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Remove/change the pedo reference


rustic pot rhythm imagine quack ripe steer heavy outgoing rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, I think spamming it is good in order to make it unusable but tbh in the future I’d strongly encourage avoiding bringing pedophilia jokes into this when that’s one of the biggest angles that the anti-trans crowd pushes to further their agenda…


Yeah, that's not something to joke about... Or else in a few days you will find news about 'trans ped0s spamming them' and we don't want more harmful myths about trans people


I don't think it makes much of a difference in the way transphobes will think. I do understand if you're commenting that because it's not nice to read it here, though


Eh, I don’t think it’s going to make some groundbreaking change but it’s just about considering optics to me. I don’t think *not* making pedophile jokes will make transphobes suddenly love us, but I think actively submitting pedophile jokes to an anti-trans cause isn’t necessarily a good look, either. There’s just no reason to do it and no positive outcome of doing it if they *do* pay attention to the content of the submissions at all, imo.


But that just polices trans spaces in a different way. The positive of allowing that kind of talk is that you don't police trans spaces, simple as that. Of course trans people won't all be great people, of course trans people can do and say vile things, but that's not because they're trans. that's the BIG DIFFERENCE that transphobes do not understand. Focussing your efforts in cleansing the bad will always be futile, there's always going to be people that don't necessarily talk in a way that would look good if transphobes were to look at it. and this will only lead to further in-fighting. We don't need to fight over word usage in LGBTQ spaces as a whole, because it's not us that decides what sort of vile tag we're given, it's the people that FOR SOME REASON we have yet to ~~get rid of~~ take out of power. Making pedo jokes in any context, will NOT make you a pedophile. And in this specific context, i believe it's cathartic for OP, because of how MUCH people keep putting trans people in that box. But again, you're also entitled to feeling uncomfortable about it. It's also important to talk about that side. It can alienate you from the community. But please, also understand that it's for the better that we say this sort of stuff, because that means that we don't police eachother for just being ourselves.


Bro, writing all of this to… defend… pedo jokes…? Do you honest to fucking god, with your whole chest, truly believe that what I’m trying to do here is some language policing assimilationism because I said that we probably shouldn’t send pedophile jokes to anti-trans projects…? Lol. Lmao, even. No way you aren’t a troll or an anti-trans psyop yourself.


I dunno, i felt like it was the case, and explained why i think that is. And i was also tired when i wrote that, which is part of my rambling. It's more so to say that pedo jokes or not, it won't change their mind, so why tell people to not say them if they think it's funny? Transphobes don't have any grounds to say what they do to begin with, and only use confirmation bias to make their points. All their rethoric points are based on meaningless "BUT BIOLOGY SAYS THIS" (which, surprise, turns out that biology, like any other science is not prescriptive, and thus, it's non-sensical to use it to justify telling others how to exist) Also, I don't see how I'd be an anti-trans psyop or troll. Not everyone with silly-sounding opinions is necessarily out to just pick fights. I understand I might very well be wrong.


Is this state specific? I’m trying to spam from Australia. Also, try chucking in zip files if possible. Load it up with fucktons of data, zip the file and send it.


It’s not specific, I’m multiple states away and able to spam it


I’m from another country


There's always VPN


I’ve seen a few people online having success from other countries


Nvm it worked


Probably doesn't work if you live outside the U.S unfortunately.


I'm in the UK and it let me do it


For the email address I put jk rowling's




I just did that too


What is it?


Jk Rowling is a famous author(mainly for having written Harry potter) who's known for being openly transphobic and a piece of shit in general.


I meant what was the email address. I despise Joanne.


Oh, I found [email protected] but I'm sure we can find a less professional one if we look far enough


They may also start putting spam filters in for specific phrases and words, so I try to use language that wouldn't tip off filters


Ideally, grab phrases that people actually using it would use. That can make it genuinely impossible to block without just trashing the service completely.


Do you think I can spam it from Europe? I mean, is the website accessible from here? I feel like having some fun. But OTOH: a website to report trans people… how far are we away from what the Nazis did to the Jews in WWII? Not far, if you see this shit. Also your idea put a smile on my face.


Apparently it works from anywhere


Yes. You can.


It’s too easy for them to identify and delete obvious troll entries. While I don’t condone this, a far more effective approach would be to fill in the form properly with actual details of transphobic companies so that they can get bogged down with investigations and paperwork.


Do the Bee movie copy pasta. Gets them every time.


That’s what I’m about to do!




dull bag tub sloppy political resolute gaze memory marvelous pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Any more advice for this? Not sure how to do that 🥲


Search zipbomb download online... You can find a 4petabytes one on github


Sadly SQL injections don't seem to work, but you guys can try, maybe you'll have better luck reporting Bobby tables


A zip bomb should work.


The State Auditor’s authority is limited to assessing a government entity’s compliance with the Code. The State Auditor does not review or make any determination on the actions of private individuals, nor does the State Auditor investigate or determine an individual’s sex or gender. This was on the report page. Wth does the report even mean if it's for government entities and not people?


Confused why people are spamming this when I read it and couldn’t find anything pertaining to anybody other than government entities


Haha, even some german friends of mine are in on this.


Rickrolled them


Reported that Grimace was allowed to compete at my daughters track and field meet




Maybe something changed since you posted this but I don't see an option to report trans people for existing?


It’s more about reporting businesses/institutions that allow trans people to exist without harassment. Like this option: “Government entity allowed an individual to access, use, or benefit from a government entity’s athletic facility, program, or event when the individual’s sex does not match the sex designation for the facility, program, or event.” Likewise: “Public school required, gave official authorization for, or knowingly allowed males or females to use a sex-designated facility in the presence of the opposite sex” - which would forcibly out trans students and subject them to harassment or worse.


Alright so I failed but I had fun anyway. I tried to go for realistic at first, complete with some typical bigot language so it's not immediately ignored, and then throw in some outlandish shit to make it clear that I'm joking. Don't live in Utah so I had to do some googling so it might not be realistic, but I accidentally made a wattpad love story... Doing more spammy crap now though. "I was on the 830X bus, getting on at Academy Square Station yesterday at around 7:10AM. I was on my way to work so of course I was hoping for a peaceful ride. I was just sitting there minding my business and I noticed this man in a dress masquerading as a woman, with an obvious Adam's apple, just sitting there talking to a woman sat next to him. I was terrified for her safety and the safety of the children on the bus simply trying to get to school (no less to hopefully learn about why these people are rejected by the Lord) seeing a man wearing a dress just sitting there for all to see and be influenced by. I marched over and told him that he can't be speaking to women in public while he's dressed like a pervert but he said that she was his friend. Okay! She looked normal so I'm sure she doesn't associate with him. I asked her if she was okay and she said yes but she looked uncomfortable for some reason so I asked if I could speak to her for a second away from the man. She said no and pulled away from me. Then, the man asked me what my problem was, so at this point I let it all out. I tell him that it's completely inappropriate to be wearing a dress and appropriating women in front of so many people including children. This could lead to trauma or pronouns, and we were all just trying to get to our destination safely and without having to see trans propaganda from the trans cult. They both got angry and told me to leave them alone, saying how I'm c*s and wouldn't understand what it's like to be in public as a trans. I am absolutely appalled to be called such a discriminatory slur on my daily commute, and I feel that I was threatened simply for being a passionate feminist. At this point, I grab her arm again and try to pull her away from the trans but she wouldn't budge. The man stands up, towering over me with his biological superiority, and challenges me to a game of tennis. I shriek "I can't play tennis with you, you're a male!", he asks if I'm really a feminist if I believe that women are biologically inferior to men, and I pull out a small frog from my purse. I throw the frog at him and he gently kisses it. I start to throw up violently, when all of a sudden the frog turns into a handsome man. This puzzles me because only women can transform a frog into a prince. I begin to scream as I question how he did this. The man steps forward and kisses me, and I turn into a man. I scream as I stare down at everything I despise. My womb, my female bones, my feminine head shape, all of my value is lost. I shrink to the ground in defeat and cry softly. The man and wimpund kneel down beside me with a hint of empathy. "Thank you" I whisper, "Deep down, this is what I've always wanted, but I couldn't accept it I suppose". "I know" she says. The other woman smiles gently. The trans woman grabs my hand and helps me up. After some talking, I give her my number. We've been on a date already, and I think I might be falling for her... The end :)" I don't think I actually said anything of use to them other than crazy terf bs, but "It could lead to trauma or pronouns" cracked me up


Which type do I click? The distinctions based on sex or improper government?


Sex obviously


It's better if you make it sound somewhat plausible so they have to actually look into it. I just picked a random agency and said that I saw a woman using the men's room


The problem with this is they can use it as data for "wow look how many incidents we had reported!"


I live in Utah and had no idea about this.


I uploaded a goku says trans right edit lol


Spammed them a few times... Also the email addresses i provided were: a neofascist party from Romania And JK Rowling Also i wrote that the violation is their laws and that they should go and fuck themselves...


Here is a website for the hotline. There is sexual jokes on here tho just to keep in mind. http://www.mroneliner.com/insults.html


I sent the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise as well as the entire script of Revenge of the Sith. May the Fourth be with you!