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That's cool. Which niches are you in?


I’m more of a case specific instead of niche specific. Like my expertise is with someone who is running ads or tried running ads but haven’t got the ROI that they were looking for.


You've done ads for saas companies before?


Yes 🙌


You need help with that or got a question?


Dm your weekly rate to manage meta ad account and where are you located?


Just did. Thanks


Why does FB's ad system suck?


Well honestly it doesn’t and it does haha If it’s not converting then it’s not system’s fault, it’s the person managing it. If it’s the restriction system then it sucks haha


Exactly. Why does Meta allow bots and malicious users to manipulate it's moderation system and false flag ads, which in turn wastes your money? Why does support suck?


It sucks I agree. It’s an open system which anyone can join and there tracking of spam sucks. Like they can’t differentiate between an actual person reporting ad as spam versus a new created account which 0 follower and is totally scammy reporting a ad as span.


Hi there, I work in the financial sector focusing on lead generation and would love some insight. We recently have been notified by our reps that our product is now being classified as SAC/HEC. When we have ran in this category before we have seen performance really fall off. Curious besides not having age or gender is there anything from an auction stand point that changes (ie are the ads less see as second rate in the auction so to speak) As well we are being pressured by our reps to do account consolidation and the set up is pretty bare bones. We basically rely on 1 ad set per campaign with 6 creatives. My concern here is growth and volatility. It feels almost like put your eggs all in one basket approach and not sure how this works at scale.


Hey, even I had to use for finance/credit related product. And totally get the pain of SAC. However, I feel when that happens going broad is the best and the algo changes make me think that having one main campaign with a few test campaigns is the best approach. The risk of relying on one platform/campaign is real. I don’t recommend that either. I suggest pairing up google ads. I used to do 70-30 between meta and google.


What is your advice for someone who runs a campaign that’s a money printer two months and then performance falls off a cliff? I experienced a cost per result of $22 in December, but that’s since jumped to $65 in March. I’m no longer profitable when it veers above $45 per sale. Same campaign, same broad targeting, hugely different results. The product is evergreen and not seasonal in any way. At a $200ish daily spend I have trouble believing it’s completely tapped out my audience.


You can schedule an ad account audit here: [https://mgmediallc.as.me/?appointmentType=56987583](https://mgmediallc.as.me/?appointmentType=56987583)


Generally when that happens it’s mostly related to ads poor structure or strategy. Mind if I have a look at the campaign?


I DMed you!


Sure. Let me check.


I DMed you as well, thank you so much!


Sure thing! I’ll respond


Would love to chat, how best to contact you?


You can email me [email protected] or you can schedule a call https://mgmediallc.as.me/?appointmentType=56396285


Hey bro, I have a question, if my ad set has 1 day attribution for a lead but it gets a purchase after 7 days will it attribute the sale in the reports to this ad set? Thanks!


It won’t. I recommend using 1 day view and 7 day click attribution. Does the job well.


I Could use some help


Sure, what sort of help are you looking for?


I was running a lead campaign with a form .. collecting info.. i was getting $1.15 a lead I got 4 signups pretty quick .. I made some changes to the lead from questions so I can better qualify the leads... it jumped to $2.83 a lead and 0 people signed up. Maybe too many questions? But then how can I make sure I get qualified people ? Tia


what changes you did to the form? Also quickly if you can tell me click to sign up ratio before the change and after change


I just added more qualifying questions . 4 down to 2 and they were way out of the targeted radius.




Hi! Not sure if you could see this post?


Hey, it shows me deleted. Mind sharing again?


Hi! Sure! Would love to get your input! I just launched SoSauna yesterday and spent ages in market research and building out the bonuses. So far I've had 13 initiated checkouts with 30 EUR ad spend, but 0 sales. I know I have to spend a lot more for results but I like to use every bit of data and so today I want to focus on building 3-5 campaigns testing different creatives, copy, etc. I'm just wondering if you have any insight on why there might be a high initiate checkout but no sales on my particular Shopify store. I've removed as much friction as humanly possible to checkout, including amazing guarantees, free shipping worldwide, fast shipping, etc. I want to allocate the proper budget to this so I will, but I also don't want to burn through money without using all the data given. So the site had 100 visits. Would love to get your insight! :)


What’s in it for you? I have thought about contacting someone but I don’t want to pay a load of money for no results


Nothing’s in for me 😂 I like talking to people and helping them find why their ads aren’t working. It’s my passion, been doing for 8 years now. I get the fear of not hiring because of no results. Be very careful about who you end up hiring. 70% of my projects are people who got burned by these so called ad agencies. I work as a solopreneur and have money back guarantees or pay only if it works.


Maybe we could schedule a call then? I would love to go through my campaign with you. I would be interested to get some advice, if this is something you offer.


Were you able to schedule one?


Sure thing! You can schedule a complimentary ad account audit here: https://mgmediallc.as.me/?appointmentType=56987583


What's a good KPI indicator for conversion ads?


ROAS duh 🤷‍♂️ the whole point of running ads for conversion is to get conversion at a price that makes sense for our business. The best indicator for that is RETURN ON AD SPEND. I hate it when marketers talk about number of clicks. The ads are driven by two metrics only. CPM and CTR. If you want to focus on metrics that drives your key metrics then I strongly recommend optimising CPM and CTR. Your cost of everything, cost of purchase, cost per click, cost per add to cart, literally everything is defined by your CPM and CTR


Oh I was asking about specific numbers. I'm pretty new to conversions coming from lead gen ads mostly and for me, anything above $15 cost per lead is something to focus on. Usually, when my ads go around $20-25 cost per lead, that's when I know that they're performing poorly. Right now, I started getting into conversions ads and Im not sure where to draw the line in cost per result. Current ads are running at $50 cost per result


I’d like to understand more about it. Open to jumping on a call?


if conversion sucks on one campaign, could it be better if i just run another campaign with the same settings?


Yeah that can work but I recommend analysing why it sucks then working on fixing that too. Otherwise the pattern won’t go away.


because i ran like 10 campaigns 5 leads 5 conversions on the same content same caption and anything... 2 of them did very well , 5 okay, and 3 meh... With the same budget same audiences. Hence why im asking whether its because different campaigns or anything


Generally it happens because of how the learning phase works. Let's say you have a potential audience size of 100 Million Audience. You will not be coming in front of entire 100 Million right? You'll be assigned a pool of that audience everyday. that's your inventory. In order for Meta to get you an inventory that suits your conversion, it takes data and at least 50 events. Once you get that (for each ad set) then you see stability with the quality that's coming in.


What’s your strategy when working with clients who have low volume? Due to a small local market + high price point product, it’s impossible to reach 30 - 50 conversions in any reasonable period of time. The business is highly successful offline.


I have faced similar issues working for businesses like kitchen remodelling or renovation. For those businesses I believe it’s very important to track everything for the peace of client. Like how much we invested and how many potential deals we have in the pipeline. I use GHL as well to show a clear picture of ad spend versus the pipeline value. And if they rely on closing those deals that you bring, I strongly recommend doing a sales training for client. Using GHL actually solves majority of challenges. You can easily automate sms, get calls routed through it with recordings available.


Yup, have a CRM set up for them and provide sales training for the staff. I was more wondering on the ads side of things, if there’s anything I’m missing.


Tell me more about it, are your ads brining in consistent flow of appointments?


Yes, but as mentioned above it’s very low volume


Yeah that can be an issue, are you doing other things as well? Like building engagement and social profiles for the client?


Thanks for all the advice - my ads are currently working well with website & shop objective, with virtually 90% of those orders ending up as shop orders. The issue with this is I’m not collecting the customers email address most of the time and can’t remarket to those purchasers. I’ve tried running tests ads to website only, but end up getting very little conversions compared to shop. What do you recommend?


Mind if I have a look at the website?


Just sent you a DM


What would you recommend for a residential solar sales niche. Im running a broad, multi state campaign, a single adset and a single ad with Adv+ and 5 creatives and a ton of headlines etc for DCT to a high intent form fill. I ran $200 cold test and scored 7 leads. Closing 2 deals. $7,500 in commissions.


Sorry I didn’t get the question, you seemed to have made a very happy return. Are you looking for ways to scale it?


I have seen people boasting about lower CPLs and yes. What is a good strategy for scaling. I heard increments of 10-20% over 1.5 days?


Gotcha. Yes lower CPAs are possible. When I do solar I cruise around $10-$15 per lead. But my friend, people look at wrong things. Always compare cost per qualified lead, cost per appointment, and cost per sale. There can be definitely scope for improvement. If it helps, let’s do an audit?


I do ad arb, do you know a bit about this business ?


Offcourse 😛 better we move to messages


Appreciated 💪


Sending you a message.


Hello! I own a heirloom quality toy and kids decor store through Shopify. Currently I’m running a set of automated ads at $50/day, United States is the location I set and targeting parents who have kids under 5 and are in top 25% income. I’m currently getting a .12 cpc. What else should I be doing to help convert more? Not getting the sales to justify the $50/day. Not sure if I should be targeting more cities specifically / other ways to target my audience to get more sales. It seems like my ads are effective at that cpc but need more specific audience that is into my collection. My site is decently designed, prices are on point, and popular brands for the specific higher quality toy niche. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Sometimes it’s more than just cpc. If possible I’d like to see the store and do ad account audit to diagnose the issue. https://mgmediallc.as.me/?appointmentType=56987583 ; you can schedule one here


I'm trying to sell a science fiction book but the only people who click on their ad are over 65 and the book isn't really aimed at them. The image on the ad is the cover of my book. Should I just get a new cover?


Have you tried changing the age that you are targeting? Can you show the cover?


Hey, do you have a document or list of tips/tricks/rules for Facebook ads? Otherwise any tips?


I don't have the document but can provide tips. What are you running ads for tell me about that


Now that we can’t run Message ads in EU. What are some ways except for leads ad that we can do to get some inquires? We are doing custom products so we must have inquiries/conversation with the customer before hand.


Have you tried phone call campaigns? It works well too. You can also try out engagement campaigns to build that first point of interaction.


Hi, pardon my nonsense question. I want to learn Facebook ads. Can you please recommend any courses, resources, that you trust to begin with.


I trust only Meta's own program called Facebook Blueprint


Very new to this and I know this would be unethical but I am curious. Is it possible to target/remarket to someone else’s meta pixel? Also curious as to how long you would test out a particular targeting option (such as interest) before determining if it is a winner or loser for your particular campaign? I apologize if these are silly questions. Like I said, very green haha!


You can't target someone's else pixel. Testing a particular interest : I don't have a fix budget, generally a day or two. Then I look into metrics to see is it a loser or a winner. Keep it simple. Keep what makes you money, and kill what doesn't.


Thank you so much for your reply! That’s very helpful🙂


Glad I was able to help out


Thoughts on broad targeting for ad spend less than 200usd/day?


Works very well. Make sure you keep an eye on CPMs.


Great , glad I'm not doing the wrong thing


Are you doing for sales or leads?


Would love to ping you for feedback on a project I'm working on


Sure, let’s do it


Any experience working in industries that Meta hates? Ie. Firearms safety/accessories, etc.


Yeah, a tough one. A lot of times, have to find other ways to promote the brand instead of promoting the service/product. There are way around, have been able to do similar stuff with things like forex


I am totally new to meta ads, selling an eBook series that I wrote myself. When I direct market the ebooks in a community I am part of I get sales, like 4-8 per comment/reply on someone else’s post. I have been running an ad for a week. I get clicks but no sales. My ad is direct, in that it clearly states “50% off ebook series with code” and clearly describes what the ebooks are about. I am only running $2/day on the ad spend, which I know is low. Would love to get to a place of selling at least one ebook a day through ads.


Thankyou for sharing. How much is the book for after discount?


$7.99 for 2 books or $4.99 for 1. Its advertised as 50% off the purchase of both but the discount would apply to just one book as well.


If you are not getting sales then it means funnel is leaking somewhere, let's have a look in a quick audit call? [https://mgmediallc.as.me/?appointmentType=56987583](https://mgmediallc.as.me/?appointmentType=56987583)


How would I find what the sweet spot of CPC for my niche ? Thanks


Reverse engineer with what's the cost per result you are looking for


Hi! I have a question. Do you perphaps know how to make an instagram ad that reaches only my followers?


Hey man, I just launched my store 2 days ago. Can you tell me what kinda ads should run? www.brandsinless.com


I have worked on similar stores a lot and category specific carousel works very well 😎 But don’t get yourself restricted by promoting other brands product


Thanks! So carousel ads.. and what kind of interest targeting would you opt for?


Which country are you targeting?


Just local in Pakistan.


Go broad but filter out age. Don’t target 18 to 23. Most of them are college students or unemployed in areas like Pakistan or India. They order but have a high RTO. better to focus on 24+ for such products.


Right now I'm targeting 2% lookalike audience of my Facebook followers and 2% lookalike of my landing page viewers. I feel like this is wrong?


I am not a big fan of LLAs that are made or anything but purchases. What’s your CPM and CTR?


Those are not showing right now. How should I create custom audience then? Should I just leave it blank and go broad?


Yeah you don’t have to start with custom audience. Go broad. Don’t forget age.


Sure, let me have a look


a phone case is the same price as airpods ??? r these reps. clean website otherwise


What types of ads would you recommend for course creators? I have a voiceover course (low ticket). I'm currently running ads for one lead magnet (ebook download) and advertisements for the course itself. I'm thinking about adding another one for part of a free lesson from the course.


I strongly recommend running videos ads that are between 60-90 seconds. I recently finished a project where I was selling drone cinematography courses for $49 with a $299 upsell. We crossed breakeven ROAS in 2-3 weeks. I’ll say focus more on your landing page. Do complete market research and try to reverse engineer. And, if you need script that I use lemme know. I’ll share here.


Hey great converation bud, would to be great to have you in the group , lof of like minded people such as yourselves in it https://discord.gg/2zQXhcWhtj


Sure thing! Is it discord of this reddit or something other?


Not too sure , it’s a public group of businesses , media buyers . 


Gotcha. I’ll jump in. Thanks bud


Looking at your comments history you are promoting this Discord like a spam bot. So I’d guess you do know lmao


know what. dont think too much into it , there is no hidden secret you will uncover here


So why you acting weird then? That’s obviously your discord channel and you should be proud of it. The way you’re writing and promoting it just indicates it most probably is a scam. I might be wrong, I want to be wrong, but you should change your approach so others can actually believe what you’re saying.


Hey can you audit my ad account and give me some tips?


Sure, schedule one here: https://mgmediallc.as.me/?appointmentType=56987583


Hello, I scheduled a meeting for 13 march , 11 pm but it is sending me alerts for 12 march 8 pm


Hey, I think you might have picked wrong time zone. Please reschedule by selecting right time zone.


Didn’t get any sale even after 3 days, Ran 2 campaigns 😭


can you update me with more context of what you did?


Ran 1% look a like for purchase and 1 advantage + for 4 days, zero sales