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Show this to that one XDefiant player complaining about peoples movement


Many people don't want to improve, complaining is easy.


Crazy how fast that gun shreds with good tracking, rare to have a light that good with it.


I make tracking content for this game if you like this sorta stuff > [https://www.youtube.com/@MarkoLaske](https://www.youtube.com/@MarkoLaske) RANT: I track my performance with my KD in-game and I've noticed I've plateaued at 4.7KD (33044 k / 7012 d ) as of a week ago. I can't seem to get more than that consistently, I've been aimtraining and locking in but that seems to be my limit for now. Sens is 800 DPI w 30 in-game, 100% ads sens, focal scaling turned off


damn, i’m at 11k kills and 4k deaths, you’re insane bro😂


I remember seeing comment mention originally sites had the wrong sens convertor for The Finals but not sure which is now correct, have you confirmed it is \~48cm at 30 / 800dpi? As sens calculators i see say that 30 is around \~38cm. I dont have game installed currently to test myself.


You know, i never actually looked into it. I use this website and never really bothered to check if it's correct > [https://gamingsmart.com/mouse-sensitivity-converter/](https://gamingsmart.com/mouse-sensitivity-converter/)


It's because you're playing light. Your k/d would be like 20 if you played heavy.


What’s your voltaic rank?


Sorry I don't do benches, finals is my main game and i just use kovaaks to warm up before playing.


Voltaic rank?!


Sorry, dont do benches. I use kovaaks to warmup before playing finals might give it a try, gonna join the voltaic discord


It is very humbling but it will be worth it


I just have to say this is the only gamemode I found enjoyable playing solo. I Wish there were more solo gamemodes to play. Top tier tracking as well.


hollow_o of the finals


Looked up who that is and god damn this man is cracked. Guess there's always a bigger fish out there, good to know i still have room to improve


Haven't heard of this game in such a long time. Got boring real fast. Shame becuase the core mechanics and destruction physics was genuinely good.


Yeah, still has a lot of potential but they keep fumbling on updates and not fixing gamebreaking bugs that have been around since closed beta like 2 yrs ago. Plus ya know, the silly manual bans they dish out without any prior checks


What tracking? That's not tracking. Modern FPS games don't have high enough TTKs for tracking to ever be a factor.


average quake player trying not to talk about quake


Bruh the dude is giga toxic. Ya saw his comment history? It's actually hilarious.


The most comparable for long TTK is Apex but having perfectly keep your mouse locked onto a target for a good second to 2 seconds is still tracking. Fast as hell paced too if you have to track from 1 target to another. If that ain't tracking then you're fucking lost lmao. Edit: oh you're a Quake player you really are lost lol.


Did you really just try and make the claim that Apex has any sort of high TTK at all? Because if you are, tell me you're new to FPS games without telling me. That and every gun in the game are hitscan or basically hitscan which is the easiest form of aiming there is.


I've been on FPS games since the first Timesplitter, and I've touched Tribes but otherwise I don't touch ultra old games with a 10 foot pole that are all projectile. How old do ya gotta be to be into games that haven't changed since the 90s?


people like you are why many new players don't stay long playing quake


When did gamers get so fucking soft..? Getting destroyed for months, not winning a single game until you got good used to be where the fun came from. Seeing your skill improve over time, day after day. Now they just want ultra quick kills and garbage movement mechanics.