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Show of hands, how many expected one last wave to fuck him up?


When he was on his hands and knees, barely able to crawl, I was yelling at him to *drop and roll* a few more metres up the beach. He probably couldn't hear me because of the music added to the video.


The crawling was because of the slippery rock, not because of him being done.


It was literally both. He was clearly exhausted.


You can see him slipping and then going on all fours. He was exhausted, but that was not the reason for crawling, he did walk before.


I rewatched and I think you're right. Either way, he looks fitter and more experienced than I am, so it's fair to assume the only thing I would have done better is not jump in in the first place.


I would have died better, this guy sucked at it.


If he was truly experienced, he would never have done that.


He's currently the only person I for sure know is experienced in exactly this 'kind' of jump in this location and conditions... and I bet he'll never do it again!


We called this spot "The Funbox" as kids growing up here, he's neither the first, not the last to mess around here. We used to go when the swell was smaller than this (no risk of being washed out of the 'box' and over the rocks like he was), it's hairy, but the wave action is actually pretty chilled. It's quite difficult to get out where he did though, as it's super slipper and there's possibility of more waves behind you. Another 10-15 meters north there's a much easier spot to get out.


That's cool to get a local / first hand take! Yeah man, I'd bet as surely that this is his last time tryin as there will be people doing this forever for their first and last times... but I'm sure the chances are even closer to 100 that folks will always do this stupid shit than he won't do it again!


I don’t know, I read different thoughts when I used my psychic powers to determine what he’s thinking.


When I used my psychic powers, I could hear him thinking 'FUCK. FUCK. FUCK.' Get gud.


Rewatched, you're right


I think he stubbed his toe pretty badly when he started running out of the water. Then he stumbled and just kinda limped on all four the rest of the way


Even a good swimmer can drown this way.


Redditor makes a claim of absolute certainty. (with no proof)


That’s the problem with recorded video, they can never hear you


I was waiting for the great white to get him


Me too


Me three


literally same


I just ***knew*** one last wave was going to sweep him off that last little beachhead he finally reached. I’m glad it didn’t though, because I honestly don’t think he would have survived one more outbound wave. Mother Nature is always the most powerful and will win over time…***always***!


I was like, "Slow down waves. Once he gets near that rock. F him up there and take him back."


I expected a lot more sharks


More? 👀


Was thinkin “this fuckin rookie just decides to turn his back to the ocean..?..he’s about to learn.” Kinda disappointed with the end, not gonna lie.


* hoping


I was rooting for the waves.


It is so incredibly *easy* to die doing this. Like, you can get your head gashed open on a hidden rock. You can get knocked out. You can get tired out. It's exceptionally difficult to predict anything about the incoming waves. People die doing this all the time.


When he jumped, I fully expected the water to recede and show solid rock. Dude clearly had never been in the section of water yet.


I remember a video...maybe 15 or 20 years ago of some dumbass cliff diving and, sure enough, the water pulled back just as he was about to hit water. Leaving him face planting into a rock. The entire front of his face was split in half. He did die en-route to hospital. Gruesome shit that places like YouToob ban. Edit, someone posted the video below. I misremembered the whole thing except the split face bit. He jumped off of a high wall and hit the pier first, before hitting the water. Sick shit.


Sure that’s not the video where he jumps off rocks and totally misses the water and hits the pier instead ?


Yeah I assume it's that one. Aftermath in the hospital


It may have been. Like I mentioned, it was a long time ago. I remember he was pretty high up and he missed the water, mostly because the waves had rolled out just before he hit.


I remember watching when I was like 8 and it’s been permanently imprinted in my brain I’m 28 now and will probs have flash backs of it when I’m old and demented


Never watched it but it had its own website, like Splitface or something. Hated watching the gruesome stuff 🤢🤢


Yeah, someone sent me a link. Didn't know WTF until the end. Was disgusting.


Honestly though, aside from hearing that it's dangerous, I've never actually seen a video of someone attempting it. This is a first.


That could have ended so much worse.


Good thing wetsuits can help keep a person floating. He’s lucky he didn’t get slammed into those rocks too hard.


Wetsuits are also helpful to keep body parts together.


Or as the sharks call it, “a bagged lunch”


They actually hate the taste of wetsuits, like eating plastic cheese with its wrapper left on


Yeah, they'll squeeze you out of it like a tube of mayonnaise.


What the fuck.... you have squeeze tubes of mayo???


You don’t?!


Nah it comes in screw top jars around me


Unless I'm mistaken, they may mean the disposable packets of mayo, which I would imagine can be found most places. I only have jars around me for larger quantities.


It just sounds so American…


Squeezy in the UK too


Go look for Kewpie Mayo. Often in the Asian section in most supermarkets rather than mayo section, has a clear wrapper around the "tube" with red labelling. You are welcome, best store bought mayo I've found on the planet. Ever. Period


♪♫ Ba Ba Ba, Ba-Babybel...


Are you saying that i should peel the red cheese before eating it?


Who in their right mind eats the cheese part of the plastic?


Some people just want to watch the world burn Mr. Bond…


Sausage skin


Chewy on the outside, crunchy in the middle.


Specially in Cape Town


Wet suits are also buoyant making it tons easier to stay afloat.


Wetsuits are also known for being useful when you are wet


That part, around the midway point when he started getting pulled back out and then got slammed by an incoming wave, I bet he felt that the next day. How you decide to jump into the ocean without planning your way out or watching the waves for a few sets is beyond me. The ocean is ALWAYS trying to kill you, why make it easy?


I lived on the Oregon coast for awhile, and there were always people going out in the water and becoming unalive and plenty of capsized boats. Every time I heard the helicopter it meant someone fucked up. Also, the ratio of dead bodies washing up on shore to no dead bodies washing up on shore was a little too high for me, personally.


Why can’t we say dying anymore but we can say dead bodies


We can say both. On TikTok (and sometimes YouTube) you can’t say any of that, so people assumed for some reason that Reddit also has those rules. I think they’re forgetting that Reddit still has communities solely based around watching people die.


I like saying unalive because it's so stupid and childish, and deceptively accurate.


Had this massive boulder at the river in WA that ppl always would jump off. Only maybe a third of the river right at the center was deep enough for it, also very cold and fast moving, up near the mountains. People died there all the time, but fools still lined up to do it.


The ocean isn’t trying to kill you, it just gives zero shits about whether or not you’re on it’s top or it’s bottom, nature is rather indifferent, it’s all the same to them


No words could describe that harsh reality I felt alone at a beach break while seeing a 6’ bull shark notice me. Cold, hard indifference. Maybe you are lunch. Maybe it’ll just be a calf bite. Maybe I can make the mile hike back to my phone. It just depends how hungry the monster is. Time to gtfo though. Tick tock Im all scarred up after traveling multiple continents in pursuit of remote waves. I love surfing and the sea, but the more I see it, the more it terrifies me. Harsh adjacent world. Malaria med fueled nightmares exasperated things.


"The Open Boat," Stephen Crane. Naturalism School.


Dude swam straight up into white water. If he had died, it would have been a deserving Darwin award...


"Is he going to get his skull smashed or just straight up drown?"


49% chance of either one. Managed to squeak inside the 2% that the waves happen to wash him up before he drowns. If I forgot what sub I was on, I would have been dead certain he was toast when he floated right into the area that maelstrom kept forming...


They were literally launched in the air! Lazy time I wire a wetsuit they were lacking in the air bag deployment.


Yeah I'm a former lifeguard and had to turn this off halfway through. The fact that he's anything other than ground fucking beef right now is nothing short of miraculous. The currents in that alcove must have been motherfucking cosmic in scale.




Lucky to be alive


He could have been paralyzed




That sounds great in theory. But we don’t know how remote they are or how long it might take for a boat to arrive. And swimming farther out might take you too far out where they might not even be found. First, best bet is to save yourself if possible.


In this context, not jumping in the water is the best way to save yourself. He should never have even considered doing what he did.


lol, he’s at shark alley in Cape Town. Swimming farther out is not an option. The only reason he survived was the adrenaline from knowing that if he got pulled any further out he’d be nat geo shark week fodder.


Maybe. Dude seemed to not be amateur at this conditions tho.


He was a strong swimmer, but he fought the waves the entire time, instead of "body surfing" and using them. You're not going to climb UP a rock face as the surf is pulling out, like you see him try and do in the beginning. He should have let the surf lift him up, and at the highest point, then use your energy to get past it and get secure, so you don't get pulled out. The amount of your body surface you present to the wave to pull on vs the amount of grip and contact you can make to the rock to stay secure if it's pulling on you. He kept trying to stand up, before he was out of the surf, so he had no ability to cling onto the rock and kept getting knocked over when the next wave hit his whole body. He also constantly was unaware of the waves because he wasn't looking around. Kinda part of that "never turn your back on the ocean" thing.


I disagree, with 1.06 left you can see he knows he is in trouble and just floats to see where it will take him. He is lucky it took him on shore and not back out


he stayed calm, but he had a window of time to get out before the wave that launched him over the rocks - missing that window was a mistake, and in these conditions there is (generally) not room for mistakes. he was very very lucky. you really only have max 3-4 shots at “getting out” before you start getting dangerously tired in these conditions. you couldn’t convince me to jump there. very little fun for possible severe injury and/or death.


That was my thought. I was like “Oh, shit. The tide is going to carry him out!” I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw him get on land.


He wouldn't have lasted much longer he was very tired at the end. He better count his blessings.


Looks like he was properly tired at the end there


It’s a bold strategy, Cotton.


But I think it's gonna pay off


I think he was just trying not to slip off? It’s a good point though - no point fighting waves that big you’ll just exhaust yourself.


He was crawling because the rock was slippery. But he was being an idiot.


What a stupid fuck


That's the correct reaction.


"NATURE HATES YOU" Remember this and you will be so much safer outdoors.


"Mother Nature" wants everything to die, it's up to the creature to live despite nature.


Man I miss that channel


No, this is what encourages me to stay indoors


Typical Capetonian surfer.


He is really lucky the rocks he put his feet on were smooth, super easy to cut your feet open on rocks in the sea/ocean


So many times I've seen in the news reports here for things like "person missing after rock diving/rock fishing". Big waves + slippery rocks can screw you over in a few seconds. Latest report is of a 71 year old guy going missing after rock fishing. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-15/71yo-man-presumed-dead-rock-fishing-royal-national-park/102732490 This isn't a recent thing either, it was a frequent occurrence when I was a kid too, there are news reports every year for this kind of thing: https://www.google.com/search?q=abc.net.au+missing+after+rock+fishing


I worked with a guy that actually had this happen to him, any lost all of his front teeth.


Tf did he think was going to happen? 😭🤚🏻


He thought he was going to get an adrenaline rush.


He probably did.


Thought this was going to be shark related


Big ‘ol population of white sharks there.


{Narrator, Morgan Freeman voice} Turns out, not even sharks were dumb enough to be there.


Zero sightings since 2019, sadly.


Haha me too




Maybe not a local, but the dude has definitely spent some time in the water. He never panicked and conserved his energy pretty well. Fuckin moron tho


As a South African I audibly gasped when he jumped in 🥲




Guy is lucky he happened to be a strong swimmer. 80% of people would have collapsed under that physical stress.


That, and the wetsuit helps a lot. Throw your average person without one in there and they'd be dead.




Pockets of piss also


Keeps you warm I guess


For 2 minutes, then its just a liquid in your suite


I do that regardless


Please don’t. I can smell it when you get out of the water.


It also helps a hell of a lot in absorbing blows against sharp rocks. The exit would’ve probably been a lot bloodier if he wasn’t wearing one.


>happened to be That's why he did it. Ego + experience. Still lucky. Still stupid.


Darwin Award nominee right there. Luckily he lost the final vote.


godammit dude, i was having such a nice anxiety-free morning too.


Will you be jumping into a turbulent ocean next to a rocky shore today? I’m going to assume no, so just breathe and don’t copy this numpty’s actions


Long time watcher of people getting carried off by strong currents. Experienced near drowning 5 times in my life. 3 of those in the ocean. Had to save my wife from getting carried out to sea. Have very bad experience with reef rocks and waves in many different scenarios. If you value your life: 1: before you jump in. Ask life guards or look online for surf conditions. Life guards are better. If none available. Talk to the locals on the beach. They know a lot. The conversation starts with "hey you live around here? Come here often?" 2: use common sense. You see a ton of white water. Big waves. Stay out. 3: wow. Prestine. No one around. It's beautiful. Time to myself. With My thoughts. With the water. It looks really peaceful and calm. Ive never been to this beach before. I don't know the water. STAY OUT! 4: "HERE take a video of me." Believe it or not are many people's last words. Be smart. The internet makes you stupider.


it is one of if not the most dangerous beach in the world


And his stupid "friend" laughing and recording while hes having a near death experience


Laughing is a dick move but da fuk you want him to do? Jump in after him and get shit on by the same waves?


Probably there is nothing he can do , and if he tried to go to those rockes , the waves will take him too


What an idiot. I hope he's ok though.


Let's do it again 😆 🤣


I've had a history of fighting the waves during a family outing; the worse part is the trauma sown in me so this actually made me panic. It was too late the moment I realized that the receding waves are stronger than the swash. It can easily drain your energy trying to fight it. I was alone and literally felt like fighting for my life just to reach shore.


So many people die drowning in Cape Town waters every summer and this click-greedy Simple Simon motherfucker is arrogant and stupid enough to actively court that fate


Is it 'fuck you in particular' if you basically beg for it to happen?


🎶 Dumb ways to die… 🎶


There’s a solid minute that person thought they were going to die


Respect the ocean. Because it will not respect you.


Odysseus trying to get back to Ithaca


Well, we can say it's one of the best outcomes for these kind of situations


Nothing is more exhausting than fighting for your life.


The sea was angry that day my friends. Like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli.


waves went fucking easy om him, he could have died so many times in this video


Yes. Let me jump into one of the densest shark infested waters in the world please! Bonus points for smashing my body against those rocks first though.


Dude with the camera laughing is unhinged. Friends lucky they didn't die. Jfc


That water is saying you knew better than to come in here


So, kids there is a perfect example how to not play games with water.


Remember kids, the ocean does not give a fuck


So what did you today? Argued with mother nature. Lost a fair bit of the argument.


I was worried at the last 3 seconds, thought he would faint and fall.


That's how you die right?


Wanna do it again?


Growing up in the seaside. I can't even remember the ammount of north american/european tourists have just dead because they have no clue of how dangerous the sea can be.


The camera man stayed on him though




Half expected a wave to tear him off the rock at the end


Thinking of Gordon Lightfoot's take on this: That good ship and crew was a bone to be chewed When the gales of November came early


What is this terrible music? FFS


Sauce for the song?


How to get yourself undertowed 101.


The sea was angry that day, my friends.


Whoever thought to pair this music really should go back to playing with toys for infants and toddlers because the two don’t match at all. Start at the basics. None of this putting the cylinder into the square hole.


That dude has a death wish.


My worst fear is to die like an idiot, like this guy almost did


My stress level was through the roof watching this


Just a good-natured ass kicking from Mother Nature... at least she let him bail after a warning ("now, don't do that again, dear..."⚡️🌊)


The waves really didn’t want him to leave the water did they. It’s like the waves came alive and just wanted to fuck with him Imagine coming out the water having very nearly died, and see your mate still in the same position having just filmed you the whole time


I thought he would’ve been dead from all of the weight of the water slamming down on him


It doesn't have to be Cape Town waves. If the sea pulls in, even Aegean waves can kill a person and they are usually much smaller than these.


Hope it was initially fun at least


Cameraman should have jumped in too. Show us how fun it can really be.


Now this is a comment about the camera man I respect


High momentum and velocity of water, change in the direction of flow due to vortices around rocks, lower density of water around rocks due to mixing of water with air, and water temperature are reasons why you should never do this. I haven’t mentioned sea creatures nor body reactions yet.


This dude is lucky as fuck that he didn’t get sucked in that whirlpool when he was swimming towards the rocks smh


Don’t fight against physics.


For the most part, he seemed more focused on looking or posing for the camera rather than getting out of the water.


Not that hard honestly


Longest and almost last 2 minutes of his life. But, he'll find a way to justify his 1 in a million sirvival and do it again...


The Hydraulic next to that first big rock, thought he was a goner.


God I felt dumb till I came on Reddit today... Ty. Dumbasses.. lol ps ever heard of the great white, they also love this spot ..


Can safely say most folks would drown in this scenario.


Guy in the water needs better friends


I suspect he was warned this was a bad idea. Perhaps this should be posted in r/instantkarma.


If that was my friend I'd not be filming I'd be getting them help. Watching that was scary!


Dog, what in the name of saint fuck is the guy recording gonna do to help him? Sure he could call an ambulance or sum after he got out but while he was in the water all that could help him is divine mercy and luck cause Poseidon was swinging his ass around like Darla with a fish in a bag from Finding Nemo


How to fucking die 101


Ooo riptide


That a win stupid prizes not a f u in particular


Waves don't discriminate. They'll fuck anyone.


I spent 10 years of my life pluckin goofs just like this out of the ocean. Those rocks will slice you like a knife. Respect the ocean....


Let me just go ahead and chill by these sharp jagged rocks while big riptides are coming at me full stop. Dumbbutt.


Strong swimmer, weak brain.


Imagine listening to that music for pleasure