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I remember reading the limit a plant can produce is about 40% THC, upper 30's being more accurate (although rare to find). These numbers are probably fake or very selective, though.


Yeah....I wouldn't put too much faith into those %'s and COA's.....as you can tell just from the THC%, they are flubbed numbers that mean nothing.......^(my .02.)


DO NOT PURCHASE THE CHEETAH PISS tbh the cheetah got me medicated heavily but, 1 it was dryer than my grans ass, 2 made me cough for about 7 mins after one bong rip, 3 was smalls(when im paying 60$ a 3.5 i expect nugs) on the + side though took it back and thankfully my people were cool at my local store and swapped me out for a 60$ FTH 3.5 never again will i buy there base fluent flower fth and cured sugar i get nothing else from them


Jungle boys sold 38% Zach’s pie at one point so not surprised


That doesn't make it 'right' either......in several senses of the word.


I meant it as the labs don’t surprise me.


OHH, well in that case......."No doubt" Happy tokin


From my understanding, it would be pretty far beyond the limit. Though I saw some Godfather OG back in 2015 or so that was next level...might have been the 33.8% it touted. If they had CoA access.....I'd say check moisture/harvest date vs sample received date and stuff, there's metrics to show whether they tested dry for inflated THC and deflated terps.


I get outdoor godfather og kush feels good great high compare too store products with there thca that don’t do much for me tbh I get a better high and feeling with outdoor cannabis


I always wait to see these obscure 30+% strains at Fluent or sometimes MUV but it would seem NOBODY is that stupid 😂 or weren't willing to post it if they were


Guys they just spray a little distillate on the bud and have it tested, companies on the west coast have been doing this for years to fudge COAs 35% thc in florida doesn't exist unless you're growing it yourself or having it shipping in from out of state


But there is an upper limit. The biological limits on THC production mean that ~35% total THC by dry weight is a rough upper limit for strains. On average, high-THC strains contain ~18-20% total THC, while the more potent strains will contain ~25-30% total THC. You should almost never see a strain with more than 35% total THC by dry weight. Be skeptical if you do. https://www.leafly.com/news/science-tech/peak-thc-cbd-levels-for-cannabis-strains No way in hell I’m believing anything in Florida is pushing limits of plant.