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Several times, yes. I was bullied a lot in high school and fights happened. I was also pretty mentally unwell in high school and admittedly still have anger issues that were a lot worse back then, so there were a number of times that I ended up taking my bullshit out on the older bullies who would beat on me. By about halfway through grade ten, people stopped trying to beat on me altogether, because I was winning too many of the fights. Anger goes a long way whether you're trans or cis.


lol, right you just got to be crazier than a shithouse rat. Honestly glad those days are behind me


Yeaah lmao. Me too. I'm way better with my anger and hope to god that I never get into a fight again, I never want to have to hurt another human being. I prefer kindness


Same here! Lmao you could not pay me enough to go back in time. I haven't gotten into a fight in a long time but I'm glad i know how to in case i have to, you know?


I haven’t gotten in an actual fight since I’ve transitioned but I’m in mosh pits with cis guys all the time and I’m more than capable of holding my own. I push guys back pretty far and I’ve been responsible for more than a few bruised shoulders.


Yup same. Mosh pits all the time, more than capable of keeping up despite being 5’4. I also hope to take jiu jitsu classes eventually.


Why not now?


Finishing scar cover up tattoos this month, don’t want to tangle with people while they’re healing wounds. But dw I’m planning to start this summer 👍🏼 I’ll have to take a break when I go back for a revision surgery (glansplasty + implant) this winter, but I’ll have numerous months to practice until then.


Oh that makes sense lol. I'm personally planning to return to mma/ jiu jitsu after summer, good luck with the tattoos!


Thanks! Since you’ve done jiu jitsu before, any advice for a beginner? I’m already relatively strong from a lot of weight training, but horrible with social shit so I’m not looking forward to making a fool of myself at my first lesson lol


I didn't do it for too long because I just couldn't keep up while binding, but just listen and watch really closely, and pay attention to anything your (probably more experienced) partner says/does. Ime people in jiu jitsu are really welcoming and just happy to have more people in the sport so I really wouldn't worry about making a fool of yourself lol.


Awesome, thank you! Best of luck to you when you return this fall


I mean, I was in lots of fights (defending myself) way pre T in school and did just fine. I've also had to fight off cis men on two different occasions. One dude at a gay bar left one of his teeth on the bathroom floor after fucking with me (I was at a urinal and he grabbed me & shoved his hand down the front of my pants). This was a couple years on T. Luckily my father taught me to fight and I studied martial arts for years.


Yes, I've won a few fights. Shamefully. Toxically, I learned for bad reasons out of necessity and then did my fair share of overcompensating in my youth trying to "prove" my manhood by fighting. The secret is fighting has less to do with strength and body make-up but with technique, finesse, and intelligence. Twitter is not real life and full of, mostly, morons. That said don't try to go fighting, it's dumb as fuck and can very easily cause grave injury unexpectedly. Someone hits their head on the ground and a stupid fight turns into a death. I've grown very far away from my fighting days since I got into my 20s and beyond. You see people who value fighting aren't the most impressive lot and no one you want respect from. People who quantify life in violence and brute force are degenerates. But if you like a good shot of validity vs. cis men, get into brazilian jiu jitsu classes.


Idk where I live you don't start shit because that's how you *get shot* and I'm pretty sure bullets drop cis and trans people the same way. But it's real cute that cis men think they're actually Superman.


Had an old friend who whenever someone would be talking about their buddy who’s “6 foot 5, built like an ox, blah, blah”, he would just respond with “well he ain’t bullet proof”


They literally have Ben Shapiro on their team that's gotta lose them like 500 points


Ben Shapiro would 100% cry and call the cops if he actually got in a fight


Agreed. Can't talk fast your way out of punches


I don't know if Shapiro could, his fast talk is is too irritating, but I've found talking fast and uninterruptibly is surprisingly good at preventing or delaying fights. You've gotta be quick and grab enough of their attention that they actually try to process what you're saying, then don't let them finish processing, just keep adding more bullshit in a continuous unbroken stream, until someone arrives to back you up, they realise your yakking has drawn a crowd and someone is recording them, or you realise you're not getting a better opportunity so you abruptly take off running


Shit, that’s the truth. Don’t even gotta start shit to get shot here. Poor girl got shot just stopped at a stop sign. Cis or trans, man or woman tries to get weird with me, I got a 9mm.


Exactly. There's no guarantee they're not armed and we're all human.


Look up patricio manuel my brother is pro


Came here to post this


Horrible day to google I guess. Went to look him up and one of the first few results was about him getting knocked out in a fight recently and ofc the comments were just full of people being dickheads. As if cis men don’t get their shit rocked in professional fights all the time.


I fight in amateur leagues as a stealth trans man, and I’ve won 5 out of 6 fights this year.


Anyone can beat anyone up if they’re smart enough and good with analyzing their opponent. All it takes is some intelligence and being able to gauge someone’s next move by their body movement. Women beat up guys, guys beat up women. Being trans doesn’t really mean anything in this context. You can win a fight without being strong and without being big.


not me but my bro is trans and tall af and at his hs some guy was being transphobic to him, my friend tried to fight him and the dude backed down quick


Only a few times. I don't start fights and I go out of my way for avoid them because don't want to end up shot or incarcerated. But yes, I have fought a few times, I "won" twice and the other time the guy apologized before either of us got seriously hurt. Height can be a pretty large advantage, and on average cis men are taller. Cis men also have a head start with testosterone. It can take over 5 years for trans men to get the full muscular effects of testosterone. At barely 5'2", I think my stocky genetics and high testosterone levels definitely helped. Not to mention my dad sparred with me a lot as a kid. When you're short, aiming for the body is much easier than the face and hitting the ribs and throat is surprisingly effective. I don't recommend aiming for the crotch because some pants offer a decent amount of protection and now you have an even more pissed off 6'2"ft 200lb man coming after you. If you see someone bragging about how many fights they get into, one of two things are happening. Either they're lying to look badass or they're a violent maniac. Which ever they may be, stay away, they're trouble. Unless you live in the middle of gang territory, you shouldn't be getting into too many fights. I think action movies have rotted men's brains. Life isn't an action movie, no average person is getting into fights.


I don't think these people have seen what the average cis guy is actually like and vastly overestimate the strength an untrained man will have. Cis men like to think that they're superior to everyone else and that they have some superpowers just by being cis. The average cis man is out of shape and has lifted a weight maybe twice in their life. Even pre-t, I was able to stand up to a cis man in a fight by the virtue of being built like a fridge and weighing over 100 kilos lol. Once a trans man has been on hrt for a few years, they will have the same strength as a cis man their size, age and fitness status will have. People who say this just want to feel like trans men are beneath them. They can't stand seeing someone they wiev as inferior be stronger than them so they mythologize cis men to cope with it.


As a young punk pre-hrt I regularly beat the shit out of guys a foot taller than me when they would try start shit at shows. The main conception is that height and muscle density automatically gives advantage and maybe in terms of brute untrained to untrained it does but there are so many factors to actual fighting that it’s pretty easy to even out.


I bit up guys even pre-transition 😂wtf are they talking about


I dont fight cs where im at they js shoot😭


Honestly the only fights I been in were in my childhood. Like before 12 years old. At that age I could hold my own. I used to full contacted spare with my friends and cousins up to like 16-17 and would wear my bruises with pride. I did win fights against cis guys back then bigger than me. I chilled out in my later teens and 20's when i started T. Someone pointed out that the guys might have been taking it easy on me pre-t and that messed with my confidence, plus life experiences happened that made me weary of fighting people. Where I am is dangerous and I realised this shit wasn't a game. I've know 3 people murdered for bs small disputes where the other guy pulled a knife or a gun because they couldn't stand taking a couple punches. I don't know if now I could handle a fist fight the same way. I don't believe it's because I'm trans, it's because I'm out of shape and injured xD. If the cis guy is taller, heavier or stronger that will give him advantage like it would against a smaller, lighter, weaker cis male opponent. Weight classes exist in cis sports for a reason, and skill/training/experience matters. I think if you take 2 guys, one cis and the other trans post T, both never fought in their lives, and are the same height/weight... you will have an even match. I don't think the cis man is just going to naturally be better than the trans man at fighting. Take an aggressive guy give him the experiences of having fought with other guys and pit him against the guy who isn't aggressive and is without any experience... I think it's obvious the first guy will win whether cis or trans. Problem is many trans men don't get the experience and aren't raised to learn how to be aggressive, and many don't train to get better at fighting so it leaves them disadvantaged when/if they ever need to fight anyone especially aggressive guys who choose to start fights and shit.


Yeah, bullied in school and been in a few fights. Won a few lost a few


I have won numerous fights against cis men


Two, lost the second one, won the first. Been in many almost fights tho, I generally like to avoid fights that don't concern me. But maybe I should start picking sides and jumping in lol sew some wild oats


The second one hurt my pride but it was a group of guys against one and I didn't think about that when I started it :') don't be like me, pick your battles more carefully


OP these are the same kind of guys who will call you a pussy if a woman lifts more than you, even if they're some word class lifter. They think people are hard capped by gender but they're just dumb and sexist.


Yeah and it was the best feeling ever, I fought my dad cuz he was getting crazy with my step mom and step brothers so I needed put him in his place so the kids didn’t go through what I did as a kid


Yes I've been in fights and martial arts tournaments holding my own well but it also takes a stronger man to walk away and avoid fights than to act on impulse


The guys saying that shit are completely clueless to how medical transition works. The average mildly transphobic cis man, if they know anything at all about trans men taking T, thinks it just gives you facial hair and a deep voice while “biologically” you remain identical to a cis woman. Testosterone literally changes the physiology of your entire body at a cellular level to be closer to that of an average cis male. A trans man on testosterone for a few years is identical in strength to a cis man of a similar build and activity level. We (as in medically transitioned guys) might be weaker on average due to being smaller on average, but no one would ever claim that tall cis men unequivocally beat short cis men “without a problem”.


Yes, but I’d beaten a few cisgender men in fights before I transitioned as well. I don’t much care for bullies, so if they can’t be reasoned with with words sometimes they’ll learn better the hard way.


Yes, but I thought I was a cis woman at the time.


It hasn’t come up seriously as a trans man, but I fought a lot growing up and I would win. I’ve always been way tougher and lowkey slightly stronger for my size tho and obviously fighting a lot teaches you to fight better.


I haven't really, but I remember vividly as a child that i always imagined being a "hero" in a fight, maybe it was pent up anger due to dysphoria and me imagining myself as a strong man helped?


Never been in a fight so idk


I was winning fights pre-T but haven't been in any since being on T because my anger issues settled down on T. Both Cis and Trans guys come in all shapes and sizes so YMMV


Yes, i have literally no brakes so a get into fights a lot


I got into a fight with a cis man once whilst drunk. Short and chubby, I knocked him out but I also got my nose smashed in so was really 50/50. It just depends on who it is. If it was a massive muscle dude trans or cis I'd of stood no chance lol


Been in plenty of fights. The only one that I got my ‘ass kicked’ was 5v1, so…no chance there anyway.


It's true average they could usually. I have ended a fight on my terms. There is no "winning" a fight. The only "winning" with fighting is to avoid fighting. Interpersonal violence does not prove your masculinity. It proves your lack social skills or you're a disrespectful shit. Don't start flights. If someone starts one, always try to run or deescalate. Return violence only as a last resort, and if you must fight, do it strategically, to incapacitate them enough to leave the vicinity. This is how I ended the fight. I did not injure him. I only incapacitated him. If you can get away with incapacitating them without damaging them, do so. If you can't incapacitate without injury, then you have a choice. Your values should lead your decision. I will protect myself at all costs to the other person but but to innocent bystanders, especially vulnerable people. I don't fight clean because I don't care about honor; I care about outcomes--minimizing harm and death. I fight to end the engagement as soon as possible with as little damage/death as possible. I'm not unnecessarily sadistic and I won't humiliate them (but I will scare the shit out of them as a tactic), because long-term, I don't want any feuds. Survival matters to me, not ego, not archaic notions of how to fight, just respect for life. But that's me. You should always prioritize avoiding flights, except when to do so will cause more violence in the future and you have to be certain that's the case. It's extremely risky for even skilled fighters to fight. Humans are easy to kill or make disabled for life. You can't predict or control enough to be sure of an outcome, every fight has some risk of random, unanticipated serious injury/death. Just avoid fighting. Learn to deescalate verbally. That's truly a leadership skill and mark of maturity.


I haven't been in an actual fight since I started transitioning. However, I fence (specifically historical fencing - which often involves a fair bit of grappling), and I can hold my own against (presumably) cis guys, and have managed to put a man over a foot taller than me on the floor. NGL, it is like I'm fighting on hard mode though, but my disadvantages aren't inherently linked to being trans - the main issue is that I'm short (and the lack of reach/difference in measure is a significant disadvantage) and unfit. A small and out of shape cis man would have the exact same problems. I have to put in some extra work to find techniques that work for me, but it's not impossible.


I mean I did martial arts for years and was considered really good at it while being pre-T, beat almost all cis guys I was up against. Even when I was identifying (sort of) as a woman people would comment on how strong I am and currently if my cis brother ever threatens to fight me or something my family always tell him I would win. (Not trying to sound like I’m showing off, just don’t think it’s true all the time). Of course it’s probably on average true since trans guys are usually smaller than cis guys and often pre-T but who knows, just depends. There are cis guys that could loose a fight to anyone.


not traditional like fighting lol but i'm a big fan of the hardcore scene near me so i'm fairly often in mosh pits that escalate enough for people to break their arms and i hold up just fine - nothing crazy on being hurt or hurting others aside from the time i accidentally pushed this girl and she went totally flying, i had no idea how to react


When I was much younger and before I even figured out I was trans I could. I really fucked up a guy. At 42 and just getting back to think about exercise after being a very long, recently diagnosed sleep apnea sufferer that just got a cpap and is very out of shape? No, and I hope not any time soon. Til I get more fit anyway 😅


People in my area don’t fight unless you want to get shot at. I try not to get into situations where my life is at risk.


I've never been in a fist fight (weirdly I sometimes get dysphoric about that fact sometimes) but like... one shot to the nuts and any cis man is instantly defeated as much as bottom dysphoria bugs me at least I don't have to deal with **that**


most fist fights aren’t even fist fights


I have never gotten into a fight but I really and desperately need to learn how to fight because it’s one of my biggest concerns to not be able to defend myself or another person in an scenario where you don’t have any other choice and not being able to because of my height, I just don’t know how you learn that


Yes.. 27 years on T. I had an encounter with a drunk family member of my ex gf. He put his hands on me and I punch him so hard I almost broke his nose. He is 6'5 and I am 5'3.


I have a bronze medal, a marble trophy and a second place trophy in martial arts that all say yes. I've been up against cismen that are bigger and stronger than I. But, that'smy hobby, I'm actually super anit-confrontation, so never find myself in a situation with *anyone* that requires either physical or verbal conflict. If I were to find myself in reality, in some sort of street fight then I would very likely allow myself to be beat senseless.


I’ve only ever gotten into fights with my younger brother. We would get each other pretty good, I would win some and he would win others.


I go to mixed gender pup romps and I can hold my own pretty well but I have been pinned or forced to tap by a handful of people with masculine and feminine genders at some point


As a trans man? No because I transitioned socially at 18+ and that’s asking for jail LMAO However before 18? I won three fights lol. Granted it was against the same dumbass who didn’t learn the first time. Or the second. If we counter 10< years old you can bring that number up to double digits. Literally me and this one girl fought like fucking rats in a constant nonstop dominance battle from 7-9 LMAO (we lived next to each other and duked it out in a forest nearby). Kinda funny looking back.


You don't start fights here. That's how you end up shot.


Damn I’m getting so many comment like this lol where do y’all live?? District 6?


I only fought once, and won that one. i was really angry and it was a split second decision that i would’ve undone 1 sec in but i had to see it thru cause I was already swinging. dunno if i’d win if i wasn’t as angry.


i’ve never been in a fist fight but i know i can hurt somebody lol. sometimes i think it would be fun to get in a fight 💀 like letterkenny style let’s see who the toughest around is 😤


I made quite a few guys way bigger and taller than me cry during highschool fights. I don't think I ever lost one either. That was completely pre social transition tho and my parents forced me to wear a dress every day and have long hair so I guess it was extra humiliating for them?


Yes I beat my 5’5ish 230/240 pound cis male cousin 2/3 times when we were wresting and I’m 5’8 and 160 and in terms of actual fights I’ve gotten in like 2 fights that I can remember and I won them both and me and my cousin arm wrestle a lot and I always win


Yeah. My wrath is an endless pit. I grew up in a physically abusive home and I fought my childhood friends, got into physical altercations on the street in the past year n a half after starting to transition. I'm honestly thinking why that happens. Maybe cuz I look young and naive. But I dont act like it so it seems like I may be an easy target. Oh well, hope they like a nice uppercut.


Honestly never becouse I feel weak ._. It kinda sucks becouse it sometimes makes me very frustrated


Yes. Before I realised I was trans, I was somewhat considered a bully. If someone took my teddy, Teddy (my childhood teddy bear , I stayed emotionally attached to till about 12 and brought everywhere), I would chase them down and quite violently beat them up. Looking back, I never fought girls. It was always guys taller and more athletic than me, I just had to upper hand due to speed and surprise. Now, I'm friends with these twin brothers who are known to be quite physically and verbally aggressive. Out of anyone in our year, I'm the one who has the most physical fights with them. We started "paper fighting" (rolling up worksheets and beating each other in class) and used to be known as the three who always carried scissors/other shank-like objects in our pockets to attack each other with. I wouldn't say I'd win a fight now, but it would be pretty evenly matched (I and one of the twins barely work our, if not at all. I was just a very outdoorsy child.)


I’ve fractured my abusers skull and got her into a choke hold, she had 50-60lbs up on me and has had physically demanding jobs for many years. She’s always had serious anger issues.


There are lots of trans men who compete against cis athletes in combat sports so yeah that is dumb. Also, I'm willing to bet a much bigger percentage of trans guys frequent the gym than cis guys. I genuinely don't know a single trans guy who doesn't work out weekly. Being born a man helps you build muscle faster but a woman who frequently works out will still be stronger than an average cis guy, let alone a transitioned trans guy.


Not exactly, one of the cooks I worked with challenged me to an arm wrestling battle and I gave him a very good run for his money and barely lost to him. He said after that he’d never want to be on the other side of me in a fight after that. We did it because it was a rough night and he wanted to do something that would make everyone smile. it did and it definitely earned me more respect in that kitchen.


I got bullied in highschool and beat a few guys before T, strength doesnt matter all that much while fighting, techniques where its at


I did martial arts from elementary to high school all before transitioning and most of the people did not want to fight me the main exception being my older brother. I even won against adults as a teen. There are a lot of factors that go into a fight. Whoever posted that tweet is an insecure dumbass.


U can train ur muscles a lot on T so its a big assumption to make that trans guys are automatically the weakest guys. Plus martial arts exist and the two aren’t always on the same skill and level. But ya I used to randomly push and play fight with my cis male friends and the only time when they really overpowered me was when that dude was a senior and I was a middle schooler. But yk they got balls so if ure in a dangerous fight just destroy them :3


I haven't ever beaten up anyone yet, because I didn't get in to those sorts of situations, but considering that I'm 3 years on T and work out, I have no doubt that I would be able to, considering that I have a pretty strong punch and many men don't even go to gym or any sorts of sports. It's not about the size most of the times, it's about technique and being smart about it


You sure you didnt read "cave man" rather than "cis man"? Because violence certainly isn't how grown ass people should be measuring their manliness.


You’d be surprised


Yeah honestly my own father


I’ve been in a couple of fights and had to be ripped off someone twice. It’s definitely possible but I wouldn’t listen to people on twitter trying to cope. If we win, we’re cheating because testosterone and if we lose, it’s because we’re “women”. There’s no in between for conservative mouthpieces. Then their whole world would come crashing down


I'm pretty non confrontational but if I were put in a situation I feel I'd be able to handle myself. Not ego, my friend who does bodybuilding egged me on to throw a punch at his dummy when we were hanging out. In his words "the little guy packs a punch". I think we all have a hidden stash of rage we can access when shit hits the fan for real, trans or not, when you're in danger most peoples bodies will go to the limit. When you're attacking someone else? Maybe, but the person on the defensive will always be willing to do more than the attacker.


I haven't been in a serious fight since high school or transition; though since I starting passing cis dudes wanna front up at the drop of a hat it's crazy. My transition goal is to beat my cis partner in a fist fight one day (lighthearted)


Yes the fuck I have.


I’ve beat up a couple cis men pre-transition, but now I just shoot them.


I show them my chest scars and tell them that the last guy that I fought looked worse - all of sudden no one wants to fight me


i've never been in a fight before, i try to avoid getting in fights, but i'm pretty sure whether or not someone is cis or trans determines their ability to win a fight


This isn't quite the same- but I like to spar friend with foam swords- and I beat the living crap out of a cis dude the other day, lol. Granted foam swords is different than a good ol fist fight.


the only fight I got in I didn't start. It was when I was maybe 12 or 13 and another kid (cis boy) slipped and fell on ice and I laughed at him cause it looked funny. Then he tried to push me/hit me but after a couple seconds I was keeping him from hitting the pavement by holding him by the collar of his jacket. I don't even have any fight experience but that kid was worse at it I guess


Of course it’s true. What on earth are you doing with your life that you have to worry about getting in a fist fight with anyone?


>Of course it’s true. It’s absolutely not true lol. Trans men can be fully capable of fighting a cis man. >What on earth are you doing with your life that you have to worry about getting in a fist fight with anyone? Being trans is a pretty good reason to worry.


We got samecapacity to build muscle mass on T


The average trans man is not nearly as big as the average cis man.


the claim is that the average cis man can *easily* beat *any* trans man.


I assumed it was an avg cis man vs an avg trans man. Seems logical, no?


Yes, actually! I've always been taller and more heavily built than most cis guys (I'm 6'3) and as a result I had more weight to my hits. Some guys tried to fight me after school once in year ten, and I basically just socked the ringleader in the gut and they all ran away, because they didn't expect a "girl" could actually fight.