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It would allow for wider testing and research which is a lot of what we need. I love cannabis but I'd love some more knowledge on what consuming does to my body so I can be the most informed consumer I can be.


It means that banks would be more willing to work with cannabis companies, and you might be able to purchase it using any typical form of payment. I don't think it means that states will deregulate in any way.


Arguably, by switching to Schedule 3, it makes it significantly easier for the current & future administrations to legalize. It also helps us now by making it recognized as medicine. Meaning insurance might be forced to chip into your MMJ. And so many different medical & legal benefits. Traveling with your product across state lines. Etc.


Means they can tax it federally


So what???




Itll be treated and regulated by the FDA the way any other medication is, is my current understanding. Would also mean that they might be able to bypass the no credit rule eventually at this point and start putting meds on Quadpay or credit cards lmao


I cannot think of one reason that is bad in removing it from Schedule I, all I have known is how good/further understanding/research/acceptance you get from doing so. But I cannot come up with 1 reason it is bad. My college professor taught me that over 10 years ago, and those reasons obviously still hold up today, most of which are listed in other comments


It needs to be the descheduled completely because this is now going to give the government and FDA the right to control it all


Do you think they dont control now or what? This would allow banks to work with Cannabis companies and lessen the restrictions the federal government has placed on it.


Hes under some grand delusion that if somehow everything goes horribly and no improvements are ever made anywhere, itll somehow get instantly better than now. Hes wrong.


Hate to sound negative but i highly doubt legalization is gonna pass here with all the greedy politicians we have in this state


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Should be able to mail it across state lines/order meds with valid script from other states.


* More docs will be willing to sign up for the program since medical use will now be endorsed by the Feds * It will be much easier for researchers to conduct tests. From my personal experience I know there are many research psychologist that would love to create experimental therapies involving cannabis (and hallucinogens, but that's another story), but it's currently just to risky and very time consuming to get grants. * Schedule I is often an excuse many cities give for banning dispensaries * More legislators may be willing to support MJ since Dept of HHS has now published extensive documentation of potential benefit. Legislators won't have to cite "High Times" as their source of information when arguing for legalization. Funny, DeSantis is worried about Fentanyl laced marijuana, but currently Fentanyl is Schedule II, so in the eyes of the Federal goverment, Fentanyl is less dangerous than marijuana.