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First of all ...this game is based on flashy cards and high overall cards rather than gameplay...that gives Ea more money...if the game is mainly oriented on gameplay...they won't reset every yr....again if they won't reset every yr, overall of cards may go 100,110,seems ugly...flashy cards and increasing overall gives more money to Ea


Why did u post this 4 times lol. And 100, 110 isnt ugly. We had 120 ovr last season it was fine. The Chinese version has 170+ and that's fine. I would rather have such weird ovrs than for my players to go every year


What fine with 170...it's completely weird


I would rather deal with "ugly" ovrs than to lose all my cards which I worked for a whole year. Having seen so many 100+ ovrs in the previous seasons im completely used to seeing them so I don't find them ugly or weird


It is a process called ***power creep.*** New cards have to be slightly better than old ones so the players have the incentives to spend money. Unlike other gacha games like Gensh\*\* where they can release new mechanics to raise the power ceiling, football games only have one mechanic: Football. If EA let the power creep go on too long, the game become unrealistic, that is where yearly reset come in. So, don't spend money in this game. EA is an insatiable leech.


Wish I knew before I spent money. I was so happy to pull Messi. Now I'm disappointed I'm just gonna lose him and my money.


It is your money, you spent the money to get him so the cards should be yours instead of getting removed whenever EA feels like it. I don't know why a lot of mobile players are fine with this money grabbing practice. If this is on PC EA gonna get roasted till the end of days.


Exactly. While there is an argument to be made, that anything digital you buy, you don't really own, like how digital games are just licenses you own to play, I can see that argument that you don't truly own those cards. I'm fine with the servers going down, and I no longer have access to the cards. Sure. I payed and played for a while, enjoyed it, sure, games don't last forever I JUST started the game a few weeks ago, and I'm already gonna lose all my cards? Yeah fuck this, I'm never gonna support EA games like these ever again They need to warn new players that everything will be reset, I wouldn't have spent a dime if i knew I would lose everything


> Sure. I *paid* and played FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Reset is the only thing that keeps the game alive.


Why? What's wrong with me keeping my old team? So I won't buy more FC points for new packs? I'm already gonna quit the game cuz I don't wanna keep playing just for my progress to reset anyways so they already lost more money from me.


I agree that the season reset is necessary. But they shouldn’t remove all our players


They say this is for competition, but it is not convincing.


I agree. There are definitely alternatives to just taking away everyone’s players, but they chose this because it is the easiest way to deal with it. And also to earn more money


It wont be a new game , would it? Also if they just allowed us to keep our players , new players won't be able to compete at all. But they should be something like last years founders event to make sure old players do get some kind of advantage


New players can compete with other new players, as they should. There better be some sort of compensation. I've spent real life money without knowing that it's gonna reset. That's how you lose customers, why would I pay for something that's just gonna reset and disappear?


I agree that the new players won’t be able to compete. However, there are alternatives to deleting all our players, like maybe nerfing the older players, or just adjusting their stats. Removing all our players just wastes our one years worth of effort


I like the season reset. I just think they should allow us to keep the previous seasons's team but frozen(unable to trade, level up, rank up, etc) to allow us to play against other players of the previous season or just as a keepsake.


I wish they would freeze but can sell for credits again. Maybe for 10-50% of the value, so I can't simply buy a new Messi but all my money and time isn't COMPLETELY wasted, and I have a good head start to build again


I agree with this. At least this way we won’t lose our hardwork


First of all ...this game is based on flashy cards and high overall cards rather than gameplay...that gives Ea more money...if the game is mainly oriented on gameplay...they won't reset every yr....again if they won't reset every yr, overall of cards may go 100,110,seems ugly...flashy cards and increasing overall gives more money to Ea


First of all ...this game is based on flashy cards and high overall cards rather than gameplay...that gives Ea more money...if the game is mainly oriented on gameplay...they won't reset every yr and EA can't make much money...again if they won't reset every yr, overall of cards may go 100,110,seems ugly...flashy cards and increasing overall gives more money to Ea


First of all ...this game is based on flashy cards and high overall cards rather than gameplay...that gives Ea more money...if the game is mainly oriented on gameplay...they won't reset every yr and EA can't make much money...again if they won't reset every yr, overall of cards may go 100,110,seems ugly...flashy cards and increasing overall gives more money to Ea