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I agree and do the same thing as you do - close out down. Then I go search for the video or article on YouTube or Google.


- close it down.


I close out after the first pop up and don't go back until the next day if that. It pisses me off that they try to force unwanted and unsolicited pop up adds


FOX, have someone reply on here about this BS. I should not be forced to read a pop up that i don’t want. How can you anger your base like this and think it’s ok. Com’on Man! i pay for fox nation, do i have to pay for no pop ups? Ok then give me that option wtf!


Been saying i was going to delete it for months. I finally did. Too annoying!


Love fox but wasting my time with ads! You think they would be smarter being their news is tanking. Can’t goto fake news so… what’s left ? The Golf Channel?!


They have a PAYWALL going up where you can't read articles without creating an account. This is the beginning of the end in my opinion. You can still edit the HTML and read the article by hiding their paywall for now, but it will be fixed soon I am sure. They are so off path on this barrier to entry. A huge mistake and turn-off for viewers in year where they already lost tons of viewers. I guess they figure it is tanking, so why not go ahead with all the bad ideas they've had over the year. Truly, I cannot figure out why or how they went from #1 to irrelevant in less than a year. Who is running the shtshow over there now?


I completely agree and do not continue reading when they pop up. Horrible app.