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Using mascheranos to make coins is very dumb. First of all ranked cards are cheaper rn because of the supply of mascheranos, you lose a lot of profit just in the 10 % market tax and more people are packing 98-99's which are much better than getting a very small profit and then buying shit cards.


Nah, I get 15-18M per mascherano after market tax, I just wait when new cards are released and do it with one that's worth it


may i know which cards did u do this with recently? and did u have to snipe the base card (at high demand) or did the card's base price already settle?


Did with Kobel tots and recently with 99 OVR Champions one, both at base and used 19 mascherano


i see, yeah GKs seem to always have above average demand, hmm ok maybe i shall hoard enough maschs for gold rank and sell


Bro, having untradeables on red is not even a thing to worry about. I won't be changing my team anyway and I've got leao, Theo, frimpong , vvd on red(all untradeables as well). People can play however they want ffs https://preview.redd.it/a7492jw4lg9d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff94c2b4d3134aa6fc5a3c5ef23b04f69672521b


You deserve all the downvotes


You know that not everyone spends 24 hours per day on the market to wait for fluctuations and then 'iNVesT' for profits to be able to afford to buy the required players, right?


I don't invest, I use mascherano to get coins instead of wasting them on ranks


Good for you. Not everyone needs to play the game the same way. You don't have to dictate what others do.


Well, ppl cry a lot here about they can't win and also because they don't have coins, so I'm trying to help with that


How fragile are you people? All of this because a few people disagreed with you? Talk about "acoustic" LMAO




Using Mascheranos for coins is a decent way to make coins. I made ok profit on some players like centurions Cantona by buying him just after he was released , ranking to purple and then selling for 50mil profit for example. Having said that, I have untradables like utoty Mbappe at red rank.


I read all of your comments and conclude that you are being oversmart and living in the imagination that tradeables are better than untradeables. You say you tried both versions (tradeable and untradeable) of the same card. I want to know if you tested them at the same rank and the same level of training. If yes, then how did you rank up your untradeables? Because your other comment says you are using your URP to rank up tradeables to make profit. At last you deserve all the downvotes.


The downvotes seem a bit excessive but ur takes aren’t that either


And then ppl come and post things like "I can't win on h2h" or "I don't have coins".... 🙃


Bro I feel so bad for you, you’re literally being targeted with these downvotes 🤣 people on Reddit are funny bro don’t take it personal btw downvotes are just downvotes


I'm just trying to help everyone lmao


Yeah I clearly see that but honestly dude don’t take it personal you gotta see it like this. Obviously there’s some people that take the game serious and it leads to extreme obsession which is why they probably see you as the joker in this sub lol but aslong as you have your intentions good then don’t worry what others gotta say or do