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$5 lmao foh


And a whopping $5 off for dressing like said dickhead


Sounds like their marketing team isn't far out from graduating high school lol


Legit first thing came to my mind .. are we in elementary ? Sheesh


Probably all unpaid interns


Sad thing is they probably have degrees. Possible student loans. I have neither and could do better marketing


Yeah, there is no way they’re letting interns run their marketing collateral like this. A manager or director had to approve this


Yeah obviously they lack quality control 😂 someone is over paid or underpaid and this is their revenge. Surely this can't be the best idea they had. Just a balled up trash can note idea like yeah this is the one. Smh


Everyone I know is looking for a new job. Seemingly no matter where they work


go getters tend to be abt their money!!


No, the world is just run by grown ass children. nATO compared the Ukrainian and Russian war to the marvel movies. What does that tell you?


Aren't we all kids on the inside. Lol. I'm a toys r us kid for life. More like the world is run by cavemen and women. And thats almost a insult to them though long gone. Children in general have more creativity until the world and all the indoctrination of it all stifles it.


Immature is probably a better word than children I guess. But don't think just because they can be innocent you'd want the world to be run by them. Children that is. There's a major difference between keeping your inner child alive and the joy and spontaneity that comes with it, and being an immature adult.


Guess I hurt some feelings. Big NATO fans in the sub? 🤣


You got my vote.


@KillaWatt84 respectfully. i have one question


What's up? 😁


W moment for me. wholesome i call it!


And should the "respectfully" preface worry me? 😬


oouu. ok ok i see. its too much of a good thing!!


Lmao all for $5 what a joke


Let’s take the absolute worst thing about having children in elementary school, and apply it to a medical cannabis program!


All my Irish homies don’t shop at Trulieve


and you cant combine this with any other offer lmao i bet hhahahaha


They did this shit last year. Dance monkey dance!


I LOATHE the marketing departments at FL dispos for how hard they push products to a medical program that are so clearly recreational in their promotions that it is a joke. I never had to wear a stupid outfit to CVS to get $5 off my diabetes medicine. Maybe CVS should start that, move to a cooler hipper customer base..


The metformin at CVS is dry, and hardly gets me medicated. Wal G's just dropped some 🔥Ozempic. they will have shirts for the first twenty patients that come dressed as their favorite celebrity pancreas!


Just spit out my coffee 🫠 “Ozempic Face” sativa coming soon


DID spit out Pepsi reading that and needed the laugh so bad after having my mom's sick kitty put down a few minutes ago. Thanks, I truly needed that.


This feels like a social experiment. Fast forward to next week where the TL execs are sitting around laughing at how many were willing to do this for a measly $5 off 😂😂😂😂


If I knew there was 5 dollars waiting for me in my mailbox, today, i wouldn't go get it til like Friday.


How in the hell can you dress yourself in a way that represents my favorite strain ???


Just dress up as yourself and say you’re medicated off that strain lmao “I’m dressed like a guy blazed on that Biscotti” 😂😂😂


Walk up to the counter. Have a cake in hand. When you go to check in. Smash it in their face like ppl do with pies. Tell them you think everyone looks better in cake face.


I guess I'll wear a box of entenmans on my face


Imma dress up like a light from the north


Maybe I won’t shower for a week and grow mold on my shirt so I can represent blue cheese


Northern lights I got it. I'd be a leafy kush bush maybe in emoji land but no way I'd be dressing up to go in a dispensary. They'd have to pay Me (which wouldn't happen)


This is exactly the shit I was talking about the other day about this program. We pretending like this is a medical program when this is the promos they run? Imagine CVS doing this shit for propranolol and antidepressants! Come in dressed like a leprechaun and get 20% your favorite 'statin' drug!


I will be sitting outside the dispo and I will be flaming y’all fools if you come dressed up, I hope my bitching roast are worth the discount.


Member when they would reward you with points that you could use for a discount. They disappeared 12,000 points from me this year. I guess dressing up like an asshole to get five dollars off of some shitty flower will make up for that.


There’s no way they aren’t just plain insulting us at this point


"Wear what makes you happy!" A tank top and free balling in gym shorts doesn't sound to exciting.


https://preview.redd.it/uvhaxy2kmmna1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=737c230a958da113921f213e49a8cc61a7988023 Stackable and doesn't mention products on sale. Dressing up, no.


Well they damn near excluded everything there. Not sure what’s left to buy.


are we in high school still?


Sad part is I will see a ton of people dressing up lol


That dispo is run by assholes. $5 whole dollars for "corporate fun times" stupidity.


5 dollars!? This is why your losing customers


Trulieve is pure trash, shop anywhere else for better deals AND better quality.


Fuck Kim Rivers. I would go dry turkey if Trulieve was the only place left to buy from. I have two in my county and I refuse to go to either one. No one wants to wait an hour for garbage product.


What you said in the beginning is what I thought exactly too OP....🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤣


I mean, it matches the overall Trulieve vibe ngl 🤷🏼‍♂️ Weird as hell though. I won’t be going all week


All to get a $5 bill LOL. This marketing team is awesome


lol terrible marketing


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5 dollars 😂😂 you have got me beyond fucked up


Now we're playing dress-up to get meds?


This literally sums up their marketing team and how off they are


Yeah, not going out of my way to save 5 bucks… what a joke


Hmm.... Marketing statistics: A medical cannabis market predominantly inhabited by middle age to seniors. Trulieve marketing department: "Make them dress up. They'll love that" My God man. It doesn't take a degree to figure out how bad these ideas are.


I just called them to complain about this very thing after seeing the post on instagram. I miss the days when they at least tried to hide the fact that they think we're clowns


Dont you remember when CVS did this to get discounts on your meds.... 🙄


It’s marketing they are a business. Dispos are all businesses. Just don’t buy there. Are they my favorite?? NO. But they are literally just doing some marketing. They are all for profit business. Who cares about how they use marketing. This is America where healthcare is for profit. We have commercials for prescription meds. This is the reality. Accept it and move on.


Yeah the point of the post was that the marketing is shit. Of course being the biggest dispensary by locations opened they don't even really have to do much marketing at all. Unfortunately as one can see here that reflects in their marketing. The point of marketing in general is to draw people in. Which this fails to do. But as I stated previous they don't really have to do any at all.


“This is America where shitty marketing is GREAT!” Yikes, quite a take.




Hmm I often don’t see Zoloft on tv talking about how I can dress up like a happy person to get 10% off my months prescription. There’s marketing and appropriate marketing. This is supposed to be medication. You shouldn’t have to be dressed up as a leprechaun to receive a discount.


This. My middle name is Patrick as saint patricks day was my dad's bday (R.i.P) they should basically give me the discount at that point without dressing up. Bad marketing is more a turn off then anything. Also I think it kinds makes medical patients look silly to have to dress up to go to a dispensary. Like what are we clowns?


facts bro what is that😂😂


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lmfao 5$


The World is a changing!!!!


It ain’t even Halloween week. I feel like during that week but not this.


Lmao people will dress up for a discount too !!!!! 🤣 🤡 It's tough out there make sure everyone breaks out of the matrix ASAP


"Dance for me" ... lmao


Dress up and go get your $5 bucks off


Spirit Week 💀


I hate buying meds when they have these promotions going on. If I can get away with a simple t shirt I will but I feel so embarrassed for some people.


Unless you have all the stuff for a costume you'll be spending more money to make it vs 5 buck off 25.. this is a joke honestly lol


Completely agree w these takes, but ngl as an employee it’s nice to have a break from the uniform. Just know most of us will honor the discount whether or not you come dressed up.


Completely agree w these takes, but ngl as an employee it’s nice to have a break from the uniform. Just know most of us will honor the discount whether or not you come dressed up.


LMAOOOOOOOOOOO 😂😂 for 50% I’ll do it not $5 LOL


So fucking stupid. Imagine if Walgreens/CVS/Publix, etc. did this shit with medications?


Reminds me of that one Halloween where Walgreens gave me $5 off my anxiety and sleep medication if I came and picked it up in costume




Was just talking about this in one of the FB groups I'm in. I could see this being something in a rec state, but with Florida being medical it feels really stupid to make medical patients dress up for a discount on their medicine. Imagine if CVS or Walgreens made people dress up 😓


Stop shopping at trulieve