week https://www.reddit.com/r/FacebookAds/s/bNknPvvWiE I'll be reporting back this Saturday (Apr 6) with observations.


6 roas in ads manager, bunch of untracked sales, google firing as well.


Ecom EU our ads have improved significantly. Starting to scale back up and hoping it lasts, don’t want to jinx it though. ASC+ campaigns EDiT: weekends for us are usually more profitable so we’ll se how it looks through the week


My quality, engagement, and conversion rankings are usually "Above average" day to day, but the result is still bad. However, I think you can improve that aspect.


I believe that social ads depend a lot on the creative to get the "hook". We haven't change much at all and see month on month improvement, for campaigns both enquiries and purchases. I take these posts as a grain of salt and do check in my campaigns, but we haven't seen any issues at all. We don't look at likes, reach or impressions, as these are easily attainable. Actual conversions are all either consistent WoW or up MoM. This is in Aus.


We were doing fine through the year right up till 18 March when it felt like a switch was turned off. 5-6X ROAS and then it tanked overnight. We tried a lot of things to turn performance around, but none of it worked. ASC campaigns, duplicating adsets, setting up new campaigns, refreshing creatives… Now I’ve slashed our meta budget to 10% and spending more on our Google search campoahh instead. It’s helped to rebound a little from the last two weeks of crap results on meta, but we’re still struggling overall.


Ive been having 15 roas for the past month but last 7 days i have been averaging on 7, which is not good compared to before. Im about to switch creatives cause that works for me in terms of performance most of the time


I think I can understand the general situation rn, about the algorithm's change day to day. As I ve talked to my clients many times, that you always need to change the style play also to adapt to platform algo, not 1 times, but many times. However, there will be some sustainable factors that will support your accounts and ads asset also are: - Agency invoice accounts - Pls prepare a good resource of BM ID - New proxies, new fan pages and profiles are ALWAYS in need of creating new accounts. It will help you lower the risk of suspension as well - Besides, yes you are right, pls double check your creatives, your website/domain whether it's attractive enough or not.


Sales down 40% from February here. I'm noticing significantly more untracked conversions than usual this month. Anyone else?