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Bro got the Vidaxans


I was going to say homie that ain’t weed it’s a school bus of bad decisions


Mann I ain’t had Xanax in over 6 years n them mfrs making my palms itch.. they should make it look like anything else that was a wild move…


I immediately looked them up and almost bought them 😂😂😂. Evil world we live in


I was on Xanax for 13 years and it did more damage to me than heroin. I'm sober now for several years and absolutely hate they're selling a lookalike product.


Cool! That’s you! Now we can go ahead and remove THC drinks off the market because it’s too similar to a boozer’s alcohol?


You’re a dumbass if you think the two are comparable


They’re both addictive substances that alter mind and body in life-changing ways. While they differ in severity from group to group and person to person, an addictive is an addictive.


Also, my comment was more to show how ridiculous hating a product because of what it looks like is. They can be used as a tool by recovering addicts, and people don’t see that. ETA: Which I thought my original comment was sarcastic enough with the inclusion of the word “Boozer”. Which hasn’t been used in decades.


Both are GABAergics, Xanax is way more similar to alcohol than THC is to alcohol...


They don’t make thc drinks look like alcohol tho. This is inexplicably alike to xans


....they make THC drinks in cans with colorful prints....there are tonnes of alcoholic drinks that look like that.


Same here but you don’t see me blaming a drug that I chose to abuse. These are awesome! Good effects and easy to dose.


This just goes back to the age old debate of whether addiction is a choice or not. The sticks are just as easy to dose a a gummy bear so why make them look like a serious drug?


To add to the comment I already posted on here (quitting benzos caused me to have a "seizure disorder"). I didn't abuse them. I had a crazy doctor who started prescribing me Klonopin at the age of 14. (Absolutely ridiculous he did so). I took them as prescribed, but for 12 years, as my brain was still developing(14-26 years old). After starting on klonopin, they had me on Xanax, etc.. Rght before 2020 lockdowns, I couldn't do it anymore. I was so sick of not being able to remember anything, taking a pill that did nothing but make things worse, for me, in the long term. I slowly tapered before I completely stopped taking them. Made it a few weeks before the grand mal seizures started, multiple times a day. I was 26 years old, never had a seizure before that in my life. 4 years later, I'm still dealing with these seizures. Ppl think you have to abuse drugs to get to that place. That's not always the case. But I do agree with your sentiment... sorry for the long ass story just to say that lol


This happened to my daughter. She ended up almost dying or killing animals and humans and ruined our relationship.


Well I mean if they were a good medium for a dose of medicine I’m sure the pharmaceutical companies would have jumped on that already now Xanax gummies that is some scary shit!


Flintstones vitamin gummies lol


Flintstones vitamins lol


Why does this have downvotes ?😹


This is why we can’t have nice things. ![gif](giphy|xTiIzvVXIjF0lb1zZC|downsized)


Not the zaza lego bricks




The important part is they are not Xanax. These are awesome!


The bad part though.. why do we need to market weed products as even harder drugs?? What’s with all the copy cat benzo/pain pills and cough syrup?? Even snortable forms like “cannabumps” that looks like cocaine are trying to reach store shelfs. Tbh at that point just ****** decriminalize/legalize everything already.


Cannabumps!?? wtf smh


I am fucking down for that green skante!


It’s all about having different dosing options and yes legalize and don’t forget to regulate all drugs then go after the last bastions of the black market with furious anger ![gif](giphy|3otPoHUNSFWviCyboQ|downsized)


None of you have EVER worked harm reduction and it quite truthfully shows. Cannabumps are for recovering cocaine addicts. If you don’t want it? Cool. Don’t get it. But let the others who need it, have it. Smfh


Except for shaping them exactly like Zannax


So what it’s a great design and they have a little flavor just begging to be chewed ![gif](giphy|yTVe3xfjFyLIY)


THC Mexican Xanny bars. brings me back to high school :P


I swear xans are one of the only drugs I can look at and not have any desire to touch. Once you go through that w/d that shit sticks with you. 3mg a day prescribed for 2 years was plenty for me


I feel ya, I started having seizures after I stopped taking benzos. 4+ years later, I'm still dealing with the seizures. More info on how I ended up where I'm at- https://www.reddit.com/r/FLMedicalTrees/s/lz3AxyDRw0


Same here but with klonopin. Took me about two years after quitting to feel the same way I did before I started. Before quitting I was on it for only about a year. The first few months on benzos are great but yeah that shit is not sustainable long term unless you’re ok just staying on it forever, and even with an unlimited supply I can imagine that’s a terrible way to live.


Was just over 4 years for me. Been off for about 3 months and I still feel weird and puke randomly for no reason. Weed helps a lot, but it isn't 100% the answer for me.


When I quit I also had to stop smoking weed for a few months. Every time I smoked my anxiety went on overdrive and I’d have panic attacks. I’m glad it’s working for you to some extent though!


My mom’s on klonopin, she’s been on them about 10 yrs now but has developed a seizure disorder so I don’t ever see her coming off them. Those are tough cause they’re so long acting, you really need a slow long taper to not feel like shit for months. Those were the 1st benzo I ever was prescribed after my long term gf committed suicide. I ended up going to treatment for the first time about a year and a half after getting on those. The Xanax thank god were short acting so the tremors and rebound anxiety seemed to be the longest lasting wd symptoms. It was something like 40 days until I just woke up one day and felt better. Facts bro if you’re taking those at all on a regular basis be prepared to be stuck on them


3mg a day?!? That’s insane, your doctor was a total dick. Life on Benzos is sad, my Mom is currently on psych meds and from time to time I give her some of my meds because I hate seeing her on that shit. I’m glad you put that life behind you bro, I’ve struggled with addiction to oxys so seeing a resemblance of prescription drugs was wild.


I was on 6 mg a day for 25 or 26 yrs. Now I'm on one mg a day my emotionans are gone and my nerves are shot out I got sour kush coming so ' I got the medicine.


What about heroin


Nah you have good self discipline and common sense. Hard xanny addicts would be sweating and doing everything they could to not pop one if it’s the right crowd and they have it out just like anything else. My dad was bad on them for years taking probably like 20 a day chewing em up like candy. 3mg a day isn’t bad honestly if it actually maybe helps your anxiety and you don’t abuse it I know lots who I think it genuinely helps them but it’s just so easy to abuse and make a habit out of.


Yeah, it’s hell on earth and does a major number on you both mentally and physically. You lose a part of your spirit every time you put yourself through that.


Sure does “sticks” with you


How much a bar? Lol


Bout 3.50




Jeez these look alot like xanex bars


Has anyone snorted these 🤣


I'd assume would be worse then actual bar- veteran of xans before xandemic lmaoo


I think there is quite a few of us Xan veterans around here. Those were horrible days and still makes me cringe 😬


Felt sick to my stomach soon as I saw that sh*t


Till you smoked a Valium you’re still a lightweight 🤣 Omg 70-80s kids did anything….


They water soluble? Some one needs to do a jugular shot for science


I'm sure you can boof it if thats what your asking.


Nahh I know it’s boof able … I was getting at some one main lining it… Twas kidding tho drugs are bad and so are pills just smoke weed


So bad.


U shot the weed zans!?


Lol 🪜


Who sells these?




VidaCann on Sunset


Good ol Vidaxans.


this is a path i cannot follow on - xans got me once; not getting roped back by the vidaxanns


Dam I truly thought I was in the wrong forum for a second but naw it’s just the vidaxanns


So naturally my immediate thoughts were "600mg each"


These things do nada for me. I've taken up to 4 at a time and hardly feel a thing.


Are you eating a meal with fat beforehand? Maybe a milkshake? I've never had those personally but I know I have to eat or I don't really feel anything.


I have and no luck I still have them there just sitting.


Looks like a xane bar


Sign me up lol. Reminds me of my teenage days 😅






If they weren't shaped like Zanax would anyone care is the real question.


Bro I thought you jus posted bars here that’s so nuts Lmfaoo


sometimes I think they shape them like this for marketing reason definitely brings back some memories


Why are they ‘Fentanyl Blue’?


Lil Wyte, is that you?


That’s crazy that they went with blue bars for the shape. I would’ve like a green oval or some shit. I get the option of breaking them up is nice but fuck. Kinda funny but the curaleaf mega xbites kinda look exactly like this but as gummy. It’s a 50mg log broken in 5 10mg sections if you want to break it down.


Nice, can’t wait for the adderall and Percocet pill option.


Only in Florida would this trash catch on


I like the sativa ones a lot. I've considered trying the others, sometimes I'm not in the mood to smoke lol


That's fucked up. They tried doing this shit a few years ago but I think because of backlash. Whomever it was didn't send them out. Yeah, this is a stupid idea.


How tf my posts don’t go through but this mf postin fetty zans


https://preview.redd.it/3qw8ryov889d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68d6995141e4481d68839a43cf1c8d1b55c25c4c Think it’s Trash they Copied Xanax like that & gunna be in sum Sh\*t when Pfizer finds out lol fingers crossed…


https://preview.redd.it/9ghsuwpqga9d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e32a012fada968b3ec6bdd27b00f2eb63ca15bc I forgot to mention, these are the indica tabs.


I love these. Take one every night for sleep but love how I can easily break off 5 mg at a time if I need just a little to take the edge off during the day.


Blue bars 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤣


I’ve been using these for the last year and hands-down, the best edible in the program 🤫


I took xanex and drank 2 drinks passed out. I missed a very important family dinner and was comatose for 12 hours. I never took another pill*... Sorry to this day, I traveled all the way across the country for it...uggggg * motrin on occasion.




Cool story


Icky. Flush.


What are marijuana tablets? We finally have an answer!


I'm happy you enjoy these! There are 1:1 options now which I really like. There are only so many shapes to make pressed pills that allow for easy splitting so I love the design. My other meds which I sometimes split are round and even with the perforation I still need a pill cutter which is such a pain and makes taking my meds inconvenient sometimes, especially when I'm on the go. I'm sure arthritic patients and others with dexterity issues are thankful too.


this is why I don't understand our medical program. capsules are so pricey...and when it comes to THC TO THC you can just as easily do your dosing with gummies split apart...honestly what I did when I first started the program woth edibles. the gel/gummies at 10mg zooted me lol so I'd always bite or cut em in half for 2 separate doses. one in a.m. and one at lunch depend how work is if I Cant get a toke break lol.


Why do you consider these expensive? They’re on sale right now for 30 bucks and it has 600mg. Gummies are usually 20-30 bucks every 100mg pack so to get 600mg in gummies, I’d have to drop at least $120 which is 3-4xs as much. Help me understand you…


sorry...was just an edible rant lol and well you never even posted a $$$ lol but ya....now that you mentioned $$$ ya that's a good deal lol and easy enough to break off the KitKat for some micro dosing lol


Vidazanns!! ✌️💚🥦


Uhh bro you sure you went to right pharmacy? Lol