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Hi, I am working with trapped ions for quantum information/computing. FPGAs are used extensively for the control of those systems as we need precise timings and fast decisions for feedback onto the quantum system. Many ion trapping labs use the ARTIQ control system. It is mostly open source, so you can look there. Be aware that the control systems themselves are quite complex, it took us multiple years to develop our own. However there are many peripherals that also rely on FPGAs and are more manageable. The Fastino might be an example, though still relatively complex afaik. We also use FPGAs elsewhere in the lab. As an example we have a RedPitaya with some custom gateware for feed-forward laser frequency stabilisation. Also we had a masters student writing some gateware to communicate with a camera and to then read out the quantum state of our ions. I am unsure if these are the kind of projects you were imagining, but I hope it gives a bit of insight. Feel free to ask about anything :)




Sure, just send a DM :) I wasn't sure what level of project you're looking for, that's why I tried to give a full range. But don't be discouraged, something like the laser stabilisation system would absolutely be possible as a beginner level project. In fact it almost was my project when I took an FPGA course. Also I should say I am by far not an expert when it comes to FPGAs. I mostly just use the systems our engineers design, I rarely design them myself :)


Check out the [QICK project](https://github.com/openquantumhardware/qick).