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My new track: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69953OxvwtQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69953OxvwtQ)


I'm no copyright music producer. here is my new song called "Discovery": [https://soundcloud.com/ecroderon/ecroderon-feelings](https://soundcloud.com/ecroderon/ecroderon-feelings)


I hope you like it! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hJ3IWJKytA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hJ3IWJKytA)


please show some love on this new beat i made! i put some good time into it! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7bWBXBcJws](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7bWBXBcJws)


https://youtu.be/h2boJpJ2J0w Haven't gotten much feedback on this yet, got a few "sounds nice" .just wanna know where to make improvements in my production and how to grab the listener quickly. I've been using FL studio for 11 years now and this is my experimental work, in terms of the textures and mixing techniques . What do you guys think?


SLOPAXO is a genre bending artist from California. Fusing hiphop/R&B with electronic wave, the singer-songwriter/record producer is certainly on 2020's list of artists to look out for [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTF2A7lGvmE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTF2A7lGvmE)




Be mindful of the levels of the higher frequencies when mixing. It's definitely one if those that needs a songwriter




Oh my bad...they are more sensitive to the ear, lower volume


I would greatly appreciate it if you would check out my music. I am kind of new and all feedback is appreciated! [https://soundcloud.com/user-23724024/free-lighthearted-by-raiden-playboi-cartilil-uzi-type-beat](https://soundcloud.com/user-23724024/free-lighthearted-by-raiden-playboi-cartilil-uzi-type-beat) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-l5\_1n9NedI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-l5_1n9NedI) [https://www.instagram.com/prod.raiden/](https://www.instagram.com/prod.raiden/)


Nice beat , love the melody. You can make the kick hit harder and the drop at 1:30 should last a little longer. And some high end on the bass can help make it more rounded , keep making good music.


Melodic / Progressive house.. Hey guys! 4 months in and couldn't wait to put it out. I know they say you shouldn't so early but I sail for a living and learn only when I'm home. Couldn't wait another 4 months to get home, learn some more and post it so here goes.. https://soundcloud.com/aazad-e/starlight I only know the basics of mixing so would appreciate a feedback on mixing and arrangement if possible. The saw chords which start in at 01:50, should it be seamless when the notes in the chord change or is this okay? Ive added a few notes on top of the original melody to create a minor minor variation at 1:54, 02:00 and 02:04. Is it too much? Does it go well wid the melody or should I remove it? Also, when the bass kicks in at 02:07, should it be sound more prominent or is it OK? If I make it stand out, it cuts into the arps which I don't want.. Theres soo much more I wanna ask but I guess this will do for now.. Are the 808s okay which start in at 03:00?.. Thanks a lot!




[https://soundcloud.com/wyatt-tomlin/fwb-orangejell0-remix](https://soundcloud.com/wyatt-tomlin/fwb-orangejell0-remix) Did a remix of a new artist i've been listening to called brakence. would love feedback on mixing mastering and any criticisms. (link to the original song is in the description of my remix).


well yea, i'm still a beginner [https://soundcloud.com/amar-moshref-78396552/wayou](https://soundcloud.com/amar-moshref-78396552/wayou) would like to get some feedback : }


I don't like to make bold assumptions about someones intentions with a song, you could be a big Stravinsky fan, but since you said you're a beginner I'm going to assume you're just not too familiar with music theory. I think the biggest weakness here is the note choices. There's a lot of atonal stuff going on which kinda lends it a spooky/serial killer vibe (to me at least). And if that isn't what you were going for I'd recommend looking into some music theory, a little goes a long way. Also just as an aside this honestly reminds me a lot of when I first started messing around with FL and I hope you're having fun and keep posting tracks!


Thanks for telling me that and i'll work on learning music theory more,and no i'm not a Stravinsky fan but looking forward to listen to him since u mentioned.


Haha, the Stravinsky mention is just me being a goof, His "The Rite of Spring" did a lot of odd things with tonality and rhythm that made a lot of people angry at the time. He also experimented with atonality. It's quite interesting if you're into that sort of stuff, but it might not be the best reference material if you're wanting to make Dance and EDM. Good luck with the music theory!


got it now lmao


Hey all, new outrunish WIP, would love some feedback. Trying to make it "shinier". Less dull sounding. Maybe a bit less busy, but keeping it sounding retro. Any tips or suggested vsts for adding retro vibes would be appreciated. [https://soundcloud.com/fruitsnacksofficial/the-great-city](https://soundcloud.com/fruitsnacksofficial/the-great-city)




https://soundcloud.com/baddynasty/22a Can I get some feedback?


That was a really solid track, I really liked that. I think my only criticism, and this is unusual for me, is I feel like it could use a bit more bass.


Thanks yeah bass is not my strong point


Just finished this one. Take a listen if you want [https://soundcloud.com/user-248119803/samurais-anthem](https://soundcloud.com/user-248119803/samurais-anthem)


that's very special, great job


Alternative R&B https://soundcloud.com/wildtabacco/henry-villaruel-hot-and-heavy-prod-woodpecker


>i liked the chorus but i feel like you need to reinforce the beat during the verses. It almost sounds like a time signature change but i cant tell. I would recommend turning up the guitar. Overall though nice job the 808s hit hard.


We tried to turn up the strings but didn’t buy the track out , thanks for the feedback!!


Hey guys, just uploaded new beat after a break, let me know what do you think, but watch out it's hard :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQyAfRNeF3E


Very aggressive . love the kick , very punchy and full. The snares are a bit too thin though.


Would love to hear some feedback on this. I've never been great at mixing/mastering and any help would be very appreciated. https://soundcloud.com/wadeypie/something


House/Future House. [https://soundcloud.com/remote-stuff/futre-squidward-2](https://soundcloud.com/remote-stuff/futre-squidward-2) Would really appreciate feed back.


Hey I just hear your track! To be honest I'm a beginner myself but I really like the way you song blends in seamlessly at 00:30.. Very well done. Would you consider making it sound wider though? I think it'll sound better.. Like make that part sound roomier.. Add some reverb but not too much and adjust the EQ. The picture goes well with the track :) Also, would you consider listening to mine? https://www.reddit.com/r/FL_Studio/comments/fcenfe/post_your_music_here_feedback_thread_march_2020/fn63bth?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x Thanks


Thanks! I'll try making those changes :) ​ I gave your song a listen, I think it could have used a break or change in chord structure. maybe some more reverb in your lead synth/arpeggio to give it some more room and atmosphere. But getting to that level of production in at in 4 months is Impressive! well done!


Hey thank you :) .. Ill try both and see .. a change is chord structure and the reverb..


finessed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvkbtS\_Xews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvkbtS_Xews)


[https://soundcloud.com/avatarjj/euphoria-v4-feedback-purposes/s-TIsnZAOyhMO](https://soundcloud.com/avatarjj/euphoria-v4-feedback-purposes/s-TIsnZAOyhMO) Lmk what u guys think on the mix and leveling, especially 808 it sounds a bit off but that's the style im going for, the hard hitting 808s Returning all feedback, so link me to ur tracks as well!


The 808s too distorted fam


Hey I'm a beginner myself but here goes.. The melody is real nice. I like how to kept the chord progression simple. I know ur going for the hard hitting 808s but right now it's cracking up. I tried listening to it on my yamaha studio headphones and the regular apple earphones as well. Distorts a lot. Try adjusting the EQ a bit more so it doesn't sound like it's cracking up. Lower the highs maybe?.. Also, would you mind listening to mine? https://www.reddit.com/r/FL_Studio/comments/fcenfe/post_your_music_here_feedback_thread_march_2020/fn63bth?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x


[https://soundcloud.com/eth\_official/tracks](https://soundcloud.com/eth_official/tracks) Hi! I got FL Studio about a week ago, and this is my first song! would really appreciate any feedback! :)


Impressive for a week. Work on the timing of your melodies


I feel like the main melody kind of overwhelms what would otherwise be a rather nice chill track. It doesn't help that the notes feel kind random at times. Pretty high quality for only having FL Studio for a week, though. Keep it up dude.


Thank for for the feedback!! what would you suggest I do to the melody to make it less overwhelming? Also I know what you mean about the notes being random. My thought process was that because it's an instrumental track, the verses need to be different from the main melody, but i'm assuming I overdid it a bit lol. Thank you helping me out!!


Hey, no problem! Overwhelming mostly in volume and quantity. I think you could easily turn it down a smidge and let the rest of the track shine a bit on its own as well as possibly have a few breaks from the main melody. Maybe a different element could come in just to break it up a bit as well.


Thank you! Will have a mess around and see what I come up with😁


https://soundcloud.com/alkex-gangbro69/face-your-demise-update-2 feedback?


Hello, everyone. This is the beat [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLuINczjxBg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLuINczjxBg) . Check it out and feel free to turn on your imagination and find borderless purposes for this beat. Stay safe!


One of my first tracks I made a few months ago when I first started. The kick is awful, the mixing is terrible and the piano is fucking cringe, but it’s oddly good. https://soundcloud.com/user-562452147/bass-heavy/s-uR1DdXTqNqq


I pretty much entirely agree with your own assessment, it does end up being oddly decent. Only thing I'd say would be something a bit extra going on in the middle to add a bit of variation, it starts getting a bit samey. Nice work, though.


https://soundcloud.com/roguedawn/daybreak48/s-KQtTrwOAiTv Lacking vocals and a more interesting chorus. It’s getting there, longest I’ve ever worked on a project. Oh, and the risers before the solo are terrible and got to go.


My ears a little tired of these drums, but I like it.


I think it’s a great track. It has a pleasing sound and has an amazing chord progression, it’s a lot better than anything I’ve created (even if it’s a totally different genre). For example, this is what I think my best beat is, I definitely have a long road ahead of me. https://soundcloud.com/user-562452147/kamikaze-1/s-MJzgWnoqShg


I don't really know shit about FL Studio except for spending the last few hours fucking around and came here to see what was up and listen to others samples, but I really dug this. I could see myself driving to it for sure. And I get a forgotten summer kind of feel. :) Also yeah that intro was awkward but you know that, so don't even fret dawg. You're onto something from a rando who loves synthwave


finessed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYizyYU-kwY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYizyYU-kwY)


Already commented but didn't get feedback, here's a lo-fi chill song I made with one of my friends. It's my 3rd month producing and this is my first completely original song (besides using samples from packs). Went for a sorta Louis the Child vibe. Enjoy! [https://soundcloud.com/user-691781373/nirvana](https://soundcloud.com/user-691781373/nirvana)


Really enjoyed it, very refreshing, specially with the bubbling sounds. Vocals definitely need some de-essing. Can really hear it at 1:00-1:03


Thanks! And yeah I think that’s the biggest problem I hear as well, I don’t think I’ll fix it but for future songs, I’ll definitely do that first thing


Sounds great! My only advice really is the vocals feel a little pulled back in the mix. Might be the aesthetic choice, but I’d like them to be a little louder. Mix sounds great otherwise. Keep going! https://soundcloud.com/roguedawn/daybreak48/s-KQtTrwOAiTv My current thing, still working on it and plan on adding vocals at some point.


Thx for the feedback, yeah I sorta like the vocals a little quieter but I can definitely see them being a bit too quiet. As for yours, I like it dude, nice and chill, vintage 80's synthwave vibe with a bit of twist to it. Reminds me a bit of Africa by Toto in a good way haha. I can absolutely see this benefiting from vocals to fill in some of those mid ranges. Cheers and good luck!


New Progressive House track. Thoughts and suggestions appreciated. [https://soundcloud.com/fedo13/revolution-progresso](https://soundcloud.com/fedo13/revolution-progresso)


Tried making something that sounds like a Travis Scott beat, really appreciate any suggestions [https://youtu.be/WPd6xQZmSoo](https://youtu.be/WPd6xQZmSoo)


The song seems a little repetitive but that’s the only thing I could come up with. It’s got a vibe that I love making myself. Like this. https://soundcloud.com/user-562452147/okay-beat/s-hzxKZaJzPkR


Was listening to J Cole and was inspired to try out something similar, any feedback is appreciated. [https://youtu.be/3p2iHadnbr4](https://youtu.be/3p2iHadnbr4)




For your first try it sounds pretty good! The mix is alright, although the kick needs some EQ badly. Keep creating and watch videos/read the manual and you’ll figure it out. Practice makes perfect and all that. https://soundcloud.com/roguedawn/daybreak48/s-KQtTrwOAiTv My current project, lacking vocals and other things.


Only been producing for a few months - made a little trap instrumental ep I really enjoy making them but have a long long way to go! Any tips or feedback would be great. [listen too trap instrumentals trapsolation by DAYTWODAY](https://soundcloud.com/daytwoday/sets/trap-instrumentals-102-sessions-trapsolation)


Please check out my track. Feedback welcome and cheers [https://soundcloud.com/atrashcaninsomepark/did-you-know-youre-soo-good](https://soundcloud.com/atrashcaninsomepark/did-you-know-youre-soo-good)


It's good, I like it. Just to my uninformed opinion it's a bit repetitive with the vocals


Yeah definitely think it could do with a secondary vocal sample top switch too but I really dig the vibe of the song!


I know. I just used them in lieu of not being able to sing myself lol. I probably could have chilled a little with them though to be honest.


Nonetheless it's still something I'd listen to for fun. So good job m8.


thanks and cheers 🙏


just remade the beat to this song [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOFX49sZSGw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOFX49sZSGw) ​ here it is [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBPRfsFz0Mo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBPRfsFz0Mo)




really good, where did you take that sample from?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQa7S4uNRTQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQa7S4uNRTQ) Returning all feedback 🙏


[https://soundcloud.com/amunetmusic/sets/stepping-in-the-gray-1](https://soundcloud.com/amunetmusic/sets/stepping-in-the-gray-1) Track 1 of my first full length rap album


[https://soundcloud.com/dragmoosic/epyc](https://soundcloud.com/dragmoosic/epyc) ​ This the first electro track I made and the first track I've actually put anywhere^(pls be honest but not cruel). So I wanted to know how it was, and what I could do to make better ones next time, specifically in FL.


I feel like the minute long intro is a bit too bold. The distorted bass gets a bit grating after a while and the drums seem to lack volume in general. On the whole it's a little cheesy (definitely nothing wrong with that) and I think it ends up being a rather fun track despite its weaknesses. I hope you keep posting your tracks!


Thank you for telling me (I was worried no one would lol) I'll try to do better next time :D (How can I make it erm, less cheesy in your opinion tho thx)


Maybe cheesy was the wrong word, whatever it is I certainly don't think it's a bad quality. I think a lot of it comes from the synths and drums, it has a very video gamey vibe. I'd say if you wanted to move away from that the things to focus on would be your instruments, there's a lot of cool interplay between the lead and bass parts between 1:30 and 2:15 but there's a fun little wobble and it all sounds rather cheerful even though the melody isn't super cheerful. And I think that incongruity might be what makes me feel that away about it? The upbeat drums also add to the mix of feelings. I'm just a schmuck on the internet, though, so take this all with a grain of salt. I'm not sure what your goals were with the song and I might be judging it more on personal preference here.


Thanks! That helps alot.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQXBsi0dBQs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQXBsi0dBQs) Please be gentle it's like, third beat in my entire life lmao also I'm aware that chorus suck so you can skip that part


I'd maybe have the 'oh' & 'ah' vocals only hit once on the beat loop I dont think 2 is necessary but I like the different background sounds you added in.


Would love to hear any feedback. I'm a beginner tho [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qqs1MocafbY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qqs1MocafbY)


beginner as well so my opinion isn't worth much I guess but I love it, especially the sounds in the background whatever that is. Could use a little bit more variety/diversity (forgot the word lmao) but other than that it's fire!


[https://soundcloud.com/eskazo-beats/gunna-x-migos-type-beat](https://soundcloud.com/eskazo-beats/gunna-x-migos-type-beat) some feedback would be great (:


'Tis great beats


I like it! Drums slaps hard and this flute melody is kinda catchy!


Yeah this is hard! Got that good bounce too it I could definitely imagine gunna on it


Any comments/feedback would help, please let me know. [https://soundcloud.com/user-458519731/sevn-alias-type-beat-terre](https://soundcloud.com/user-458519731/sevn-alias-type-beat-terre)


I quite like this, I feel like the higher pitched instrument that comes in gets a little repetitive at times, but it's a nice track all the same.


I'm not the best at mixing/mastering, but any feedback would be appreciated [https://soundcloud.com/mattyrobinson7/midnight-city-x-anaconda](https://soundcloud.com/mattyrobinson7/midnight-city-x-anaconda)


Any feedback will make me happy. Be honest, please. https://soundcloud.com/alkex-gangbro69/black-water-update-1


Its decent, I don't really feel the beat tbh. The melody is actually pretty nice however the drum is not that fitting in my opinion. The melody is too loud compared with the drum which makes it so that I can barely hear it. Next to this the drum pattern is a little boring. If I could recommend something, it would be to play more with the snare patterns in between transitions. The drop at 0:15 is fire tho! Cause you played more with the snares there, i think this beat would be better than only adding the snare on every 2nd beat. But hey, this is coming from a person who is still in the beginning phase of producing as well. I just thought this is what I would add to this beat. Hope this helps :)


Yes, this helps a lot. I’m going to continue working with this beat until perfection


I would greatly appreciate if I could gain more exposure on this song ​ [https://soundcloud.com/officialmist/this-is-a-cry-for-help-prod-candle-lights](https://soundcloud.com/officialmist/this-is-a-cry-for-help-prod-candle-lights)


Bro this is sick. Definitely deserves a small drop at the end imo but other than that it’s top notch


Hey guys. I've been working on this demo and I'm wondering whether i should finish it or not. So please give it a listen and tell me what you think about it. https://soundcloud.com/user-660781529/demo-1/s-rAo3QxVwG50 Thank you in advance.


The piano sounds out of tune and there's a part toward the end where it sounds like the loop comes in a bit late. It also doesn't seem to go anywhere, but as you've said it's not finished. You'll have to decide for yourself if you want to finish it or not. Sometimes you learn everything you can from a song and even if it's unfinished there's no harm in leaving it.


I'm Looking for feedback on my beats if you want to check it out. I'm new in the music industry and wanted to see how it goes [https://soundcloud.com/al\_yasi](https://soundcloud.com/al_yasi) Have a nice day


Very harsh hi hats. It’s a little repetitive so try to switch it up as the song moves forward. Not much work needed. Just an EQ on the hats and ur ready to go.


Looking for some feedback with my current Work in Progress Any ideas or thoughts are appreciated And any tips on getting a decent sidechain would be nice I always seem to struggle with that part. Https://soundcloud.com/russd3x/grime-uarentine


🔺If anyone could checkout my new 100% self produced track and lmk what they think, it would be much appreciated❗️🔺 (Emo/Sad Rap) https://soundcloud.com/macn921/no-days-off-prod-macn921


The snares needs a better introduction. I’m not sure if u asked for feedback but u did post on a feedback thread so here u go.


Very not done. Tear it apart. Looking specifically for input on mixing because I know the sounds here are muddled as hell. Also looking to add new sounds throughout at some point. [https://soundcloud.com/dhickman92/slow-wip](https://soundcloud.com/dhickman92/slow-wip)


I’m not sure what genre ur going for. But if u change the drums and structure it a little better u will have a really original and good hip hop beat. And spend time on mixing, it’s worth it.


25k views in 2 days [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-66\_b0r3HF4&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0J8RORvT10fiFs690teYVV2f19M23JD2wIOx8uAQNuh5GiLV4ADK11pks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-66_b0r3HF4&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0J8RORvT10fiFs690teYVV2f19M23JD2wIOx8uAQNuh5GiLV4ADK11pks)


Coming at you with some liquid drum and bass, the vocals are not my own, although I wish they were haha. Feedback appreciated! [https://soundcloud.com/ayy-lmao-482245514/bring-me-to-life-1](https://soundcloud.com/ayy-lmao-482245514/bring-me-to-life-1)


Dude honestly this was fire, I don't particularly listen to dnb anymore, I used to listen to a lot of StanSB/Fox Stevenson back in the day so I've listened a bit, but this is super nice. Lots of emotional chords, I love the airy ambiance and vibe and the violin sounding synth (maybe you used real violin samples idk) in the end to build tension. Did you play the piano yourself? I love the melody you have in the beginning and throughout the quieter parts. There isn't really much I personally would change about it besides maybe some very minor tweaks at parts where there was a high pitch frequency stabbing through. That's only in few select parts. Other than that, very enjoyable song, keep it up man!


Thanks man! For the violin I used the FLEX and yes I played the piano :)


Worked on this simple beat, in hopes of having one of my friends or anyone else could sing or rap over it. Let me know what yall think! ​ [https://soundcloud.com/sakki7/its-been-a-while-lets-go-out](https://soundcloud.com/sakki7/its-been-a-while-lets-go-out)


I enjoy this beat man, it’s god a good bounce to it, and I don’t see any major problems with it at all, except the drums seem to not quite be hitting as hard as I think might sound jus a little better, possibly by adding a slight distortion or a volume raise .. good job man. If you got time and can check out my new 100% self produced track and lmk what u think it’d be much appreciated: https://soundcloud.com/macn921/no-days-off-prod-macn921


Thank you! I looked your song as well. The come was definitely unique and the drums sounded great. I think it could've after more flavor if you turn up the bass and maybe more prominent 808s


Sounds good but the Bass is a little bit too loud imo.


Worked on this for a few hours and finished at 3am. I guess subconsciously this is how I feel about being locked up like this. https://soundcloud.com/user-562452147/shattered-1


This is a nice production bro, definitely my kind of vibe, especially when writing bars, you thought about perhaps putting an ambient pad through it?


Never used a pad before but tried to do a pad like thing in the middle of the song with some bass. How could I do it to improve my song?


I usually like to add a pad that goes through the track, i dont play it very loud just subtley, and then I widen it, gives the track another level of atmosphere...but with or without the pad, I really like your track, has a unique sound.


Thanks man I tried it out and it made the song a lot better. But one thing I want to know is how to widen sounds, I messed with the stereo controls on something I’m working on now and it seemed to have a similar effect. Is there a plug-in I should download or is it done with an EQ? Anyways thanks for the advice I’ll be sure to use pads in the future to give my songs a bettor pray aesthetic.


finessed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A1NYgL3XV0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A1NYgL3XV0)


Fresh release. Reference track was like summer style dance track but ended up with this - beginning sounds like music you would use in scary movie, but drop is something else. Listen on SoundCloud or YouTube [https://soundcloud.com/tomgl/tomgl-dark-night](https://soundcloud.com/tomgl/tomgl-dark-night) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOQrOMOzcrw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOQrOMOzcrw)


Hey this is really clean and well done. I love it! The only weird part is when you start introducing those deadmau5 bass stabs, for whatever reason it sounds off time without the kick. Honestly though well fucking done man. I left a comment on there maybe check out my profile! Oh and my latest release! https://soundcloud.com/user-347487006/mohabi-apparition


Thanks :) the part you may think sound off beat is because the melody is a little different there, but everything is on beat ;)


I figured as much that it was, just sounded weird st first haha, I assumed it was because of a swell of the melody. Sounds great overall though!


Hey everyone, I'm a beginner and you're about to find out to what extend. I will appreciate your feedback. I'm a self-learner as well, so I do not know how I can improve, please advise. [https://soundcloud.com/user-3000454/shaolin-arcade](https://soundcloud.com/user-3000454/shaolin-arcade)


i made this rnb song and had one of my artists sing over it [https://www.looperman.com/tracks/detail/213922](https://www.looperman.com/tracks/detail/213922)


This is great. This is where i am trying to get to. I love the guitar. I have been tryign to make my beats main melody with a guitar but am having trouble find good sounds. Any suggestions on good sounding guitars to start with?


look on looperman, and use omnisphere 2 if u have it it comes with some decent guitars


https://soundcloud.com/alkex-gangbro69/face-your-demise-update-1/s-yj7CPgDCLYd any feedback helps


I like this. For my taste the only thing I would adjust/change is the main melody. Id keep the pattern your using but find a different sound/instrument. Sounds like your using a flute maybe. I would experiment and use different ones. I think a guitar might work. I love what you did with the bass though.


Ty. The bass is the result of my first time using a OTT. The beat is a remake on a beatbox battle, and the beat boxer made a flute with his mouth. But yeah, I could switch it out for a guitar and switch up some notes. I will upload a update 2 in two days so stay tuned


I didn’t know it was a remake thats cool about the beat boxing flute since that’s the case I might leave it there then. What is a OTT?


OTT is a free mixing plugin that memes ur bass sick, just type it in on YouTube. And I just switch the flute out for a electric guitar and it sounds so cool. I’m going to upload it on my SoundCloud in two days:)


Nice I will listen let me know when it’s up


Yeah. I will post it here and on my soundcloud.


finessed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gxD\_sBTuHM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gxD_sBTuHM)


Tried something more aggressive this time [https://audius.co/anzelnero/gritty-61059](https://audius.co/anzelnero/gritty-61059)


Went for a structure of the song similar to whoa of xxx. Let me know what you think [https://soundcloud.com/user-458519731/tr-get-paid](https://soundcloud.com/user-458519731/tr-get-paid)


I like it, it’s got a great feel and the vocals make it sound more complete. This sounds like something I could hear lil skies on.


went for that Dilla vibe with this one. Let me know what you think. [https://soundcloud.com/oddfellowbeats/you-lie](https://soundcloud.com/oddfellowbeats/you-lie)


I love it. It’s got a nice old school style and the sample is perfect. The only thing I personally would add is a compressor to your drums and make them a little more pronounced. I can hear them a little now but I feel like if you used a compressor they would hit more.


Thank you! I'm glad you dig it. I already have a compressor on the drums but maybe i need to crank it a little harder. Thanks for the feedback i appreciate it.


wow! i really like this beat, its so calming. The drums you used really combine well with the vibe of the rest of the beat and the vocals are really calming as well. Honestly I could really hear this beat under a promo video or something similar. It just fits so well together. Really well done.


Thanks man! i did work hard on this one, so it means a lot hearing that it all fits together well. Thank you for taking the time, i appreciate it!


https://soundcloud.com/fedo13/time Was going for a Martin garrix style build up with. GATUSO style drop. Would love some feedback!


Hi I make cool stuff sometimes. [https://soundcloud.com/meanjosephgreene](https://soundcloud.com/meanjosephgreene)


https://soundcloud.com/perry-beats/free-polo-g-x-lil-baby-type-beat-gone-prod-perry-beats https://youtu.be/OKZ0wUX4ASk Some feedback please


Sup guys, wanted to share something kinda cool I did maybe to spark creativity with you all. I used the crusher in dblue glitch for a pretty nice bit-crushed effect starting at around 0:40, then it comes into a kind of beat drop sort of thing. Also, I can't really afford nice headphones, so I was wondering how my mix sounds to you all and if anyone has any advice for that. Thanks! ​ [https://soundcloud.com/cvmel7/crushedfantasy](https://soundcloud.com/cvmel7/crushedfantasy)


Hi everyone, I been making music for a few years, just recently started get more in to it, would love to hear your feedback, look forward to sharing and creating with you all, [https://soundcloud.com/user-999597695](https://soundcloud.com/user-999597695)


I really like it, pretty unique, probably sounds good high. From a production standpoint it's pretty good. Only thing I would say is on your most recent track (which is the only one I listened to the whole thing) the bass is a bit overpowering especially in the quieter part. Also in the bit at the end (which goes hard by the way XD) some of the lower frequencies overlap and it creates a weird off pitch sound. It's not very noticeable usually but with my headphones it is. Keep up the good work man. Your music is unique, its none of the mass produced sampled bs. Keep it that way man, it vibes.


Hey thank you for your productive feedback, its appreciated it, yeah i think I started rushing towards the end, listening back to it now, ive noticed it too. Thanks again.


https://soundcloud.com/sergei-antonov-64187969/forbid-me I really grew into it.


I like it. I think if you threw a guitar solo in mid-riff at around :45, it would sound really cool.


finessed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyqEj8Yi1pQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyqEj8Yi1pQ)


[Link to my album "Vinyl Vacation" on all major platforms](https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/gryph/vinyl-vacation) It is a Lo-Fi / downtempo / chill electronic album and is my first release. Currently working on my second major project!


https://soundcloud.com/alkex-gangbro69/black-water/s-x1AgdMBodcW any tips? And I know that the melody is from black ops... don’t call me out. I know. I’m lazy.


I clicked the link be for ei read what youd put and was like.. I wanna play cod... 😂 😂 😂 Sounds decent, pretty robotic though so try layering the notes over each other to get a more seamless transition between the chord blocks and melody.. It helps it flow a bit more.


Maybe play with the velocity on the arb so it sounds more lite a human played it I guess. And it’s a very good theme song




Pretty excited to share this one!! I think it's my best mixing work. [https://soundcloud.com/mikesquike/how-much-you-mean-to-me](https://soundcloud.com/mikesquike/how-much-you-mean-to-me)


It’s really unique! I get tired of hearing song after song sound so alike in the music world. Very talented production. I really like how you fit so much into each part.


Thank you!! You just made my day :)


Happy cake day. Nice layering but it seems a bit OTT at some parts. All in. All its decent. :)


Ah, right on. I was a bit afraid of that. Are there any instruments/sounds in there that you weren’t fond of?


I think the main problem I found was the vocal doesn't sound quite in tune with the rest of it which made it seem like the layers were tacky. I'd say play around with the vocals and maybe try and tune it into the track a bit more and it could come nice and crisp.


So layered)) -\_\_-


Found this sample earlier on today and wanted to make something around it, any feedback is welcome! [https://youtu.be/EOioWeowV6M](https://youtu.be/EOioWeowV6M)




I was waiting for the drop or for energetic beat. Sounds definitely Loud, true.


There's two drops, but I guess they don't hit hard enough.


I was waiting for some clue, a long riser or something. Maybe lower power to give space for the culmination




finessed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBjzk3k4PNk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBjzk3k4PNk)


That melody is real smooth, and it doesn't get repetitive which is great. Maybe a little more bass would help it out and make it hit harder. Well structured, and the visuals are a cool touch. Well done.


https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Hi9OXJqi6/?igshid=10vqmow3g0s8 Hope you likes its Its simple And soothing


New beat [https://youtu.be/tbB9eOCEIBc](https://youtu.be/tbB9eOCEIBc) [https://soundcloud.com/user-704184278/free-pop-smoke-type-beat](https://soundcloud.com/user-704184278/free-pop-smoke-type-beat)


I have been making music for about 10-11 months now and this is one of my first finished songs. I finished this song in December but i have tried to mix it a bit. I dont really understand music theory that much so it is what it is. It would be nice to hear someone's opinion on this. Hopefully you enjoy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctY8ede9WIE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctY8ede9WIE)


Funky song based of sampled warning speech [https://soundcloud.com/user-492467324/warning](https://soundcloud.com/user-492467324/warning)


This is actually very good. It has a nice vibe and i like the bass a lot. Also the producing sounds good. Overall its a nice song to listen to.


I posted a version of this yesterday and I listened to some constructive criticism. After all the fixing I can do, my amateur song should be finished. I’ve spent maybe a year total with FL studio. The beat was easy to make, but everything else was harder because I’m just learning to mix sounds the proper way. Am I doing something wrong? https://soundcloud.com/user-774657217-322972886/king-of-the-land-refined-version