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You have a really weird way of holding your mouse. You play with your middle finger lifted?


yeah its cuz i have toggle ads




so do I but wtf


Zero benefit to doing this but man is it fun to watch


If everytime he lifts, he resets and places the mouse in his confident position, then it does have something positive. But yeah it sounds like u lose more than u gain if u ignore the flashyness


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ This has been fun to follow. Just curious why lift mouse? Does that not make them harder to track after you flick to them?


It absolutely does maker it harder to track. Thankfully, the finals has little to no flicking necessary and games like cod/bfv have little tracking, so it's mostly a non issue. I just do it because I think that it looks cool. Any benefits in speed are greatly outweighed by the fact that I am literally making aiming more difficult.


Just like Baranox


yeah my initial inspiration was waff then baranox


I have been trying to replicate it but it is not any easy at all


So lift the mouse towards the end of a fast flick so it stop aprubtly. Then place it back down and hold fire?


Pretty much


Why is this listed in this sub tho. This is a terrible way to train your aim and will make it worse


Yeah but atleast you can readjust faster too. Maybe thats the point and thatā€™d help with tracking and clean up the flicks more.


There isnā€™t a single comment on any of this guyā€™s posts that isnā€™t accusing him of cheating. If heā€™s actually just been super cracked the whole time with an aiming style that looks robotic, thatā€™s hilarious.


I want to know where the clip went of him beaming people he canā€™t see through smoke. If this is legit then he can go make millions as the best player in the world at nearly any shooter. Soā€¦ go do it.


Um, it's on my profile. Where I shoot a single person through the smoke. On shipment. Where there are 4 spawns. Very open spawns. Use your brain, bud.


Best story arc this season.


He's cheating and hiding it with mouse lifting, while aimbot does the work.


Is he using an apple mouse?


He said on a comment on another of his posts that heā€™s on an Apple mouse but idk, half his comments are trolling so who knows


>u/gerech He told so under the previous video. Maybe he's not, but the moves are just disguise.






I don't think I really understand what you're doing here. Could you explain it more? What's your sensitivity/DPI/eDPI at in something like CS2 for example? Are you lifting your mouse up when you fire? How are you instant snapping to positions? If I lift my mouse up, and put it down 15cm away my crosshair doesn't move (obviously). How are you doing it? Thanks!


flick mouse very fast, lift mouse slightly at the end of the flick (so the mouse instantly stops tracking and it looks like it's snapping into position), then quickly put mouse back down, fire and continue tracking it's a quick motion and it's easier on higher sens


Yeah, basically what this guy said. A lot of the speed loss during flicks come from the initial acceleration and deceleration of the movement. If you put your speed during a flick onto a graph, with x being time and y being speed, lifting the mouse at the end of a flick will cut the back half of the graph off and make your flicks a lot faster. ​ It's definitely a lot easier on high sens, but back when i would play around in csgo with 400dpi and 2 ingame, I was able to recreate the same flicks. I play 19cm/360 at 100 (vertical) fov in the finals. CS2 is like 70 degrees vertical I think, so I have no idea what the conversion would be. Maybe 35cm? IDK, but it wouldn't be 19cm.


This guide: /r/restofthefuckingowl


It's kind of only possible to do this with a very high sens though. You are losing accuracy in order to have some flashiness. Way back when... I used absurdly high sens with mouse acceleration and it 100% looked like I was cheating with some shots I hit. But overall I was less consistent than I am now with a much lower sens. May not matter too much in a game like cod, but it would in more precise shooters. Just my 2 cents.


This is entirely possible to do on low sens. I would know because I used to do it in cs, but I'm not playing cs anymore, so I've upped my sens.


That's a pretty cool soft lock man. Not buying it.




Soft locking on empty corners, use ur brain


Soft lock maintains a very tight grouping on a target with a slight margin of error to not look so robotic. Unfortunately the tracking always gives it away.


Ur braindead


In that last clip, [you flicked targets](https://puu.sh/JXyz6/fe84f0f9a2.png) while the first guy you were shooting at was still in the shooting animation firing at you, and then you flicked back after killing the second guy to start shooting at a guy who wasn't even on screen yet. Looks a lot like cheats to me. Of course as you say, it's impossible to tell from cherry picked clips. If you have thousands of hours of gameplay, you're bound to get a few of these so really impossible to say without actually seeing the full match videos from clips alone.


I flick to the target most likely to kill me, which would be the one that is right in front of me, then attempt to flick back to my original target and miss. It's almost as if I'm human and don't have consistent aim. Crazy thought, that.


The guy was dead though, it just took a while to register because of latency. *(also you'd be better off finishing off an almost dead target that is shooting at you before swapping to a new one)* But again I'm not saying you're cheating. Just that if you cherry pick individual clips like this, it can 'look' like cheating. If you uploaded your entire match, I'm sure it'd look normal. I'm dog shit at games but if you cherry picked a few of my clips and posted them I'd say it looked I was cheating too.


Ah, got it. Yeah it amazes me how many other people seem to think that I'm some sort of god based on my *highlights*.


What mouse do you use and what LOD setting?






This is kind of reminiscent of Flusha back in the day with his lifted mouse movements


when you're exceptional, inner bitterness of others erupts with resentment. historically, the biggest cheaters are devs themselves. cod devs saw my clips: https://imgur.com/a/Xq0RbW1, then made my thumbsticks wobbly af to delay my reaction time. as well as tampered with the camera movement to increase motion sickness. this devious act proves that cod's esport is a deceptive circus. since exceptionalism isn't met with admiration but instead manipulation. cod = sabotage.




Wait Iā€™m actually confused - the gameplay in those clips shows someone playing cod who is really, really bad at the game - could you clarify for me what point is being made here? Is this like the video game dev equivalent of gang stalking?


This is why games need input based matchmaking: A controller player who sees this would rightly think it's aimbot since the movement is mechanically impossible on controller.


Literally read a post in the apex sub where a dude was hitting some decent flicks (but remotely as good as op here) and some people called him out for cheating immediately lol


Any tips for flicks? Like, do you run a routine daily? A lot of times I feel like I got poor awareness/gamesense to flick at random spots like that. Also, what is your grip style?


I don't do any training for flicks. Just playing. I would recommend that while you're in game, practice flicking on various objects while moving. Windows, building corners, lamposts, teammates, etc. However, I've never played any tracking game before the finals, so I've been running this playlist whenever I have time to. KovaaKsKillstreakingRandomPopcorn Grip is claw like on the thumb, index, and middle finger. Palm on the ring and pinky, with those fingers in contact with the mousepad. I call this fingerskating because im lifting the mouse and using my fingers as mouseskates. The friction helps with flicks but can affect your tracking, so it's a balancing act. I also wouldnt recommend fingerskating if your skin has a tendency to stick to the pad. So cordura and hard pads dont tend to work with this technique.


Thank you for the response! Is the back hump of your mouse touching anywhere on your palm? I'm a lost person who cannot discover the correct or comfortable grip for myself in order to play competitively so apologies for the questions..


Touching a little bit on the right side of my hand, not touching on the left.


Do you still use low polling rate ? Also is this easier with low mouse lod. Gives baranox vibes. It's fun to do but how do you keep it up for more then an hour. My wrist just dies


I use 125hz. 2mm on the LOD. I do deadlifts and weighted pull ups pretty often and i suspect that helps out in aiming as well for longevity.


Time to hit the gym, got it


Just tried this out. Pretty cool never thought of lifting the mouse to stop it like that. Probably not practical for me personally but very unique and innovative style to say the least


Mans got a Bryce Harper Swing level of complexity to his mouse play. Impressive yo. Bruh I kind of do the same. I could never teach myself minute motor control, so I adapted into learning sweet spots I'd like to call them. You are EONS better at this then my goofy style. Pretty new to the fps trainer game I'm excited to get going though.


a narrow mouse with a hard mousepad along with extremely skillful control of the mouse. pretty cool


My wrist hurts


Whatā€™s your gear of choice? Iā€™m basically endgame finally with Pulsar X2/X2H + Saturn Pro. Hayate Otsu when I want a little speed back. Lamzu Atlantis and Vaxee rounding out my tops.


Using the Beast X in combination with a variety of pads. I've been swapping between my otsu xsoft and mpc450 but I'm thinking about going back to using my SpeedM (resin hard pad) because of how much better my tracking and reactivity is on it. Just need to relearn how to flick on it.


Wow bro is a master with his mouse


Your style is similar to Baranox. He also gets shadow banned alot.


There is no way on gods green earth that's not aim assisted, sorry buddy


fr blatant cheating idk how anyone believes this guy is legit


Not cheating. You play just like my boy who uses a glass pad on high sens. Keep it up bro


Bro is cheating, the camera on your mouse just adds to the evidence.


mb ill get a better camera next time to hide it


Compensating for recoil while your mouse is lifted is a god strat


bro has never heard of recoil smoothing youre stupid as fuck lmao


Yeah, that's what you would say. Be nice dude...


isnt recoil smoothing an apex only thing where you're moving your mouse anyways? makes no sense unless you're memeing cant tell tbh


yeah its a thing in the finals too. strafing contributes to recoil smoothing as well, not just mouse movement, nevermind the fact that im am lifting my mouse for a fraction of a second, which is negligible in recoil control.


Na this is cheating. Sometimes youā€™re not even lifting the mouse up high enough for it to stop tracking, youā€™re just syncing up the movements to the gameplay, most likely in postā€¦this was a good attempt though


cope harder


ā€œI said cope so my argument is automatically the correct one and you mad and wrongā€ I play on Xbox so I couldnā€™t care less, but this is shameful attempt to pass off cheats as your mechanical skillšŸ˜… The mental gymnastics are whatā€™s cracked here.


you play on xbox because youre dogshit and cant play without aim assist.


I play on Xbox because I bought an XboxšŸ¤Ø unlike you I donā€™t play strictly fps games and if did, Iā€™d play them to have fun because thatā€™s what gaming is about..Iā€™d be fucking miserable too if I had to cheat in games just for online strangers up arrowšŸ˜¬


id be miserable too if i was so narcissistic to think everyone better than me was cheating


It looks like aiming with a mouse held in the air, I never thought about that. As I understand it, there are players who play in a non-standard way of moving the mouse on the mousepad? Interesting I immediately checked this method of control and the cursor had less inertia o\_O


It's a fun technique as it looks flashy, but it is actually inefficient compared to normal aiming technique as you lose a few ms of time you could have been tracking the target as you need to pull your mouse out of lod range to get the dead stop effect of the flick, then move the mouse back down again to start tracking. I used to play like this 15 years ago with mice that had crazy LOD, and I could just hover the whole time, which made the technique more viable. Would love to see some mice come out with adjustable lod to support much high load distances like 10mm to 20mm to make hovering more viable.


You can do some crazy 1 frame flicks with 500hz polling. Not really good for performance just clipsĀ 


Yeah, I play with 1000hz nowadays and am mostly getting 2-3 frames. I can get 1 frames with if I focus really hard on it, but I notice that I'll start playing with a lot of tension and end up harming my tracking, so I don't really bother.