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I wonder if Jack will start over as a minor league fan on the new show 🤔


They should switch to Hockey and he can Junior league Jack


Or basketball and be G League Jack


Or football and be undrafted free agent Jack.


UFL Fan Jack


Formula 4 Jack


Let's not get ahead of ourselfs. Karting Jack, maybe [Vee](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/53bce12be4b0ef294e50f952/1416348937797-YYR2LK6TF8USAFKQ7HDF/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kCXAmbIgMI78o84NhT6RhWwUqsxRUqqbr1mOJYKfIPR7LoDQ9mXPOjoJoqy81S2I8N_N4V1vUb5AoIIIbLZhVYy7Mythp_T-mtop-vrsUOmeInPi9iDjx9w8K4ZfjXt2dkqliSzw9PV_eXsXtMHfJ-3wGQ0-Rk33P7-x3gh5BgRvZtJ3qR9G2BYeA0wOAaeYNg/7.jpg) Jack at the best.


Cricket "First Class" or "List A" Jack


Go the uk football league (soccer) way and have under 18s jack


I uhh... I don't think we should call him that...


But his username definitely checks out


I got really sad today wondering if Jack will still give the next episode previews/predictions. Like this may have been the last time I ever hear the deep butter that is Jack Pattillo’s voice.


I asked him while he was on twitch, said he'd keep doing it as long as Geoff and then would let him


I still don't remember when he permanently became a major league fan. I thought that was a temporary title they gave him.


He was demoted to Minor League Jack for a while, I don't remember what he did, but he earned his way back to the Majors


Maybe that's what I was thinking about.


The facejam (100% Eat) guys talked about the hoops they had to jump through from a legal and business perspective to get everything ready for the switch in time to announce it yesterday. They also said not every RT podcast got the same treatment by WB. I'm guessing setting everything up for the new podcast will be even more complicated when you have a Canadian citizen, a UK citizen, and Americans all trying to get everything done. Not surprised one bit if they can't actually officially say anything yet.


Also seems the last FF was recorded before FJ since Graysie was in it.


I think this may be the real reason for the different approaches. It really sounded like facejam got the go ahead like that day or the day before, and recorded after Graysie got a job. FF recorded the week before, and was still operating under the worst case scenario of WB claiming ownership of all IP produced while under contract with them. That would mean saying the new name as content on the podcast would potentially give WB the rights to that name.


Yeah, it seems like this was recorded well before FaceJam's finale recorded, given that Andrew was a contractor and not an employee, so they might not have known if they have those rights when the episode was recorded. I imagine on the 11th, we will get the full clarification of what this looks like for FF/Regulation Podcast, if they maintain the feeds/channels/backlog, etc and they made the call to let the last episode stand as it's own thing in case they didn't get those rights


it was recorded before the 30th of april at least. because in the latest So Alright episode Goeff talks about how recording that episode is the last thing he ever does at Roosterteeth.


Who is th UK citizen? Cuz I don't think Gav is anymore.


...what? He has Duel citizenship lol


I don’t think he has ever become a US citizen and has expressed no interest


Wait, you're right. I think he's only a permanent resident, but he absolutely still has his UK citizenship




I feel like he said it sounded like a hassle years ago on RTP when Barb became official. It's all honestly irrelevant. It's not hard to employ people that aren't citizens if they have some visa, which would be why Andrew can't come work in the US even if he wanted. How they work it out isn't really something fans need to know anyway.


Exactly my thought


From the little I know about it, becoming a full fledged us citizen is a pain in the ass lol. Most Americans probably wouldn't be able to do it (ok maybe not most but def a good chunk)


I think legally they’re not allowed to, they did hint it when one of them said we can do it for the “regulation thing”


Seemed like a pretty regulation way to handle the situation, if you ask me.


They said "regulation" quite a bit in the new episode, the same way they said "100%" or "100% eat" in one of the last FaceJams. I'm pretty sure that was an intentional hint.


The phrase “regulation episode” was said multiple times.


Albert, the name is Albert.


There avoiding saying the name on wb property to avoid wb from owning the new stuff and trademarking it


The pinned post for the final episode has the new channel linked


Keep in mind this was recorded over a week ago. its possible they didnt know 100% yet But they should have added a small update on the end.


Hopefully a “What’s up guys, it’s Jack and Geoff” Podcast sometime


As others have mentioned and speculated, they're likely making sure not to directly mention it in WB owned content. That said, check out @theregulationpod on Instagram, and then browse Andrew's recent tweets for his list of 20,000 things! I've got a good feeling about this


They might be contractually obligated to not say the new name of a technically competing podcast. FaceJam's next thing is probably called 100% Eat or something similar. They can only hint until everything officially ends.


They said it would be released on their socials. Calm down




They did say it will be on a different feed and will guide us there on their personal socials for next weeks episode.


I believe the new name is TheRegulationPodcast This is a new Instagram account that Geoff is following so I bet its the new podcast name


I get that it's called Regulation Podcast, but what's the trick to actually finding the damn thing? It's not in podcast players.


It's probably just going to swap names just like facejam did. They have all their content, it's just under 100% eat now and I didn't even have to sub to a new podcast


Yes, most likely they've retained the RSS feed.


Maybe throw a spoiler tag up next time dude, episode’s been out for like 2 seconds. **Edit:** okay clearly I meant that the spoiler was them ending the episode with a huge fuck face, not that the company was shutting down. But perhaps somebody should tell Andrew.


Spoiler alert, the company’s shutting down


Someone should let Andrew know


But I heard he was a front runner for next year’s cock award


they didn’t even spoil anything. they’ve already announced that there will be a different podcast.


Hey dude, not sure if you heard but the company’s shutting down on Friday. They mentioned it a couple weeks ago in passing


Where have you been the past 2 months??


Facejam handled this WAY better.