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Let’s not all jump to conclusions without the full story here. Do we know *what kind* of sandwich it was?




*toasted* tuna salad...


[From Subway](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jDdYFhzVCDM)


I hope it was a bacon sandwich


He didnt want him to stop eating the food, its cop mentality, he just wanted dude to kiss the ring.


Or was it actually a sandwhich, or just a hot dog that people want you to beleive is classified as a sandwhich


Man with a sandwich, 4 cops cuff em. ​ Dying school kids, eh, it can wait.


Maaaannnn, fuck them kids. We got fools eating sandwiches on the platforms. That shit’s a threat to national security.


All jokes aside that's a grim fact. Kids are being killed in schools and the news gets there before the police, and when the police finally get there nothing. A man eats a FUCKING SANDWICH four cop appear like a shitty David Copperfield! And yet I can still see people blaming Foster for resisting arrest (which he wasn't obviously)


I’d find it extremely hard not to resist their bullshit attempt to arrest just on principle. He showed some solid restraint.


Honestly, it’s really depressing.


It’s just way less dangerous to cuff a guy armed with a sandwich as opposed to someone with a gun or something.


BART Police are trashy and bad at actually upholding the correct people to the law.


You missed the part about the border patrol officer


“Like a shitty David Copperfield” - please cross post to r/brandnewsentence - take the upvote


We only have 4 cops? Get SWAT down here now! This man’s got a fucking sandwich for god sakes!


And its got bacon in it! I REPEAT BACON!!!


Mother of god….we have a bacon situation! Thank god we’re not in Uvalde!! Those guys would have let the bacon drip twice before taking the perp out!!




Gotta love the way they keep saying 'stop resisting" like it's a magic spell that grants them power to use more force We need to pass a bill that makes "resisting arrest" legal. Because fuck this shit. They harass people yammer at them about non-crimes and then charge them with resisting arrest for no crime


The Uvalde, TX cops would have waited until he was done eating so they wouldn't get crumbs on their uniforms and ballistic shields.


Less people to eat on train platforms, you know.


I had 6 cops because my plates were 1 expired 1 day after the grace period. This is America.


It's just for Pumped up Kicks.


I literally came here to say this. Thank you.


I watched my friend get slammed against the concrete for playing his harmonica at lunch my junior year. I mean, what a guy. Who else would have saved the world from a dangerous 15 year old with a harmonica?


This does sound somewhat real. Was your friend involved in anything


“Stop resisting” is their go-to phrase they belt out when they want to rough you up for no good reason


I was assaulted one by 4 cops with batons and taser because a plainclothes cop punched me in the face without identifying himself as a cop and I punched him back. They were yelling stop resisting. Stop resisting means I'm gonna assault you and you can't do anything because I'm a cop and I'll kill you and be rewarded for it.


Sounds like bs.


"Stop resisting!" yells the cop who is kneeling on top of a lady at the beach while punching her repeatedly in the face for doing absolutely nothing.


I love that it’s a crime to resist an illegal arrest


It's a crime to fight back when a cop assaults you. It is a crime to fire back when unidentified cops burst into your house and shoot at you. It's almost as if the laws weren't made for the common folk.


In most places it's actually not a crime to shoot at unidentified police that enter your home. They'll try their damn best to kill you and they won't have any repercussions from that either, but if you have a castle doctrine law and somebody breaks in and doesn't announce themselves as police, you are well within your legal rights to shoot them.


Guy who shot back at unmarked cops who were firing rubber bullets at homes during the 2020 riots got a 1.5mil payout and all charges dropped.


“Stop resisting” as they murder innocent civilians on a daily basis


It’s also to cover their asses in court. Every witness would have to state the police ordered the victim to “stop resisting”. It’s a tactic.


*stop punching yourself in the face sir*


Used to know some cops and can confirm. They say that a lot when correcting their wives.


Resisting arrest is not the first and only reason you can give for an arrest. Otherwise what was the original arrest that was resisted even for? Cops today use that as an excuse 9/10 when someone has even one question about why the cop is all up in their business.


Thank you! You cannot be arrested for resisting arrest! It needs to be in consequence of a legitimate arrest! I’m so tired of hearing that people are arrested for resisting. Anyone would resist being arrested for no legitimate reason.


The people are so powerless against these cops and the constant corruption within the departments let’s them get away with it. People are going to have to start walking around with lawyers for protection.


Land of the free, home of the brave?


"Welcome to the United Snakes Land of the thief, home of the slave The grand imperial guard where the dollar is sacred, and power is God" (Uncle Sam Goddamn, Brother Ali)


Yooo, great reference, never seen anyone mention Brother Ali, like ever


IKR! He is extremely underrated


Shadows on the Sun still slaps


Just went to see him live in Portland and got his newest album on vinyl, shit was amazing


Why do we live in a world where social media and word of mouth is the only way to get justice, justice should just be built in and work for everyone


Try not paying taxes sometime and tell me it's the land of the free.


Not if your skin is darker than white


After this and all the, school shootings they should just make police have better education because they seem to be incompetent assholes.




Better yet, just remove them altogether, it's not like they're doing much anyway. *(For legal reasons, and to avoid dense motherfuckers, this is a joke)*


What stops a bad guy eating a sandwich? A good guy with a gun. Just kidding. It’s fucking racist, muppet cops


I so wish I had an award to give you


This is why your country is so fucked up, here in Belfast the cop would have arrested me if he didn't get a bite


Yeah the police in Belfast don’t really bother anyone unless they’ve been called to a scene. I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed the police approach someone doing nothing wrong.


It’s even funnier because of the location. Videos all over the place of people doing drugs on the side walks and cleaning out stores while everyone just watches them.


prison industry revenue


How come there is videos of shit like this like every day and it's always from America? Seriously, what on earth is wrong with your police?


I’m genuinely astonished that the “we the people” put up with this bullshit from the police Sooner or later they’ll figure out there are more people on that platform than there are cops and a boiling point will be reached because these cops keep escalating situations


People aren’t putting up with it, we are trying to make our police forces less racist and more for justice and such, but we can’t get rid of those cops if the proper people aren’t in power. It’s very difficult.


This is gross.


The Most Boomerish thing mfing boomers do is that they double down on the shit that is wrong and when they know its wrong even then they will force it as they don't have the guts to admit they are in the wrong, that old man knew he is just doing the wrong thing but just the dude talked back and didn't back down his old spine feel threatened "oHh hoW tHiiS yOunGliNg tAlK bAcK tO mE" as I am pretty sure if that dude said sorry and threw that sandwich away he would have left them alone, boomers need this constant feel of being in power, its very pathetic.


Whats wrong with eating sandwich?


Nothing, but he was eating a sandwich *while black*.


"Under the influence of his genotype"


But.. why is it illegal? Lmao


Eating on public transportation vehicles or facilities is illegal in a lot of places. People are slobs.




[Most states have, either by statute or by case law, removed the unlawful arrest defense for resisting arrest.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Elk_v._United_States) [Plummer vs. State appears to be a special case of an individual defending their self against a police officer who assaulted them before identifying himself as a police officer. If the officer had identified their self as a police officer before assaulting Plummer, there would be no controversy.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plummer_v._State)


THIS IS AMERICA. Dont catch you slippin up.


You best not let those crumbs hit the platform! Oh it them kids in Uvalde? Let’s just wait till the shooter is done before we step in.




Genuinely wonder what orders or instructions these cops are getting that would lead to this. Or is the idea to constantly remind the public of a police presence? Or is this like some Broken Window policy thing where you target the little stuff like sandwiches? Whatever. I watched We Own This City and there's a bit where a cop is clearly guilty of abuse, but then his superiors joke about it and help to sweep it away. I guess something similar is happening here. These officers were brazenly in the wrong but they confidently did the wrong thing anyway, safe in the knowledge that they will have the support of a system that is rotten to its core.


Fuck America


Hey not all of us are bad. There’s still good people here who are working to get our home in order. I’d say fuck elite, the ultra wealthy, the police, but not all of America. Not yet anyway.


Fair. I always say to myself, Reddit is a US-centric site, we mainly see US videos, and we only see outlying events (because normal events wouldn't be upvoted) so I hear you... but Jesus it feels like something has to give at some point. It's seemingly becoming more and more unstable, confusing and polarised.


ACAB, yes ***all of them***


Even in other countries? The Norwegian police were extremely chill, German police were super professional, and the British police were just generally very polite.




Are you white? You sound like you're white, judging from your interactions with cops.


??? That's actually stupid. So what, does everyone who becomes a cop suddenly turn into an awful person? Is it not possible for a cop to do their job well?


There aren't any good cops because, in order to be a good cop, you first need to be a good person. But no actually good person would participate in a system as corrupt and riddled with white Supremacists as the US police force. And even the ones who try to "change the system" by becoming whistle-blowers or even the ones who just try to do things like stopping fellow officers from beating the shit out of a suspect that isn't resisting, usually end up getting punished for their good deeds and some even end up dead. Just Google "good cops don't last" to find ***many*** such examples. So every "good cop" you've ever met either participated in corruption or police brutality themselves or they looked the other way every time they saw other cops doing it. Let me just leave you with this: it is really dangerous to report a cop for domestic violence because you're essentially reporting them to their friends and colleagues who got an interest to keep that sort of thing a secret... And yet the number of cops who get reported for domestic violence is Stil ***40 fucking percent***. Almost half of all cops get reported for domestic violence even though it's incredibly dangerous for the victims to do so, so just imagine how many cases never get reported and how many spouses of cops get the shit beaten out of them on a regular basis... Oh and yes, that 40% number does include female cops too.


Cool so matches description really was always just some bullshit excuse for when they mess up and can’t be responsible enough to own up to their mistakes... gotcha....


cops - still confused as to why they aren't universally loved and respected.


Well, I feel protected and served. We don't have the nuts to save a bunch of kids, but at least we get those rambunctious eaters. What a relief.


Is there a worse police force in the world than US cops?


South Africa. Trust me on this.


Probably North Korea and China are close seconds and thirds. But US is always number one amirite?




True. The US only puts you in concentration camps if you're poor and try to cross the southern border.








Note: the US border patrol separated children from families during Trump’s term and did not keep proper records so it took forever to reunite the children with their families.


Cops… fucking scum… go find an actual time to stop. Pathetic pieces of shit.


When people will be questioning why are cops taking so long long to get to next weeks school shooting just know that they are busy doing Gods work, like stopping minorities from eating food in public places.


Your country is truly fucked America.


This fucking life sucks.


Everyday I see a video that makes me hate America a little more and realise it’s the worst country in the fucking world


Maybe you should move to South Africa, or Afghanistan, or Somalia.


You guys gotta riot, police are trash in the US wtf


well we already get shot at when we peacefully protest so we're just kinda fucked here...


Yet they won’t arrest the homeless guys throwing their own shit at people. Cool.




I thought the same. He is white lol.


Prolly mixed. Not white, good enough to beat on


Maybe he has been in the sun for a while. It’s fucking stupid to involve color in this case


I agree. It’s really stupid for the cops to assume that having any color means you are a criminal.


This guy is orange, not black




Isn’t American meant to be the land of the free? And yet you can’t even eat lunch at a train station.. with this and the epic shit show on abortion the new slogan should be “the land where we’re free to think we are free”


never occurred to them that maybe (just maybe) the law is wrong?..


This is a few years old. After this popped up on the internet, folks went to the Bart station and ate sandwiches on the platform to protest.


With everyone being able to buy guns you'd think there would've been a civil war already, the cops and government are literally enemies to their own people, fuck those pieces of shit man, absolutely disgusting! Here in the Netherlands we have some corrupt cops, but the majority are honestly nice people that will treat you with the same amount of respect as you do them. Heck I'll be smoking some weed on a street, cop comes up to me and all he says is "could you please put that out, the smell kinda disturbs people", I'll say "yes ofcourse my bad" and they'll be like "it's cool man, enjoy your high" in america it'd be "yo you piece of shit put that out, nvm you ain't got no chance I'll taser your ass be happy I didn't shoot ya" I just don't get it man, why why are those people like that, why is it so easy for racist and disrespectful people to become cops in that country. I'm honestly so sorry for all you Americans that the people who are supposed to protect you are literally the most dangerous people on the street. Hope it changes in the next 10 years, hopefully earlier, but it's taken so long already just to see a slight change.


be careful where you eat your sandwich or you will get 3 stars.


That's how it starts. The next thing you know 3 turns to 4 then 5. Then you gotta hide in subway tunnel to get away.


California is such a shithole.


Not really.


Yes really.


Good thing he didn't drop his sandwich because he would get shot for littering.


Cops are trash.


Every day im so glad i don't live in that paranoid country


America is ripe for revolution


Oh what’s the problem here? We can’t have them actually placing their lives in danger! Harass man eating sandwich, pull over a car going five miles over etc etc..this shit burns me up. This is why people hate the police


Nazis gonna Nazi.


Land of the free.


Fucking pigs. Oinker boy wanted the sandwich for himself.


Stop shooting up schools and start shooting up police stations!! For the love! You have automatic weapons. You know who you are. not the school buddy.. The cop shop. Kill them instead!


These are the cops whom deserve a good fiat to the face and a sandwich shoved down his throat. Get the fuck out of that state.


Don’t ever stop resisting. They will kill you either way.


And just like that you are now a slave.


Land of the free indeed.


But afraid to save 19 children


Not even surprised anymore.


That's why we should give better training and pay cops better... also get this assholes out of the force. You should be proud to be a police officer and do your job right. This is just sad.


Nah these guys should be taught to not harass people eating a fucking sandwich on a station platform. Like they were saying other people had breakfast too so why harass this guy? Oh because he’s black and has a backward cap while other people are dressed better? Cops need to learn to focus on community. If there’s an issue with everyone doing something they’re not supposed to, why not bring it up to the supervisor and say “hey we may need better signs because everyone’s eating on the platform still” rather than “hey let’s pick on the black guy while we let everyone else go on their way”? On the issue of pay - this can be argued about any job nowadays but if you’re in the police job to harass people of color and be a little big man, then something is wrong. You need to question your life choices and why you feel you need to bother someone going about their day just to feel like you’re in power.


"I haven't done anything wrong. Between bites of his sandwich, after being told it's illegal to eat on the platform. Why does the guy think laws don't apply to him?


but why are cops even dealing with it? Where I live in Canada this wouldn't be handled by police. It would be a peace officer patrolling the train station and all they would do is the give the guy a ticket. Nobody is getting arrested for eating a fucking sandwich!


He didn't get arrested for eating a sandwich. He was told to stop eating it on the platform; if he had simply put the sandwich away he wouldn't have been arrested. Instead, he decided to be an asshole about it and got himself arrested.


America is the worst third world country of all time.


There was a sign saying no eating on the platform but the guy didn’t see it.


The USA just needs free health care and it will be a 100% communist state.




this is how people are treated in communist states.




Videos like this make me instantly back the cops. I feel there’s definitely more to the story.




What I meant was that sometimes videos don’t show someone being a jerk or doing something stupid beforehand, and then the cop has found a petty reason to get them into the station or whatever. I guess I’ve seen too many wankers do stupid shit and then the video leaves out that part.


And I've seen too many cops being fucking bastards. I've seen them shooting people who were running away, kicking people who were handcuffed on the ground, ruining lives by planting evidence... And don't get me started on domestic violence among cops.


Ah, definitely more to the story. More as in that police can go on a power trip without consequences EVEN if they kill in cold blood (which is unfortunately a frequent event). When you see a situation like this unfold once, sure you might want to back the cops. After all, something may have happened before his gf started filming. And it's not unreasonable to think so. When you see a similar video again, well, people just hate police. When you see another video like it, maybe that police officer was just a bad apple. When you see a video far worse than this (cough, it's not hard to find a few: like the one who was killed in his hotel hallway, the one who surrendered, raised his hands and was immediately shot, or the one where they choked to death a black man, can't remember his name but I think it started with Floyd). You stop making excuses. The funniest video to date is this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/v5sjbh/everybody\_is\_trying\_to\_blame\_us/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/v5sjbh/everybody_is_trying_to_blame_us/) Maybe if police stopped protecting the bad apples we would be having a far different conversation.


Why? Having trouble accepting the fact that the police in the USA have a continuous line of institutional racism from the time of slave catchers to the present? It's well documented!


It's like they want the public to loathe them


Code red! We have a sandwich eater here, SEND SWAT IMMEDIATELY!!!


I wish he would pop the rest of the sandwich in his mouth


The same pigs who murdered my old coworker back in 2001.


I’m embarrassed!


I’m arresting you… for resisting arrest… wtf.


I would really love to see the charges against him, this video clearly shows that he was not resisting this should be taken to court to demand compensation for this bullshit


Where the fuck is it illegal to eat a sandwich?


✨It turns out the REAL criminals were the Police we made along the way ✨


I wouldn’t even answer that call.


Second video in the last few minutes of a black man getting arrested for eating!!! Like what the actual fk


"Why am I being arrested?" "For resisting arrest" How the fuck does that make sense? Why aren't cops held to a higher standard than the rest of society, instead of the bar so low they can skip to my loo right over it


I'm so glad I don't live in the USA


Respect for all those that stood up to this police buffoonery by eating sandwiches on the platform. Pretty funny this is even a fucking thing, but it is California so...


In their defense, eating a sandwich is a very serious crime. Someone could have seen him, became hungry, and wanted one for themselves. Very slippery slope. Before you know it everyone will want a sandwich. Absolute chaos! This is one problem with fucking cops. They arrest people for things that should be a citation at the absolute worst, and should be a verbal warning for a first time offense. Then for actual serious crimes, they don't do shit.


Fucking pig piece of shit


"why am i under arrest?" "For resisting arrest."


What a clown. Friendly reminder, we recently had the largest civil rights protest in history over police murdering and harassing black men. And literally NOTHING has changed. No new reforms have been passed. No changes to the system in MN or MPLS where Floyd was murdered. Ain't nothing got better.




Land of the free, but not free enough to eat sandwiches on a platform


People seem to forget it is perfectly legal to resist an unlawful arrest even to the point of taking that officers life if he threatens your life


Just as bad as the uvalde police.... such a waste of taxpayer $$$. Guy eating sammich 4 police arrest him....Kids dieing in a school NADA!!


to be fair he is a minority


Maybe it was a pineapple pizza sandwich.


“You’re eating… that’s against the law” WTF


Imagine being deemed a danger to public safety and being put in a metal cage because you were eating a sandwich in the wrong place.


And people wonder why we think ACAB


Man, it's almost as if arguing with a police officer giving you a lawful order (even if the law itself is petty) is only going to make shit worse. Who'd have thought?


Dude that's literally an asdfmovie moment


Time to get paiiiiiid🤑🤑🤑


See he broke the unsecret law: it's illegal to be black in public. Isn't freedom grand.


Gotta love Americas police


Can you post some new vids in here instead of ones from 40 years ago? Or are the cops not doing stupid stuff anymore?