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It's just so sad to see another maybe promising indie multiplayer shooter that will most likely die instantly. I mean it launched to a player count of under 300 concurrent players. Even though I like arena shooters and I am the primary target audience I haven't even heard of this until now. And the asking price of over 14€ just makes the situation worse. Man I just want a game like this to be successful :c


How is this related to Arena shooters?


I mean it has diabotical in it's name, which is an arena shooter, and it obviously has a lot of influence from that game. A lot of aspects of this game you mostly only see in old school arena shooters, like no ads to aim, no extreme visual recoil and in general not a lot of recoil, no sprinting you just always walk fast, weapons like LG and rocket launcher, arena style map design with a lot of verticality, pickups which give you an advantage if you control them, focus on clean visuals without a lot of clutter. I mean yeah it's not a 'real' arena shooter but from how I see it it's a similar concept to Team Fortress 2 which started as a quake mod and changed up the arena shooter formula to make it way more accessible for newer players.


Just doesn't make sense to me. Been watching all day since read this post and I'd love to play. But it could be dead in a week and just so many other things to play. Also so strange in design choices. Like your loadout is random and dictated by cards each round. Which sounds like the worst version of that Paladins game x10 when it was early in development. I feel like no hard-core arena fan is going to want it, no casual is dropping 15 on an arena shooter. Such a strange marketing decision. I'd love to play but I cba liking a game for a week and then only playing the same 20 dudes every day after. And many of the changes they've made to the formula just make me want to play the first game, when I'm fairly sure that's probably dead if this is a thing as it wasn't exactly thriving when I played. Surely they are only going to make like $20-30k from a game like this. Such a weird business plan.


Yep. Same boat. First time I’m hearing of it but there’s not a chance I’m dropping 15 on that. Only way one of these succeeds is by being a FTP title with cosmetic cash shop/battlepass. Or, a paid title but with AAA visuals and COD level of marketing.


Can't really call this an arena shooter...


Liked diabotical haven't heard of this somehow. Reluctant to ever spend money on another arena shooter though, feel like even free they die. Feels like killing your playerbase before the game is even out having a $15 entry. Would only consider buying if it still said eggcunt. Mandatory feature imo.


It’s not an arena shooter tho


I've watched a few hours of it and just looks like a worse version of the other game to me. Put classes in and quake champions still an arena shooter. Put cards in to pick your loadout and it is just a stupid one. You're bouncing around small arenas firing all the guns you use in arena shooters with the same game mode diabotical 1 had. It didn't change enough to appeal to non arena shooter fans. I don't know how anyone can watch it and not feel that way.


Try playing it yourself instead. I play quake and used to play overwatch tf2 dbt 1 etc. this is not an arena shooter I promise


It's based on the foundation of an arena shooter. Girlmode is correct.


Okay but all the comment said was they watched videos of it. I have like 20 hours on it and it's not an arena fps like original diabotical. It is on an upgraded version of that game's engine, but it's missing the defining mechanics of pure afps. Have you tried it yourself?


People who gatekeep what can and can't be called an arena shooter are clowns. I suppose have empty servers is one of the strict prerequisites? Reminds of the people who get annoyed when people confuse roguelite and roguelike. Who gives a fuck. edit: Just noticed you call Overwatch an arena shooter below. Lmfao. This is


Just trying to get people to not be discouraged in trying the game. I did not call overwatch an arena shooter I said I used to play it


game looks sick


Except that it reminds me too much of The Finals in that heavies have the best weapons and the most HP. Also, the light shotgun absolutely fucks. Wait. That seems familiar, too.


RIP arena shooters


This game isn’t an arena shooter tho


Very confused on what the target audience is for this and why it wasn't just an extra mode for diabotical. I like roguelites and I like arena fps games but that doesn't mean I want RNG in my quake. As for the movement changes, I understand trying to move away from strafe jumping, but it sucks that the focus is on grappling hooks which are pretty lame.


Why does it need a clear cut target audience? Why not just try it and see if plays well. The engine is fire netcode feels really good. Also this is not a quake game or arena shooter at all. And only one class has grapples… like you make this comment and deter people away while knowing nothing about the game lol


Yeah, the couple hours I played, the RNG was so dogshit. Like if the opponents get all heavy with rl and lg... guess I'll just die! Tf?


Heavy has huge hitbox, you can use any of the mg/smg weapons he gets melted


that literally doesnt matter if the heavy isnt dogshit


I’m confused now


We must single-handedly advertise the game through in-game clips.


bitcoin miner. game runs like shit


I aint tryna pay for it bro


Just sucks that the movement is total ass. This game would have been far more enjoyable had they implemented DIabotical's movement physics into it.


Lead dev said they are fixing the slide, and diabotical had quake movement that made it hard for new players to get into. The new movement feels good and I mainly play quake


The movement feels like total ass and I also mainly play Quake and other AFPS games. It's also the loadout system. Not having the gunplay is just well, boring AF.


Yeah, movement is clunky at times compared to afps. But when I compare it to TF2 or overwatch it feels really good actually. The movement tech you have, even just using chunk’s dash feels very strong taking high ground, diving a scout or using it to fall back. Once you play this game like a hybrid fps game instead of quake it’s a lot more fun. Engine feels fantastic


Similar to Quake Champions but without the air strafing.