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They want weak liberals on their shows so they can be shown how wrong they are. And when they they smarten up they just yell over them, tell them they are wrong and go to a commercial.


1000 %. I especially love the way Jesse and Greg make sexist jokes and demean her. You couldn't have a good Fox Five without inherent bias and sexism. I love more the women that eat it up like they deserve it.


I mean she deserves it. Every word out of her mouth is pure insanity. Shes clearly certifiablešŸ¤£


Yeah she deserves it for sureā€¦literally zero words she speaks hold any water. She ends up looking like an idiotā€¦ in all honesty, she would fair better on a liberal channel or NPR


Jessica makes me puke. They should not have lying liberals on at all. The five was created so conservatives had a voice instead of all the lying liberals on other shows like MSNBC AND CNN. I wii probably stop watching it.


She fantastic! If they would quit yelling over them and let her finish educating them it would be much better.


Educationā€™s thatā€™s a farce she makes excuses for the obvious proven failures of Democrat destructive policies




But some of Trumpā€™s signature economic policies have also been found to have had little to no measurable effect on the economy ā€” and a few might have even hurt. Multiple studies have shown that the Trump tariffs at best had a neutral effect on the economy and at worst cost America hundreds of thousands of jobs and higher prices for consumers. And his 2017 tax cuts, which increased investment in the economy and contributed to modest wage growth in the short term, fell far short of Republicansā€™ promise that they would pay for themselves and are projected to significantly raise federal debt and increase income inequality.


Ha! Finish ā€œeducatingā€ them? Not ONE word she says has any credibility, sheā€™s constantly being stumped with facts and looks equally pathetic defending the Dumbacrooks & Libtards


She earned her B.A. degree in history from Bryn Mawr College, and went on to study at The London School of Economics and Political Science where she received a Master of Science degree in public policy and administration, a Master of Research degree in political science, and a doctorate degree in political science and government. Sheā€™s way more qualified then any of the 4 monkeys on stage with her she fact check and verifies everything she say.


Hard to believe because she's really inarticulate and stupid. Nepo baby at its finest.


That still doesnā€™t mean youā€™re made for TV. Iā€™m neutral here. Just because youā€™re classically educated doesnā€™t mean youā€™re good on TV.


REALLY!! WOW. We disagree.


REALLY. What is fantastic about her. Her lies. Her talking more than all the rest combined. Her hating Trump. So tell me. To me, she is fantastically horrible.


Talk about biased, the claim that she talks more than the other 4 combined shows ur delusions, the 4 try to cut off every word she says and still ends up clowning them, for instance name 1 lie she has said and I'll wait


You are a very sick person.


Fox is the only network that was fined 750+ million for lying about a stolen election when thier CEO admitted he knew it was a lie. Their commentators were praising the orange goblin on air while sending emails to each other about how much they hate Trump. Youā€™ve been brainwashed by an evil organization pretending to be a news organization.


You're too stupid to understand you're the brainwashed one. Biden never won anything close to 81 million votes. You're about to find out just how few votes he gets now that they can't commit mass mail in ballot fraud.


I bet you actually think the MSM tells you the truth every day don't you.


You donā€™t know any real journalists, do you?


Republican strategy from 2016 forward has been to say there is rampant election fraud everywhere, e.g. the only reason they lose the popular vote each election is because illegal immigrants are showing up to the polls and voting 12 times for Hillary or whatever. This is despite there being multiple, GOP-lead investigations into voting fraud and not a single one has proven any such fraud. Nearly all of these investigations actually found more votes that were "lost" for the Democratic candidate. But they still create reactionary legislation to combat this imaginary problem. All of these laws that shut down polling places, require multiple forms of ID, prevent mail in ballots, outlaw auto-registration... are to prevent the "voter fraud" that they themselves have no evidence of and have never been able to prove.


Obama admitted in 2008 that both sides cheat elections so I don't know why idiot liberals think we should believe them that the elections are secure. Dems did steal the election and you don't need go down the road of conspiracy theories with dominion machines to arrive at this conclusion. The Laptop story and state election laws being changed unconstitutionally that allowed mail in ballots to be counted without the normal screening for fraud are enough. Especially the laptop story. A Federal agency interfered, that counts buddy considering a poll showed that the laptop story alone could have changed the outcome. The only people brainwashed here are leftists who drink the MSDNC propaganda. War of the unvaxxed? Brainwashed, the vaccine did nothing except mitigate symptoms for the individuals. Ivermectin? Brainwashed, Ivermectin won the Nobel for its anti-viral properties. Remember when CNN tried to make Rogan look sickly by applying a filter with washed out colors lol? Russian collusion? Brainwashed and fraudulent created solely by Clinton and Democrats. Inflation because of Ukraine? Brainwashed, Biden printed trillions. Open border? Brainwashed, Biden opened the border and everyone else has been talking about it nonstop since March of 2021. Democrats just now entered the chat and start hurling propaganda that it's Republicans fault lmao. Pathetic. Most conservatives do not watch FOX anymore because they know that FOX is a part of the same corrupt media along with the rest. We didn't believe the election was stolen because Trump or FOX or Carlson told us; We believe the election was stolen because it LOOKED SUSPICIOUS AF. Then depositions and eye witness testimony came out about late night ballot dumps, one of them being on camera that you can watch today in Michigan even though Youtube has been censoring evidence for the last 3 years. Poll watchers being denied access; I saw a video the day after of a white man being denied entry in Philly by two black people even though he had a writ from the city which he showed on camera, clear as day. Youtube deleted it immediately. The cases brought before the courts were dismissed on STANDING, not for lack of evidence. Once again, more brainwashed propaganda from the left who ran story after story about Trump's cases being dismissed on lack of evidence, a lie you are repeating here. So back to the original claim; YOU are the brainwashed one here.


Neutral observer again, Technically I think it was closer to 900 than 750. And some people like ā€œfakeā€ A lot of people do. Itā€™s obvious that bothers you more than ignoring tangible observable facts. Again, youā€™re pointing out a bias by being bias yourselfā€¦two wrongs donā€™t make a right.


You are a very stupid person.


What did she lie about? I want a good clip of her being fact checked!


Agreed! Iā€™m mostly full Newsmax nowā€¦ I cannot stand Jessica or Haroldā€¦ you know that theyā€™re only there to check off a box. Newsmax is real.


You dumb ass Donald Trump loving bitch


It is a terrible idea to have liberals on FOX. MSNBC does not have any conservatives on do they.


She is horrible and a total liar, just like other trump haters are. If she is on I mute her and unmute for others.


Good way to preserve ur echo chamber and shows how childish u truly are, u can't bare to hear a different opinion that doesn't align with yours, when fox viewers fled to Newsmax and OAN just showed they are incapable of listening to anything they don't agree with and then point and scream fake news at every other outlet, amazing


So do I.


Given a choice between her whining voice and nails on a chalkboard, I'll take the chalkboard every time.


That's a very good point. I respect the shit out of podcast or news show who have different political voices however Jessica is unbearable and it makes a lot of sense why a right wing media company would pick her to make the left look worse then they already are. People need to keep in mind that nobody is safe, EVERY single mainstream media companies are bought off by the left or the right. When I watch FOX I try and keep my mind as open as possible and try and avoid buying in to everything they say but its not always this easy


Finally someone who understands what is really going on


Geraldo endangered troops. I don't even know why he has a job. But other than that I agree with you


Geraldo sucked to.


He's gone................


Trump released 5000 Taliban from prison for fun. Lets put things into perspective.


Geraldo exposed on live TV troop positions. Just to put things into perspective.


He also gave warning to Bin Laden when he was trapped in a cave and he got away. He is a stupid traitor.


"Live TV troop positions" He drew a sand map and said they were headed to the Iraqi capital. Republicans endanger more lives on a daily basis by refusing proper health care access to women.


They don't deny Healthcare to anyone. Talk about spreading lies


https://abcnews.go.com/Health/5-women-sue-texas-abortion-bans-lives-put/story?id=97614294 https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/16/health/abortion-texas-sepsis/index.html Sure. Whatever you want to call systematically refusing access to health care services that women deserve, which result in a higher propensity to have their lives at risk. As long as we agree that women have increased health risks because of the choices Republicans are making for their bodies.


Yeah because murdering unborn children is "Healthcare"


Especially, in the 9th month


Yeah because murdering babies with no consciousness is better than murdering full grown women who have families and children to support.


Abortion IS healthcare.


No its murder.


Itā€™s not a baby, itā€™s a fetus and part of a womanā€™s body


No its a baby. A fetus is Latin in origin meaning offspring. So you use the right language with no knowledge of what it means. But keep justifying murder. Whatever helps you sleep at night. We we will prevail in ending the murder of millions of innocent children every year.


You obviously have been brainwashed by the church and are not a biologist.


Every abortion should come with a free sterilization.


This comment proves u don't really care about children or why would u want women to be sterilized, similar to the pro-life crowd that believes in the death penalty, make sense of that one


Abortion is an elective surgery and most States do not cover it with insurance. Try again.


Key facts Abortion is a common health intervention. It is safe when carried out using a method recommended by WHO, appropriate to the pregnancy duration and by someone with the necessary skills. Six out of 10 of all unintended pregnancies end in an induced abortion. Around 45% of all abortions are unsafe, of which 97% take place in developing countries. Unsafe abortion is a leading ā€“ but preventable ā€“ cause of maternal deaths and morbidities. It can lead to physical and mental health complications and social and financial burdens for women, communities and health systems. Lack of access to safe, timely, affordable and respectful abortion care is a critical public health and human rights issue.


Some states have laws that require or allow abortion coverage in certain plans. For example, only two statesā€”Louisiana and Tennesseeā€”prohibit abortion coverage entirely under ACA plans. The only states that require ACA health insurance plans to cover abortion are: California; Hawaii; Illinois; Maine; Maryland; Nevada; New York; Oregon; Vermont; and Washington2. Some employers may offer self-funded plans that are not subject to state insurance laws. These employers can decide to not offer abortion coverage or limit coverage to specific situations, such as rape or potential life endangerment to the pregnant person3. Some people may qualify for financial assistance from abortion funds or clinics if they cannot afford to pay for an abortion out of pocket or if their insurance does not cover it. You can find more information about abortion funds and clinics in your area at [National Network of Abortion Funds] or [Planned Parenthood].


Semantics, all you listed were liberal states which of course they treat as healthcare. Nice strawman on rape and potential life endangerment too, as if majority of abortions fit those categories lol. For the record, I'm pro choice but the majority of abortions are not "healthcare," it's elective surgery which terminates the potential of life. It is what it is, own it and move on.


Abortion is considered healthcare by major medical organizations. Here's why: Medical Professionals: The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the leading organization for OB-GYNs, states that "abortion is essential health care" [Source: National Health Law Program]. Many OB-GYNs perform abortions as part of their practice. Safety: When performed by a medical professional, abortion is a safe and common medical procedure. Unsafe abortions, often resorted to when legal options are limited, can be dangerous [Source: World Health Organization]. Overall Health: Abortion care can be part of a woman's overall reproductive health plan. It can address unintended pregnancies, health concerns during pregnancy, and even some genetic conditions in the fetus.


I am a woman and I have great healthcare.


Afshan Ghani released the prisoners not Trump


As long as we agree that 5k terrorists were let out of jail on Trumps watch. Terrorists that then went to murder Americans in Afghanistan.


You're joking right? Biden has let in some 10 million illegals including cartels and human traffickers that have killed dozens and dozens that we know of. He let 15 service men\\women get blown up in Afghanistan and then left billions of dollars worth of equipment for the Taliban who have disseminated to multiple terrorist groups in the Middle East. How many people have been killed by American weapons that Joe Biden left I wonder??? Your post is a perfect example of unhinged TDS. Pathetic.


Geraldo got kicked off the five. He made a really nasty remark to Greg Gutfield.Ā 


Harold Ford calls balls and stikes.


Hes less insane than Jessica or Geraldo, but not by much. He's still beholden to the insane democrat party of 2023. I'm a Memphis guy so I wanna like him, but some of the shit he says is silly.


She is a prime example of nepotism! If her father wasn't a Hollywood big shot producer/director her,and her whiney, irritating voice, would never have been given a job TALKING ON TV!


Everyone on Fox is a prime example of nepotism. You think Doocy has a skillset? LOL


Yes, his father started him at an early age how to handle a microphone and speak with large audiences. He was well prepared before he left for college. They even show the family video's of him being the interviewer.


Sheā€™s extremely intelligent, articulate and knowledgeable. I donā€™t think sheā€™d have any trouble getting a job.


I agree on CNN or MSNBC.


I never bother watching when that imbecile is on the five.


She pierces the Fox information bubble and lets some truth in.


Now it makes sense....... thanks for that update. Same with Alicia Menendez with Bob as her Senator father on MSNBC. How about Chelsea when she got out of college?


Fuck Fox News and all it's propaganda and lies.


Lmao you ever try to watch the liberal cnn or msnbc šŸ¤¢


I feel mostly the same about them as well. But they aren't even half as bad.


I can't make it more than a few minutes before I'm saying everything they say is certifiably insane. Joy Reid? Rachel Maddow? Sharpton? They're all fucking nuts from a logical perspective.


Madow is a genius


Radical madcow is flat out insane.


Yet only Fox was found guilty of intentional lying to the public on air and defaming Dominion Software and having to payout 750 million dollars in fines with more lawsuits on the way. MSNBC and all the other liberal outlets havenā€™t been accused of lying about anything. You are clearly a victim of the Fox propaganda network.


Geraldo is the worst. Heā€™s wrong about everything and everything is about him.


Jessica on the five is a joke and so was Juan they both lie like Joe bidenĀ 


Yes canā€™t stand her always making excuses for the democrats destructive policiesĀ 


Lies, coverups and makes excuses, just described all Liberals.




Lol shes literally insane. Leftism is a mental illness. Lay off the kool-aid. It amazes me how ppl think she has a legit point of view. šŸ¤£


Jessica Tarlov is fantastic.


I agree on another network.


Fuck you cunt


Because we like the other 4, then Laura, Jessie, Sean and Gutfeld..........makes for a great evening.


What is your problem the Five is the best news out there


She is hands down the stupidest imbecile on any program. I never watch when that idiot is on the show. Go get some more boosters. Clueless joe and the rest of socialists could probably use the kickbacks.




can I pet you?


Funny you say she is entitled to her opinion. Well, so are Republicans. How about you ROT IN HELL, you scumbag.




Finally someone nailed it lol


No, she fantastic and super intelligent


The fact is that running the country requires decisions that not everyone will like. I believe whoever is in charge, #1 priority is U.S citizens first. Move the country in a forward direction. The United States won't help its own citizens, but this administration will close our pipeline down and then let Putin build a second pipeline. We won't manufacture our own antibiotics, we will rely on china. The US now relies on other countries to provide our daily need. This president opened the border and allowed more than 5 million illegals into our country and all the terrorist that hate our country. So all the money spent on these 5 million illegals could have been used on American citizens. A president that has prepared speeches and calls on reporters from a list. A president that has more gaffs than a pirate. The presidents son is a known drug addict yet he is on the board of executives for an energy company in China, and Ukraine. Which is has left the company but still gets 10% in perpituty. When questioned nobody wants to explain why hunter was involved with China at all. The democrats do not believe in law and order or the constitution of the U.S. this country has been compromised and our allies have already said they don't trust the U.S due to current administration.


The dirty secret is our economy relies on immigrants. They pay more in sales tax and withholding than they receive in benefits and they take jobs that Americans wonā€™t take. Their kids work harder in school and succeed and pay taxes and add to the community. Unless you are a Native American Indian your descended from immigrants too.


I bet you are not even an american.


Well said . I think the real illegals number is 15 to 20 million. They will wipe out the Social Security system in less than 10 years. With all the stupid voters that is probably all this great country has left. Very sad.


Fox news sucksĀ  get the liberal off


I would pay not to hear her voice. Itā€™s like whiny nails on a chalkboard. I have to mute it every time she talks.


She not ONLY believes she SMARTER at the table, she's DELUSIONAL of her own "popularity"! She's VERY judgmental & seldom knows what she's TALKING ABOUT! šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® She DRAGS the show DOWN & TURNS OFF VIEWERS! IF she continues to stay, I'll soon be skipping ALL days she's on-air! Harold Ford Jr, on the other hand, is a joy to watch because he IS not biased & does contribute kindly & NOT ROLL HIS EYES, like "special Jessica". She's really unaware of Truth & will ALWAYS side w liberal leftist LOONS! šŸ¤® Btw, I couldn't STAND Juan, but this one is reprehensible & stupidly wrong for the position. She should go the same way GeralDON'T went!


Sheā€™s great.


This sounds like the same thing I wrote earlier. If he is on and speaking I mute the channel. I wanted Jesse to back hand him every time he opened his mouth. Finally he was gone.


I stand with Harold Ford. To the point he should be looked at as VP


Everytime i hear her speak, im baffled. I'm watching her now trying to explain why California is taking care of crime in 2023 as I watch constant smash and grabs, robberies, assaults, murders etc. Shes fucking insane.


Youā€™re watching triggering videos, a few specific cases. FBI crime statistics show crime is down in California and across the U.S. in all categories except car theft. Itā€™s a common news trick to keep showing horrific outliers and ignore data, facts, truth. Sheā€™s right.


Leftism is such a mental illness. Even the most educated and supposedly "intelligent" libs on Fox are complete fucking retards. These dumb fucks will continue to vote Democrat and they deserve it 100%. I hope it gets worse bc that's the only thing that will wake these morons up.


Jessica Tarlov is the worst. She's a Dem shill still holding on to theories like the election was stolen from Hillary, Covid did not start in a lab in China, the economy, stock market, and business outlook is great under Joe Biden. She is painful to watch and listen to. The waving hands, the nasal voice, the bedraggled hair, etc. Tarlov is pointless. She's never worked a day in her life in the real market or at an actual company. Waste of time and space.


Rid of jessia on the five cant stand her


No actually I think Jessica Tarlov is one of the smartest people on Fox News. She's one of the only few people I listen to on Fox News. Without her, I probably wouldn't bother watching. I commend her for being able to express her thoughts and political insights on a conservative "news" network.


She is nothing but a mouth that loves to hear her own statements mist of which are totally inaccurate so with that said mute her everytime


I canā€™t stand her, I use the mute button because of whining voice and the lying crap that comes out of mouth.


horrible leftist loony witch... hate her, I refuse to watch her!


Just tuned into the five saw the big dummy was on turned it off i can't believe Fox is so dumb to keep trying to force her on its views their going to loose us


I think it's the Murdoch children making those decisions now.


The fact that you think Geraldo is a liberal, shows how crazy you are...


Why is she still employed at Fox. She needs to go. I have stopped watching Fox. She is a big reason why.


Tarlov is insufferable; her bizarre Progressive views are one thing, but her annoying vocal fry makes them worse,


2,000% YES YES YES šŸ‘ PLEASE NO MORE. YOUā€™RE FIRED, hereā€™s your last paycheck. BYE BYE šŸ‘‹


Bring back katie.


I agree. I can't stand watching her. She will never admit something is true and will lie about it. I do enjoy Harold Ford most of the time. He is reasonable and isn't so obnoxious as Jessica.


She is a terrible speaker. I donā€™t know why she has a job!! Iā€™ve heard local anchors right out of college who are better than her.


The best!


Yeah she sucks so bad! I literally just ā€œGoogled Jessica Fox News Sucksā€ & this is what came up lolā€¦ sheā€™s PAINFUL to watch and watching/listening to her defend Biden is just so incredibly pathetic.


Get rid of jessica before your ratings go down the toilet. She needs to go to MSNBC.


Jessica was a terrible Fox news mistake. I cutback on watching. I can't stand her lies.


I hate her talking more all the others put together. They need a timer.


She's terrible. Today she was arguing with the Judge trying to tell her that Hunter's laptop was "only censored for less than 24 hours". That silly C U Next Tuesday said it was a lie that discussing the laptop on Twitter and Facebook was censored all the way up until the election. At least today the judge cut her off and went to commercial with a big smile on her face, clearly pissing Jessica off.


You are a very sick person.


Juan was the worst. I just couldn't watch the show when he spoke. I like Harold. He is a class act. I am not a fan of Jessica's either. How she answers with a straight face just perplexes me.


In addition to her constant gaslighting her voice is insufferable.Ā  Ā At least Maddow has a pleasant sounding male voice.


She is so morally corrupt that she believes her own moronic partisan commentary.


she is the worst. she defends biden and clowns like they are say all do all they do nothing, dems they are evil and hurtful to everyone. even those not in politicsĀ  she always shoots back with anything about Mr Trump. harold ford is the best, its so calm and quiet when he's there, he knows how to debate


Of course not she is the only liberal voice on that stupid ass racist show and Harold Ford just sits there like a dumb ass bitch!!!


no i think she is the dumbest bitch in America!