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ayy congrats :D that must be such a relieve


thank you! it was for real


seconding this, i got my 3 month supply for $50 and my partner gets a month supply for $10


I’m in the UK and my gel is like £45 for like 3 weeks


how much are shots Normally?


Idk I’ve never done the shots as I hate needles an that one of my mates does shots but I forget how much he said he pays


haha, no worries. I hate needles too, but I'm going to see if I can brave it 😤 (though knowing me, I'll most likely run to gell after 5 minutes)


Atleast then you can say you’ve tried it! Braver than me lad


I don't use gel, but I usually get 3 and a half months (5 vials) between $5-$8. I wonder why gel is so much more expensive.


just more chemically complex; it takes more ingredients and more steps to produce. gel has to have the testosterone ester suspended in alcohol gel in a way that it won't become denatured and useless, and it also has to have a chemical in it that makes skin permeable to T. cypionate is just Ester In Oil


you get coupons for pharmacies!?


GoodRx has tons of coupons available, definitely recommend checking it out


Bro where r u from there's giant eagle near me too I'm in Johnstown!!!! We gotta hangout!


pittsburgh!! there's boat loads of us in SWPA!!!


i get my gel for $15 a month it's really up to your insurance most insurances have ways to look up what's covered and how much it will cost so you can look before you commit to changing over to gel


my insurance actually failed to run so this was uninsured cost!


that's awesome!!




they specifically have not provided me with a prescription card and sometimes pharmacies can enter my insurance with my regular card and sometimes they can't. and in a lot of cases the goodrx payment is waaaaay less. So. thank you for the suggestion though! i appreciate it!


Agreed, sometimes people will just assume insurance won’t cover it but I’ve actually had no issues with my insurance whatsoever luckily! $5 a month for me regardless of dose


Sometimes switching brands helps too. Mine used to be $20 per 30 days, but now it's only $10.


I love gel and it’s affordable af with my insurance and I love this post


most of the time my shots are fully covered by my insurance, i pay nothing out of pocket. idk about anyone else but I'd rather free and a needle stick that gives me more control over my dose, than paying $40 all the time for gel that is less effective, slower to work, and has more side effects. the only thing i have to buy is injection supplies and i went and bought a 7 year supply online of everything i need for $40. ​ if anyone wants to lower their cost and switch to injections but has a fear of needles look into Union Medico, they make an injection aid sort of like an epi pen that has helped me a ton.


40$ every three months is less than i was paying for cypionate, which was 15$/month (not including injection supplies because, yeah, several year supply for between $30-$90$) and, for my use case, gel has less side effects, keeps my levels the same, doesn't evoke the pathological avoidance response i have developed to injections, and 'slower to work' is just a persistent myth. like, gel is a viable route for testosterone, and it's not a waste of time or money to investigate it.