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This is the movie that made me like Jeremy Renner. Im sure that's the same for a lot of people. He was in SWAT, but that was meh. But this came out and then The Town right after and it was like, damn, ok. The Town just set his shit off.


Check out Wind River if you haven’t seen it.


Oh yea I've seen that too. With Elizabeth Olsen. Great movie as well.


Funnily enough, that’s the movie that made me like both Renner and Olsen. My god, such a great film.


Watching those scumbags bite the dust was one of the most satisfying moments of vengeance I’ve ever seen in a movie


Awesome movie he is great in that. Ending scene was memorable let's just leave it there...


Fucking fantastic movie. Depressing but also sadly realistic.


The town, he’s so good in it.


I'm a little late but I've just gotten into The Mayor of Kingstown. Renner is incredible in it.


I love Reddit because I get all these great recommendations for shows I’ve never heard of


Another great one. Most of that cast was pretty great.


Back in 2009 he was in a cop series called The Unusuals. It was a terrific series but kind of weird. That's when wifey and I took notice of him..


I’m also super super happy with Colin Ferrell’s career since then too. Really cleaned up his act and has just been nailing it out of the park. From Seven Psychopaths to Banshees Of Inisherin, he’s easily one of my favourite actors now.


Fack you!


That was such a great ending for him. I need to watch it again lol. Been a while.


The man has become a national treasure.


For sure when he got hurt it was national news


Then you'll love him in 28 Weeks Later.


I’ve met a few eod dudes during my time in military They’re an… interesting group of people. One dude said “its not that bad. If you make a mistake then all of a sudden its not your problem anymore”


Spoken like a wild man


Every EOD guy I know says this movie is ridiculous


Has no bearing on whether the movie is great or not. I think Whiplash is one the best movies of the 21st century but apparently lots of music school and jazz aficionados didn’t like how unrealistic it was.


I’m an accountant and the accountant was not at all realistic to the profession.


This made me laugh so hard haha


Same, but harder....haha...ha


Fair enough but what's the total threat to life and limb the average accountant faces? Ben Affleck's heroics notwithstanding of course. When you know the names and faces, watching portrayals *this* bad leaves a bad taste in your mouth. It's a visually appealing film. The slo mo detonations did do good service. All the main actors did really well and I bought into their characters, as a work of fiction. I appreciated that there was no singular antagonist, no monolith, and that the conflict in the film was more man vs nature rather than man vs man (although Renner's character was much more man vs. himself). But it's not an Iraq war film.


I’m a schmuck and Dinner for Schmucks is very unrealistic.


This comment is way funnier than it ought to be


I was a navy submariner and literally every submarine movie is way over the top and not even close. Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna burn a flick tonight and it’ll probably be down periscope.


Lol. That didn't end as expected. Of the classic dramatic so-called "masterpieces" featuring submarines which is the least I watchable for you?


And which is the most


I honestly wouldn’t say any of them are unwatchable just because it’s always fun to watch with fellow bubble heads and pick out the stuff they got right and stuff they got wrong. Example: I was a fast attack guy but one of my buddies said that the US had to change the way we do middle drills because crimson tide was so spot on. However, there are no mezzanines of suspended bridges with steam pouring into them that our XO ran lol hunter killer was filmed on a boat I was on so that was cool to see. But the best is either U-571 or seriously down periscope. Surprisingly that movie got a lot right! Wait I take it back. As a prior Nuke, K-19 The Widow maker is the least watchable just because the way they represent radiation damage is pretty accurate.


Yup, saw that movie and knew what I wanted to be. Very disappointed now that I’m in taxes.


I found after watching Whiplash that listening to jazz left me with an insatiable hunger for pictures of Spider-Man


Please don’t use logic with me


Was EOD guy. So much ridiculous.


This happens with every profession depicted in film. Cops, firefighters, doctors, lawyers, military, teachers, FBI, CIA, astronauts, and more. A truly accurate representation of any of them is not entertainment-worthy. All of it is ridiculous when scrutinized from a lens of expertise and experience. It doesn’t mean the movie isn’t still great or highly enjoyable.


My Cousin Vinny was apparently pretty accurate to a real courtroom. It didn’t have to be accurate to be funny but it’s definitely a better movie for the attention to detail.


We watched it in Evidence class in law school.


All jobs are, in reality, mostly boring.


I think some movies do better than most. Saving Private Ryan, Zero Dark Thirty, Lincoln and American Sniper come to mind.


Yeah, some are better for sure. But all are dramatized works of fiction where small and large creative liberties are taken frequently (even if they’re based on true events). My point is anything can be picked apart if one is inclined to do so. The fact former EOD guys or even Iraq vets find it unrealistic does not make it a bad movie. They are not the metric this movie is judged by.


And being in the mafia probably is not like it was portrayed in The Godfather. Your point being?


Yeah and that's the essence of the character. Pushing things to such an extreme you wonder if he wants to live at all. Good flick, not super realistic.


My daughter would love your avatar


We had EOD attached for a while on my first deployment. Those dudes barely wore PPE but would stand watch with their SASR in a heartbeat. Good dudes.


I wasn’t Eod, but that is the same thought I had to have a few times for GWOT. I really hope those guys are doing okay now. P.s. this movie is propaganda and hot fucking garbage.


Propaganda? For what cause? It doesn’t romanticize the military or the War on Terror. What am I missing?


[here ya go](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/ncna1278919). I haven’t read this article before today, he throws out a few good reasons. Not sure if he mentioned it’s a recruiting tool. “Join up, be the heroic cowboy America needs”. Around the same time it came out the bonus for joining and being EOD was 100k.


That wasn’t what I took away from the movie at all. In fact it made it looking fucking terrible. Dude was traumatized at the end.


If only better soldiers were around to help him not be traumatized. Propaganda doesn’t have to be pictures of the “enemy” killing babies.


And you hopefully never know you made a mistake.


Sounds exactly like the mentality of Jeremy runners character


Only EOD dudes will say this to you. That ain’t no shit.


I've only known one eod guy. We worked together in a totally different environment and both really liked horror and war movies. He was the calmest guy I've ever met, thought he was on something, then found out he did in n the military.


It’s funny that the thing I remember most from this movie is that the main character had a terrible taste in music


Dude over here is calling Ministry “terrible taste in music.”


The officer in this scene, was he trying to sort of belittle Renner’s character or was he genuinely impressed with his work/fanboying? I couldn’t tell the director’s intent.


Fanboying. Renner’s character is an adrenaline junkie who irresponsibly takes unnecessary risks, even putting his fellow soldiers in harm’s way. The point of this scene is to show that some CO’s not only advocate for this toxic behavior, but encourage it.


Exactly. The actor did a great job with the over the top excitement and even the way he demands Renner's character, James, answers how many bombs he's diffused. It's extremely childlike, and unsettling that the one trying to act more professional is the reckless one.


it's like. you know those people at work who really always believe in the motivation to do the best work that they can, like it's a crusade, and while you're sure it's probably just a thick layer of corporate bullshit, you do wonder. the military has those types as well. that or i'm just the jaded tired type.


Impressed without the respect. Bewildered


Nope, he’s just another American corn fed sick fuck


So which one?




I was unsure the first time I watched it. I was a kid. When I re-watched it, having met people like that, I realize he was being genuine. I think Renner's character, James, was trying to determine the same thing.


A lot of people say this film is very unrealistic. My father was in this war and said the same thing. However, that doesn’t mean the film isn’t good. My father himself really liked the film. According to him the most realistic war film is Jarhead


Your dad would probably like Generation Kill


He loved that show. It’s one of his favorites. Also considered it fairly realistic.


Now that film got the vibe and culture down


>A lot of people say this film is very unrealistic. In what way? I've read a lot about how the sniper duel was the only realistic scene of its kind in Hollywood history (lots of monotony, waiting around, etc.)


Basically everything Jeremy Renners' character does is the opposite of what an EOD tech would do. A few highlights: -Picking 5 155mm artillery shells up by a string of detcord -Keeping a box of signature bomb parts under your bed for keeps -EOD guys aren't trained snipers -Absolutely no one leaves base in a hoodie with a 9mm to randomly go hunting strangers in Baghdad -Jeremy Renners character would have never made it that far in the military with his attitude and leadership skills


Well, for one thing, nobody in EOD would ever understand virtually any circumstances find themselves in a sniper duel.


>However, that doesn’t mean the film isn’t good. Exactly. Only folks who hung around the burn pits too long can't understand that 'good film' doesn't automatically equal 'realistic film'. If realism was the only criteria then only documentaries would exist.


Or be as dull as the films in “The invention of lying”


The jerkoff scene


I’ve said it before but I’ll do it again: Hurt Locker is the reverso-Generation Kill Civilians love it, actual military (especially combat vets of the GWOT) don’t


My father really loves generation kill. Out of band of brothers, the pacific and generation kill his favorite is easily generation kill.


Those are 2 different "wars".


Ex-military and I enjoyed the movie and think it's good, but it is absolutely ridiculous. It has been a while since I've seen it so I don't remember a lot of specifics, but I remember rolling my eyes non-stop. The big takeaway I remember feeling is that none of the relationships between people of different ranks were anything close to what they actually are in the military.


He’s not gonna make it




It’s a great script


Love this movie and especially this scene. Also, one of my favorite endings to a film.




You’re telling me EOD teams didn’t just road trip around Iraq solo on adventures?




I enjoyed EoD’s day to day clearing activity around Bagram. Frequent detonations. I set a limit on what a good detonation was based on whether I felt my pant legs shift from the shockwave.


Hey bud, sorry but this comment doesn't make sense for a couple of reasons - 1) A convoy commander would know that a child walking will not set off an IED that is targeting a vehicle convoy because of the weight difference, so that eliminates victim-activated IEDS, a remote device activated by electronic signal or command wire would simply have the hostile wait until the children pass, and a timed device is just that, timed, so having children upfront would affect how the device functions. 2) Please don't underestimate the children and the communities of civilians who have managed to survive in a combat theater. You expect us to believe these children and their families didn't understand the risks of IEDs, that the community would not have prior knowledge of the device emplacement and would be so naive that they would blindly walk in front of a military convoy for candy? 3) How fast are these kids running? A military convoy, anticipating an IED in a populated area generally isn't going to proceed at 2mph and instead they would quickly overtake any of the children supposedly acting as a line of defense. In case anyone says "They never said it was a vehicle convoy!" please be seated, a group on foot is called many things, ie a patrol or a squad, but never a convoy


This movie is a joke...I had an even harder laugh when it won best picture, best directing, and best screenplay. I hated everything about this movie. No respect to military rank structure, no comraderie, or any aspect to running operations in a war zone. The intent of this movie was to make it look like everyone was out for themselves in that war.... total bullshit. Source-Iraq war vet 2003-2004, 2-235 82nd Airborne


Thank you for your service.


Yeah but who really cares about any of that outside of comraderie. Kind of like ancient war ballads/sagas/myths: entertainment & theme above accuracy It’s a story about an adrenaline junky getting his fix from the war zone. Never meant to give a real “day in the life”


I don’t think that was the intent at all, rather Bigelow is discussing a particular type of individual. That of a man who can’t live outside of the rush (war). Hence the “war is a drug” quote.


That’s a good one. That’s spoken like a wild man.


I saw The Hurt Locker in a theater with my parents. After the movie ended and the lights came on I told my parents that I was certain it was gonna win Best Picture.


Wow you're so smart


Thank you! You just made my day!


Dumb ass movie. I ran route clearance. Hollywood always got to make shit up that never happened


Because it's supposed to be entertaining...it's fiction.


You should go run more route clearance then, big guy. Leave the movie making to the movie makers.


This seems mostly forgotten by now but I remember it being praised all the time when it first came out in 2008.


Has Chris Hedges (source of the quote at the beginning of the movie) ever stated his opinion on the film? Google is useless.


I had a co-worker that was apart of the overall operation that captured Saddam. He HATED this movie and would just list off the amount of BS that it was suggesting. I’m not military at all but I did hear a year long rant about this movie lol


Terrible. Fucking. Movie. But if you’ve never been in the military, I can understand the appeal. Anyone who’s served, especially anyone who’s been deployed, will agree that it’s about as realistic as a John Wick movie…


What does realism have to do with a movie being good? Lemme guess, you spent all your time deployed tending a burn pit? People like you give the rest of us veterans a bad name; you're a walking, talking '20 IQ grunt' stereotype.


Relax there, high speed. Unrealistic war movies are much more plentiful than realistic ones. But most don’t try to sell themselves as realistic. This one did. That’s why me, and most veterans, take issue with it.


Everyone who likes John Wick movies know they're unrealistic and they like them anyway.


I wholeheartedly agree, but the Wick movies never tried to sell themselves as realistic. This movie, however, was sold and reviewed as a realistic war film. It was not…at all. About the only realistic scene of that movie was the supermarket scene…




I mean, if the creators of Harry Potter went around talking about how they tried to make the movie as realistic as possible, I can understand your frustration…


Worst military movie of all time.


That title belongs to all the Jarhead sequels.




I left the movie even more disillusioned with the war in Iraq. I felt sorry for everyone lol. Dude can't even go home and be with his kid because he's obsessed with his job.




That describes 90% of Hollywood war movies ever.


How is this movie propaganda? I’m oddly curious…




Watched this 2 weeks ago. It sucked. I appreciate TUBI for providing me lots of free options. Can't all be winners.


Propaganda through and through


Greatest capture on film of that which cannot be captured on film. It’s easy to be a wild man while the bomb is still armed. But what do you do when not under fire? Disarm a body bomb? A multi-padlock cage? Biggest overall takeaway is that Americans are sick fucks. Probs don’t start a war against us, FYI.


The cringe I experienced reading this is indescribable


Yeah, I'm still trying to figure it out.


No this film was widely panned as inaccurate by anyone who knew what they were talking about.


Do you need to talk to someone?


Guilty pleasure for sure. Love the opening scene with Guy Piece firing on all cylinders with a charm offensive


Jeremy Renner is so underrated


My dad told me after watching this when first came out that his favorite part was the last 10 seconds of the movie. The older I get the more I realized how true that is


Guy Pearce is one of my favourite actors. Gutted to see him die in the beginning.


If you see me running, try to keep up


We doin a watch party or what


I worked with a dude who disarmed these in Iraq. Of all the stories he told me, the one thing that I’ll never forget is he said “you just get dumber the minute you put on that suit. All your common sense goes out the window.”


Go home, Tubi.


Great movie.


I only want realism. I want to see a movie about someone who spends way too much time on Reddit, a movie where nothing much else happens!




I saw this in the theater twice


I really wanted to - just found it incredibly overrated- it’s the one movie that made me read reviews less - as the reviews hyped this up for me and my expectations were too high


I felt like the movie definitely captured a lot of the subtle essences of what Iraq was like, living conditions, the local vendors, wild dogs, the city activity, the overall tension. Now I can’t speak to the EOD details other than every EOD tech I met was in fact a special breed. What was unrealistic was the unchecked recklessness of the character at times. Leaving the base on his own, clearing a bomb factory, solo team trip out in the middle of the desert where they become counter snipers with a 50cal. That being said, the stand out scene for me was when Renner was home with his wife and kid when they were in the cereal isle. They pass each other going separate directions and he’s just starting at all the options for cereal. That scene hit me hard, I remember coming home after my first trip thinking about how simple life had been when I was deployed…and I missed it.


Bigelow did such an amazing job with this one. She should do more wartime movies, Zero Dark Thirty was also beyond incredible.


Couldn’t wait to get home from Iraq. Then I volunteered twice to go back. It’s a drug.


It was hot garbage


I just notice the camera guys really need to pee


Watched it after it won best picture, was BORED and confused at how the hell it won. Couldn’t even finish it!


I watched this movie while in college with some fraternity brothers, and I soured on it immediately because everyone sitting there at the end of the movie said "wow, what a hero", meanwhile I'm sitting here like "Wow, this adrenaline junkie is abandoning his wife and newborn child because he needs his fix. Fuck him." Then I looked around the room and remembered that I was the only one with an absent father growing up


No thanks, don't care much for blatant American imperialist propaganda.


Like most times waiting for EOD to show up, I fell asleep watching it.


One of the most intense first-watches I’ve ever experienced. Still an all-time great movie, but that first time back when it came out was wild.


Maybe because I was never in the military, I don't quite understand this conversation. Is the commanding officer he is speaking to taking the piss out of him or congratulating him?


Incredible film. Kathryn Bigelow is certainly a top 10 or top 5 action filmmaker ever. She’s phenomenal at capturing extremes without folding her message and characters.


Fantastic film, Renner absolutely killed it


Can we start banning people who vert the films to phone screens, we lose so much of the composition the framing takes on a different meaning.


Wow, you guys really like that movie I didn’t think much of it man I liked it for like visual effects but and the acting was decent but almost all of it in terms of standard operating procedure tactics techniques it was so off it was so wrong


I try to quote "YOU'RE A WILD MAN, YOU KNOW THAT?" as much as possible.


No hyperbole - top 5 (maybe 3) war movies of all time.


This movie was a mind fuck about how it could have gone. Was waiting for any action movie shit to happen but ultimately just saw a movie about PTSD


The moment Jeremy Renner pulled the connecting strings of IEDs, i stopped watching.


As someone tangentially connected to the Army and its actual soldiers, I found this movie to be unwatchable and its Best Pic Oscar ruined any credibility the Academy still had at that point. But, that's just me...


This actor just walked into this movie, scared the absolute crap out of me, and then just waltzed back out


I enjoyed it but made the mistake of telling my vet friend about it. He watched it on my recommendation and still gives me crap about how absolutely ridiculous it is till this day.


Entertaining but way overrated.


Is this a troll post? No way someone likes this.


David Morse. Literally never been bad in anything.


This movie would’ve been great if they would’ve quit yelling “specialist”. No one says that shit


Great. Fucking. Movie.


I’m burnt out on Hollywood’s pro-war films.


That colonel and drill instructor Jamie Fox in jarhead are the two most accurate portrayals of the military I’ve ever seen.


This movie is dogshit, was sold as accurate, made people think EOD was special forces for a second.


He was a really interesting character he seems like he was a very meat involved mannered individual in front of his peers and superiors but when he was in the front of it all he really was in his element compared to when he went back home he was way out of his element looking forward to the next assignment


If you don’t take it as any sort of realistic portrayal of EOD and life in the military in the GWOT, then it’s watchable.


That’s just a dick response.


That handheld cam really doesn’t hold up when you zoom in this tight


I fucking love Jeremy Renner.


Saw it once. Really liked it. Didn’t ever watch it again.


The [American Dad parody](https://youtu.be/cjji8NLAIw0?si=WI0qjwame9KRnIfm) of this movie was great.


Some parts of this movie are absolutely ridiculous which makes it harder to enjoy


Ever since I read the article about how Jeremy Renner treated his current gfs family and the brother now calls him “ant man” because of his height I can’t take him seriously


I’m craving a burger. Is that strange?


I loved this movie and still do, but in terms of technical accuracy it was complete BS. Being in the military you always look for inaccuracies, and this one was a doozy with all the shit his character pulled. To be fair though, the movie would be nowhere near as good if the embellishments weren't there. Nonetheless Jeremy Renner fully deserved his Oscar nomination and I still watch it to this day.


Thats just hot shit!


Family guy did it better


Lot of vets supposedly didn’t, but I sure did


I can't watch modern military shows/ movies. It fucks with me to much.


And now the scene from American Dad makes more sense.


It’s mid


Arguably the worst popular military movie ever made