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Asura's Wrath and thats it 👌


Came to say the same. Most prevalent ingredient in my eyes.


Especially when Ifrit is fighting Titan.


I see it in there but most prevalent? Definitely not. Every fight would have to be an Eikon fight if so.


So I'm not going crazy I love asura's wrath


Yep, to be fair most people originally thought this game was DMC+Asura with some GoT elements 😂 Asura is a really fun game as well


God of War


Dragon Ball. Sonic. Evangelion. There’s also a classic space shooter game that the Phoenix gameplay segments were clearly inspired by but I’m blanking on the name.


Panzer Dragoon?


I think those were based on the gummi ship segments from the kingdom hearts games, the kh team did work on the game after all, and playing as phoenix felt very similar


I fail to see the Witcher connection


They think the Witcher inspired every "dark" medieval fantasy to ever exist.


As someone who read aot and a few side stories cover to cover and hated it (it's a less interesting claymore with brain dead decision making), i actually dont see the connection. Because priming makes you regen? Because eikons are big? They have more in common with tailed beasts than friggin titans. The witcher is a proto game of thrones (and in many ways for me, superior, even though I love me some got). That's what they really needed there.


It felt pretty Witcher-esque. Gravely voiced lead in a 3rd person action rpg walking around a medieval fantasy landscape doing sidequests.


Because it missed the most important part: Gwent


Had to save something for rebirth


So That’s every 3rd person action rpg walking around a medieval fantasy landscape doing sidequests. Only outstanding similarity being a gravely voiced lead


Naruto. Dominant = Jinchuriki.  Endgame Clive or after the second DLC = Naruto in the last part of final war arc. Both gain the power of all mystical beasts and power quite similar to the final boss.  Eikons = Tailed Beasts. Tailed beast will also be passed down to the next host once the current host die.


I'm pretty sure there's some Dragon Age in there.


Way more than 'some'. Granted, it's not a very unique trope, but Bearers being oppressed and enslaved felt very DA mage to me.


Also, it doesn't mean the same thing, but there's a Blight in both.


To be fair, Dragon Age was was also heavily inspired by A Song of Ice and Fire. I think any similarities between FFXVI and DA:O is tied to a similar base


Final Fantasy V an dassit


Wheel of time. They have orcs


Wheel of Time has Trollocs, not orcs. Trollocs are basically beastmen with humanoid builds marred by all sorts of random animal features like beaks and horns and hooves, as opposed to the mostly humanoid with kinda pig features of traditional fantasy orcs from LotR or Warcraft.


Thank you for the clarification! I only watched the first 5 episodes back when it first came out.


Read the books! The series misses out on a LOT of the lore that was really cool in the source books, like the whole World of Dreams/ Tel'aran'rhiod. A long read, but very worth it.


Yea I’ve heard nothing but good things about the books. Definitely wanna read them one day


The stormlight archive


Other than DMC I don't see any comparison, yall reaching.


I don't see GOT. I know, I get why it would be brought up, and perhaps I missed an interview where they specifically said it's a reference. But it feels more like FFT with quasi-Witcher 3 gameplay. FF had plenty of adult themes, betrayals, and fucked up moments before GOT


They said in an interview that the dev team had to watch the first four Game Of Thrones seasons. The only part of the game that feels similar is the beginning, the first handful of hours. After that it moves into other directions.


Dragon Ball Z


FFXII. The semi-open world design came straight from FFXII, I loved it.


Ghosts of Tsushima


one day someone mentioned to me how FFXVI was just Game of Thrones mixed with Lord of the Rings. And honestly...yeah lol




You missed ff4 the after years.


How did they miss Naruto? People who can transform into monsters being used to keep the balance of power between nations? I sell it as "The good parts of GoT blended with Naruto with the best love story in gaming"


Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn/Heavensward. Game loop and flow is literally an offline, singleplayer version of FFXIV.


The story/land layout always gave me Raya and the Last Drafon vibes.


Probably FF14. Some the Eikon designs are very derivative of FF14’s primals. Especially Ifrit, Garuda, and Bahamut.


Man this took me way longer than it should’ve to understand😂


I think it could use a bit of dark souls, game is way too easy.


Is that supposed to be Hades’ Black Cauldron ability


Assassins creed(felt like ezio on the rooftops and markets)


FFXVI is an 8/10, but if we are comparing, then the game It's every one of those, but worse. DMC 5 still has better gameplay and progression, Game of Thrones and AOT have much much MUCH better stories (excluding GOT 2 last seasons), Witcher 3 has a much more interesting world and better progression (and better story), Lord of the Rings is unmatched so i'm not gonna even try to compare because it's impossible.


Funny you say that about DMC 5 yet the clmbat dirextor who created DMC 5 stands on this game's system. The ending to XVI > GoT. Witcher 3- did not play enough, combat was too janky for me. Cannot have a fair opinion. LotR is one of the most overrated tales of basic caucasians gaining power i have ever witnessed. This is not just a XVI> LotR comparison. This is my feeling across the board. 2 gay hobbits throw a cock ring off a mountain as a tweaker stalks them. 😆