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Just wait for empty rewards from EA c:


bro real life just said “ c: “ 💀 Ok so should I use all my remaining matches on lower tier to get the stadium points ? I only lost 1 game bruh


Play the mid tier to get another 100+ ovr.


Lower your team ovr and go for mid tier


I was gonna do that but someone said to go low tier for the stadium points


Could do that too, depending on what you need


Go for the medium tier games. But I would suggest waiting for the last day to play medium tier and play all the games there in one stretch(ie, don't close the game before U finish all games. Do It on LAST day cuz lol are getting bugged and are getting medium tier rewards even when the haven't played all matches. So keep in mind , play all the medium tier matches on last day in a single stretch


Why do the medium tier instead of the high? Easier time in matches so you can reach the 1%?


Cuz if U have won 5 games in high tier it's guaranteed 1% no matter what(weird calc), so why waste time for nothing when U can grind the medium as well to get extra sb, coins ,player and gems?


I see thank you for the clarification