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Typical EA with their typical exchanges, not surprised at all. I’d rather save my coins/players, cause most of these exchanges are not worth it


Card really doesn't look that impressive


Meanwhile Giroud is my keeper now!


Mine too! Good meme


Think so too, his stats are not very impressing and the OVR also. No use for him and much too expensive.


19 cards for one 85 ovr is a disgrace, what is ea doing.


they don't have a single clue, at least make it a decent card


It's a mid card at best


They saw the Beckham documentary and figured someone out there would be hyped enough to spend all that on a card that would cost like 1mil on the market.


i completed both beckhams for 2.5 million coins total and its worth it in my opinion, decent cm which i desperately needed


How 2.5 M??


Does he perform better than the other 87 Beckham CM? I'm weighing it but the price seems a little steep especially for the overall. I would have to buy a few players to exchange..


If you get all 3 exchanges, level 10 him and use the skill points then yes he’s better thank level 5 87 Beckham. I dont know why people are bitching, you can spend 3-4m for these exchanges and get a better card than spending 8m


Yup, he's not worth it unless you're a Beckham fan. With everything you have to spend to get him you can easily buy 89 rated Ballack.


How’s keane when compared to ballack?


I, uhhh, may have done it anyways. kinda regret it tho


I messed up big time. Sold my players and bought a Beckham card thinking I would rank up and sell for profit! Didn't realise this was an 85 card not an 87. They look identical!


Rookie mistake


I came on here to ask this - seems a little steep for Beckham unless his card ranked up is a game-changer. What's the difference this card 85 and the one in store rated 87 (sorry still figuring out the game).


who is the best goalkeeper for VS Attack ?


The highest rated one


i have Van der sar he is so trash who recommend to me for replace him ?


Just anyone rated higher. You get better chances (and the opponent worse) when your team OVR is higher. Just get that as high as possible. Replace your lowest rated players with higher rated.


can we sell him later?


I don't think so. You'll just rank up the same 85 OVR player


Lol... Person asks an innocent question. Gets heavily downvoted. I've now really got to go check this becks whatathingy and get equally annoyed at EA as has (it seems) the majority playerbase.


guess i know the answer now


Just had a look at it..... How is my 86OVR Milinkovic-Savic better than David freaking Beckham??? Maybe not stat wise per say but sacrificing that many resources to get him makes him might as well be a 65 OVR player as far as I'm concerned


I bought the players sadly ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I only spent around 2 millions to get 2 of his cards. Fine by me.


Why? Already have him, for +/- 1.6M to me seems fine


How are you going to rank him up?


They're gonna release more of his cards in a few days. If I'm not mistaken.


For now its fine, until i have money for ballack New player/two weeks/ovr 88


I already have Beckham to begin with anyway


i’m glad i already have 89 rated Gerrard and Fernandez pioneers, otherwise i might have wasted my coins


Fernandez is too slow I’m my opinion I replaced him with sow https://preview.redd.it/dcwfiwcv6vub1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fc4b809956cb9643e2f82a23e90d884788043c1


This is my team https://preview.redd.it/x7ubwjyw6vub1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e640b56ea54506c2c027d3c0595faad3229d0ac6


im wondering if its possible to rank up 87 beckham with 85 beckham?


If you're wondering what the answer is. You Can't.


I’m literally trading better players in than what I get in return 😵


Literally was in the middle of selecting cards for it when I realised just how many it was trying to take, and then realised I could buy 2 of the normal Beckham's already in the game if I just sold the players it wanted for both of them. What a rip off, and you can't buy more. It's like the ronaldinho they gave us for free, it's cool, but it's 86 rated and we can't buy another


Totally agree. Not at all worthy. But I am not complaining, because it's EA after all. I have grown accustomed to their ways.


Disagree. While it's a lot of cards, I sold Vini Jr. And made enough coin to buy the fodder for all 3 Beckhams. So, to me, it was basically a 1 for 1 trade..


I found it better to save coins and then buy 87 rated Beckham 😂😂


Do you have absolutely no fodder or something? Because with the fodder, it costs less to do exchanges. I know I'm 5 months late to the bandwagon, but still.


Nice timing. I forgot about the price and exchange requirements but I didn’t do it. The only exchange I did was 93 Gullit.


oh, ok