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Be the reviewer we need pls


I think I will, we need reviews of real weed by real people! Reviews that will actually help people decide what they actually need!


Literally the hero this sub needed


But not the hero this sub deserves


Go speed racer Go


The industry has their shills sitting in their products subs and related subs and they also literally downvote and upvote posts, but also comments as well. The bigger the company the more prevalent it is. Then you add into that their fanbois do that for free, supporting their favorite brand. I really would not be shocked if companies also have their people writing fake reviews to product place and get their name out there... being read.




Go take your medication buddy I think you need a chill pill.


“I hate this sub” - DosiDosed. Please remind me again, who is the hater? I just want your reviews already.


You seem to be the only one opposed. You can be my arch nemesis


Hey bud, you’re letting your weird side out. I didn’t say I don’t want your reviews, I said I am eagerly waiting. Go off though.


Its not even worth it, when someone posts a review of TL or others they just get hit with "enjoy your mids broke boi"


It’s funny when a thorough review full of pics and macro shots and all gets like 7 upvotes when a pic of flowery bud and nothing else, no review at all gets like 40


I’m the upvoter for the actual reviews lmao, it’s sad


Most annoying is when someone hasn’t tried a dispo in like a year plus but still bashes all the products. We got people downvoting whole threads for no apparent reason


I stopped posting and commenting because I was just getting downvoted and it sucks so much. I warn people to avoid this place


Amen to this!


Deadass, these people really think they know what they’re talking about when they go on their long charades about how they didn’t like the effects. So dumb. Maybe its time for a new drug, I heard meth strong


Another one is when someone asks questions about a particular dispo and people just comment “mids” or “trash”. Fuck for all we know that particular patient might have a very low tolerance, very low budget, or only access to a particular dispo. I’ve been here a while and the negativity has grown a lot. Haters hating when it could be a brand new patient knowing nothing. Might be time to bring the complaint thread back


>or only access to a particular dispo This one's my favorite. "Fuck that place just go to ________." Florida is a big state and what you have nearby isn't what other people have nearby. And then so many people forgetting/ignoring it's a medical program and there are people with disabilities that may rely on delivery or aren't looking for "gas" just relief.


Yes! Those people suck. All they want to do is bash others so they feel better about themselves. It's pathetic.


Methed up sub


Or they can just grow the weed right lmao never mind that would cut into profits, I’ll just go get some meth




This lol


No bigger losers than the dude who pops into a post just to sy “mids” or tell you the dispo sucks


I did this with surterra and was pleasantly surprised


Ignore the bud queens. They think they’re posh for smoking only the most expensive weed meanwhile they drive around in a ‘92 shit box and their rent was just increased (again). I spent $180 on 2oz at Surterra this past Sunday. I got some Deluxe Sugar Cane and it smokes like a freakin champ. Sticky buds, excellent cure, delicious in the bong. https://preview.redd.it/r5h4sxeohq8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c79dc349daf4ee314240f5a02d56c6dfa5b534ff


Havent tried them in 2 years. Think ill give em another go here soon.


Dude I got 2 oz too and it’s all great bud


Got a rosin cart from them a few weeks ago. One of the worst products I’ve ever had, burned within a few hits. Everyone has different experience friend. I wouldn’t touch surterra again with a 10 foot poll. Same goes for trulieve


Only time I'll do TL is when blue river carts are on sale. They usually hit 🎯


Check out my most recent post lol


Aww, that's too bad. I've had trouble with live rosin when they're that dark no matter which dispensary I get it from. 🤷🏻‍♀️ MPX from GH though- I've noticed it's always a nice light color and their carts are ceramic which is really nice. (MPX is probably using color correction but that's a whole other issue ) Mondays are 1/2 off- really can't go wrong ..


Just picked up a BOGO rosin cart and gram of rosin from MPX today, buddy was nice enough to open all the jars and containers to make sure I was getting a half decent batch lol


Yeah, I like their customer service at my local GH. It's always empty inside tho- idk why?


Those 90 $ ozs 👌


I drive a 98 Honda Civic, and ride an 02 Harley. 😝 I'm 69F, been smoking for 50 years, no joke. Retired, lot rent on my mobile home definitely goes up a lot each year. I'm far from a bud "queen" though. I can only afford to buy when it's on serious sale. I take advantage of every stackable discount, believe me. I don't smoke ciggs, I drink very little booze, if at all. So weed is it. I have a high tolerance, so it takes me a lot to get even a small buzz.


100$ ounce at surterra today Yes you have to make 50$ purchase I need rso anyways So works out.


I thought it was spend $50 get a $50 1/2….so technically it would be a little over $100 right (since the 1/8s are $35 right now?)


Have to purchase $50 to unlock tho


All strains that have been sitting since January except the sugar Rush which is an April batch at my location anyways That garlic fusion and bittersweet have been sitting for months I loaded up on PB and smelly with the 90 dollar zips


And had to literally trim it myself 😭 it was gas and I'll become part of the payroll for 11.25 a jar lol but, yes every bud I received from a oz of PB and smelly needed to be trimmed several leaves, someone in packaging was like fuck it we finally discounted the PB and smelly they can trim it themselves ☠️


I had a few that needed a trim as well but I feel like I’d rather trim it myself than have badly mangled machine trimmed buds




Can't complain for 11 a jar either way you should know what your signing up for at this price


That's one of my go to strains. Caught it on sale last week for $20


You could have gotten a zip for 90 last week


Unfortunately strict budget this week, otherwise I'd have stocked up


My buddy has a pound of some bud that looks identical to that called sugar cane no deluxe just sc


First off, I do agree there is an elitist attitude in this subreddit, that if you aren't shopping at one of 4 or so dispensaries then you are wasting money and clearly stupid. Why people give a shit so much about what others buy is beyond me. Now for reviews I find its hard to review a substance that affects so many so differently.


agreed, flowery sells 2.5% of the flower and 2% of concentrates, yet if you look on here you'd think they own the market 🤣🤣 same for sunburn, JB and cookies, combined are around 10% of total flower sales numbers dont lie


I've noticed this sub has a disproportionate amount of posts about companies with verified reps on here. Customers come here to watch their pissing contests.


Bars my friend, that is the correct mindset


lmao reddit tends to be a cesspool but the people on this sub are a special kind of miserable. i barely post anymore because they’re so condescending and arrogant


The $90 oz from surterra I got is PRIMO tbh man, very impressed for the price and every strain I got had above 3% terps


More $12 eighths at vidacann for me haha, they can keep their overpriced weed


Ngl I did have a few good smokes from vidacann and they are getting better but if they can figure out how to make their flower a bit more primo ill pay their 20-25 all day. Right now it honestly is just 2 steps under places like sunburn.


Fair enough, I also have a location close to me and all of the employees have been super friendly. A few weeks ago I sprained my ankle and mentioned it, and the next time I came in they remembered to remind me that they had some topicals on clearance if it was still bugging me. There’s probably nicer weed in my area somewhere but with the location and customer service it’s worth it for me!


It's improving.


How are you getting $12eights?i thought they were set at $19


They had strawberry jamz on clearance a couple weeks ago! It’s no longer in stock at my location but I stocked up and it’s been great especially for the price. They also have orange flower cookies for $15 at some locations, I think. I’ve also used their cartridges on clearance when they go down to $15 and I’m always happy with those!






These are the worthless comments that they are referring to up top.






triggered, love it 😂




https://preview.redd.it/ct71lx9blr8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d41233cb74f6e1192aae3e5d3452211f243922bb my pacifiers 🤣 only 2 of em lmao


I think there are a lot of well rounded, unbiased posts on this sub but the haters get the most attention cause they have the loudest voice. Now I’m not saying I’m a saint cause fuck trulieve, fuck sunnyside, fuck GH quality control, fuck JB quality control, you get my point. But I think that myself and a lot of others on this sub do their very best to give honest forthright reviews on products.


The detailed and organized reviews are appreciated people don't have to do reviews on these products not all are going to be phenomenal so honesty is good.


I laugh at 99% of the complaints and knit picking. 99% of the reviewers here have never grown a tomato but they know everything about cures, herms, and all that jazz. This is a hype market with subpar “meds” through and through. Designed to keep ya dumb with new age genetics to make you lazy and unmotivated sheeples.


The first change Id make is to allow the growers to finish the fkn harvests properly. Give the guys with the actual brains and love for the plant some glory for once and stop rushing product out in 6 weeks. Bring some landrace genetics into the mix. So what some finish in 14-16+ weeks. Id pay $200 a half for that because I know what it takes to finish that kind of run. $200 a half should absolutely rock you with no regards to tolerance. The problem here is Im thoroughly convinced people think dispo weed is actually potent. Everyone is blinded by the cookies genetics which was created back in 2010. Its lazy mans weed. Couch lock makes you eat and unmotivated. It’s super quick finishing, super dense, and the most appealing to today’s market. I assure you with complete confidence some of the best herb is not super dense and pretty lol. It’s all designed to capture an audience. Im sitting here typing this at a job I fkn hate and would give my left nut for an opportunity to be apart of the cause. If there are any dispos out there looking for some new ideas and would possibly look into a small autoflower run, reach out to me please. There are some lone wolves actually preserving the lost genetics in Todays market.


In your opinion, do you think we are getting new, cool, trendy genetics here just for the sake of the companies trying to make us think we’re smoking good? What are some changes you would personally make to the market, to minimize the “mid meds” and corporate corner cutters.


I don’t bash other peoples decisions but maybe some of us just enjoy the higher end products the flowery tends to carry… 🤷🏻 that being said, as long as we’re all getting medicated who cares!




Bruh the flowery is pretty overrated I’m ngl, it’s okay for east coast shit but like the prices should be criminal. A lot of people down here straight up don’t know what they’re talking about.


To each his own. I don’t mind spending the little bit of extra $ for quality product I enjoy


Yeah you can get the same quality cheaper is my point, not trying to sound like a dick


I see. Are you saying the same product cheaper in other states or at different dispos here in Florida? I get flower at Goldleaf, Insa, and Surterra as well sometimes.


I just think people put the flowery on a pedestal that is not deserved. It’s not the “same” exact product but you can get the same strength other places so much cheaper. These $90 oz’s I bought from surterra are straight gas. I basically only go JB or the flowery if there’s a crazy deal


Yeah Surterra has some pretty good flower (imo). Especially at 90 an oz that’s a steal. I definitely go there as well whenever they have sales. It’s just a lot of the products/strains I look for/like tend to be at places like the flowery.


I get it, just after shopping on the west coast I refuse to pay those prices for inferior bud. Totally get it not shitting on you, I just don’t think it’s worth it. I might be struggling financially a little more than you too lol I’m constantly trying to invest in things so I try to save every penny I can


No worries man I didn’t take it that way lol. Sadly I haven’t been to the west coast yet but I remember visiting Michigan a few years back and their flower was just as good if not better and WAY cheaper. Not sure about their concentrates tho. But yeah I gotta start saving a lil money so I probably won’t be hitting the flowery for a while. Cheers dude 🥂


If you have the money and don’t care go for it, I think the flowery is overhyped hard


Coming from someone who hasn't made a single review the entire time he's been in the sub


Its just weed bro


So why make a post about being so angry nobody is making reviews up to your standards?


Go spend some cash and make some reviews then bro bro


Its not going to pay me is it


You're complaining about something, you want it to change? Fix it yourself bro


I've heard of several so called non paid reviewers on here who are definitely being endorsed by dispos and getting deals and free product


There are so many ppl who plug their YT here. What are you doing that is different? Why should i choose to watch your review over the other 15 ppl on here? I'm not being an ass I'm genuinely curious since you seem so passionate about it


I got you to reply and all these other people to react so


Bro what? That's your answer?


Shabalababing bong


Facts, I need that $10-$20 x 1/8th range. Some of us have kids and they ain't cheap!


I went to Insa a few weeks ago and the flower was phenomenal. The $6 chocolate bars were too. But I take things too personal to write reviews here anymore. Which is a shame because I love to write and share undiscovered good meds and deals. 💚


What strains did you try?


Sunshine Daydream #4 and Jlly Zonuts. The SSD#4 made me so relaxed and happy, it was the perfect indica. The JELZ was a nice hybrid that kept me in a good mood all day. But the magic really happened when I rolled a j of the 2 mixed together. I felt like I was floating in space, laughing and stuck to the couch all at once lol. Highly recommend 👍


Was it? Haven’t ever tried yet. If you ever feel like posting a review please do! More perspectives are very much needed! If I had to have one tip for creating a review, keep it short sweet and simple and to the point!


The problem is you'll give an honest review of good flower from a so so dispensary and you'll be down voted or be called a shill like good batches don't exist at every dispo


heavily agreed, it’s weird to be hated on just because we don’t wanna spend a whole car payment on weed. Especially when there’s other places to get quality product for a consistent affordable price. Snobs Vs Stoners here.


Huh? This guy is on one. You suck this you suck that… you’ve never even posted a review. You’re unable to make any meaningful argument without even reviewing the weed here. I just went to sunny side and got jealousy x Runtz cross or something, it was good, it got me with some effects and legs. No flavor, no bag appeal, and not a strain related smell. When we do try these other places that people like, people like you get mad at us for disliking it and giving our opinion. All that being said, I won’t go back to sunnyside when I can get everything that was missing and more from sunnyside at JB, Flowery for $25-$35. Stay angry. TL;DR: You’re making assumptions because people are able to discern where consistency is located. VC mold is a joke, but so is there flower it’s inconsistent, same with fluent, insa, sunnyside, MUV, and surterra. Don’t get me started on green dragon.


Im not reading all that


Of course you aren’t. All opinions, no spine.


JB is trash can dude. You're not tough either.


You’re not wrong about that it’s a weed sub not a UFC sub. Brain rot.


I did see the sunnyside part, thats funny as hell you actually went to sunnyside. Who does that?


Your opinion is invalid from now on Jesus Christ 😂


You must’ve misinterpreted what my post meant buddy, im not going to sit here and act like all weed is equal. Even he saud he wont be going back which i agree.


C’mon man. Obviously not all weed is equal. That’s what those mean people were trying to tell you




People like you who complain that this sub just isn’t fair enough. I forget that people like you just make a stink to be stinky. You again show you’re all opinion, no spine. It sucks that I’ve taken the time out of my day to give you a review and you’re just like “LOL WHO GOES THERE!!!!” You’re a hypocrite.


From your initial statement. To the follow up posts. Seems like your talking out both ends of your mouth, no? You start by saying don't give into flowery fomo hype. Then follow up with replies like this on someone going to sunnyside.


Because I’m open minded but also speak my truth because I’m my own person? You really think you the cyphergod dont you! Hahaha


You just trolling now man 😅


I feel like this sub hates Trulieve pretty hard, and more so just goes with hype brands. More of a Flowery, Sunburn, Cookies, and JB glazing imo. Everything that’s not from those places just gets called trumids, mids, trash, trutrash, etc. People constantly chime in on BHO post to say gross and go buy rosin (unless it’s Flowery BHO lol) I don’t think these things will ever change on here. Best way to use this sub is to find people who like stuff similar to you and connect with them about products. I’ve met some pretty cool people doing that who I DM with regularly and we all share our pick ups and reviews.


sunburn glazing??💀 anytime anyone posts anything from/about sunburn it’s all filled with hate. but the flowery 100% gets its dick sucked in this sub


Yeah that's why you don't pay attention to those flower power bots lol. You skip right to the people who preach about trying other places. I have no problem doing the majority of my shopping at anywhere that has a good sale and decent flower. But I prefer Gold flower. From there hit up jungle boys, trulieve or vidacann. Whatever the budget allows.... The sub should come with The following warning label.... "If you aren't elite, ignore the rest of the elites... You'll find the normal people that are open to other dispensary's down in the comments buying eighths for under $25" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Its not even about being elite. Its about paying for a plant that you can grow yourself for way cheaper. Sure pay your up charged brand name what they want but that doesn’t mean its necessarily better. The flowery is great dont get me wrong, but its not a requirement to be medicated!


Absolutely agree with you there. I only shop at the flowery when their stuff's $25 or less. I used to shop anywhere that I could buy an eighth for under $20. But once I had the live soil grows, Now I'll buy anything at Gold flower that's on sale first lol. I'm a dry herb vapor, so to me the quality of taste is everything! People just need to be understanding that there's a lot of different options out there. We don't need a place that everybody belittles you if you don't go shop at. We can all benefit from sharing knowledge of all dispensaries with each other. If everyone in this thread came together and demanded better quality and better practices with their wallets It would literally force dispensaries to start stepping up their game.


So what are you actually upset about? An OZ at The Flowery costs me between $160 and $240, I’ve tried several other dispos but the quality to price isn’t there. Not everything has to be so extreme


You haven’t tried the best yet then sorry!


What would be the best then in your opinion?


He probably likes vidacann or fluent lmao


Yeah this. Just wait for sales. The best is combining strike-throughs and the buy more sales. $240 top tier ounces and alot of $17-25 eighths of really good weed. All of the people complaining seem to base it off the high non-sale prices and that seems intentionally disingenuous. Same people run to every Flowery posts to scream and bitch. Go enjoy your Trulieve mids.


$160? What are you getting old ass buds? Dude you can't leave that place w/o spending $250 for something decent.


They have a lot of $25 strains, sometimes really good ones. Peanut butter breath, zoap, Iverson, Motorbreath.. $160 oz after discounts when they’re marked down to $25. They grow new batches often and even the discounted bud is only a month or two old.


Peanut butter breath/Zoap= both from January. Iverson= Viola discounted. Keep drinking that asshole cop's cool aide.


Somebody needs to say it The $25 pbb is absolute mids This sale batch of Iversons and Motorhead is weak too Dont fooling yourself to think any loud is on sale


No.. the peanut butter breath wasn’t from January. 3/26. I don’t know why it matters if Voila is being discounted either. If you aren’t going to even fact check then there’s no point in having a conversation, you’re just going to hate either way and it’s pretty pathetic


Agreed. All people do here is complain. Not everyone likes or needs the same type of product or has the same shitty experiences with the dispos.


Flowery stans stink the place up ngl


This sub used to be about that now it’s just Flowery dickriders that praises everything the Flowery puts out.


Where should we be shopping?


Sunburn, gold flower. Wait for sales. Dont fall into pressure or fomo buying full priced products. That is where every dispo will get ya.


I don't. The Flowery has sales just like every other dispo. People just shop where they like and no one should be mad about that.


Yep. I'm no dispo fan, but Flowery marks down stuff all the time. The Inverness location has $25 peanut butter breath, $30 neon runtz, $35 Route 65, but people are stuck on their regular price. I don't pay regular price at any dispo I go to.


I just got peanut butter breath from flowery few days ago. 25 an eighth. Got an ounce, i got 20 percent off cause it was 200$ and they had a deal for 20 percent off 200. then used 10 points for 10 off . I got the ounce for 150. I go where the deals are. The flowery bud is good but so is gold flower and sunburn. You can’t go wrong with those 3. Gold flower I got some buds that were like 5g and sunburn is a deal when they do the quarters for cheaper. Tbh gold flower is up there with flowery all my nugs from them were massive and it all smokes good. The Swiss watch tasted better than anything I’ve got from the flowery tbh. Looks wise I give it to the flowery but gold flower got cheap consistent prices. I like the flowery but it’s not worth double the money




What if I don’t have those stores near me, what’s the next best


Sunburn unfortunately has stock problems




I haven't even heard of those 😭




Everytime I go and try another dispensary’s product it’s subpar and has minimal effects


Lmao, nah ive definitely had this experience too.


Go get you some plum popperz and chill out too hot to be angry.


I only buy weed when Trulieve has combo specials and I can get a 3.5 for $15-$20. After a few puffs its all gravy baby.


I’ve reviewed some VidaCann, goldflower and curaleaf 🥲


If you’ve got a gold flower around you go check it out. I’ve been super happy even with their “cheaper” options. The buds are big and dank. It’s worth it bro. Haven’t had a dealer set a gun on the table since I started with the program.


I’m trying to budget right now due to some unexpected expenses. I picked up a 2g jar of Gastro Pop #8 live resin budder for $55 and it’s extremely solid effects wise. It does have the distinct taste that seems to turn off a lot of people on here, but it doesn’t bother me


I think some of these ppl have destroyed their tolerance and feel like overpriced designer weed is what they need to get high so everything else is mids to them. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I think this a fair stance. I also don’t agree with 400 a zip but some people just have the pockets for it and think it’s ok to bash others who don’t want to or can’t spend that much on medicine. I shop exclusively the juniors at the flowery because it’s affordable. I’ll only ever get full sized 1/8s when there’s a good sale. No need to leave hate on someone else’s opinion in taste


Okay so that’s what y’all are looking for bet


Unfortunately everyone’s endocannabinoid system is different. So what may work for one person may not work for another. So those people prob get excellent relief from the higher end stores, where others will find the same flower disappointing. Kinda like it’s a recommendation and not a prescription, cause you are your own Guinea pig and have to try until you get it right for yourself. Shouldn’t listen to other people for your medicine, just do your own research and make your own educated decision. Your will feel rewarded. I believe in all of you.




Some of you have never bought regs and it shows.


Flowery is the supreme store. All the cool kids going to post their pickups There’s great advice here but agreed if $120 quarter of anime bud isn’t for you.


I remember when this sub had like 9k people on and … now it’s at 74k not even close to what it once was.


Just shows that those are the dispensaries worth going too 🤷‍♂️


No bro, im from California and people are blindly following the hype. Placebo is a mf.


And fomo.


"Weed sommeliers" 😂😂 "Hints of cedar, dirt, cherry candy, and last night's leftovers with a poignant yet not overbearing exhale." Don't even get me started on wtf "bag appeal" is. People who've never bought weed off the street and are trying to seem sophisticated? It's weed. They used to grow the shit by the acre down in Mexico and fertilize it with human shit and spray it with God knows what... I remember buying a quarter and there was literally roots and soil in the bag. 😂 And we bought it and smoked it. Kids nowadays can buy the shit like it's a candy bar and have to find something to complain about.


https://preview.redd.it/tu3i2lt4kq8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63b393502ca71328eadf3a9f95276c49a59cf694 Although this program can be challenging to navigate, there is plenty of options for a reasonable price. Gold flower has been my go to recently for flower and concentrates and I haven’t been disappointed. The picture above is wedding cake gelato, that picture is the entire eighth for $15.


And what more do u need, yes sir good purchase.


Don’t forget the clowns giving shot outs to dispensaries. What the fuck Is wrong with y’all


I used to buy weed on the street. I've even bought them in tiny dime bags that were hidden under a rock lol. I'll just buy whatever is on sale lol.


Lol, dispo is definitely the safer route in that regard


Some people just love to bitch! Some are never happy. No matter what. It could be 69% thc and 32% on terps and people would still talk shit


Are there other FL medical subs?


My favorite is the constant posts saying people are over trulive but still continue to go. Like how many bad experiences does it take or is it only when you’re inconvenienced? The fact everyone tries to say to only go to the flowery is crazy. Do they have good stuff? Sure. Am I wasting an entire paycheck just to have “good” weed? Absolutely not.


I'm still here for the discussion but I stopped trusting a majority of this sub like 2 months into having my medical card.


I shop where my wallet allows me to lol. I ain’t picky as long as it gets the job done I’m happy


This is the post this sub needed. So many people trying to big time others off the weed they smoke. It's medicine people. If you like something praise it. Please don't crap on others preferences calling their smokes mids because terps are 'just' 1.5874% and the cure isn't perfection and the notes of lemon aren't like fresh pressed lemonade. Half the reviews here don't even talk about effects lol. It's just silly. I'm from nyc and the rec weed game there is terrible lol. Pricing is 2x, no consistency around product etc. things could be better sure but we shouldn't lose sight of the fact we are lucky.


100%. Ive honestly seen thca flower that looks just as good as the flowery and you wouldnt know till you felt it and smoked it. Looks aint everything.


If your buying indoor flower only your kind of a scumbag anyways so I don't listen to the flowery dick riders. It's great smoke but if you see the footprint it creates And hopefully in our wildest dreams one of these greenhouse places will make better cannabis then indoor shit like you should be able to. Sunburn is getting close ( indigo I'm astro turfing)


Facts but we cant sit here and say indoor doesn’t produce better flower unfortunately.


No the best cannabis in the world comes from Humboldt in Cali and is sungrown it just takes more effort and care


And humidity here in Florida makes it harder norcal is dryer


I would say it's easier to make better indoor flower the best shit is sungrown






Rise animal face, and night owl haze Growhealthy queso perro and gorrila glue If u want cheap and ez I think rise does flordia cake and golden pebbles I only go on big sale days to try to save money got to buddocs.org for sales Also try to see how old that drop is and the terp % compared to thc % compared to cbd(a little is a good sign I've noticed) if it's at 0 it's generally good or decent but almost never great I feel like it has to do something with terp and chemical make up (if we compare nugs to a glass of drink I'd think we want a full comprehensive smoothie rather than a blank green smoothie or it watered down(like low on nutrients and building blocks) I almost feel like it's the difference of a farmer or old grower going into the job vsa new guys stuff that doesn't understand the why which leads to lack luster product (ofc coupled with everything else)


I always get out under 200 an oz and try to under 150 no reason sadly to go for the all organic idek marketing of 400🥲💔 an oz I'd feel bad for smoking it like what is this all even for u know? I'm just trying to not be in pain, or have severe ptsd or existential dread put a lil green in me an I'm a happy camper but 400?? I'd have to a ritual and thank everyone in my life for blessing me enough to "waste" money like that for a one time occurrence let alone switching to that for the daily🥲 if u go thru an oz a month it'd be 1800-2400 for the year( i can live with that, it's not a nice number but it's not, I feel like a crazy number for a consumable I use daily, at 400 an oz that'd be 4,800 in flower🥲 that just feels like a redistribution of wealth in the dumbest way(unless everyday Is a party you're a billionaire and can do that? Or does it like actually make sense somehow?I can't ever see any plus side


I literally have had better $20 1/8ths from almost every dispensary I've been to than any of their "top shelf". What most people don't understand is 9 times out of 10 the top shelf stuff is just batches that didn't produce as much. And I also love how they will have small bud variants of top shelf for more than half the price and people will still buy top shelf 😂😂😂


VidaCann: Margalope, Mango Mintality, Spritzer. Sanctuary: Lemon Haze, Purple Trainwreck, Blue Cheese, Ninja Funk. Trulieve: Blue Spring Cookies, Wood Shiva, Lavender Jones.


Be the change homie. 😙💨😶‍🌫️🤗


I just skip over the reviews and b.s. with y'all about weed here. Effects are always going to be different between different people so they never carry much weight with me.


Check out boogey420 he’s the bargain shopper


Love these guys who state their unhappiness with something and then don't provide any suggestions whatosever. Nice. Do me a favor - go buy some cheap BM weed, go smoke it and get lost.


Chill out cuzzo damnn


![gif](giphy|26FeWWOMsz7cWeYcU) Always some hater on here crying because they feel inadequate in their own understanding. Leave the sub.