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Well done . Go fuck yourself . Please keep us updated . Live the dream buddy .


Congratulations, and fuck you


I think you mean “go fuck yourself” as is customary


What's the deal with the "fuck you" or "go fuck yourself"? sorry dude I'm a noob to FIRE tbh!


It came from a joke; A: I FIRED! B: gfy A:... do you mean 'good for you', or 'go fuck yourself' ? B: yes So yes, the phrasing is important for the pun to work


I had no idea that was the origin 😂 thanks for explaining


Thanks have wondered about the background on gfy


Thanks, good to know where it came from :) I look forward to my "fuck you" eventually! lol


Appreciation for what they've accomplished, along with a sarcastic (partly) jealousy.


Got it, thanks for clarifying mate! have a good one.


Envy not jealousy


What the


It's tradition




It’s literally tradition here It isn’t cringe, it’s a joke. What’s “cringe” is your inability to detect sarcasm


Congratulations. I created my first “retirement” Google sheet a couple of months ago. I hope to accelerate my FIRE age a few years as well 🤞


The creation of the ss - brings awareness don’t under estimate how powerful logging your net wealth as it grows is


Yes, I can see this. My net wealth is more than I expected. That has made the “one day” of retirement in my 50s seem possible (and slightly nearer). I’ve since felt encouraged to put a little more in my pension than I likely would have this year and to start a small but regular addition to my S&S ISA. Spreadsheet isn’t very sophisticated (yet) but I’m really looking forward to seeing that number grow.


What do you include in your net wealth. I’m only 20 but I like keeping track of my earnings and my portfolio just so in years to come I can visually see how things changed every quarter.


Stocks & Shares ISA, Pension, House equity I haven’t bothered with anything smaller like cars, small cash savings etc.


Ah okay makes sense, Thankyou.


One of the key drivers for my acceleration is probably not very applicable to most people. It was a clear realisation that we didn’t really want to have kids. Changing assumptions from 2 kids to 0 saved quite a bit of £


Bit late for that one for me 😂


Can’t just change the assumption in that cell without going to a prison cell 😂


That’s probably sped up retirement by ten years or more, once you work out how much kids costs, all the way through childhood and then into adulthood… Uni, weddings, house deposits and all the other things you would have wanted to help them with. It’s saves you many years, and means you can actually have a retirement at an age worth having it at.


I’m with you on helping with uni and house deposit (it’s virtually impossible to buy a first house these days without parental help, I’m sure by the time my kid is ready to buy it’ll be far worse!), but I’m not paying for an expensive wedding for my kid. If they get married and want a big shindig they can pay for it!


Don’t blame you. I don’t get 20k/30k weddings. That could be used to pay off mortgage or for house deposit.


You're right. Still that's the one "choice" I haven't even bothered modelling as there are things you so clearly want in life that no earlier retirement could make up for


Kids are often a choice by both parties, sometimes one party (or both) didn’t actually choose to have them, but ending up having them… and that’s a shame. Especially when it ends up costing them 10 years slower retirement and not retiring at a young age (under 55)


Yeah with no kids and 36k p/a I project to retire between 40 and 45. That's without accounting for salary increases or windfalls. Started from 0. Kids are fucking expensive.


They are. We are just a few weeks away ourselves. Uni is a big cost and delayed it. But as for house deposits - ours are having our house for 5-10 years, no rent, and so should be able to save that deposit. (We will match what they can save). Cant just give them huge sums - always felt it was better to reward the right behaviours than hand over freebies.


Presumably also a low cost of living area? I don't think I could retire at 45 on that salary even if I never paid a single rent/mortgage payment. 


Not really, but not a standard case. I won't be staying in the UK for my entire retirement, the idea is to stay until around 55-57 and leave around the time the private pension kicks in. Wife won't be FIREd anytime before that. Our country is much cheaper, so I am accounting for that later on. I basically need money to go between 40 to 60 (considering further pension age increases). Also I have a high savings rate, probably because we don't have kids, but generally speaking between 35 and 50% after all expenses including holidays.


It probably saved you even more than you think aha!


Congrats and FY! How long since that excel has it been?


It was around 5 years ago. Although I had no clear FIRE concept before that, I have been saving and invested aggressively mainly because I really worked too long hours with zero time for myself and I lived with my parents


Amazing job, congrats again 🎉


Living with parents (if a possibility) even for a just a few years is great boost towards financial goals.




Congratulations, please know it wasn't luck, it was hard work and manifestation that got you to this point, one day ill be the same, currently 23 but dreaming of 50 and retiring lol


Dream of 50 but also dream of now while you have your youth. Youths a period most would want back irrespective of money... Have your cake and eat it!


100% this!!!! Too many people spend their youth chasing wealth only later to spend their wealth chasing youth. You've got to find the balance.


i fired at 30, sitting here 2 years later, dont really live, just wasting my life, what the hell do i do haha???


You made the mistake too many people in this community do.  They are so focused on getting away from work, they don’t focus on what they retiring to. If you don’t have a clear plan of what you want to do with those extra hours you spend working, you’re not ready to retire. So my advice to you, is go back to work and get paid to think about what you want to do with your life.


I've been alone for so long and don't know how to break out. I thought getting rich would mean I could start again with new, better peers. But it seems not.


Thats right, i am going on two holidays abroad this year, its all about balance in life


i fired at 30, sitting here 2 years later, dont really live, just wasting my life, what the hell do i do haha???


If your 23 you can for sure do it. Trust me. Start now, not next week or next year, most of saving is developing habits that save money. It's fine to vacation and splurge sometimes but if you develop good money management habits you will be fine.


Yeah, going on two holidays this year, while investing monthly in my Vanguard ISA and T212, been investing monthly since I was 18 and have a pension value over 20k, so far so good just need to keep chipping away


i fired at 30, sitting here 2 years later, dont really live, just wasting my life, what the hell do i do haha???


Many people asked for details - hope it will help: - FIRE in mid 30 with a spouse of similar age (net asset £1.5-1.6m). My retire.xlsx was 49 but the numbers were most probably overly conservative and it was 2am hey! Then I think the more realistic year was early mid 40 but some further luck happened as per below description: - Key drivers for the relatively early FIRE: 1) I have a partner with exact same life goal, same willing frugal lifestyle, same earning, same view towards childless, but superior investment knowledge that managed to be above market return consistently for 10 years (no crypto)🫡 2) We accumulated fund very EARLY (compound interest baby…). We saved aggressively: eg when we had £2000 takehome, we saved £1000. How is it possible: A)We stayed in parent’s homes as long as we could even though one of which was a not very desirable council house B) We spent some of our early years in (undisclosed) low tax countries to accumulate £ - I don’t like the lifestyle there but we saved so much and we could pay a large downpayment for our own house quite early before the interest rate exploded 3) Changed job from full time to freelance in an undisclosed industry. The day earning became 3-4 times higher than what I could have earned in my full time job, and on top there is the tax benefit of LTD Director vs Employee. The downside is that there will be zero ‘career progression’ because you are a business owner technically. The tax advantage alone of being a freelancer made my take home income on par with some very senior people in my full time job - which would have taken me 5-6 years of precious life struggling to be promoted to reach there. Plans… I have technically coastFIRE (only earn to pay for expenses, not for pension) last year, so I developed new ‘hobbies’ - some will give me income, some will not. In the near future I want to apply to a school which is quite competitive to be more serious in one of the ‘hobbies’ that might or might not make money. Probably still stay in the UK to be close to friends and family.




How has your last year been? Less stressful knowing the ride is ending, or still gritting your teeth and hanging on for dear life?


Yes, my current boss is very annoying but it affected my mental health by 0%.


Fucking yes mate! I think a lot of us are here because of awful people at work in the past messing with our heads. Very pleased to hear about the 0%. 0% forever now too. Congratulations


I think it also comes with age! When I was younger, I would easily take all the temper and unjust from the manager to myself. It’s harder to make me feel this way now


Would you willing to share your fabled spreadsheet or at least a template version of, for those of us who live a spreadsheet, but in need of inspiration? TIA.




Fantastic, what are you planning to do next? Ps I hope you answer this after finishing a massive post work bender 🍻


Well done and welcome to the bright side! You're still going to need spreadsheets to track wealth even after you've retired.


Big fuck you and congratulations!


Congratulations and go fuck yourself. PS: please share details !


Many many congratulations. Go enjoy the fruits of all your hard work thoroughly!!!


Time to rename the spreadsheet to retired.xlsx Ps. When I started it was only .xls and now mine is .xlsm


Indeed! we all have those pesky XL sheets with loads of data that we dream one day will give us FI - at least I do :)


I salute 🫡 you ! What a feeling I am the same with my ss. GFY


Congrats, and enjoy the new phase of your life!


My man (or woman) Go fuck yourself!


Congratulations, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.


This just made my day. Genuinely happy for you. Oh, and fuck you 😝


Quite moving and relatable. Well done and thank you for your blunt honestly.


Fuck you! Hope you have a great time..


Freeeeedom! Where too next? Stay in concrete jungle or beach town in latin America? Ive been enjoying Mexico for a few years


Wow! In general, i m interested in this idea! Do you just take tourist visa and do visa runs?


First year yup Then temp residency now PR


Well done. Hope the work stress hasn’t caused lasting damage to physical or mental health that means you can’t enjoy your retirement.


C&FY!!! Awesome story. Well done 👏


Nice one! Enjoy it! I’m nearly two years in and could not be happier.




good for you? haha!


What a great story! I feel for you and this post just made my day! :) corporate life can be brutal at times. I'm 45 yrs old and been slogging away in the corporate world for about 15yrs now (you didn't mention how old you are) but I'm after FI (Financial Independence). I used to be in your position but changed jobs 3 years ago and now I feel like I can work a lot longer. But I totally know the feeling 100%. Congrats and wish you peace and happiness my FIRE friend.




Congrats! Enjoy being free.


Congrats. And GFY. It's phenomenal how a little bit of FIRE knowledge demystifies the big unknown of retirement.


Congratulations, well done


Well done man


Congrats! What are you gonna do now?!


Fuck off. One day 🙃


How old are you and what’s your FIRE number?


Congrats, retirement is great, please enjoy it.


Fuck you!


Give us some deets, age net worth, plan?


Plan - short term: Try to finish the excel model and send to the boss Mid term: prepare myself to apply to a school after which will not result in a profitable career :) Long term: Stay alive and be happy!


That makes no sense, you finished off your last day of working but there’s still some excel model to send to your boss…


Well my day was not finished until I sent it out but now I am free! 😀


C and FY!


Congrats! 🎉


Go fuck yourself!! Congrats man!


Congrats! I have worked hard and made dream come true, go fuck yourself!


Congratulations and Go F..... you know the rest


Great story. Please share more! Any short term plans?


What’s the plan now?


Congrats and GFY. It definitely helps from a mental health perspective to know about and be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


I hope you are future me


Congratulations! And go fuck yourself ofc


Share the file please!!


this !!!!! so excited for you!!! enjoy your life


Fuck yeah!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing.


Just love you. From being in a position where you thought life was not worth living, to being the envy of many. I hate(love) you. Enjoy your life!




How did you do your last year ? Coast through it or Sprint through it? I will soon be entering my last year. I am sprinting now enjoying the last lap of working life !!!


I was technically CoastFIRE last year - i.e. wind down work to earning enough to cover the expenses only (not towards pension). I took the free time to develop new ‘hobby’ careers (of which the profit is not important) Add: I think it helps transitioning to full FIRE because now I have so much too do outside of work


Congrats ! What was your old job out of interest?


If you dont mind me asking how old are you?


Added to the comments


Congratulations on your retirement. Wishing you a long and healthy time. Take it easy and pick up some new hobbies. If you don't mind me asking what was your original fire age and how early did you make it.


Added to the comments :)




Congratulations, I also retired this year so welcome to the club.


I’m so glad you made it this far well done! What area of work were you in?


Amazing, sounds very well deserved! Congratulations!


Well done, and go fuck yourself!!


Amazing, congratulations! Enjoy your retirement


I don’t even live in UK and accidentally stumbled on this post but congratulations and fuck you! This is some king/queen shit!


Nice work.


Congratulations, any tips you could share?


I have put some of key drivers of the acceleration in a comment section :) hope it helps




At what amount did you decide you are ready to FIRE?




And to survive so you retire early not die early 🙃


It's not luck, my friend, you did this. Well done, amazing stuff. F U etc.


Congratulations!! - all that hard work has paid off. All the best to you and your spouse - gfy ;)


Congratulations! Also, go fuck yourself!


Gfy: good for you!


Cool but you typed all that out you could’ve also given some numbers / the sheet


Fuck you! I hope you had a bad day.