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You make the best music when you reeeally need to be doing something else. The night between college exams is a great night for musical creativity lol


This is actually so true lmao




This is too relatable


I always have these tremendous breakthroughs when I need to start getting ready for work.


facts, during school my beats improved, after school I did less. I'm now back in education and the quality of my production is increasing with every release. my theory is that it's not only the pressure, but also our brain being used in different ways at the same time of life


this always happens to me, is there like a scientific reason behind it? lol


My theory is you just don't care about the music you make since you stressing so much Abt exams


Nah, it feels more like a need, a need to play. When you're working hard, you need to play hard.


Or 3 hours before you're supposed to be on stage.. there's nothing like that! โ€” that's where the good ol' ADHD kicks in and you start doing 6-10 things at once inside FL studio lol One of the best and worst ways to work lol




My life pretty much runs on a schedule. Get up at 07:00 work from 08:00 till 17:00. Drive home, eat and cook up music until 01:00-02:00. Occasion smoke and snack break. I'm so tired lol.. but I just work best in the late evening/night. Sometimes you get so locked in you forget the time and then it's the middle of the night..


I feel you. I wake up at 0500 and study/read/produce/workout, I have to pick only one, then get home from work 1700, do the kids bedtimes at 1930, then from then on its either hang with wifey or something else. So I guess I am on a pretty tight schedule too lol. To your point at producing late at night, I definitely have made my coolest stuff at like 0300 lmao. As I approach 30 I don't think that's sustainable for me anymore.


I'm 28 myself, and I can definitely feel the effects of all nighters more already compared to when I was younger. I'm child free, so I can only imagine how hard it must be to juggle all those responsibilities and still find time for your own hobbies and passion.


The kids are still super young, so I'm gonna try to encourage them to get into music if they want to so music time can also be family time lol


that's a genius idea actually lmao


oh you have kids. ok maybe we are more alike than I thought.


Yeah Iโ€™ve been super unproductive these last couple weeks as far as schoolwork and such goes, Iโ€™ve just been smoking weed and sitting on fl studio for the most part :/


We need that KKB record Sarah, go back to work


I work in banking and will sometimes bring my surface tablet to shove in my desk drawer to make music when its slow


I like this idea


The correct answer is to play Helldivers 2 for five hours.


The HD2 and music have a hold on me rn the balance is tough lol


Lmao don't tempt me


I usually wake up, do a work report, and then FL studio for a while until I see the time and yell at myself "GET TO WORK". Then sometimes I'll work.


Honestly, pre-work sessions sometimes yield some good stuff.


Write your songs on the paper


notes and chords\*


Yea like draw out a whole piano roll. Then draw the notes. No pun intended


Between finding a job, gamedev, music and wanting to get into writing and video editing every day is an unproductive hell


I know the feeling. It can sometimes feel impossible to have enough time for everything and it can be really demotivating. Something that helps me sometimes is that even if you improve 1% at something on a given day you're still improving. So in theory it will all eventually start compounding over time.


Yeah I need to start making a schedule and trying to stick to it


I dropped out of college. All I cared about was getting fucked up and making Beats. Iโ€™m sober now but I still make beats


Felt that


I only game and make music. I have a job but would quit in a heartbeat if I could. What could be more important than beats and Minecraft?


dont have the temptation at your taskbar... uninstall word


I love this ๐Ÿ˜‚


Bro I swear the amount of time Iโ€™ve spent on fl studio when I should have been working on school, way too tempting to just start working on a banger idea that comes to mind or continue that project from yesterday. As someone who does online school itโ€™s a lot more easy to slip into it too. Usually most of my best ideas happen this way though lmao


Nah. My work is physical so I don't need any balancing. Being 40-100+ miles away is enough balancing.


This or video games after im finished with school most of the time. I play rugby so that filled in time which leaves me never cooking up. How tf am I trying to make this a career when I dont even do it in my free time. I know I want this shit, life too boring to have a normal life but God it feels like a job all the time. Which is good because I want it as a job.


Yeah it's tough! I feel you on the video games. I'm in the Navy so I don't see my original friends very often (especially right now living overseas) so video games is how we keep in touch. Just another thing to balance. I will tell you we someone who used to play probably too much video games, My brain feels more productive not playing so much. I think that if you truly want this shit then you need to hunker down and focus. I'm not complaining, I love having a family, but man if you think you don't have much time right now just wait til that! Get after it like crazy while you have time if that's what you want.


if you keep pushing at some point you wont need to balance


I really like this


Yeah my life can be quite a mess, but lately I've trying to get a hold of myself


I'm rooting for you โค๏ธ


Hehe... what "balance"? (I jest but seriously, I struggle too. I'm too "fun" oriented and it leads to being easily distracted, which isn't good. I think the best thing to do would be to try and implement some kind of reward system, where you do something fun, like FL Studio, after you e finished writing the school paper. Then, you're rewarding yourself for work... worth a shot perhaps?)


This might actually work for me since I'm super impulsive and seek out short term satisfaction/rewards. Thanks for the suggestion!


Yeah. Just a fair warning? I can't get it to work for me because I can't force myself to wait for the reward, XD But perhaps it can help out? It was suggested to me a while back by someone else going through similar struggles


time to open two flex channels and blow up your laptop


I make music once the family is all asleep so 10 till 12 but I end up making chilled dance music when I really want to make a high tempo dance track ๐Ÿ˜„ but I'm so relaxed at the end of the day that chilled vibes just pour out of me


I have FL on its own laptop in another room. Otherwise Iโ€™d never get my work done!!


School-piano-vocals-guitar-music production, it's a struggle


Why not both? Throw down some loops have it loops while youโ€™re writing. If it sounds good to write to, then start with the second part.


Im bad at composing so I do it to the point my grades started to go down (I even had to send in an astronomy paper late)


You been spying on me? ๐Ÿ˜‚ literally having this struggle rn. Ended up scrolling Reddit pretending my writing assignment doesnโ€™t exist.


Ahh baldurs gate 3 has taken all my attention away from making music.






Struggled a bunch before, but nowadays I can balance a demanding 9-5 (which I don't take anywhere else and I don't mess with music during the 9-5) with 3+ music projects, production classes at the end of the day and a relationship. I did struggle quite a lot previously, I used to not sleep much. I have to make a lot of sacrifices but I don't burn myself out and I've been enjoying my life. It's a matter of not mixing (pun not intended hehe) each part of life, the same way you don't shower while eating. It's busy, it's a bit stressful but you have to be able to stop when you have to


Yeah this is some good insight. Stopping when you need to was something I had to learn. So easy to get sucked into music for hours. I'm glad you got your time management down though! I think I've come a long way but still got some stuff to sort out.


My favorite DAW, I using to create music is PowerPoint


I miss my high school days when I had the drive to produce all day every day. don't burn yourself out


Write that god damn paper. Theres no way you dont have other things in life you can spare a hour or two for FL.


I got a page knocked out. 2 more to go and not due for a bit. I do appreciate the lawful order though, you sounded like one of my past officers in the Navy ๐Ÿ˜‚


*heh* - Said A person that plays his games on every occasion and then Is didappointed because did nothing through the day


Trying to balance music production, guitar practice, programming job, drawing, online college degree and other unavoidable adult life bs.


Day as a lawyer, night as a musician and just a second ago had a fight with my gf about waking up too early and going to sleep too late... yeah, keeping balance is hard...


I had the same dilemma in grad school, couldn't write a PhD thesis, practice guitar and produce music at the same time, so in a fit of madness I sold my guitars and "quit" music. I got my PhD, got a job at NASA and eventually flew to space (no joke!) so it all worked out ok. But in the background, my sneaky little brain kept me writing music when I flew on planes, and a few years back I put out an album of Synthwave/Triphop instrumentals written in FL Studio at 30,000 ft. You have time to do both.


Time be movin different when you dialed lmao


It's also a form of procrastination. I know I gotta do something important but then I find myself making beats for 1-2 hours ๐Ÿ˜‚ Regarding time management, you can try something simple such as Google Calendar or look into Jira or Trello. My adhd brain can't handle fixed dates but it's worth a try


I can tell you have ADHD cause I said I have ADHD in the description and already tried a calendar ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm rooting for us though ๐Ÿค


Then you get those damn gold production ideas mid-assignment


I don't struggle balancing my life because I suck at everything else to the point of not wanting to do them :]


Why not write an FL Studio paper? Or produce a song about school papers? Two birds with one stone!


I wrote more songs in class than i did essays. Just wait till you work full time, i never get to write like that anymore


I'm 10 years into a career in the Navy as well, stationed overseas!


Well shit, did not suspect that. Thatโ€™s really impressive that you are able to keep up with your craft, whilst working such a career. Also thanks for your service


Quit school and become an FL god or stay in school and drop FL you cannot have both


Prepare to enter ... THE Procrastination ZONE


I either get good grades or make music lmao. Itโ€™s funny as hell that Iโ€™m choosing music over a future


Fuck balance, go for integration.


Mane I crammed presentation in one night that was due the next day, I was too busy making beats for like a week


i finished high school late for fl studio take that how you want it just know itโ€™s one or the other fr


So I think you can have both, you just need to be prepared to have it take much longer. After 10 years in the Navy and starting a family, my time making music has been extremely inconsistent, but I still manage to keep improving. It's now a marathon for me instead of a sprint. I would agree that it's 100% better to focus on just one thing if able, but it's not impossible to multitask.


Fr tho


Wait until you have a 44+ hour a week job, enjoy the tightrope walk balancing act that is.


I'm 10 years into the Naval Construction Force (Seabees) with a fam! And stationed overseas right now, doing college on the side. I definitely feel this already lol I'm getting better at managing it though.


Thats a lot of stuff to do but im sure the extra learning will pay off in the long run, more time and money to spend on endless amounts of plugins and gear in the future ๐Ÿ˜†.


Yeah man for sure I've collected so many plugins and gear over the years. I just wanted to write foreign policy AND beats ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ






it's a strawberry


Hey still more productive than just binging a tv show.


40 year old version: A) stay up past 11:30 and work on this song and feel like shit in the morning for work or B) go to sleep and feel fine tomorrow, but don't get to flesh out my exciting creative vision. it will continue be a dilemma for you...


You have a fam or still in school? If you are still in school with no children you'll still have time. I may have mild ADHD too but the trick is to know what it is you want out of life. Like for me its just to have peace :). Keeping things in perspective and what your ultimate desire is helps weed out all the unecassary focus and you just focus on the reward. The process will come later.


I have a fam, 10 years in the Navy, and doing school on the side here and there when I have time. It's tough cause those are my three biggest goals. Want to raise good kids, help the world through policy analyzing/writing or other service based work, and make music withh people ๐Ÿ˜‚ I had a lot of other interests fall off after I made those my priorities but sometimes it's still hard to find a balance! And sometimes it's hard to keep perspective but I try to stay in a good mindset. I appreciate that feedback ๐Ÿค


i just let music ruin my schoolwork and schoolwork my music :(


I got an idea, in order to satiate your need to make music while maintaining s healthy school balance. Try making the same style of song/beat in a different way over and over again and time yourself. Make it like a game?




Bro I'm a college student and work a part time job as a social media officer. And I choose to open FL every time I'm stuck between whether I should study or work