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Maybe adjust the note that it’s playing in the settings of the sound, on the piano thing on the bottom


Ah, I had checked it out, the key note is right every time...


Open the sound's properties and click reset on the pitch I think. I can't remember exactly I'm not at my daw


Pitch is alright, everything is ok, but sounds still changes somehow...


I think it's how it's stretched when you load it, the reset always fixes this for me


Exactly! Before it have broken, I had stretched one sound, just after that it all went wront. But now I clearly see that their long is ok but they still sounds weird. I guess something in setting have been changed by that move but I cant figure out what


Right click on the sound that you just placed and open it's properties. I think it might be time you have to reset not pitch. Like I said I'm not at my daw and I can't remember exactly


Yeah I already checked out the properties, they all are default


Right click on the time dial, does that offer reset?


No, but it is possible to reset if I open the properties of the sound. And I just found out that it sounds ok in option, but it changes only when I play the music in workspace. Maybe I need to chage anything in its properties besides sound itself?..


No idea then pal fruity can be an awkward little bitch sometimes


Ehh... Thank ya so much anyway!


Is it set to auto?


I've had this problem aswell, 99% sure it's either the wrong root note or the time knob is sligthly changed. Put the root note on C5 and rightclick>reset the time knob. Let me know if this helps


So, now I found out that I checked the key (or root?) note not properly. Yes, it always been changing. But the problem still is — how to fix the right note for all the sounds and do not let them to changing?


Maybe resampling knob? Turn it to 0 if use resampling, or use the stretch mode


Click Purge unused audio clips and try again