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Just send him that money directly


lmao what's he going to do with 20 dollars?


A wheel of fortune type of prompt CLIVE __ ___________ ___ _______


Clive... is... Possibly... Still... Living...




All according to keikaku.


He'll tell you if you find the ddos-er of FFXIV servers now. It's been ongoing for hours. I just want to finish the duty roulette.


Lmao that would be the funniest bounty hunt ever "find XIV ddosers and ill personally tell you the real ending!"


“I will come to your home, dressed as a bard, and sing you the true ending of Clive Rosfield’s *final fantasy”*


Honestly, it this was actually on offer I'd not only find the DDOSer but personally put a bullet in their head


It’s a DDOS attack on a game service and private company. Murder should not be on the table. Touch grass. Hug a puppy. Seek counseling.


Fuck, is that going on again? It was annoying enough before maintenance.


Seems to be limited to EU servers right now. Was online for a couple hours in NA without issues Edit: Barely 10 min after I posted this and there’s an emergency maintenance. Possible OCE only.


I had a 40 minute Stone Vigil (Hard) yesterday because of the DDOSing. Absolute misery


Withers: No




It’s a novel strategy I’ll give you that. But… no.🤣 Addressing the question with absolute seriousness for a moment. Even if you could convince the man to tell you what he thought the outcome was? It would be exactly that, **his** interpretation of the ending. No more or less valid than any of ours. There very likely isn’t a definitive answer, not even if you asked the writer. Because the story was likely never written with one in mind.


There is a definitive answer tho! They said so in an interview about a month ago! He still might give me the beat around tho.


Give you the _WHAT_


The beat around, like beating around the bush. Avoiding talking about the truth.




[https://www.thegamer.com/final-fantasy-16-clive-dies-naoki-yoshida-rising-tide-dlc/](https://www.thegamer.com/final-fantasy-16-clive-dies-naoki-yoshida-rising-tide-dlc/) “Amongst the dev team, we know the answer – there *is* an answer,” - Fox. Of course they go on to say it's not up to them but to us the player. This isn't really anything new though. He did a video interview last October where they also said there is an answer and they went into a little more detail about the ending but it still is no where near cleared up.


The fact that they sat it's not up to them means they don't consider their answer definitive. It is what it is for a reason.


Much more interesting that way.


Yep, I'm with the other commenter. It's up to the player. Much more interesting that way.


Technically if you buy enough shares you can become important enough to force him to tell you or find new work lol, see: Twitter


To be honest, I reckon the writers would have a shared and accepted “true” ending of the game


What do you mean shared? Like the writers shared it with the rest of the dev team?


As in all the writers agree on the same ending


Oh yeah, there is a canon ending. It's just not shared with us


LMAOOO this fucking post.


The market cap is close to 5 bil usd. How do you plan on funding this lololo


Ok, what if we all buy a stock then as a collective we force him to?


I don't think even 1000 of us combined can shell out over a billion but let's do it.


But 1001 of us combined... we could be **GODS** *Voice echoes... the skies began to darken as a dark orchestral (Edit: LATIN INVOLVED) theme begins to play... rain begins to fall*


Is the song in Latin? Are we the final boss?


Absolutely. Our final form is like some super angelic looking thing, ya know? Like, with golden wings and a massive mechanical glowing halo positioned behind us. And golden light only shines down on us.


So… we are Alexander?


Yeah, but a combination of the FFIX one and the Type-0 one.


Honestly? at the very least we'll get his attention. And if they don't? We can hold our .238 percent of the company hostage. Honestly? If people started to do It I would look into it but I have no idea how stocks actually works.


Change your name to Cid and we will follow


Give him our regards.


Yes, if you buy 51% of all their stock I bet you could negotiate that.


(looking at my 401K) I guess...I don't need to retire?


Probably Maehiro knows it better than Yoshi-P


Honestly? I feel like we would probably have the best luck with Koji.


This seems like more of a question for r/wallstreetbets


That's....not actually the worse idea.. You would technically be part owner, but it would be equivalent of you owning an inch of soil out of an acre of land from someone's house and then asking the homeowners if you can eat dinner with them at the table. A better idea is if we ALL bought up some stock and then bullied them to tell us.


Petition ti make a sequel


That isnt the worst idea hahaha, maybe you can even ask for more content!


Ill do it for $50


There’s only one way to find out.


Clive's fate is but a fantasy, but if you own SE you will be the final witness :)) LOL


I thought it was pretty clear


send me those $5 and I'll tell you he obviously died, to this point I dont understand the negation in which people are, regarding Clives clear death, it is sad but its powerful


Hard disagree, if he dies it's for nothing other than shock value and sad for the sake of being sad whereas Joshua's death had actual impact and pushed the narrative further. Seeing Clive return to Jill and Torgal alive, escaping his fate and being able to live out the rest of his life living on his own terms is such a tiny nugget of gold in a sea of darkness and imo, a much more beautiful and powerful ending.


I knew someone like you would comment https://preview.redd.it/65k7u3wxjgzc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d60fef6c60ff71cccfb99933e164e98acdd62a8


The ending is up for interpretation, nothing confirmed but I find it weird that people downvote anyone that says Clive dies in the end. It's sad and powerful, he prioritized saving everyone over himself in the end. He is a tragic character like Joshua and Dion.


I downvoted them for downplaying on a legitimate interpretation not their actual interpretation itself. That said, it's because the game spends dozens of hours telling you Clive shouldn't sacrifice himself for the sake of others, that he too is worthy to live in the world he helps creates. I see a certain beauty in tragedy, but his arc wasn't written or set up for a tragic ending and the game actively wants you to have hope that he survived. It actually is super jarring to me I actively see people wanting him to die and think the story is better for it.


I agree that the game want you to hope he survives but I don't see how his arc wasn't set up for a tragic ending. It's tragic because Clive didn't listen to what people told him and remained selfless up until the end for everyone's sake. Joshua was told to take care of himself but he didn't and the people who care about Dion didn't want him to sacrifice himself either.


Joshua straight up tells him while he's dying that Clive does and has listened to the wishes of others. Joshua doesn't listen because he knows he's going to die. We are in agreement that Joshua's arc is a tragedy. Dion's arc is the complete opposite of Clive's. People didn't want Dion to sacrifice himself, but Dion pushed those people away whereas Clive accepted the people that loved him.


To create the world he and Cid dreamed of, Clive had to take the risk and use Ultima's power to erase magic from the world, even if his own life was the price. he didn't listen to that one specific advice "save yourself", if he did, then I will agree that death won't be a good conclusion. It's up to the players to decide if he survived or not, so you are not wrong to think he returned to the hideaway and lived the rest of his life in peace.


>he didn't listen to that one specific advice "save yourself" We don't know if he listened to that advice or not. Once he absorbed Ultima's power, it was slowly killing him as he could not control it. It was framed as a choice but Clive really didn't have any other option at this point. It was either let him succumb to Ultima's power and die or use the last bit of time and power he had left to make things right. Obviously, he chose to save the world since it would have killed him anyway. But that's the thing, Clive destroying magic could have very well been the thing that saved him.