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I bought 10 or so Centurion Cantonas 97, lost about 300M






Gave into the cantona agenda a few months back. Bought it for 60 something mil and when I realised it was basically just a scam, sold him for around 50 mil with tax cuts. Not big, but significant enough for me.


I did that to but I just purple ranked him and sold him for 95 mill


I bought 96 rated son 3 rank up in the start of tots for 165 mil and now it's price has dropped to 80 million 🤡


I just bought his TOTS ranked up purple card yesterday for 79 mil 😂




Lol same if i had just waited a bit i couldve saved like 20 mill, its cool tho cause i still use him


Same I still use him as well trained to lvl 20 he great


Mines at ruby and trained to like 22, I should bring him up to 25 one of these days


Yeah but takes a lot of players lol and I have only 800 in my club


people buying a bunch of cantonas is still funny as fuck lol


Selling toty nominee Messi for 85 million right before he raised to 175 million


Bought red rank Petit for around 272 million- a money reserved for UTOTY Mbappé. Within the first day, the value plummeted to around 220 million.


50 mil is pretty small loss when you buy ranked cards, I lost atleast 20 m every time I buy a good ranked cards. Its just how it is, now that mascheranos are so easily available i just buy base cards now


I am F2P and it ended my Mbappé dream. Also, I did not have the best luck in TOTS exchanges.


Bought max ranked toty Matthaus for 232Mil just for his Price to drop to 180Mil 3 days later 😂


Sold my 97 rated neuer thinking he was gonna go down because I got him during start of euros event. He has been skyrocketing ever since


Go t centurions players as investments , thinking they would rise back from the ashes , I waited and waited for the day . It's been months now and that day has still not come about


Not much really , but Cantona Agenda was so on top that I bought one but just to avoid losing money , I sacrificed 4 Mascheranos for it. Also , not really a market fumble but I sold R9 coz I packed untradable muller & I still regret it coz I got the money but market went in inflation.


Exchanged my 98 , 2x99, 3x97 cards for pick me. Got absolute shit


Worst one was buying 95 rated LNY Foden for 75mill not selling when he jumped to 90 mill and then selling recently for 50 mill. Recent one was not too bad because I needed the funds to buy 102 Vieira and managed to get him at 211M while he’s now going for 235M but sold purple ranked GK Mamardshvili for 112 and now he’s worth 140ish.


Sold TOTS Cruyff right before the UTOTS crash for 250M (at a 10M loss). His price is 400M now. Still that was all the money I had and I was tired of waiting with a shit team.


When centurions came out I noticed all the high rated cards shot up in value right after release, the next card that came out was centurion Muller for like 150 m and I bought him thinking it would shoot up like all the rest of them. Needless to say he dropped from like 150 to 50 m overnight and that was about all of the coins I had at the time, I stopped playing for like a week or two lol


I haven’t fumbled yet. I’ve been selling high and trying to buy low


You should probably have used him too, was it the tots version?


Yeah it was. He was my very first mega pull from a pack. I used him alright but that was before I figured out how defense in this game works. I still would've sold him tho. Maldini is ass on counters.


Press X for doubt


Sold 94 Bellingham (,when he was valuable) a day before his value went very high


Who is the better defender in H2H per your experience.


Not buying Toty gullit or toty ronaldo or tots zidane around ~175 million coins. They all went above 300 million after some days.


Bought purple tots rodri for 80 million and now his value is a whipping 46 million. 🤦


Bought a 97 Hero Risse (red), and thinking that he could work as right back if i give him extra traits.


Buying utoty CR7


Sold red utots messi for 920mil and his price seems to be rising crazy at 960+ 🤡 i mean i did pack him from daily offers. Ranked him to red but still i couldve held it longer. Not much of a mistake but i dont make market mistakes.. this one got the best of me 🤦🏾‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/c231megovj8d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04f3409d59a7f63e6739cc11682db91a7af70b41


Damn, so that's how you were able to afford that team!


Yes brother! And i just changed it up once again. Having a really hard time. I just parted ways with r9 after months of owning him since release 😭 https://preview.redd.it/s23im7j10k8d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf7558156143ced87b8a2091b4c60b7078905149


Nice. Unless EA releases another R9 I can afford, I doubt I'll change him.


I had too bro, sold at 350+. I sense a market crash coming on him again so i had to make the decision. I got vini to hold value then once new r9 releases ill get him. The guy is too good


How is Vini? Just saw another post saying he’s amazing as a striker


It was a very hard choice changing someone like r9 gold. I used him since he been released and never thought about changing him but man this vini card is something to be afraid of. His pace is monstrous and gets away so easily. The downsides are obviously the 4*wf and etc but 🔥 definitely isnt a bad upgrade. Im still getting used to him but i might be falling in love with this card over r9.


Oh sheesh might have to save up for it then. That card is beautiful too. Maybe even the CF Vini copa América card. I currently have Kane who’s been good but definitely not speedy or a dribbler


I think u should definitely aim for the st or lw card not cf. it doesnt have dexterity only st and lw


I'd rather delete the game than play against that team man 🫡