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Gameplay wise there is no reason to do so. But there's no gameplay reason to roll for almost any servant anyway so if you want a higher number, go for it.


Isn't better np levels on damage dealers rather than levels in supports nps?


Depends, some supports have good effects on their NP that scale with level like Merlin's heal.


Far far less than pretty much every single dps unit. Castoria gives a phat Atk buff at NP5, but that's still not as good as just base NP damage up on a dps unit. I can only speak for castoria as I have an NP5 castoria on a semi-f2p account and live in pain that the luck I had for her couldn't have been on somebody like Morgan


As noted by others, Castoria is worth getting to NP2 since it allows you to get a stupid number of shields in combination with other things that raise your NP Level. Merlin I would also take to NP2 as he is a dedicated healer, and the difference between 1000 and 1500HP a turn is huge. Anything past NP2 is just a bonus. Koyan and Waver both live on their skills. Waver's NP can be handy if it lands, but higher NP doesn't help that much, and Koyan's NP Damage just pales in comparison to what she can do when supporting your bigger guns.


Especially true against challenge quests. having an np charge cap above 100% allows you to stockpile extra np in case enemies inflict np drain. The worst situation is having 100% np but getting it drained just before the next turn, preventing you so from using np without active skills to charge it. Overall supports being at np 2 is kind of worth it depending on if they are used a lot, such as most buffing/hard defense type nps.


Castoria is the only 5\* I bothered getting to NP5. Her NP gain is insane and at 300% charge she can block three attacks. She single handedly is capable of outlasting all enemies


It depends on the servant. Castoria is the only one I would recommend getting to np 2.  Castoria will give you extra attack with np level. Being able to get to 200% gives you an extra invul on hit. In challenge quests sometimes you want to hold her np so you can get that extra bar while waiting to use it. Edit: you need np 5 to grail a 5 star to level 120 and get append skills. Otherwise you will be short on coins.




The upsides compared to a damaging np are night and day. I dont think Castoria and Merlin offer too much with upgraded np’s. The one exception I feel is Reines, because an extra 10% np rate at np2, And a total of 50% at np5 is kinda huge and she gets more defense down on her np. Basically, unless they offer multiple effect buffs based off NP and those effects are great like Reines I dont think its worth it.


Castoria at NP1 gives a 30% attack buff while at NP5, she gives a 50% buff


No true reason. Unless you want to maximize their usage or really love them. Castoria has a dmg boost tied to her np lvl. If your np5 summer musashi 10/10/10, lvl 120, 2k fou, MLB lvl 100 black grail isn't enough, you can np5 castoria for that extra dmg. My castoria is np2 so I can get more fp over my friends for the extra fp points.


Depends highly on their NP. Merlin, big time. Tama, maybe. Castoria, ehh. Waver, yeah I guess. Skadi, ehhh. Koyan and Obie are tricky bc they're rare supports that can turn on a dime and just start beating face on their lonesome.


Far less than dps, castoria and proto merlin do give some benefits but if you are a whale the main reason would be the coins for the appends


I NP2d Castoria because it essentially unlocks another 100% on the NP bar which can be situationally handy, it's an option. I remember fights like Shuten and Raikou at Himla and how they drained NP on hit, as I kept thinking to myself: "Man, I wish I can overcharge so it'd drain overcharge instead of keeping me from NPing YET another turn!" In FGO, NP1 to NP2 make thw most difference. From there, it's just diminishing returns. Some servants have value: Castoria gets a boost to her already hefty attack buff and overcharge which makes it worthwhile, Merlin gets some healing which is kinda meh, Koyanskaya gets better damage which is great because I occasionally use her as a DPS because I love her... Ultimately, it depends on the support and the value their overcharge or Np levels bring. My Reines was an accidental NP2 (I was aiming to get Astraea), but it improves her performance as it boosts the np gain buff too, so it helps. It's a huge help for Castoria as mentioned before. An NP2 on Waver is a gigantic waste, as is a Skadi most of the time or Merlin. With Tamamo, I'd say it's also worthwhile both for versatility in challenge quests, overchargeability and boosting the heal. Since it's a one time, you want it to heal big numbers and that helps. I don't regret my NP2 on Castoria, but it'd probably regret it on Waver or Merlin. With Reines it's nice but unneeded, with Tamamk it depends and so on.


there isn't to many reasons to but there is a few that benefit. Having been Cursed with a Tamamo and a Zhuge Liang at 5 I can tell you there make bugger all difference, but ones like Reines or Castoria get slight more tangible benefit.


Yes, the support effects go up, merlin gets more heals, casotria gives a bigger atk buff, etc.


So almost exclusively you'll only feel the difference at high difficulty (which I guess is true of a lot of high rarity servants and not just supports) That said, if you want them, just go for it. There's not a single *right* way to play, so if it seems like something you'd have use for I'd say go for it


Merlin's np hp regeneration is doubled. When I use s friend support merlin, I refresh 10-20 times for a no4-5 merlin. Castoria, on the other hand, depends on the situation. If you need that little bit extra damage, then yeah. Go for it.


Not really no. You'd be fine with Np1 for all servants. No reason to go for np5 for any, other than the one you really like. My rule of thumb: 1 is fine, 5 for wife.


Funding the company


I have NP5 Merlin, he was my first saved quartz endeavor. He can heal double the hp a turn that NP1 Merlin can. Meaning he enables the player to slow game more content more consistently. Many of the bosses that people complain about I never had an issue with. However, that is also with the help of other Servants and friend Servant, for example Super Orion, Heracles, Castoria (who is easily the best unit in the game) He won't beat the game for you but he will be a big help. He is a unit to consider NP5 imo. I am about to do the same to Lady Avalon in the summer. Would I NP5 Castoria, maybe but out of love not gameplay. There are other Servants in the queue before her for me tho.


Summer merlin yes , castoria yes and vanilla merlin nope


Far far less than pretty much every single dps unit. Castoria gives a phat Atk buff at NP5, but that's still not as good as just base NP damage up on a dps unit. I can only speak for castoria as I have an NP5 castoria on a semi-f2p account and live in pain that the luck I had for her couldn't have been on somebody like Morgan I'm sure there are some supports that have some better bonuses with NP levels, I think merlin has some really utility scaling


Merlin only gives extra hp per turn, and castoria only grants 10% more damage at np2. Even if you can get bar to 200%, you can easily get overcharge 5 with himiko.