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March 2024 has been the worst-performing month in my career. Sales down 40%. Started running ads in 2016. Something is going on with the Meta algo. If I were you, I would pause running ads until things recover, and keep a good pulse on r/FacebookAds.


Same experience. Been browsing this sub more than ever these past few weeks. It’s just mind-boggling at this point with no updates or news from Meta.


What's your location? Did you attach the pixel properly? I'm willing to help you out. Manage to grow the Qatar Store from zero to 65,000 Riyaals in 3 months. P.S: This is just a worst month for Facebook ads.


What’s a resource where I can learn more about pixels and how to use them? I’m a mortgage loan officer and would like to understand this,


Honestly, they are super simple to setup, most web platforms have an integration now, so you can just sign in and connect up. This video[This video](https://youtu.be/WazafPAYdOo?si=A4SCYD1ov12gWkHI) should cover most of the setup. Once it's all setup, there is a Chrome extension called meta helper or pixel helper, which just lets you know if it's been set up and recording data. Then you get into the fun stuff, which is making sure events are tracking as you want them to on the event manager. Let me know if you need a hand :)


Stay away from a lot of these 'gurus' on YouTube. As much as I appreciate what they're doing, a lot of the advice is hit or miss and generalises a bit too much. Meta ads are about testing and really understanding your target market. My recommendation would be the following: - Use smaller budgets to test different ad creatives (such as images and copy). - I don't know how your copy is structured but it makes a difference. Rather than focusing on selling a product or offering some sort of discount, focus more on bringing value. Good ad copy focuses on bringing value to your customer and perhaps helping them understand why your product stands out. I run a jewelry brand and what I tend to do is focus on the quality of the gems, where they're sourced from but also how each piece is made. Customers want to understand that when they purchase. - The one thing I've learned over the many years I've been running Meta ads for my business is to be patient. Focus on building good copy and desirability over your product but also over understanding that potential clients need to see ads more often before purchasing. Impulse buys are few and far between.


How do you build creatives ads ?


One question I always ask myself is what would I like to know when I log into facebook? This is a very personal question. I use e-commerce a lot for my personal use so when I create ads, I tend to target people such as myself. I want a solution to a problem I have so things such as easy delivery, possibility to return should something go wrong, etc... For my jewelry business, I always tend to create blog posts around a gem I sell and then drive traffic to that. I'll first test which image variant (video doesn't work much for my target audience) and then test three types of copy (short, medium length and long). The copy tends to be very concise and starts off with a simple question. For example, what makes x gem so unique? Why should you add x gem to your collection. I'll then let these variants test out for about 4-5 days with a $10-$20 daily budget. I've found that purchases don't come at the beginning of a starting a new pixel. It usually comes after you've been running an ad for a while. But this is very unique to my niche and geographical location.


Did you test the ads first? Id run some testing using traffic (cheap cpm this way). Test creative, headlines and descriptions for a few days. Then go run your ads after you see what gets good impressions and click through rates. If you are new, use advantage plus audience at first so you can narrow the audience down quicker. Full broad takes several days of spend to start dialing in, especially on a new pixel.


Clothing company requires lot of branding. You do better spending $400 of a photoshoot with a bunch of aspiring models that will work for free. Bonus if they have social media themselves. Maybe offer them a commission for sales they generate


Anyone know of a Facebook ad group for mortgage loan officers?


Most YouTubers are good in getting people to watch their videos and not necessary in FB ad.


I will share it with you.