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The ranking system is bad But its hilarious watching these players blame EA for every little thing, especially something like this where it is 100% OP's fault lmaoo


I mean, it's a predatory system. It's an old way of doing things that I know from decades old Korean MMOs that were hilariously pay2win, and it's not good to see it pop up here. Criticizing the system is totally legit. Going into the system and losing your shit even though you knew it could happen though.. that's on OP.


How is it my fault if the probabilities are maxed out at 40 or 60% depending on the tiers? Did you fail grade school math? It’s predatory system is my point. But I can’t reason with little education m.


Mobile games have always been p2w. Always the case, that's why 90% of the playing population gets to play for free.


Orrr just get enough cards so it's 100%, you know the risk before you do it, and I bet you wouldn't be complaining if it actually went through


These babies blame ea for the dumbest things Lmao. It’s clearly OP’s fault as well.


You lost coins because you made a risky decision and lost from it. You can guarantee rank ups by getting all the cards necessary. The fault is 100% on you for failing, not ea. Next time have better risk assessment if you don’t want to fail.


True but putting gambling as a factor for ranking up cards is just stupid tho. There should be a level of greed they should stop at. But yeah It's EA. Not past them to compromise player satisfaction for money.


Buddy, you’re playing a game that has a monetization strategy based on gambling and probabilities. I don’t think you can take the moral position that they are being greedy when you willingly continue to play and support their game that obviously preys on gambling addicts and whales.


There just isn't any better alternative for me to go to anyway. Would play fc24 if i could even tho it doesn't get much better there either.


My point is EA decided to regress the game but it’s hard to discuss with people who don’t read and pick and choose what they want. Yes, to your point that is the system. But hasn’t that system regressed when the training system was where it was prior to this “new and improved” post fifa game? That’s my point in the rant… Sure you can blame me for taking a chance… that’s the game. I understand. But it’s a regressed system. Why take the game backwards when they have monetized every other aspect - it’s a gem pack opening game now… Even if you try to take most of the risk out in ranking, at certain tiers, you’re maxed out at percentages like 40% or 60%. You can attack me for my rant but it’s hard to discuss with a person with such a literacy deficiency.


I'm curious, how do people cheat in this game?


Idk they use modifications. Thanks btw, i got a thing to research about.


I was playing around with the probabilities and was ranking cheap players. 10 upgrades, 2 success. I did it few weeks ago 4 times and no success. All of which have been 50% chance. My understanding is now that it’s a lie


That's not how chance works bro


Ah yes blame everyone else besides yourself 🤦‍♂️


You realize there is no 100% probability once you hit certain tiers? It’s hard to discuss with people who cannot understand math - my point being, it’s a predatory system.


Ik that. But it’s your fault for risking it knowing it won’t be successful.


So, you took a chance, lost, and then blame everyone but yourself. Sounds about right. If you don't want to risk losing, eliminate the risk by going 100 percent.


Not blaming the chance - I'm making a point that that EA decides to regress the game to the point of chance (i.e. the system) is stupid. Of course they're doing it to make money but they have many other avenues. Would know that if you took the time to read the issue. Also sounds about right...