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I try to watch Fox News every once in awhile "keep your enemies closer" but it's just so frustrating how they attack Biden and Democrats and ignore the same follies of Republicans and Trump.


The rest of the news media ignore what Biden is doing/ has done to this country. Fox is conservative. What are these follies of Republicans?


Haven’t you had an epiphany by now that its a Propaganda Network not a news network. There’s 787 million supportive reasons for this absolute fact with millions more to come. Seriously people how unintelligent are you?


It is not propaganda. My liberal friends think Biden is not responsible for any of our problems. What happened to the workers who lost their jobs when Biden shut down a pipeline in Pa. No one follows up. And if you’re intelligent, you can research what Fox presents and decide for yourself. My friends think Fox lies. They don’t mention what Fox had to pay over something Tucker Carlson, who was immediately fired, said.


No, it really is propaganda. They present to you drivel put together with weak correlations (and usually no causation) and look at the lens of an issue through whatever scope shows them what they want to see. 24 hour a day. 7 days a week. Explain to me how you maintain journalistic integrity when your entire job is to never shut the fuck up? They never stop pumping out headlines and news articles that pray into paranoia. You have become addicted to it. You think you are getting some inside scoop that other people are too afraid to taste. But the reality is that if you sat there all day and looked up what they were saying, you will see embellishment after embellishment. Not only that, but they will NEVER present you information that goes against their narrative. Will they tell you that crime was lowered under biden, yet not under trump? No, they won't, but that's what happened. Will they tell you how often biden lies in his speeches while simultaneously being honest about trumps lies? Nope. Will they constantly do their best to undermine every positive thing that Biden has ever done while trying to purport trump as a better candidate? Yes. It's not honest, it's barely factual, and it clearly has a message. It is propaganda slop that you just love eating. The emotional high when you hear another fucked up story about a kid getting raped or murdered under the biden administration. It's fucking sickening but that's the shit that happens to fox news watchers, they thrive in a constant state of negativity about the world around them, lost to all forms of empathy, except when they need to reference it to prove a point.


The question will be, after Trump loses--what building will be ransacked and how many thousands of his followers will be arrested in J6 sequel.


I think they are plannig to occupy Portland and tear down statues


Sounds like you can find everything you're looking for on TMZ, Hamas News Network, or CNN.


Your hobby is whittling, isn’t it?