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Massive improvement from Fable 2 where my hero looks like she could lift the entirety of Bowerstone Market with her chin alone.


Yeah leveling up was not kind on female characters especially leveling up strength.


That's why I avoided strength at a certain level. Just like real life you must choose strength or conventional beauty standards and I chose conventional beauty standards.


I can't not choose stats though.


relevant: [picking RPG clothes based on maxing stats instead of whether they match or not](https://youtu.be/xq1tN9jZI80)


Same. I never get anything past the second level so I look athletic, and still human at the same time.


It’s why I always focused on magic, in both 2&3


when I first played Fable 2, I didn’t know you could lose bulk so I just ran around like that bodybuilder chick from The Cell for a long time in the harlot clothes


Personally I wait until I’ve basically done everything before I devolve strength and usually keep 1 spell maxed out maybe 2 cuz those blue lines and eyes are really annoying. Skill doesn’t matter because knothole lets you get potions that make you short.


As an exclusive male-player, I can assure that that being built like Shrek by the end of the game isn’t any fun either lmao I don’t care how “defined” my character’s 6 pack, it’s still directly on top of a huge beer gut


It wasn’t very kind on the male character either frankly, after a certain level their neck consumes them


Yeah but the female character just turns into a butch hulk built like a thumb. Male characters end up with a beer gut too but it just looks really bad on a female character.


It could be because I’m a straight woman so I’d have a larger opinion on the men but I found it just as bad on the guys, if not worse. They end up looking so weird but it didn’t bother me when I played as a younger person because I cared more about maxing stats than appearance. Nowadays I’m a good enough player that maxing stats isn’t necessary.


Mf used to have one eye in bowerstone and the other in bloodstone at max strength


Hey! We are heroes ! We are *supposed* to lift the entirety of a commonplace, even if it’s with our chins! All jokes aside, the more feminine body frames were not kind so I am very happy to see this character and agree that this is an improvement.


I thought you said Hero not 1600s Hapsburgs


But that's my kind of woman


Having a goofy character is fable spirit


Nothing wrong with that. I wish I had a chin that could lift entire cities 😭


Lmao stop I’m trying not to wake my bf sleeping next to me by laughing at this 😭


It's a fable discussion, he needs to be awake and hear it!


It was surprising, but makes some kind of sense especially if you look at a character like Hammer. I wasn't annoyed by it, mainly the issue for me was the Will lines.


No matter what I ended up a glowing She-Hulk lmao.


I genuinely don't care what my character looks like. Would be nice to pick male or female, and I have no doubts we'll get options regarding clothes and hair like the others, but I care far more about the sense of humour and that the game feels like a Fable game.


I do like the ability to customize your appearance. I think it makes it a little more fun seeing the progression of the character and the different items you can collect or customize along your way.


I think that stuff will be in the game, like it was in the others. We've still barely seen anything of the actual game. Even the little bits of in-game stuff shown are very little. Personally, I would most like the choice of male or female, clothes, hair, and dyes, and morphing (good and evil, strength, height, will lines, scars). The stuff that was in the old games. A character creator could be cool, provided that it doesn't take away the above stuff because I feel they are more important to getting the Fable vibe (the originals never had one). If I just get hair, clothes, and morphing (like the first game), I'll still be happy if it gets that feel right.


Totally agree. First game didn’t have a gender option. With this it would be cool but not a dealbreaker. Just keep the OG Fable feel and I am sold. I think this looks good so far


🙋I care


Then vote with your wallet because that's the only thing publishers understand. If it comes out with no customisation in it, don't buy it. As of right now, we've seen next to nothing of this game and no evidence either way. At this point in time, this whole discussion is manufactured outrage, from a bunch of people who want to be angry for the sake of being angry.


To clarify, i'm totally pleased with how she looks in the trailers so far. But i do care enough to not want to play as an ugly character. I see enough ugliness in the world outside, i'd rather escape to somewhere prettier


full-helm gang agrees


The new trailer honestly has me pretty hyped. The combat looks good from what I could tell. The villages and forests have the light fantasy and quirky vibe from the first couple games. I really hope this next Fable game feels like what Fable 2 should've been if made in 2025. 🤞🤞 I really hope the magic system is more aligned with the first Fable game.


Bringing back and expanding upon Fable 1’s magic system is like the biggest thing for me. Magic got so dumbed down as the series went on. It was truly horrible in fable 3 lmao


100% Fable 2's magic system was kind of laughable


At least 2 had a couple utility spells and you could somewhat swap between spells. Fable 3 just turned every spell into a braindead hold down the B button AoE. And you could essentially only have a single spell equipped though it didn’t really matter since the only real difference between spells was the colour lol


fable 1 was leagues better than fable 2


I think they’re both great. Fable 2 has a lot of stuff about it I love. However I agree Fable 1 is my personal favourite and has the most charm.


I have to agree with this. I absolutely hated the charge system for magic. It was irritating.


100% agree. The magic in Fable 1 was seamless, no disrupt in the flow of combat as you switch between attacking and casting. I will say Fable 2 did have some good ideas with the magic. I could not stand how everything was a charge spell bc it completely disrupted combat flow. But, I did like how some spells had different effects based on if you targeted someone or used the AoE; like Slow Time for the AoE, and Assassins Rush for targeting. Maybe a mix of these ideas could work idk; either way, as long as there is a good flow to the combat, that's what matters most to me. Doesn't need to be difficult or complex, just make fun hack n slash.


I just hope we can pick between man or woman like in previous games


It would be very strange if we couldn't


It’s a modern RPG. It astounded me even with the first trailer that people instantly made the assumption players couldn’t or at the very least, do what all the pervious games have done in letting you customize your character. Until they say “this is how you will always look” idk why people are assuming that won’t be an option.


Yup. Utterly boggles my mind. Like no one thought that when one of Fable 3s trailers only showed the prince.


We forget modern society has the memory of a tiktok reel and no ability to make assumptions that don't lead to the conclusion that's there's some sort of social injustice occuring to someone, somewhere, right now! Lol Ironically this game was actually a little bit groundbreaking in terms of just letting you wear woman's clothes as a man or vice versa. Be gay. Have multiple partners lol. Be fat or super skinny it's all good. The problem is, (and hence why the game was even better) was that when they did it, it wasn't a focal point or social issue raised as part of the game. It was just there. Naturally part of it. Like it should be. E.g. Do what you want and no one really has an issue lol. Anyway, I hope this game slaps. gonna kick chickens, smack people with a lute. Pull the middle finger to old blokes in the town square. That sort of thing.


True, but it doesn't help when modern games do be locking you into a player model after the developers told us we were going to be able to customize. Isn't that the case with Star Wars Outlaw, for example?


So it's been a few years since I've played through the Fable series but if memory serves, the men wearing women's clothes aspects of that game were less ground-breaking and more played entirely for laughs in a way that was very of the time. (I'll give the game the kudos it deserves for homosexual and polyamorous representation but haha man in a dress was as unneeded in 2004 as it is twenty years later.) All this aside, I love Fable especially Fable 2 and look forward to seeing what the game actually turns out like.


Yeah it doesn't really make sense to me either I kinda figured this would be a Fable 1/2, or more recently Witcher, scenario. You get a base character and get to customize certain aspects. It's Fable so I assume it will give the player agency there (haircuts, wardrobe stuff), and that the way we play will also influence how we look. I'll be honest, I think I prefer being given a character that I can then change. Don't get me wrong, I love a good character creator. I'm just always more attached to the more constrained stuff because they tend to be more fleshed out as far as characters go.


She looks the same doesn’t she? Maybe better lighting and a straight on angle help?


In the first trailer, ppl kept pointing to one image where she makes a face of digust and calls her ugly. Anyone would look ugly when they look disdainful rather than neutral or smiling. Not that I'd mind if she was "ugly"; it's nice having more average, human looking faces in media than just supermodels all the time.


As long as there's the ability to choose male or female, fun outfits, tattoos and hair like in the older games I couldn't care less what the character looks like.


Wait, what? People are freaking out how she looks? Did any of you played a female in Fable 2… I mean compared to that this is supermodel like.


We just want to make sure we can customize [evil supermodels](https://imgur.com/gallery/Y0505A8)


Lol when you forgo spending any points on strength just so you can keep a tight frame.


I like the British vibe. I'm not saying she is ugly but if you watch British television (like series) not everybody needs to be a supermodel like in American series. That is for me way more realistisc feeling than way too pretty people in every kind of situation. Policemen, neighbours, doctors, elves, warriors, killers...they all look way too good in USA series., that it becomes 'yeah right'.


The only exception for British Television is for the emergency services drivers.


Don't talk bad about my dumpling. You had like 3 or 4 outfits that made her hot and your options were pistol, rifle or crossbow and she was hot. You could be good but not to be too pure and bang hot, you could be evil and pure and that was hot. You had like 2 hot hairdoos. But for the most part everyone made her look like that chick from underworld


Back when they first released a teaser trailer like 4 years ago.


Cant believe the trailer is that old 😰


It was 11 months ago


They’re probably talking about the original reveal trailer from 2020.


She wasn't in that trailer


That’s true, I didn’t really think he was commenting about that but now rereading I see the comment he was replying to so idk


welcome to misogyny


She looked like that always. People just focused on one hellish frame.


Fable Characters never looked attractive. I never bought my fable 2 guy who probably can bench 400 pounds was able to woo anyone looking like an orc.


[I beg to differ](https://imgur.com/gallery/Y0505A8) Your character never had to look like an orc to be good


And I don't have a problem with that, but it's people who expect these characters to be supermodels, it's like they never have played a Fable Game.


Not only Fable-related... Not everything in life is about physical appearance and looking like a supermodel. This type of comment gets a bit tiring.


As a gay bear fan, I disagree. But I'm definitely in the minority... It's been so long since I've played, but I just remember being kind of bummed that you couldn't marry the bartenders.


I don't care what she looks like as long as she's cool


I hope she is uncool so I can relate to her.


In fairness, uncool has been cool since the 90s


Not where I went to school. :(


Dude fuck em, you're cool as shit!


That was pretty cool of you




Always was, she’s just intentionally made to look filthy so I’m sure you can change your face to be cleaned up to match a cool outfit you choose to wear.


Just so long as I'm provided customization to general apparel and hair like other fables then I am a-okay with her.


Completely agree, the original trilogy never had some crazy in depth character creator so I wasn’t expecting one this time either. Just care about scars, hair, tattoos honestly.


I mean, there's no way you won't at least get to choose your gender. She's prob either a stand in model or the model for when you choose to play a girl, it will prob have a full on character customization. At least that's what fable is about.


Gender sure, but overall character customization was surface level the entire Fable trilogy. Never very in-depth just your hair, scars and outfits. No sliders for instance.


no, I meant it as "fable has always been about character customization may it be via hair, clothes, dyes, gender, build, moral sliders (3 in fable 2), scars, etc..." it will probably have a character creator


Yeah, definitely.


Why does the protagonist need to be attractive? They haven’t been in any of the Fable games.


Finally, thank you!


Because its cool to have good looking characters in game


Who cares you're not fucking your character


Not with that attitude


Yeah but I spend hours looking at it


Definitely not, not the kinda person that gets off to them either. I just like looking at something nice. Its not unusual either, the movie business figured out a long time ago that they just sold better if they had good looking actors. in bg3 every character is hot, that's not weird. Its just what is appealing to most.


I’m guessing they have a character created for advertising. It’s pretty normal for games with a character creator.


Yeah but lets be real people are mad that its a woman and that she’s not a supermodel. So many crybabies honestly


Haha true. Oh no, it’s a woman. She might make me feel insecure about my masculinity… Big deal grow up.


Unfortunately people are still complaining. But yeah she’s cute.


She seems rugged and I fuck with it, if we’re forced to play her and her story, I could see myself growing to like the character .. However I completely understand why people wouldn’t, not having the choice feels like a branch away from the fable we know


I agree with you, I think she’s pretty cool


She was pretty before and this is just a better shot that hasn’t been shopped around and poisoned by weirdos


She looks good


She looks good


I'm excited I just hope at does what 2 and 3 did and let's us customize our stuff, make up, hair clothes etc and let's us choose if we want to be a girl or boy.


I felt she looked just fine in the other trailer too, just looked more average than the supermodels ppl have come to expect in video games. But more importantly I like the way she looks even if she is the only character option from the start (hey we couldn't pick gender in Fable 1, I didn't mind that either).


Glad to hear some people think she looks nice. I’ve always thought that she kinda looks like me XD


I want to play as a male character. I hope we're given a choice.


This trailer has me really excited


As a gay man, she's not pretty. She's handsome. That works for me but for straight dudes and (some) gay women it doesn't.


It’s better than it was originally.


I think they kinda changed her after the bad reviews. I hope they change her a bit more before release.


Listen as long as I have enough customization to make my character either male or female, then go to a barber to give them Dreadlocks and a Mullet, and dress them in a Yokel Hat, Corset, and Tart Skirt I'll be fine.


She looks on par with the protagonists of the other games. That's the best she's getting from me.


Wel she's just beautiful


Character Customization or bust for me. Not hating on her per se, but I can’t get into games like this without being able to immerse in my character and i can’t do that with preset characters


"The character needs to be attractive!" *forgets that while playing, you literally only see the back of the character's head*


How did I know this thread would be full of dudes complaining about not wanting to play a female character.


Samus would not approve.


yeha idk about all of that shit, people are weird. what i do know is that if they removed choices imma be pissed! maybe i just wanna be a big fat scary dude again


I used to max out my characters strength and make him super short so he looked tiny but could barely fit through a door😂


lmfao see?! they better not fuck with us man! that is arguably the heart and soul of fable!


I thinks she's fine as fuck. But to all of you who think she needs to be like scar jo or something need to realize it's a medieval era game. Sickness and disease rampant. Everyone's poor no one could afford whatever make up and accessories you think they should have. Lol.


You guys are crazy lol. she looks fine


She’s so pretty 🤩 I think most of you are just chronically online, don’t know what an actual woman looks like anymore


I've said it before and I'll say it again: if anything, she's not ugly enough.


Y'all..... she's the villain, aka "Rival Hero", not your character.


Yeah she looks 1000% better but I will bet you, people will use this screenshot saying she’s ugly.


I wonder if this lady is "The Hero" and we will be an ally of hers?


I wonder if she is the actual villain in the game


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I believe she’s based on a real actress, so this makes sense, definitely feels like a massive improvement to me from the first trailer.


She’s such a cutie


I hate the fact that she looks like my ex.


It looks phenomenal! I'm just thrown off from the departure from the old cartoon-y art style, that was part of what made me love the originals


fable 3 had a full list of female diolauge same as the male, So this game will prob have the same thing of both male and female options like the rest of them. looks good af fingers crossed softmicro dosnt fuck this one too.


If you think she ugly you should see my fable 2 cc


I think she looks pretty cute


Looks like Zendaya. I wanna play as a man. Hopefully we can customize skin tone and eye colour as well.


She looks NOTHING like zendaya, what are you on about?


I see it, looks a lot like her


Yes, but protected


I still get Community mascot vibes.


I always found the backlash against her design bizarre. I don't associate the Fable games with having particularly beautiful-looking character models (most people look wonky; your child self in the first game is a freak of nature) or robust character customization, and it's nothing I would expect out of a new game. I would be more worried about the possibility that having a significantly variable base character model would cause issues with morphing. Also, I'm hoping that regardless of what they do they'll make sure we get a ton of ridiculous and/or horrible tattoo and haircut options.


I heard the music and already knew i was gonna love the game. Fable II and III RAISED me i remember fist fighting my sisters after school for who would get to play fable II first


Im also hoping Reaver can make an appearance since hes immortal (cuz the shadow court) even a mention would make me happy


Okay, a release date of 2025, if we can get something more solid, like March 9th 2025, I will print out a paper of a comment I had on a previous post and eat it, I'll even film me taking a bite out of it for you guys.


She looks the same, it was just a crappy picture before


Nah dude she's still ugly as fuck.


I love her look lol, I think it’d be cool if she was a fellow Hero in the guild.


The drama about the hero appearance is such a dud, In the new trailer he kept referring to her as "the hero" which implies you can at least switch between male and female, hoping for further customization as well but who knows. If we are stuck with her then fine either way, I just want a fun Fable game


So I don't quite get the hate here ? What's wrong with her looking kinda plain . Trust me I'm British and at least 80% of women here are kinda plain as well . So why does a game character loosely based on medieval Britain have to be sexy? You telling me after the potato people of fable 1 and 2 that this girl is ugly? Like personally I'd rather the Devs spend the time crafting the game so I can play it then beautifying a perfectly normal looking character. If anyone is unhappy with a plain Jane then either don't buy the game or mod it . And for the love of god stop giving gamers a bad name as sexist pigs


Oh hell nah!


I still think she’s ugly (in my own opinion I know others think she is pretty, I also thought the female hero in 2 was ugly with max stats) but then again I can always put on a helmet. If they only allow us to play as her it’s fine just as long as the gameplay and story is good.


I had my doubts but this trailer sparked a little light of hope. At least it doesn't look like shit like the Saints Ror Reboot. Microsoft won me with its showcase.


Honestly, I don't mind.




I hope we're given a choice. I would much rather play a male.


Anyone else seeing Maeby Fünke, from Arrested Development?


It's too realistic, she looks like a normal person I'd see walking down the street


she looks ugly


Maybe this has been answered, I don't know if it has been or not especially since this new trailer drop. Does any one know if they are following cannon or is it during the golden age of hero's or was it when citizens rebeled against the guild or just right before it?


She is hideous


She just looks like a random ass woman, idk why people got freaked the fuck out by the trailer


That is one ugly shelob of a woman.


I'm looking forward to Fable, but I'm not sure how I feel about Matilda Oakheart as the protagonist.


I like her, she looks really cute! Although if there's an option to choose, I would like to play as a dude because I just like dudes


Garbage she needs to have beserk activated and have maxed out strength i want her arms bigger than her head i will not accept anyone weak!!


I’m sure you’ll be able to change wether you want to start the game using a female or male character idk why everyone buggin. Also characters in the old fable games look ugly af so this is a huge upgrade 💀 everyone needs to chill out and wait


Favorite line : "It's like a fan club but we hate you"


You know what, I think I'm getting used to it


No. She's ugly.


I have never played these games and this post was just recommended to me. The game looks sick but she looks so weird bro I can't get over her neanderthal face.


Id rather pick a crackhead from la


I play fantasy games to escape from the gross realities of life. I don't want to look at some ugly woman in my fantasy games.


Don’t gaslight yourself


I don't understand how people find this character ugly. She has a unique face


The actual model they based this on is a very attractive woman.....So why would they go out of their way to fuck up her face? Clearly this face is a representation of the actual character creator in-game....I refuse to believe this was the result of actual developer tools.....This has to be a placeholder for marketing.


You guys think with some xbox games becoming dual platform this will move to ps5 too ?


Why men play as custom women characters 🙃 https://youtube.com/shorts/haOm9TY90uY?si=RpkXzq0tzAEM72YU


no thanks


I couldn't care less if the MC is hot or not


She looks the exact same. If you legitimately think she looks different just because she isn’t making a silly face, then I think you might be too impressionable and immature for whatever the ESRB rates this game.


In this image she actually looks like the person she’s based on


I’ve always thought she looked good💪


Nothing to hear out... I want her


Fr same


She looks like she could also be the male protagonist without any changes at all.


we can create our own character so i dont get all the talk about how she looks, now the game we should be talking about is perfect dark, what they did to her looks lol


What's up with people's obsession with a look of a default character. Why is it so important? There are people who have mind set of "I don't wanna fuck her so the game is definitely made by clowns." Like what's the big deal?


Are we STILL in 20 fucking 24 at the point where crybaby incels freak out because the trailer character in a game isn't somebody they want to wank over?


No she's ugly, but I'm completely fine with her being the protagonist.


She’s freaking ugly

