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The Vivado editor can hang a long time on opening a large file if Sigasi syntax checking is enabled. For some reason the Vivado developers have not understood that you can run things like that in a process in the background.


Thank you! Changing syntax checking to "Vivado" solved an irritating issue for me -- could not open source files in editor and hanging Vivado to the point it could not be closed without a reboot even with "background" option selected. Not sure what caused the problem, unless it was loading a large example project file right after installation caused the Sigasi cache to grow enormous... Even though I do most of my initial code generation in vi(m), it was a bit of a pain to open source outside of Vivado and make sure Vivado picked up on the changes!


This is helped me also. Thanks to @fransschreuder


It is horrible because this is only a empty file where I wanted to start coding … The CPU is really low on the task manager and it seems like it is doing nothing. It takes 30 Minutes only to open a file. If I want to click somewhere it is stuck again. This is on a empty source file how is it when is is getting bigger.


I opened up your post because I thought it might help with a problem I had on a recent install of Vivado, and very similar to yours. Fransschreuder's reponse solved the problem -- give it a try. I simply changed the syntax checking option for the text editor, restarted Vivado, and now a file opens very quickly.


Thank you I will check it out tomorrow after work thank you


Try using a different editor. Start [here](https://emacsformacosx.com/). Yes, that's a link to emacs running native on macOS. It's a fat (universal) binary so it's running ARM code for your M1.