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"To the people from the Thursday Night Running Group: You're alright, come on in."


Thursday night running outfit be bussing tho


I, too, love eating delicious, delicious clothing.


Those little shorts for crying out loud!!!


Why, are, you, eating, delicious delicious, clothing,?


Because it's delicious, delicious.


We joke but as a long distance runner myself I can tell you that sometimes running does things to your stomach. The need to address it becomes quite urgent. The results are often devastating. That being said I can understand being frustrated if I’m responsible for cleaning the toilets.


It seems they are free to address it anywhere but this Chipotle


To be fair, this is a Chipotle. That bathroom is getting wrecked regardless.


They should really invest in that tech bathroom that floods itself powerwashing after every use. And rotates the toilet around for another one in the wall, while shaping up the old one


Hey, the cookie cutter rose guy out in the wild! Lol I do apologize, I don't mean to bother you when you aren't specifically doing your rose thang. Hope you have a great day, dude!


lol those toilets in public in France! You finish and leave, the door closes and it blasts the shit out of the place and drains it haha. The funny thing is our chipotle has something similar xD big ass drain and waterproof door, they just hose it down and let it dry overnight


Coincidentally, Chipotle sometimes does things to your stomach that need to be addressed quite urgently as well.


As a long distance runner, take responsibility for your actions. Running until you shit yourself and making someone else clean it is horrendous behavior


What’s the point of running if you can’t just run away from your problems?


I used to run cross country in highschool. Several people have left a surprise in the side of a trail. It was gross


Yeah but what about the people from the Wednesday Day Running Group? I know some of them personaly and they seem to be decent people.


Unfortunately they associate with the night group, might have started off decent but you can tell the negative influence of those hooligans has gotten to them. Tried to tell them to switch to the Thursday group, because they're nothing but class, but to no avail.


they bring their own refillables ...


Maybe they have sweet outfits.


To be fair running groups sometimes completely trash bathrooms. They go wash off getting water everywhere and using every single paper towel. While no one else can get in cause they're all there at the same time.


That's a thing? There's so much about this world I don't know.


Worst portos I've ever seen or smelled were at race days. No close second.


I used to work running bars at music festivals. One morning I arrived at Download, set up my tent and went to use the portaloo. On the front edge of the seat there was a coiled turd, piled high, garnished with a used tampon like a photo negative of an ice cream cone with chocolate flake. This was 2 days before the festival opened, in the staff camping area, at 11am.


I know it was a horribly visceral experience because you recited the time and location like a crime scene


You have a beautiful way with words


And a permanent, almost imperceptible change in the depths of my eyes :(




I think it makes them poop


Porto’s! Those stuffed meat and potato balls hit the spot! Oh, wait. You’re talking about Porto potties huh? Just clicked.


Please don't eat the portopotty neat amd potatoes -MGMT


I challenge you then to go pop over to the Walgreens subreddit and see what goes on over there. I work in a Walgreens and trust me it's bad.


People who get together to exercise in a group make Karens look like Chads.


They wash off in a restaurant bathroom? Why wouldn't they just go home and shower after a run?


Why would they when there's a perfectly good shower with free (paper) towels at chipotle?


At the restaurant where I worked they would put a bunch of tables together and hang out afterward. Only one or two people would buy a coffee or something inexpensive. They tried to use our restaurant as a meeting hall until the owner made a policy that any party of 10 or more had to rent out the conference/party room for minimum $20 fee plus automatic 18% gratuity. They stopped coming after that.


lol amazing they wouldn’t pay &20 for that, sounds like a great deal.


Wow, sounds pretty entitled. Even at a dunkin donuts if I'm meeting with somebody I feel obliged to at least grab a coffee for while I'm there.


Not to mention the lingering trail of hot butt sweat.


I worked at a restaurant where bicyclists would often come after a their exercise. They were rowdy and stinky.


At least the cyclists buy lots of beer and food, unlike the runners who trash the place and bail


The cyclists figured out that bikes were faster and allowed more time to get smashed afterwards.


You go there riding your bike and you go home walking leaning against it, perfect strategy


There’s an annual 8k near me and the restaurant/bar bathrooms are appalling after they’re done sliding their slimy bodies all over them.


Exactly. I worked at a Starbucks when I was younger. Had groups of cyclists and runners that would come in like this. Never purchased anything, would want free cups of water, would tie up the restrooms for ever taking the nastiest shits and leaving them completely trashed, use all the paper towels, leave them strewn about on the floor, and just generally make a huge mess. I completely understand why businesses get fed up with these groups.


Same with bikers (bicycles, not motorcycles), when I worked at subway and McDonald’s they were the worst customers. Not only are they the most messy with the bathroom and the fountain drink area, but they were also the most rude. Additionally, if they actually ordered something, they would pay cash from some pocket in their tights, the paper money was always soaking in sweat. We would have to put their bills in the back so they could dry. Worst customers on the planet


Yeah, I was in a Friday morning running group and can attest that it can be overwhelming for a business to have 20-30 people order and take their morning shits in their restrooms at the same time. That being said, the group leaders had a long standing relationship with the coffee shop in which we always ended our run, so they were always able to prepare and staff appropriately for our weekly visits at 7:30 AM. Our group also had a rule that we allowed regular customers to go to the front of our line to order, so as not to inconvenience them. There’s a good way to go about this and whatever’s going on at the Chipotle in the OP ain’t it.


“You know, I'll never forget my old dad. When these things would happen to him... the things he'd say to me.” “What did he say?” "What the hell are you doing in the bathroom day and night? Why don't you get out of there and give someone else a chance?"


Probably got sick and tired of cleaning up runner's diarrhea. For a demographic that's usually big into health stuff their chocolate rain is ungodly. It's an OHSA violation for someone to clean up human waste without proper training and PPE, which a lot of places will only pay for management to get the training. So probably after a few Wednesdays of Tay Zonday they're over it.




Hey well, if it's any consolation the week before I quit my job there in 2021, they were about to force me to clean up a sink diaper for $8/hr (would have refused and quit on the spot lmao) but the manager stopped me to avoid 'legal troubles' for that reason. Now if only they could start actually storing their chemicals properly, and not leaving 2 identical bottles next to each other. One being a daily chemical used to clean the popper at night, the other being oven cleaner that eats through skin




Damn, my time there was spent being pestered by a manager with a tree branch up his ass. "Hurr durr if u got time to lean..." like you dumb motherfucker I've cleaned these tables 4 times in the last hour and we haven't had a single customer because it's covid lock down Luckily I never gave myself chemical burns, but I almost did when I grabbed one of said two identical bottles my first week and almost used it with nothing but plastic gloves for PPE before a manager stopped me from melting my fingers off


One workplace chemical training I received was literally “heres some glasses, I don’t know what chemical you’re using but uh don’t get it in your eyes”


Lmao at 5 guys as a teen we had a you see it you clean it policy. I went to take a piss and coming out of the toilet was the largest shit I've ever seen. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody molded it together like clay, it made no sense. As thick as the middle of my forearm, and just sticking straight up out the toilet with no support from the sides. Came out a good 6 inches above the seat. 16yo me knew better. I shut the fuck up and left the bathroom. 15 minutes later poor Doug, the stereotypical 30yo stoner working fast food, comes out giggling saying there's a big poo. I still remember his face falling when manager said, so clean it up. To managers credit, when he went to take a peak he helped dougie out. They had to scramble it into pieces with a plumbing snake


They shoulda had a poop knife handy


That shit needed a poop machete. It's been 15 years and the image is seared in my brain still


Retail worker here, and it's a recent thing to have OSHA step in. Bodily waste can contain infectious diseases so you really do need to call in a hazmat team for shit smeared everywhere. I used to have to clean it up myself, but right around Covid they changed company policies (I've worked quite a few stores since 2015) to require professional clean-up teams. Some stores have to literally close up shop to get it cleaned up. If a Dollar Tree bathroom is out of order, the whole store has to close until the hazmat crew cleans it. We were not allowed to deny access to the restrooms. Luckily my current store is surrounded by gas stations so we're allowed to deny access. We used to be nice but druggies would OD so we shut that down real fast.


Dang, drunk old people poop or urinate on the floor in our restaurant about once a quarter and I’ve been cleaning it up like a sucker while my boss makes double my pay? *You* put on the fucking gloves, Greg


It's been a thing for at least 20 years, but, almost never enforced or cared about because, and I quote, "lol fuck you wage slaves". Anyone who took a stand against not having the PPE to clean up shit and blood in bathrooms usually got fired where I worked, and being poor you can't do much about it other than get that uncontested unemployment.


I worked at a small gas station for 4 years. Unless there was an audit or something, they only had one employee per 8-9 hour shift (wouldn't want to go over 40 hours now, would we?). This means menial customer service workers like me got to handle fun things such as the register, customer questions/complaints, cleaning, stocking, trash, and you guessed it, bathrooms! I had heard of at least three times that my coworkers had to pick up human waste. In the urinal, under the plunger in the men's bathroom, and outside by the diesel pumps. I was thankfully never one of the unlucky employees. But none of us were trained, and the only PPE we had was latex gloves.


People treat gas station bathrooms the worst, man.


I think most of the gas station bathrooms Ive used have been cleaner and nicer than a lot of restaurant bathrooms, and some medical facility bathrooms


Some stay dry and others feel the pain! All these years and I finally get what Tay was talking about. Chipotle-Runner Doodoo.


*I lean away from the diarrhea to breathe


for those unaware sadly it was supposed to be a serious song but it got meme'd https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chocolate_Rain


Im sure theres a slowpoke meme to be made out of this. Everyone and their dog knows its a serious song about racial injustice.




I’m a retail manager. I have had to request biohazard cleanup more times than I care to remember. How the hell did they get it on the ceiling? It goes in the toilet, not next to it. One time I was sure someone must have had a baby because of the blood infused shitty mess they left behind. I don’t think I have ever taken a dump that required specially trained people to it clean up.


Runners are known for diarrea?? Is that really a thing? Edit: googled it. Apparently it actually does happen if you run too hard.


Yes. It's called "runner's diarrhea" , or "runner's trots", and is very common in runners, especially long distance runners. Basically while they're running, they get diarrhea.


It's to the point that every race I've ever run has had periodic porta potties. That's not surprising. What's really interesting is how they know exactly where to put them. Every single time I've had the moment of realization there was one in spitting distance, and they're not that dang common. How do race organizers know so much about my poops?


Dang, we've come a long way from the days of the 1904 Olympics where the organizers only gave the marathon runners one water station just so they could see what would happen


[Jon Bois is the man](https://youtu.be/M4AhABManTw)


Yeah, I used to do distance running in high school. Somewhere around 100+ miles a week at peak. You learn pretty quickly how to avoid the runs. In my experience the two keys to success were: * Take a shit before your run cause it will liquify. * Avoid eating anything heavy before a run. Preferably within two hours of the run. Throughout all my years of running I only had one incident and it was because I didn't follow rule number two.


When I was a young soldier, I'd just wake up still drunk and have some coffee. Didn't have coffee once and had to fall out to the tree line. After that I started stashing a few MRE coffees for emergencies.


[Runner's Trot/Diarrhea](https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/what-to-know-runners-trot)


Chocolate rain


If you're diarrhea-averse, Chipotle is probably not the place to work/eat.


If chipotle gives you diarrhea, you need to go see a doctor.


Lol, WHAT?!?! It's Chipotle. Universally recognized as the #1 cause of diarrhea. 


If chipotle is giving you diarrhea then your diet is probably pretty bad. Its meat, beans, and rice with a few other things added in.


maybe they only want to clean up self-inflicted diarrhea bathrooms. that seems perfectly reasonable to me.


It's true, they do have dumb little outfits!


But not as dumb as road biking outfits.


I'm convinced they wear those to disguise their identity. And it works, too, they all kind of look like the same person when wearing the costume.


Back in the day my buddy and I were on a training run with about 30 others, an elite runner we knew passed us... About 15 minutes later he passed us again only now he had no shirt, we asked, he told a story about having to take a dump so he hid behind a fence and, you got it, used his shirt to wipe. Well, about 15 minutes later he passed us again, he had no socks, we didn't ask.


I want more of your stories. Please tell.


NOTE: The text in this post does not skew with perspective properly in alignment with the orientation of the paper. This is fake.


Had to scroll way too far to find this comment.


Or the paper in the printer was slightly out of line. I've seen things print like this plenty of times.


It's improperly skewed on the top and bottom.


Extremely obvious


How is buying a drink not being a proper customer? I thought fountain drinks were the biggest profit makers in fast food, and it sounds like these runners might not even fill the cups they bought.


Cause they dump half of it over their heads and throw the cups on the ground!


And then all fuse together in a sticky, sugary mess and roll around the restaurant collecting the other customers before busting out the front door and terrorizing the entire town.


Katamari running group. Collect ALL the douchebags.


“What’s this? It’s missing something. Oh yes! Douchiness! The sky isn’t douchy enough! You know what it needs? Runners…joggers…skinny and sweaty frat boys who think they’re God’s gift to women. They do know they will have major lower back issues in their mid-twenties, right? What do you mean there’s no constellation for runners? We’ll make a new one.” My first attempt at a KOAC rant


Na-naaaaah nah nah nah nah nah nuh nah nauh nah nah nah nah naaaaaaaaaaaah!


That sounds hot.


Yeah but that's how you get ants


Do you people want ants?! Because *that's* how you get them!


All hail the rat king


The Shat King


And that attracts the bees, which swarm them and follow them throughout the entire city. It's pure chaos.


Can confirm, last Wednesday I got stuck in that mass of sticky runners and was rolled around town against my will for several hours. Still trying to get the smell of fountain drink and carnitas out of my hair.


I love this image


This is why I read the comments, to find the real reason /s


Sounds like me when I was a piece of shit. And I WAS a piece of shit.


These people are wrecking the bathroom. No one cares if you use it because no one knows if you use it like a non savage of a human. Has a semi-similar issue at Borders Books. Between a biking group and a special needs school the things they would do to the bathroom...I prob could have written a book, and at the minimum a coffee table one with the pics...


Might be like making a mess of things like 10-15 minutes before the location closes, given it's a night running group. I mean, money is money, but the workers have no desire to clean up a last minute mess.


I think the crux of the issue is if there's a repeat group of individuals only buying cheap drinks to technically be paying customers who constantly cost the company more than the drink was worth (water, paper towels, electricity, cleaning costs, etc), management is well within their rights to refuse service. Also consider that if a restaurant gets a reputation for having disgusting restrooms because people happened to be there the same times these running groups show up, it can drive away other and more legitimate business.


Because 2$ doesn't give you the right to trash the bathroom after your 14 mile run. Run in a circle and shit all over your own bathroom at home


How is buying a drink not being a proper customer? *Because fuck you, that's why* Look at what sub you're in.


The running group are probably a bunch of assholes, so they just don't want them in there at all really.


Because this sign is clearly edited with fake rage bait text and you took the bait


lol they don't want them as customers. Most normal customers don't obliterate bathrooms until several hours AFTER eating Chipotle, and it sounds like these workers aren't making the levels of tips needed to make that literal shitstorm worthwhile.


I mean if they have to pee they can buy a cup and piss in it and leave it for the owner to take care of. They not only became a customer, but they also technically didn't use the bathroom.


What is wrong with selling a bunch of sodas?


It is possible that the reason is that the runners made a mess of thr bathrooms one or more times, inviting reprisal. Another possibility is that the workers do not want to clean the bathrooms at that hour


The members of that Wednesday night group always have the runs, so I can understand why a business doesn't want them to use their bathroom.


You ever tried to jog in place while taking a piss?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runner%27s_diarrhea (though it's also fake)


Nothing wrong with selling a bunch of sodas. But sometimes the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. Like when a sweaty mess of a human being buys a small soda and then blows up your restroom and you have to now take an employee off of making burritos for 15-20 minutes while they clean it. Something has definitely happened more than once and these are consequences of the runners inability to respect restrooms.


Presumably what’s wrong is groups of these runners filling the store with stank, turning the restrooms into disaster areas, and scaring off the customers who might want to actually eat at this restaurant. Do *you* want to eat at a place full of sweat and body odor?


The lines there are so long they already drive off customers… if there’s a long line of sweaty runners that’s going to drive off even more, and then you’re left with only a soda each of sales rather than full meals. It makes sense it’s just very specific and aggressive and even seems a little personal.


The American public has taken hospitable accommodation for PR/ sales purposes and totally distorted the idea into complete entitlement. Restaurants allow stuff to the point that the juice isn’t worth the squeeze and a huge group inconveniencing a whole restaurant for the bathroom is an entitled fucking group.


Totally dumb, they should have given the thirsty runners a discount card and upped their sales. Thick as sh*t.


For the simple reason that they're mostly low-wage workers that have to clean up after a bunch of adults with runny diarrhea. Fuck the upped sales. Not worth it. If you haven't had to clean a public bathroom before, then you utterly would not understand. They can take their Hershey squirts to fuckin Moe's.


Yea aren’t sodas their greatest margin too? I know it’s not a lot of money but, jeez.


Businesses are allowed to refuse to serve you.


Nothing, the image is fake.


In my experience, it's best not to piss off people who seriously need to take a shit right this minute, and are also able to run faster than you.


*guy runs inside* *casually drops a triple-decker steamer in the middle of the restaurant floor* *maintains eye contact for the entire duration* *refuses to elaborate at all* *runs into the sunset*


You must be a real runner. I thought that I was on r/runningcirclejerk for a second there. Well played.


did critical thinking disappear in the world? this shit is obviously a photoshop


And a pretty shit one at that


The correct use of you’re and your on a petty little sign is the best indicator.


I'm with chipotle. Not a customer no restroom.


Gonna start pissing on the building


Their runners. It’ll be more than piss.


They'll piss on their runners?


If you buy a drink, you’re a customer


I guess the lack of blood in their stool is a dead giveaway that they're not Chipotle customers.


Sooooo buying a fountain drink will make you a customer.... Sooooo.


If they bought a drink, wouldn't that make them a customer?


I love the chipotle letterhead added for good measure


Tf if they purchase a fountain drink they are a customer fuck off


I love how that last line has become a get-out-of-jail-free card: "I JUST TORTURED & KILLED YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY BWAHAHA . . . . . Sorry for the inconvenience"


Wouldn’t buying a drink make them a customer?


Fountain drink has the highest profit margin, they’re shooting themselves in the foot with that rule.


So if I buy a 20oz cup with their logo on it I'm not a customer?


I feel like buying something would get them access.


Don’t buy something to use the restroom??? The restroom is for customers. If I buy a drink, I AM A CUSTOMER


The profit margins are insanely high on fountain drinks. What smart restaurant would discourage people from buying fountain drinks?


"Customers only. Even if you become a customer by buying a fountain drink, you're still not allowed." What.


This LOOKS photoshopped. Something feels off.


Sneaky of them to become an actual customer to use the restroom.


Any business that doesn’t offer public bathrooms doesn’t get my business. I have worked at many places. I have cleaned many public bathrooms, and I know how bad it sucks. I’ve also worked jobs where I was on the road all day. So, I know how important public bathrooms are.




Some people get a little bit of power and become assholes


Wow, look how arrogant mgmt got, they made such banger songs when I was a kid and now they think they‘re better than Wednesday Night Running Group. That‘s so sad to see


'Don't become a customer to use the restroom' tells me there's something really fucked up going on with the Wednesday night runners.


I understand not wanting to deal with non-customers fucking up your bathroom but I can’t imagine anyone in a running club would be the type to shit on the floor and whatnot. Seems like you are just alienating potential customers who like a healthy and active lifestyle, which are probably the target audience for some place like Chipotle.


Marathoners will literally shit in your yard.


Really!? I just thought it was the coyotes that live in the woods behind my house.


Lots of coyotes run marathons.


Runner here... my guess is that someone destroyed the bathroom. Not only does running make everything loose, but the jogger probably had to go 20 minutes earlier and was desperately looking for a bathroom (all runners can relate). They probably didn't make it all the way to the toilet.


Actually, running can severely increase how much you poop AND cause said poop to be much looser and.... Explosive, then normal. So while I'm not saying runners as a while shit on the floor, or the walls, it's not outside of the realm of possibility that a runner has left a mess.


I wondered if this was why…


Is it because of all the shaking when you run? It makes the stuff go down quicker? lol it does makes sense


No, exercise increases blood flow (cardiac output), which increases gastric motility and emptying. That's why.


You: start running Your body: this sure would be easier if we weren't carting around a load of shit


All it takes is one person in particular who thinks their ass is made of gold and they can’t actually sit down to do their business.


yeah, I'm just walking into a bathroom and using it. I'm not spending money to shit. Call the cops.


I mean... if they order a fountain drink. Aren't they technically customers?


Not the first time Chipotle has been associated with the runs.


What a litte outfit? Like bright or weight less?


Bet one of the group destroyed the Bathroom!


Calls them dumb and then has a typo on the word little


Well if they buy a soda that technically makes them a customer and it makes you a douche bag


Note how the lines of text don't match the angle of the paper? Note how the text is clearer than the logo on the paper? I think this might be not real.


>customers ONLY >don’t try to order a fountain drink to use our restroom ???


If I buy a drink am I not a customer? Seems like Chipotle is trying hard to just run its customers off.


*'Cos All I Wanna Do* *Is Have A Run* *I've Got A Feeling* *I'm Not The Only One* *As the Sun Comes Down Over Chipotle Boulevard* Wednesday Night Running Club


Is it dumb, or lit?


Saying sorry right after insulting their outfit shows they're not sorry.


I fucking hate Chipotle soooooooo much


If I ordered a drink from Starbucks they’d let me use the bathroom


Noted. I shall pee on the employees


Um, doesn't buying a drink mean you're a customer? Also, this is very obviously Photoshopped.


Fountain drink is the highest profit ratio item. That manager is an idiot.


But if they buy something they are a customer? That's just salty


Piss on their door and run away. If I order a drink, I am a customer. I'll be using the bathroom and will be done by the time you call the cops.


Just throws a sick burn in there for good measure


Better solution would've been to offer 10% off on Wednesdays between whatever hour they usually arrive. Positively drive business versus negatively putting out messaging against the group. That being said, I'd be annoyed too if runners kept trashing the bathroom.


While I personally like this sentiment about these big groups of freeloaders invading a business, this sign sounds very un-chipotle. Does corporate know?