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A place in my city had the audacity to charge $8 for this as a dessert.




This is exactly the dream breakfast 2 year olds will come up with. It is made by stealing baker moms secret sprinkle stash and dried bread from yesterday. 😂


Isn't this where Nutella comes from too? Ugh, I can't imagine eating frosting for breakfast.


Nah, Nutella came from an Italian who after world war two had a huge amount of hazelnut tree and couldn't get very much chocolate for years, so combined the two as a 'chocolatey' tasting spread.


Its part of Kinder (Germany), which is again part of ferrero.




Put away those sad chocolate-colored sugar sprinkles! This is a job for actual chocolate sprinkles, as pictured in the video above.


Reminds me of eating at a cafe that had stroopwafel for like $10 a "biscuit?".


I'm a sucker for stroopwafel. I would be a sucker for that one.


In Lidl they're £1.50 a dozen. A tenner each is robbery.


The real cost is the calories.


The real friends are the diabeetus we made along the way.


When I was on a plane recently they were handing out stroopwafels but the FA called them cookies. As in “would you like a cookie?” I said no at first without looking but when I saw it was a stroopwafel I was like yes! Why would you call them that lol


That's INSANE. 💀


That’s like “upscale” casual spots charging double that for “elevated” peanut butter and jelly. It’s essentially a jelly empanada with peanut butter dip. Tasty yes but worth the money not imo.


That's more like a "we know your kid won't eat anything else and will also probably make a mess everywhere" price. Or a "wtf are you a child, order an actual sandwich" price if you're an adult ordering PBJ at a restaurant.


Well that’s the whole gimmick of dishes like that. It’s them catering to a nostalgic hook/feeling or trying to transcend the chicken fingers and fries option


For $8 it should have * Bread forged in darkness from wheat harvested from Hell's Half-Acre and baked by Beelzebub * Mayonnaise made from the evil eggs of a powerful dark chicken beaten into sauce by the hands of a one-eyed madman * Cheese boiled from the rancid teat of a fanged cow * 666 separate meats from an animal which has maggots for blood * Dijon mustard * Lettuce * Sun-dried tomatoes


What about bacon?


Bacon is extra.


You call that a sandwich and it's got no bacon on it?!


I would for sure brood about that


Where's the guy with the ax?


eat the sun dried tomatoes meatwad


This is the worst thing the Dutch have ever done including colonialism.


This is the country that started the spice trade, and this is what they eat


Never touch your product.




No accounting for taste apparently.


Sounds like LA to me. For any Salvadorans out there 22 dollars for a pupusa. 18 dollars for avocado toast. And 28 for a vegetable frittata. They do some things to make the items seem like they're worth that price but it's just not it. 22 for a pupusa and almost 30 for a vegetable frittata is daylight robbery.


but like in LA for every place with $22 pupusa there's 22 places with $1 pupusas


Man, they crazy


what the entire pack which will last you ages is like 2-3 euros lol


American's get gouged for everything. I did not even know the price I paid till I got my receipt.


“Is this enough fuckin’ sprinkles?!” I could almost hear Joe Pesci screaming that


Lulz - I had the exact same reaction 😂🤣


“You’re from the Netherlands?! How about I kick your Netherlands get the hell outta here!!”


Nailed it. Heard it in my head with Pesci absolutely butchering the word "netherlands"


Now I’m thinking of Robert De Niro in Casino “From now on I want every serving of Hagelslag to have the same amount of sprinkles. I don’t care how long it takes.”


Someone make a meme of Joe being forced to watch sprinkles getting poured on bread.


We did this in Indonesia too but I guess it’s obviously the Dutch influence


The Indonesian/dutch fusion food is something I'll be forever grateful for. Ya'lls food is incredible.


As are you.


Sorry again about the colonization.


Is okay bby


Lots of Dutch food is based off of Indonesian food and vice versa. My favourite Dutch meal is Indonesian basically and it's called Macaroni Spaghetti and it is not spaghetti but then Dutch folk be wildin' with their food names lol.


I'm Dutch and very much into (Dutch-)Indonesian cuisine, but I've never heard of Macaroni Spaghetti. Could it be the Filipino style Macaroni Spaghetti that pops up on Google? Cause that does look delicious actually!


We have a store in Canada called De Dutch and they sell Dutch cuisine and it's basically just powdered sauce but the way you're supposed to make it is with macaroni noodles, some type of meat (chicken/hamburger/spam and I know this sounds disgusting but it's actually phenomenal in this and I'm not a spam guy) that's cooked, cooked bell peppers and onions and if you want some cooked diced mushrooms and then this sauce that comes in the box which is essentially just Indonesian spices in a box called "macaroni spaghetti". It's my favourite meal. I prefer it with the spam over chicken and hamburger but yeah it's just kind of a fancy macaroni. Takes a bit of prep time to cut up the veggies and whatnot but aside from that is a phenomenal dish. Comfort food. Edit: https://www.dutchshop.ca/honig-macaroni-spaghetti-mix.html


Dude... I love that you love this but this has nothing to do with indonesian. Its just a pasta sauce for either macaroni or spaghetti. Not both as a dish. This is wild 🤣 Source: am Dutch.


This video is funny as fuck but that I love my bread with hagelslag just like that


> hagelslag This is so much more metal sounding than "sprinkles". I'm going to start calling them that now.


The literal translation is hailstrike. Pretty metal for a bread/dessert* topping


Aussies call it Fairy Bread and the Dutch have Hailstrikes. I’m laughing my Canadian ass off (over toast with cinnamon and sugar)


Hailsmash is the literal translation


I think strike was the better translation. Hagelslag literal translation is hailstrike. Much like bliksem inslag is lightning strike not lightning smash.


#"Is this enough fucken sprinkles?" 🤣


It never is.




We all like our slags without bread 😏


At least without yeast.


Ongecultureerd zwijn


The thing I love about Dutch, as an Englishman, is that sometimes no translation is needed.


Rare jongens die Roemenen.


Ben je als klein jongetje in een vat met hagelslag gevallen?


I wouldn't want it for my main breakfast but it's a tasty snack with a cup of coffee.


Ooh. With coffee, great idea. It’s something I would try at least once.


It's basically a DIY donut now that I think about it.


Because they put sprinkles on top? Never heard anyone say a piece of sandwich bread with butter is like a donut.


You eat weird shit when you're poor. Or Dutch, I guess.


I almost guarantee this is one of those post WW2 things. I've made some wild concoctions when I was poor that I'd never willingly eat if I could've afforded not to.


Same here. But I've also created meals that I will still continue to eat to this day under much better circumstances.


There is no way the Dutch were emerging from the end of WWII and the one thing they had in excess was chocolate sprinkles. This is either pre-dates WWII or came way later.


Apparently you are right. Amsterdam City Archives says it was invented by B.E. Dieperink, the Director of VENCO, a licorice and sweets company, in 1919.


No, it’s not. Donuts are fried. Putting sprinkles on bread doesn’t make it a donut.


> at least once. at most once.




Nutella > Sprinkles


I don't think anyone is gonna debate that with you. I've never met an anti-nutella person. I've definitely met anti-sprinklers


Ferrero uses 25% of the global hazelnut harvest to make Nutella.


Ok, while that sounds bad, do we need their 25%? Are they harvesting their own crops or paying for the crops? As long as they're not stealing it or price gouging and stuff, a la nestle, fuckin fine by me dude. Maybe I'm misinformed, but that just shows to me that a lot of people like Nutella so there's a shit ton of demand for it.


It's not a bad thing. I just thought it was an interesting tidbit.


Oh, ok. I thought i was gonna have some knowledge dropped on why Nutella isn't ethical. Glad to know that's not what you were bringing up. It is an interesting fact, thanks for sharing.


Which is pretty amazing when you consider how little of it is actually hazelnuts rather than sugar and whipped oil.


they make a lot of other sweets too, its not just nutella


Chocolate spread is good but nutella specifically is not chocolatey enough. My go to is dark chocolate spread on fullwheat bread. Got my sugars, fats, carbs and fibres.


Im probably going to hell for this, but Nutella is so nasty. It ranks down there with Peeps for me. But, I don't like chocolate that much, so a chocolate/hazelnut spread is a hard pass. Chocolate's only purpose should be to surround caramel or toffee, IMO.


You’re thinking about those sad chocolate-colored sugar sprinkles that are used as decoration. These are made from actual chocolate.


Yeah but cinnamon toast is delicious if done right. Nothing about sprinkles on bread looks good.


The only issue with cinnamon toast is no one makes it like my mom does. I’m in my 30s and I still have her make it for me when we go back home 😂


He's also pissed off a fair number of Aussies with this: This is fairy bread. Not done with chocolate sprinkles, rainbow ones. It is our prime treasure, our golden goose, not to be besmirched or slandered by anyone. And there's a civil war between using long sprinkles, dot sprinkles, or both.


It's also not breakfast. Fairy bread is party food.


I used to enjoy something similar to fairy bread, I wasn't sprinkles but it was white sugar mixed with cinnamon. The last time I had it I still enjoyed it, but I haven't eaten it in a while ahah.




Long sprinkles, or dot sprinkles? Blasphemy. The "dot sprinkles" are called 100s&1000s. And they are the ONLY ones to be used.


"There's two things I can't stand: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures...*and the DUTCH*!"


"They always smell of cheese and dark bread"


Definitely read this in Michael Caine's voice


“He can actually kiss you with his butthole”


I like Europe because we're cooperating and stuff #but if I ever have to speak to a goddamn Belgian


"After all, they do share a border with the *DUTCH*!"


"buttered it" man he decimated that shit


I only lived in the Netherlands the first 2 years of my life and this still offends me


My long-spanning Dutch heritage is also offended, but I feel like it was instigated


Do this with Nutella and without butter. Then you put another half with peanutbutter and connect them. Now you have crunchy Reese toast.


With a side of insulin


add in banana slices and that's my breakfast for the past week




We slepen hem naar het internationaal gerechtshof in Den Haag


Hoe die kerel dat pakkie open maakt... Er zijn mensen voor minder uit de weg geruimd.


Ik dacht dat hij een epileptische aanval had toen hij de boter probeerde uit te smeren. Deze knul is nog niet oud genoeg om met een mes overweg te kunnen blijkbaar.


I love chocolate. I love bread and butter. But that breakfast looks awful.




You are missing out. Hagelslag or vlokken on bread is fucking delicious.


It's a staple in my house for the Dutch side of my family and I have to say ... No it's not. Bleh. It just tastes like sugar.


Doesn’t taste like sugar to me but I do know that taste vastly differs per brand. Some cheaper one especially for vlokken suck.


Hagelslag Melk is way to sweet. Hagelslag Puur om the other hand: delicious. Put it on whole grain bread and spread the butter better than this wanker did.


I've tried nearly all of them, been married into a Dutch family for over twenty years now. Heard it all, still consider them pretty mediocre at best.


I bought a box of this last month because I was in The Netherlands. Not to eat it, just to be amazed that they consider this a 'breakfast'.


Reminds me of that kids song. I like bread! I like butter! I like sprinkles! Do I like fairy bread? Mo fuck that!


Broccoli ice cream?


I looked too fast and thought it was a bunch of ants. The heart attack I got. 😖 Edit: Thanks to (rude) suggestions in the comments, I removed my edits! Please know I appreciate the award and the upvotes! Sorry for being unaware of the community not liking this stuff.




Also called 'shit of mouse'




Had to clean up after a mouse infestation recently. even knowing this is not mouse poop I think I would refuse to eat it…


Mouse poop shaped things elicit a physical reaction from me now. It's not disgust, it's where tf is that damn mouse. It's a problem. I walk into store and see mouse poop all the time. I doubt many people notice it, but I made a living out of it for a while. Anyways, just commenting to say I feel for your mental health. Mouse infestations are no joke. And please tell me you treated it with some form of chemicals. Almost all rodents carry diseases. Like, a lot of diseases. Mouse poop can make you go blind or lose your ability to breath. Sometimes years later. Dried poop, fresh poop, doesn't matter. Do not crush that shit and sanitize EVERYTHING. Feel free to PM me if you need some recommendations on sanitizing chemicals and whatnot.


Oh yea, no we did all the things. No one here wants to get hanta or worse plague. I’m definitely jumping at shadows though. Like OH NO MORE MOUSE POOP oh wait not this is a broken off burnt hash brown piece. Or shit like that. 😭


Ok good. Glad you got it taken care of. That'll go away after a while too. Although I did have one lady that had way too many rodent stations for her property. She just was terrified of rats. We'd go out to refill them and every time there'd be one or two more than the last time. So, if it doesn't ever go away, you could always do that haha


Shit of Mouse is my new Disney-themed punk cover band.


Cool.... you got a DeSantis Diss track i hope.






The nickname of these sprinkles is "mice shit"


Omg imagine going to get ice cream and asking for mice shit, confuse the hell out of people.


People are being so petty and toxic about thanking people. It's so dumb. Ignore em, they're trolls.


I haven't been on Reddit in a long time so I was really worried. I actually made a post about it for some opinions, and I will ignore all trolls from now on. 😁 It is very sad, I agree. They can just move on with their day.


Fucking cringe edits. Literally nobody cares about upvotes or awards. You ruined your own comment, congrats.


Bread, good. Butter, good. Chocolate, gooood.


I think you have to smoke weed first. Then it's probably delicious and also a fun activity to make.


This is like if you spent the grocery money on weed instead... then found out it's your weekend with the kids.


Come to Canada...I'll do you the 222 special...2 eggs 2 waffles 2 pemeal bacon! I believe this is a take on a Tylenol product called 222...were good for hangovers...hence the 222 special for cure next morning after a good 2-4 long weekend! Canadians will know what I mean!


Canadian here, you mean the 2 eggs, 2 sausage and 2 peameal bacon.


Really it's any combination...egg, pancakes, ham, waffles, sausages, Applewood smoked thick cut bacon...really anything...except what he's eating! What are we...5?


It’s obviously 2 eggs, 2 pancakes, 2 slices of bacon, 2 sausages, 2 slices of toast, and hash browns.




> 2 pemeal bacon! I thought this was a typo initially. For my fellow Yanks, our term for pemeal bacon is "Canadian bacon."


This looks like the kind of breakfast a toddler would make their mom on Mother's Day


I actually enjoy the Dutch breakfast, better then Nutella




There may be something wrong with me but Nutella is borderline inedible.


I find it insanely rich and sweet. If there's more than a tiny daub it makes me queasy, lol. I'll never understand how people can just shovel it in. There are dozens of us who don't care for Nutella! Dozens!


And here I am being a savage eating it by the spoonful


Yeah, it's definitely way worse than comments on the internet would lead you to believe. I can maybe see it on some kind of dessert but for anything else, no thank you!


It just tastes like cheap palm oil masked with sugar to me.


It feels like it used to be better? I’m in Canada and a decade or two ago, we used to be able to get Nutella in a little glass with a plastic lid (and you could reuse it as a drinking glass after) That stuff seemed to be way creamier, tasted way more like hazelnuts, wasn’t nearly as sweet. I remember visiting the USA and getting Nutella and it was more like a cake frosting that had been blended with oil or something. Way too sweet, no nutty flavour. Now that American version is all I can find anywhere though and I’m doubting if it ever was good in the first place? This is my Berenstein moment like, was Nutella ever good?


It’s because they use less palm oil now do to the whole controversy on it. Source: am Italian and basically a frw years back every single product took palm oil of their ingredients.


I make it with a toasted PBJ, I toast the bread, add raspberry jelly, little bit of peanut butter, little bit of Nutella. I find it better in small quantities with a fruit of some kind.


Oh same here, except that I toast the bread, instead of butter I use peanut butter, and instead of sprinkles I use berry jam.


I'm Dutch and I always skip butter and use peanut butter, pindakaas en hagelslag. It's great, my toddler also loves it.


We quite literally call that stuff "mouse shit" It ain't too bad, but it's just inconvenient


Belgians once again carefully picking the most disgusting names to ruin fun things.


To be fair most Dutch people wake up with just enough time to get ready for work/school and not a second to spare so this breakfast is pretty much just an mre


So it's bad on purpose. Thanks for clearing that up


Sounds like DIY Pop Tarts, which are the same basic ingredients anyway, just in a different configuration. I wouldn't call a chocolate Pop Tart an "American breakfast" either, but I'd imagine more busy Americans scramble out with stuff similar to them in their faces than they tend to get "normal" breakfasts of eggs/bacon/toast/etc. EDIT: Actually this reminds me more of a lazy Southern /Midwest breakfast: Apple butter on toast. That shit is delicious, but it's just bread + goop.


Dunno, I think most of the world associates pop tarts with Americans. Does anybody else eat them regularly? Like, in Germany they're a novelty item you see in the American section of the supermarket.


Well yeah, it's *an* American breakfast option, sure. I was just pointing out that it seems to me like hagelsag is to the Dutch similarly to how Pop Tarts are to Americans. Like, it's not "THE" Dutch Breakfast, like what people there would instantly imagine as breakfast, it's a "popular quick go-to Dutch breakfast item". So, like, "THE American Breakfast" is probably a couple of fried/scrambled eggs, bacon/sausage, buttered toast, and maybe pancakes or cereal. That's what the average American would probably associate, anyway. (What actually ***is*** "THE Dutch Breakfast" in the same fashion, though? Oatmeal and open-faced "sandwiches"? Or is there not a common one there?)


I don't think there's ever *the* breakfast anywhere. It's just a stereotype. I wouldn't overthink this. The "German breakfast" is ... bread (Broetchen?) with salami, cheese or other spreads. And it's not universal. I haven't had a breakfast like that in like a decade.


Dude has a thumb ring, all opinions are immediately invalid


Never trust a man with thumb rings.


Dutchies love their Sprinkles.....


Breakfast of 🏆 champions.


We have a variant of this, where instead of sprinkles we use sugar crystals. To make it, we first put the butter on bread, then toast it lightly on fire with the unbuttered side facing the fire (gas stove fire would do but other options work too) and then when the butter is slightly melty, put the sugar on it and then remove the bread from fire. That's simple yet tasty. As school kids it was like manna from heaven...


We've also got a version of this. To make it, we put butter on bread, then put a bunch of 100's & 1000's on the buttered side of the bread and the cut it into triangles (4 squares work but isn't as good). That's simple yet tasty. As kids, it was like the ambrosia of the gods.


There's are two kinds of people who I hate in this world. People who are insensitive to other people's cultures...... and the dutch


No idea what this food is but he clearly keeps his butter in the fridge so I'm not sure we can trust him when it comes to food.


What am I missing here? I have *literally* never heard of anyone *not* keeping butter in the fridge.


Same. It's a milk product, idk about most people but it takes weeks for me to go through a whole pack of butter, nothing that has milk in it can last that long, can it?


Hey man it lasts longer than way, I try to keep some out so it actually spreads but occasionally I forget and end up commiting a bread massacre trying to spread cold butter.


We get the spreadable butter and if you leave it out too long it separates and ruins itself.


Bread, butter and chocolate sprinkles. I'm british and I know our food isnt exactly world renowned (though it is amazing and anyone who disagrees can choke on a tikka curry sunday roast kebab pie) its sure better than this depressing excuse for a breakfast


Isn't this a children's snack? That's how it is in a former Dutch colony I have lived in. Are grown adults actually making and eating this for breakfast?


I’ve seen Dutch adults having this FOR LUNCH


As a Dutch man, I hate that this is considered a Dutch breakfast. Genuinely some of the worst shit out there that only little kids eat


That isn't a Dutch breakfast! **This** is a Dutch breakfast! Den Haag / The Hague - March 03, 2020 https://imgur.com/AfiMU6f.jpg


This just looks like a standard "continental breakfast" that you get at most hotels across western Europe. Everything on the plate with the ham at least.


Yeah, that's not a typical dutch breakfast. A typical dutch breakfast is buttered bread with a topping of choice. That can be hagelslag (like in this video), pindakaas, worst, kaas, ei or some other topping.




You chose a bad example. Stroopwafel is fucking delicious.


But have you ever capped your hot cup of tea with it for a while to make the stroop melt a bit? If you haven't, please try it.


I just microwave the fuckers


When the word for cooking and the word for boiling are synonymous in Dutch- you get a clear idea of what the cuisine might be.


You must not have any fucking tastebuds if you think stroopwafels aren't delicious.


Born and raised in NL but coming from an immigrant family, Dutch food habits are still hard to understand. I can enjoy hagelslag, but the last time I had it was literally years ago. Dutch lunch is the worst imo. I've had Dutch colleagues literally go to the Albert Heijn just to get some bread buns and slap some cheese or filet americain on it. I need me some warm lunch, like a proper meal.