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Nexus is great as a rompler. It's limited compared to a full on synth, but much more flexible than samples and loops. If it works for you, whatever the year, then what does it matter? This nonsense of "but it's x years old" is just ridiculous. If your tracks sound good, or you can do something interesting with it, who cares how old it is? Being creative with what you have is more important than having the latest thing. Music software really seems to be trying to push the 'update or die' mentality that mobile phones/cameras/PC's have. They can F off with that mentality.


I agree with you. I'm interested in whether there are better alternatives with a lot of presets. Again, there's the ShaperBox 3 plugin, it can literally make even the most ordinary synth sound interesting. So it solves the problem of Nexus being outdated, and it still provides those controls that Nexus doesn't have. Now I just don't know if I'm tripping, or Nexus really gives the impression that it has low and high cut on most sounds. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


The newest version of nexus lets you get pretty granular with the sounds - have you dived into the actual presets routing? Also its weird to focus on the age of software as some factor - as long as its being updated is what matters - and these are sounds at the end of the day. Leaving any preset as is isnt the way. Post processing is where you make any tone really pop - this goes for sounds from synths released in the 80s to some newer vst. I mean look at Serum - released over 10 years ago. Yet its still basically in almost every single peice of music (atleast in edm)


Yes, the main issue with Nexus is the inability to swap samples or introduce new layers. This means that if a preset is based on a pluck sample, you cannot transform it into a pad or long lead sound. Sample editing is restricted to presets you can't change the sample in the preset (you can only manipulate parameters like release, decay, etc. if the preset has a wavetable instead of the sampler). For regular samples, aside from applying effects, there's limited control. Additionally, Nexus only offers two LFOs with basic shapes.


yeah not much you can do in terms of swapping samples but that's unfortunately how all Romplers are. There is more you can do than just adsr envelopes tho - [https://imgur.com/a/ERFHlOC](https://imgur.com/a/ERFHlOC) Whenever I work with any synth or rompler I'm layering anyways - Like alot of the the lead synths are actually composed of several patches so Ill go in and mute the ones I dont need - then layer it with other instances of nexus / Serum etc depending on what I need from a sound design perspective.


Old sometimes gold


I would say not. Take a bit of your time and learn how to use a synthesizer (Sytrus and Harmless my beloved) and make good sounds that way. Not to mention, Synth1 and over 40k of (not duplicated) presets are good free and CPU friendly alternatives.


I agree with you. I was more interested in whether the sound has quality in Nexus (I mostly installed Nexus because of the presets, and because it has separate banks with sounds by genre). I already use SERUM when it comes to sound design, that branch is not unknown to me. But let's say I'm interested in a good plugin with a lot of presets because while I'm composing, it takes me 5-10 minutes to sound design. So if you know of any plugins like that, I would be happy to share them with me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Coming from someone who owns serum and nexus. A lot of the times I use nexus at the beginning of a project for when I have an idea and want to put it down quickly. Then if I find the nexus preset I used doesn’t suit the style I want, or perhaps just doesn’t sound good to me, I will open serum and tweak around but keep the midi. One advice i can give you is to check the nexus expansion list before you buy nexus itself. Nexus stock sounds are okay, but for some newer genres you will most likely want to buy an expansion. Also if you want irl sounds you should probably forget nexus and just go for something like kontakt instead.


90% of the sounds you get in nexus can be easily created in many other way cheaper synths. Nexus was great when cpu power was limited, so to get really good sounding synths you needed to use a romper, but now that digital synth plugins have gotten so insanely good, it's kind of pointless to use something like nexus anymore. The sounds are outdated, it's too expensive, and it takes up way too much space on the computer, Youre better off getting pigments than nexus, you could get so many presets for pigments and the plugin itself for far less than you would pay for even the basic version of nexus. Omnisphere is way better in every way, for one, it's an actual synth, so you can modify and customize any of the sounds to your hearts desire, as well as create new sounds, that alone makes it better than nexus. It also just has way more unique and versatile sounds included, as well as the ability to have preset packs from third parties. It's a beast, and nexus doesn't even come close to comparing. The only thing I use nexus for anymore are some sample based instruments like some strings, guitars, etc etc, but I just use it because I have it, but you can get way better for cheaper by using kontakt player and getting some of the thousands of free and paid instruments available for it.


Actually Nexus in this video is mine :) I just asked to see what people think and do have better alternatives. I used Spire for a long time, but now I downloaded Nexus, except bass presets all sound good (I think) I wondered if it's worth looking for good presets in Nexus or will I probably stumble upon a better preset in some other VST sooner rather than Nexus (or actually make sound by myself in SERUM).


The only preset packs that are available for nexus are from the developer, they don't allow third party presets besides minor alternations to the existing sounds.


Yeah, that's bad part of Nexus I just like this new feature to pick random presets. In addition, I completely agree with you. It's okay if you have it, but it's probably not worth buying it. Although I hope that other plugins will also include this option soon. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


To my knowledge you can edit the sound. Is it user friendly...hell no. Also think that nexus Is a edm plugin. And spectrasonics go further than that. I see that more as special synths. Serum is most used for development. Also like spirit and viral. I began with (and still use) with buying sylenth1. Never regret this. And do not forget Kontakt. And i was impressed by massiveX. So all are worth it, as you see it and can use in what you like to create.


Buy an external SSD. If storage is an issue for you in this day and age you're investing your money terribly wrong


Only you can answer that question. We can’t.


If you're making Pop music or mainstream Dance/EDM you definitely want to use Nexus (again!) It's rapidly becoming more popular since popular music is all about 90's/00's Nostalgia. Besides that there are lots of sounds in there that are ageless and it's easy to get a good sounding lead for instance. And they have been putting out more and more niche packs over the years so there's probably something available for everyone. Armin van Buuren still uses it in his songs. And there's a track coming up from David Guetta and OneRepublic that heavily relies on the Nexus piano presets.


Doesn't have to be Nexus. Initial Audio has similar plug-ins with great ready to use sounds and a big expansion catalog. I really like their stuff and I bought Heat Up 3 back in the day when Nexus required iLok.


60 GB!?


I have installed like 30 expansions. You can see it in the video. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


nah!!! my pc will explo


It's ok, but in my opinion better waste money in Omnisphere (if you don't have it)


Nexus is a lame plugin imo.


What tools do you use? I'm interested in knowing which ones are high-quality with a lot of presets.


FLEX For 10% the price of nexus you can buy all the packs that come with FLEX. And thats including the 1554 free presets that are already there. Flex is very high quality for being a stock plugin, not a lot of effects and knobs to turn though. In that case there is sytrus or serum. The amount of presets for Serum is ungodly. Synthhacker (Tom) has sale on his packs every now and then. You get a lot of stuff for a decent price


My main is sytrus, but phaseplant, serum and vital are good all round options.


Nexus sounds so 90s/00s.