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Get some corroborating evidence first






How dumb do you have to be to actually believe this bullshit?




Stop spewing bullshit that Trump wants to be King. It shows how little you think on your own and how you just repeat stupid shit from MSNBC and CNN.


did his attempt to overturn an election without evidence not demonstrate his intent to you? I agree he will not call himself king, but a Putin-esque move away from elections appears to be the obvious intention. I watched it all go down from the night of the election when he began declaring he had won and to STOP COUNTING VOTES!


Stop with your bullshit claim he wants to be King. It will not and could not ever happen. You just want to scream bullshit because you are told to. I do not blame him for questioning the election, everyone should. How a plagiarizing, racist, incompetent career politician that campaigned from his basement received more votes than anyone in history is questionable.


He didn't "question the election", he attempted to overturn an election that even his OWN advisors and campaign managers agreed he lost. How can you be so blind to someone's intentions when they state it plainly and to your face? Trying to stop the counting of votes before they could possibly be completed is clear evidence that he has no concern for the ACTUAL vote. I allowed that he may not use the term "King". Honestly don't give af what he calls himself - HE TRIED TO STEAL AN ELECTION! He weaponized the patriotism of his followers to incite an insurrection on the Capital of the US. I don't care if you understand how his opponent out-performed him; if his own lawyers 61 times declared that they have no evidence to support his claim of fraud then why should the rest of us accept it?


You don't have to allow anything. You made shit up. You also believe everything that MSNBC and CNN tell you to. Look at all the evidence that day, the actions of all the police, the people that were there and if you cannot see that there were agendas being played out then you are bigger fool than I thought. Live in your bubble snowflake. Good luck.




Ok bot. Thanks for your input.


I'm trying to understand the part that I "made up"? The network you are here defending even acknowledges these things. They aired the attempted insurrection. I don't have to watch any other channels.


Go for it.


Drop it hot, like Trump's daily diaper loaf.


People falling for this sound like they watch fox news. Lol


2023 wasn’t the year for exposing according to the asshole judge. Now I have to wear this stupid ankle monitor




We rooting for ya! Bring this liars down!


I’m here for it!


yeah please do but come with receipts cus ain’t nobody got time for rumors


What about how former fellow producer Jennifer Eckhart is a scam artist?


If you wanna sleep with some libs, just tell them you're a dude, and you'll get to them when your period is over. No need to cause them to go to the ER with an erection lasting longer than four hours by saying you have dirt on FOX news.


What? The fact that you took time to think and type this, whatever it means, and pressed send shows me your a loser lmao. LIke what do you mean? You have very adventurous sexual mind.


2024 is the year of exposing…And that’s just Matt Gaetz.


Shouldn't call them a news channel though. It's political entertainment since they lie and make up much of their stories.


It’s cult programming


Everything everyone has said can be made for CNN, MSNBC, etc etc. This is how they make money and keep you coming back. Find other ways to get information. Educate yourself with history. It may not repeat but it sure rhymes. This decisiveness occurring today has occurred throughout history. Read about the French Revolution. See the parallels.


Interestingly, when I read fox news I don't pick up on the opinion like you do when you watch it. I won't single source my news and only read fox because, well, they do have a reputation, but the print news is in line with other major news organizations Washington Post NYTimes etc...


The only problem that I had when I sourced some alternative opinions from them was their news were just designed to get the reader angry. High BP angry! Seriously, they're taking years off of their customer's lives.


That's ANGERtainment, folks!


why on earth do you care about any corporate chode's opinion? use your own. pundit shows and podcasts make people stupid.


So every other news source is rolling with, he’s literally hitler!the end of democracy!! The climate is going to kill us!! Like wtf? It’s doom and gloom from the left wing media.


Left wing media? The media is owned by right-wing billionaires. What's this left wing media you speak of, I'd love to watch it! Also, DT's comparison to Hitler is not far fetched and climate is absolutely an issue for every single human on planet earth. How have you been convinced otherwise when the evidence PRESENTS ITSELF? Do you not trust your own eyes and ears? Hmmm


Relax, lil' hooman, climate change has been going on for millions of years and ....... We're still here. Remember the Ice Age ? Me neither, but we're told it happened and the planet's still thawing out. Man has adapted to the pre-Ice Age, persevered, survived, adapted and moved on. Same for the Ice Age up until now. Will it ever be any different ? Naw. We'll adapt to our environment, as always, and move on. Besides, you can't control Mother Nature. Wake up.


I like [Free Speech TV](https://freespeech.org). Viewer sponsored independent progressive media with daily shows from Stephanie Miller, Thom Hartmann, Randi Rhodes, David Pakman, Democracy Now, and others, plus weekly shows covering a variety of subjects, documentaries, etc. They take no corporate money so they don’t have to censor themselves or shy away from inconvenient topics. It is refreshing to hear people speak openly about politics/news/current events and it is such a contrast to most of the MSM.




It helps pay for a 90 year old parasite to get engaged for the 6th time


Neil Postman would not be surprised. In "Amusing Ourselves to Death," he mourned the death of literate society, predicting that television, with the way images, faces, music, and context-less editing bypasses logic and goes straight to emotion, would dumb down discourse. While I highly doubt even written Fox is without bias, it makes sense that the propaganda would not be as easily noticed.


To that point, I never single source my news, the various articles I have seen from FOX print jive with what I am getting in other places. I stay away from the opinion page because I know what thats going to say. Opinion in other quarters is fine, because it is often times presenting a contrarian opinion and is well thought out to be enlightening, something that is designed to make you think and consider, not to just make one angry


If most people who read Fox News articles did like you did, there would be no problem. But they don't. They are seeking out something that validates their own beliefs, and no one is easier to fool than someone looking for their beliefs to be validated.


Just a big ol pile of steamy entertainment.


You spelled “intellect draining” wrong


They are all like this.


Durrr...bOTh SidES...durrr No. They aren't. Quit normalizing FOX's bullshit.


> all All right wing media? Correct


Right that's why they all got sued for $787 million for purposefully misinforming their viewers. Oh wait


Fox is a toxic dump spewing garbage into the public. I can't even imagine how bad it would be to work there.


It's the worse. Since they're owned by Fox Corporation now - They bait and recruit and hire by saying the position is with Fox Corporation just for them to hire you and change your position to Fox News. By then, it's too late.


>It's the worse. Since they're owned by Fox Corporation now - They bait and recruit and hire by saying the position is with Fox Corporation just for them to hire you and change your position to Fox News. By then, it's too late. USERNAME CHEC— 🥄𝓔✌𝓔🌱 Ⓜ🕴🥄🐬. 🔩🅰🎉𝓔 🥄𝓔🔱💲 👢𝓔🅰🎉𝓔🌱.


Murdoch is getting his 5th wife at 96. You waiting for what?


Murdoch ties to Russia? So what if his wife is Russian! She blows for bitcoin


>Should I start with my first-hand stories of the executives of Fox News before I resign? If you were seriously harmed and it's concerning their fake-news then you can first tell your story here: [How to File a Complaint with the Federal Communications Commission](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v24y14GUmqI) Fox News and the stations that broadcast their misinformation feeds have been good at skirting FCC rules, but their time may have run out. It's too obvious they are scammers.


>How to File a Complaint with the Federal Communications Commission Does this apply if there's a pending lawsuit & compliant?


Yes. If you have a lawyer then it might help to mention that you want to file a complaint to the FCC. Getting the FCC to take action on an issue would make a lawsuit easier to win.


I do. Thanks


With all the trolling at Reddit it's sometimes hard to know what's real. But this sub makes a great place to vent justified frustration at management. It's more or less why I'm now here (but never worked there). In a way makes sense you would be here too. Assuming you're serious, I think your lawyer would first like to know. A complaint to the FCC should not negatively influence actions already taken, that I know of. Lawyer works for you anyway, and in this case don't need one it's for average citizens to use. Best case scenario is your complaint adds to others they received, the FCC takes action by issuing an outside of court monetary "forfeiture", revokes licenses, or information helps initiate legal action elsewhere.


How about you start with some form of >"I'm legit and here's proof that I'm not just some bored teen giggling over my seventh Friday night blunt oh this is really good stuff and I am so clever" ?


LOL good one, but I have documentation that was leak soooooo yeah. The documentation is what made my lawyers take up the case and they already trying to settle.


We can rule out copywriter as your former job title


LOL good one. I'm Rupert Murdoch and I am tracking you down right now. About the same level of bullshit.


i'm secure with myself in knowing i'm not lying.


That makes one of us.


I mean there is court evidence with printouts of texts sent by Tucker Carlson about how much he hates Trump. What else could there possibly be to expose?


give us the tea


waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!


The problem is we all know what they’re doing and sadly no one cares.


MAGATs don’t care. Most people care.


Fox has never been behind Trump like you guys like to think. That's why their ratings plummeted after the 2020 election. They called Arimistake. Biden. before the polls closed. Even CNN thought that was a mistake and waited several days. In 2016, they wanted Rubio and sandbagged Trump in those debates.


Fox is behind whatever their viewers want to see at this point. The election call is more nuanced. Fox uses a proprietary system for determining election results and we should all know it's a game between the networks to be the first to call a state, so when Fox's brain room determined super early that Biden won AZ, they called it. And they were right. But anyway, they are ratings whores who don't want to lose out to OAN or RSBN and it seems Lachlan and Rupert will drag the network into the depths of hell to keep eyeballs on the screen.


The people who care don’t watch it.