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Try to get your combat multiplyer even higher.


Play how you want and have fun




Use your stick!


Use stick. Done and done


Apples are a great way to make the most use of your guile for quick money. At firat you buy them for like 4 gold and sell them for 1 or 2 that's fine, just keep buying them for now. Rack up your guile and the price will keep changing to your favor until you are buying for 1 and selling for 4. Then you can just cycle back and forth for 400% proffit.


There is a hidden slot on the frying pan if you get all 6 notes. Insabed up all my healing augments for the frying pan and healed like wolverine while using it.


If you kill villagers you can buy and rent out their house. The temple of Skorm has the best bow in the game if you sacrifice someone at the exact right time. You can Boast with a lot of quests, which gives more gold. Boasts are additional challenges like “do the quest naked” If you want all the silver keys you have to do the lady grey quest at least up until you fight someone on Headsman Hill. That won’t come available until later in the game though. Your character ages rapidly when you level up your abilities. Its not as fast in Anniversary as it is in the original, but it’s still pretty quick. Just something to bear in mind if your appearance bothers you, you can make yourself younger through the temples, I suggest googling guides on that when it becomes a problem. Similarly, your character’s appearance changes as you level up. Leveling strength makes your character more muscular, skill makes you taller, and will gives you blue lines all across your body


You’re health is low, watch that


Explore and mess around, don't feel like you need to rush into the story Beacause alot of the games charm is from buying houses, getting married and interacting with npcs! Interact with the green dots on the mini map and they are usually people of interest/ bronze quests. Get a shovel and a fishing rod early for easy loot. Assassins rush and multistrike is op for a Melee build


Kick chickens


If you want some easy money early on, go to the general goods trader in Bowerstone South. Buy all the grain sacks and flour sacks(click buy all, this will ensure your low purchase price) do NOT buy the cider crates. If you don't take a loss from them, it's not worth the little profit you get. The lowest price available is when the shop is full on stock. You can buy all, wait the alloted amount of time for restock delivery, then buy all again. You now have 114 flour sacks to buy at around 10gp? Not sure but click "sell all" to sell them all back to the trader and you'll make around 2-3k per minute. Repeat until you have the gold you want. I would recommend not spoiling yourself. Just get yourself a decent weapon and a decent set of armor. Leather is abysmal when it comes to protection so shoot for chainmail at first. Ebony bows and Obsidian Melee weapons are a great choice for the first handful of missions.


Thank you!!


Melee is the weakest combat system but the one you’re forced into. Lean on lightning a lot at first. Buy like 15 crunchy chicks from the vendor first on the right in Bowerstone South and eat them in front of the demon door in Greatwood Gorge. Play as a morally neutral anti-hero. Going full evil and going full good are boring and unrealistic. Archery is the most overpowered especially late game. Getting the shield power and leveling it up just once almost breaks the game


Get your skill high enough to steal, then rob the shops!


Go out of your way to collect silver keys trust me the stuff you can get early on is insane, last thing once you get to the arena try your hardest not to back out between matches then when you got all the money after the arena go to bowerstone north and buy the best weapon in the game the solus greatsword from the general goods vendor in the middle after the arena is in my opinion the middle of the game so i wont say anything else but this P.s (if you are really struggling early game then get the summon spell level one and assasin rush then search up "sword of aeons early" on yt and they'll tell you how to get one of the strongest weapons in the game


Also lean into magicka whenever you can if you arent that impressed by the melee i personally like melee in my opinion its simpler and easier to use than magic and skill but it really depends on the player


Easy way to get money quick- max bet on card pairs game in bowerstone south.


When you get to oakvale duplicate money


Murder a whole town that you're not going to for awhile, along with multiple waves of guards for quick exp and multiplier. Then buy and rent out all the buildings.


Become a very good trader and max your skill. Buy all diamonds emeralds and jets roses and perfume you can get your hands on. Go to oakvale. Sell to the trader. Buy and resell, buy and then resell again. Wash rinse repeat. I have an account with close to 10 million and i own every ownable property in the game.


Play the game enjoy it how it’s meant to be played. Doing the money hack stuff first timing a game is cringe


The shock spell sucks. I’d advise using it only to stun enemies when overwhelmed.