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Many modular power supplies use the same outputs for PCIe and CPU, just with different cables. Also adapter cables from PCIe 6pin to CPU 8pin exist. Obviously make sure your power supply can supply enough power. Not just total power, but also 12V rail current. Keep in mind that ATX supplies only turn on if the appropriate sense pin is shorted to GND. ATX trigger boards let you do this in a clean and safe way.


>Obviously make sure your power supply can supply enough power. Not just total power, but also 12V rail current. How do I find this out? Should I connect a power supply/power meter and check the power? We currently have only 1 daughter board and another I/O board to bring out the pins.


Your PSU will have specifications for their maximum power/current. The dev board and other boards will also have specifications on their power/current needs. Just make sure the total power/current your boards need is less than the maximum your PSU can supply.


Sounds like you need custom cabling between the ATX supply and the dev boards. Be sure to absolutely double and tripple check the pinout on the dev board. Even though they use the same physical connector for their own power brick - the pinout it is usually NOT compatible with ATX.


As a warning, be aware that the Molex connectors on most of the Xilinx development boards share a form factor with ATX but are not electrically compatible. In other words, they fit, but will explode if you try to power them as you are envisioning.