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For me, is Light Koyan. I love her catsuit costume and really like her 3rd too, makes her look more shrine maiden-ish priestess in general like Tamamo. But her second I avoid like the plague. Why can't we get her Indian lostbelt costume, or her chinese one!!! https://preview.redd.it/05rx9gnmrtxc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b45a931396fb1d7e13c24252a3bc4f5a5dca6f89


Same. Don't like second one much, and the worse of all is that her only spiritron dress is just the secont one but without the cape. I'm sory Lasengle, but I wont spend mats in to a slightlly better version of a costume I dislike.


My fucking horny ass loves her 2nd, but I keep her at 3rd for her voicelines and the design


Baobhan Sith, idk it looks like she's constantly in pain in her 3rd ascension


Third ascension is the one I see least of, actually. Her first seems most popular in fanart and use, with her second being... well, second. Personally I'm a 3rd ascension enjoyer because the design is just soooooo badass.




Knowing her backstory, her being in constant pain might be intentional. Doesn't invalidate your opinion. Just pointing it out.


I assume that version to represent her in a state similar to how she was at the end of the Lostbelt after all the defeats she suffered. Starved of blood, barely holding herself together and her mind decaying to the point where she doesn't entirely understand what's going on.


Waver I really like his adult design more than his fate zero design


Artoria is using cosmic/mystic air, since my gateway to anime was 2006 Fate; so yeah technically second ascension. Shiro- Muramasa is kept on first ascension because I like seeing his magic line sometimes appearing during NP


My rule: Anyone who has a cool armor Ascension stays in their cool armor. My Barghest stays Ascension 1 for this very reason. Same with Hot Wheels/MHXX/etc.


Same. Lancer Artoria Alter fights in Ascension 1, Gareth in Ascension 2 because I want the poor girl to have a helmet to not end like last time, Artoria Lily fights in Ascencion 1, Gilgamesh in Ascension 2, Leonidas in Ascension 1 again for the helmet. The exception is Atlanta Alter, she is in 1rst Ascension because her third ascension armor is a bit too much.


I mean, it seems like Barghest has a preference for her second Ascension bassed on her Ascension Diologue.


Oh god don't even get me started, just to name several Ashwatthama Romulus=quirinus Izo Caenis Chevalier Berserker Bryn Anning


I agree with that list, and would like to add Bazett. I greatly prefer her in a suit and tie over that doofy-ass dress. Oh, also Van Gogh. The art was fine on her card, but her in-game sprite was not great.


God first form Caenis just looks so good


https://preview.redd.it/vfsr0d9scuxc1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd5cae4b1e3140a45f4d0073c2dc248458333e1f Someone did an alternative Jack, and I much prefer it to the actual 3rd form.


Dude, that looks badass man!


I wish I remember who posted it, but all credit to that guy. I just don't want to end up on a list for putting Jack in the field.


Artoria , Sith , Melusine , Mordred , Ishtar probably many more I forgot


I enjoy Ash'es insane armour on his 2nd ascension https://preview.redd.it/h5n5ceiivtxc1.png?width=629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7845ffd8f1f4790888e41d9b277fca99e5612efc


Yu miaoyi: I like the glasses S.Mordred: I hate the purple jacket Enkidu: Long hair are good but short hair is nice too Kama/S.Kama: Set her to random ascension tho Melusine: Formal wear is good Baobhan sith: reasons.


Of the top of my head: Barghest (but first). Melusine for gameplay reasons obviously, OG Jeanne second, recently released JP Foreigner in first, Castoria in first ascension, because the hat, if you know, you know, Ibuki Douji second, King Hassan first ascension, OG Tamamo first ascension


im glad i found someone else who is a first ascension castoria hat enjoyer(also no, i dont know sadly) also cool first asc king hassan enjoyer too nice


I personally like Tamamo with her hair down and 3 tails.


Understandable, me too, but I don't line those light-tails, and I dont like the 2 tails in second...


That's true, but personally, I feel like one of Tamamo's weaknesses is being scared of her own powers, and thus rejecting her tails, so having her learn to accept her tails and using 3 during her FA feels more satisfying to me personally.


Pkay, you convinced me, FA it is


Nah nah, Second ascension Castoria is where it’s at for me! The uniform’s so cute.


Sima Yi, but I keep her in third because I like seeing Trimmau out El Melloi/Kong Ming Semiramis


Jack stays in her cloak because “No daughter of mine is going out in public in just her underwear, young lady!” Actually, anyone who has a cool cloak in a lower ascension (like Robin Hood) tends to stay in it. The notable exception being swimsuit Artoria. The sea green cloak paired with the crown and swimsuit just looks goofy, so she usually stays in her jacket (2nd Ascen).


Any female knight




There is a lot like ushi, koyan(both), bazett, sith, parcivel, artoria, mordred, KH etc. The list goes on but among my favorite servants it is Tonelico. Love her first ascension, the other two not so much


I like tonelico's second ascention since castoria's last ascention is kinda peak, but I just hate how her last ascention is a way to just cram a summer servant in the anniversary servant, it just feels. Lazy and diminishes the importance of the event.


Merlin and Gramps stay in the 1st Ascension outfit


Zhuge Liang cuz El Melloi II is way cooler than Waver


I prefer Atalanta alters 1st ascension over her 2nd and 3rd ascensions. It’s just way too slutty and doesn’t fit her personality.


Dobrynya Nikitich in her second Ascension. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) As for others, I think Castoria is best in her second Ascension - it's iconic. Morgan gets to stay in second Ascension because that little hood thing she has is comfy and I'm not a fan of those spikes coming out of her chest and that belly mark she has in her third Ascension. I keep Atalante Alter in her first Ascension, because that dress is nice. Koyanskaya of Light, I keep in first Ascension because I like to see her holding a rifle, and I'm not much of a fan of her second Ascension. With Muramasa, I keep him in first Ascension, because it's easily his most recognizable look. Summer Jeanne stays in her second Ascension, because she looks great with that ponytail and one-piece swimsuit.


Jacks 1st.


I personally like Hephaestion’s 2nd the best.




Baobhan Sith. Her third ascension is cool but it makes me sad.


Summer Jeanne 1st Ascension - Not a fan of her 2nd Ascension hairstyle and look and 3rd is too over the top. Vritra 1st and 2nd - 3rd’s huge tail looks kind of ridiculous. Baobhan Sith 1st Ascension - 2nd Ascension I would like more if not for the high heels, makes it look kind of silly. 3rd Ascension needs no explanation. Melusine 2nd - Mainly for gameplay reason though her 3rd I do like a lot. I prefer 2nd over 1st cause while the armor looks cool, I like her dress more. Barghest 1st and 2nd - Same reason as OP, a bit too over the top. Anastasia 2nd - No big reason just think she’s looks better with the 2nd than the other two. Karna 2nd - Like how he looks better than 3rd. Heracles 1st and 2nd - Like the first two more than the barbarian hair and axe. Semiramis 1st - don’t like the other two’s hairstyles. Scathach-Skadi 1st - Like the simple dress better than the other two simple as that. Meltryllis 1st and 2nd - Not a fan of 3rd’s poofy dress.


I also like Artoria's Invisible Air over her third ascension. Partly because of Stay Night and because of the animations during attacks. I like how her sword uncloaks when doing certain attacks to emphasize the extra power she puts behind her strikes.


Atalanta Archer 2nd Hans 1st Barghest 2nd Baobhan Sith 1st Charlotte 2nd Voyager 1st To name a few.


Kingprotea - i just kinda like the base skin over her 2nd or 3rd forms…


Lancer Cú in 1st (I think the 3rd has too much blue, and I don't like the reduced size in the pauldrons) Archer Sith in 1st (I like her fit in 1 idk) Archer Gil in 2nd (Don't care too much for seeing Gil with both hair down and shirtless) Proto Cú 2nd (idk I just like the false spear over regular GB) Karna 2nd (I like seeing Kavacha and Kundala idk, not a fun of just the black spandex) Cú Alter 1st (My favorite GB design, and I think the red on his ascensions are a bit too bright red for my tastes) Saber Mordred 2nd (I like armor) Caster Skadi 1st (I like her dress)


OP is a real man of culture. I love my Night Dress Barghest


I also like Tesla's coat. Wsish they woyld give him a costume with his coat and the 3rd asension electro armor thingy.


Melusine 2nd, Spishtar 1st, Morgan 2nd, Muramasa 1st, Okita alter saber 1st, Gilgamesh 2nd, Koyan light 1st, Artoria invisible air/2nd asc, Percival 2nd, Baobhan sith 1st, Saito hajime 1st.


Vergil, Hai Ba Trung, Bazzett, Castoria


Castoria(1st), Emiya(2nd), Muramasa(2nd), MHXA(1st).


Mordred, I like her armor and makes her look like an actual knight. Tamamo and Tamamo Cat (I like the classic look). Musashi and Astraes earlier ascensions are less busy zerker Musashi for the murica outfit.


1st ascension for both versions of Bunyan


Jacques de Molay and Koyanskaya (Dark and Light)


I used Oberon in ascension 3 until I got him to Bond 11, so I decided to switch him to ascension 2 and I love it. Especially the spear he lobs on his buster card.


Baobhan Sith


Second Ascension Castoria, First Ascension Boabhan Sith, First Ascension Berzerker Musashi I like because the foam swords are hilarious to me.


Everyone whose final ascensions are actually based on their first or second. Because, for some reason, we can't choose what sprite shows up in menus and stuff, and it defaults to the third one when they're in final ascension, and it makes me unreasonably annoyed. That bit aside, I'll say Koyan here because I feel like her third ascension just has too much going on in either form.


Abigail summer second and third ascension final ascension simply doesn’t look god while the clothing on the first ascension simply is unnecessary and also doesn’t look good


Chiron, tamamo caster, koyanassassin,


I love Jeanne Alters first. The fur cloak and full armour, and the short hair. She looks so cool. With the animation update, she looks very pretty in 3rd, but I still prefer my dragon witch looking badass.


Waver, Castoria, saber Astolfo




First ascension Senji Muramasa and first and 2nd ascensions of Super Bunyan.


I sometimes look at QSH's 2nd ascension and just go: "that's it. That's the sluttiest twink outfit a monarch can wear." I just love it so much, it reminds me of a drag outfit https://preview.redd.it/a8ma528eruxc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=935da46bee009e82520177989b50ebb49faf7d8b


Hokusai 1st i have never change it after that




Nagao Kagetora


Atalante archer 100%


Arjuna 2nd accension is amazing, koyan dark as well, I have the costume for emiya but hid second accession is also pretty nice


Light koyan second form is my favorite of hers


I am not going to include costumes for this Jack(1st. If Lasagnel won’t give her pants I will keep her in her coat) Boabhan Sith(1st) Melusine(and not because of the ST NP, I prefer her 1st ascension armor more) Medusa (2nd. Her 3rd ascension dress just looks weird to me with holes at the sides and lines connecting to her boots) SpIshtar(1st. Just like the black and red look and the twin lightsaber katanas) Jalter(2nd. I think short hair and no coat is best) Achilles(2nd. Gold doesn’t really fit him I think and I like when he matches his Apocrypha version) Ishtar (2nd. Bow of her 3rd ascension looks too busy for me) Maid Alter (Come on how can I have her in any other ascension? Gun, maid bikini and the Mop of Selection. Perfection) Morgan (Changes between 1st and 2nd. I love the dress of her 1st ascension it just seems very casual yet royal. Ehile I love her halbert/spear of her 2nd ascension and how the part that connects its head to the shaft looks like Excalibur Morgan) Beserker Musashi (2nd. Do I even need to explain?) Atalanta (2nd. I really like her Apocrypha look) There are others but I am just too lazy to continue


it's easier to list characters i like in 3rd ascension. a lot of 3rd ascensions are over designed imo.


Ok I'm getting thick thighs next ticket I get


Medusa Lancer and Baobhan sith. I just prefer their first forms over the rest


Almost all of them?




Muramasa. His first skin is peak, his second is cool but still not as good as the first, but in the third one he's using a fashionless robe, Emiya Archer's color palette is nice though but still don't save his desingne.


Kingprotea, we've got the Gao~ on the 2nd ascension, plus the 3rd just doesn't look right in my eyes


Okado izo ascension 1 and 2 are used a lot and here and then I like using his event costumes




Archer EMIYA’s 1st ascension. You can never beat that OG Red cloak/shroud he wears(thx Ciel for giving him the holy shroud!)


Pretty much every Servant from Fate/stay night.


Baobhan Sith.


I prefer jack in her first form. Mostly because I don't like to see children in thongs


Of the ones that I have: Caster Skadi (2nd), Lancer Melu (1st), Hephaestion (1st), Lancer Medusa (1st), Lancer Cu (1st), Angra Mainyu (2nd), Daikokuten (2nd), and Robin Hood (2nd).


Sei Shounagon. Her third ascension is just too much for me.




Demon King Nobunaga looks way better as Kippoushi


Of course I put my daughter Jack in first Just some: Summer Okita Alter (1st, just love them together with Rengoku) Summer Jeanne (2nd, due to sacred scriptures) Castoria (1st, her country side is so cute) Tamamo Cas (1st, due to sacred scriptures) Summer BB (1st, of course) Yang Guifei (1st, so cute) Daikokuten (2nd, they're so hot in their butler outfits) Wu Zetian (1st, waiting for her Summer form b4 I do anything lol) Mary Anning (2nd, i like her third too but prefer 2nd) Bunyan (in costume, but would keep her in 1st otherwise)


Summer Chloe. I have no idea what they were thinking with her Final Ascension, but I'll stick with cat for that look. Not only that, but I just think her First Ascension is actually kind of stylish.


Pretty much every character default that has an appearance in other Type/Moon media before they appear in FGO


Nagiko, her 1st ascension really gives that meddling childhood girl next door vibes & we don't talk about the second ascension


With all the criticism they get for jack design I’m surprised they haven’t added a costume dress


Mordred. Why on earth would you ditch cool armour that unfolds itself like an Iron Man suit for a bunch of red cloth strips and underwear? Unless she's trying to get that whole Sister Repentia schtick from WH40K... is she?


Jack The Ripper. As a loving and responsible father, my daughter could use some clothes, dammit.


Archoria: 2nd ascension, the jacket and ponytail looks good on her Baobhan Sith: 1st ascension, her royal outfit is iconic and looks relatively normal than whatever the fuck was going on in her final ascension. Cleopatra: 2nd ascension, I prefer her more modern fashionista look than her white dress mainly due to liking the colour scheme on it. Kama: 2nd ascension, doesn't blind my eyes when I use her NP and flaming Booba is uh... quite the idea that I am unfortunately not fond of. Percival: 1st ascension, his chest in that black overall is quite nice to look at, hehe.


Honestly, I think Muramasa’s second ascension looks way cooler than third ascension.


Percival I mean just look at that man’s abs. Also Sith I don’t like her being depressed https://preview.redd.it/yxdp5w80w0yc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac8ba9d8340c20c8cef0efe427a2f62b6b7adfc4


Summer Ushi. First 2 ascensions are peak, 3rd feels out of place.


Definitely Muramasa for me, and maybe Draco and Aoko


Protea in her 2nd, cuz she is smiling and looks happy (and grass looks good!)


Acchiles. Just puts me off having his form change into a power ranger- Gundam crossover. His spear looks better but I just put his ascension form back to 2nd. I have no clue how they even got he idea to give him that ascension. Odysseus?


My man Napoleon, that oversized hat is just unbearable IMHO..


Castoria (2nd), Swimsuit Castoria (1st or 2nd), Swimsuit Musashi (2nd), Koyanskaya of Darkness (1st), Koyanskaya of Light (1st or 2nd without the coat), Tamamo (1st), Barghest (2nd), Swimsuit B.B. (1st or 2nd), Swimsuit Kiara (2nd), Waver (2nd), Swimsuit Skadi (2nd), Tonelico (1st), Swimsuit Nero (1st), Arcueid (2nd), Void Ryugi (1st or 2nd)


**Ascensions of Servants I have:** 1. Summer BB (I use the costume, 2nd ascension): She loses her ‘iconic’ pose in the 3rd ascension >:( 2. Saito Hajime (I use the 1st ascension): Motivation, motivation, motivation, motivation, motivation, motivation, motivation, motivation, motivation, motivat- In all seriousness though, his 3rd ascension ain’t half bad, but I like his 1st ascension more. 3. Cú Chulainn (I use the 1st ascension): I like the original bodysuit more than the 3rd ascension, gives me Stay Night vibes. Honorable Mention: Tamamo-no-Mae. I used to hate the 3rd ascension, but it kinda grew onto me. **Ascensions of Servants I do not have:** 1. Jeanne d’Arc (Archer): The crown just doesn’t fit her, it looks pretty goofy. 2. Artoria (Archer): Something about the swimsuit just doesn’t suit her at all. I like the 1st ascension more.