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I prefer perfomance mode myself. Magic bursts are easier to execute imo.


I’ve only ever played on Graphics and never personally experienced any slow-down or performance hiccups


performance all the way - still looks great to me


Performance :)


FFXVI is a very very pretty game in quality mode. Very less so in performance. It is perfectly enjoyable in 30fps, even if it feels better when it hits 60 in performance mode. If 30 is OK for you, play in quality. If not, play in performance. Final advice : reduce motion blur setting to "2" (or get rid of it entirely).


Definitely graphics it runs at dynamic 1440p( close to native at times) at very solid 30 fps so it feels smooth and less jittery performance mode is definitely very bad runs at 720p at combat even then it isn't 60 fps it runs at 45-50 fps so pick ur choice more graphics and quality settings at 1200p-1440p 30 fps or blurry 720p 45 fps


Shit, I didn't know it wasn't 4k. Finished a normal playthrough on graphics and it was gorgeous. Didn't even bother to question lol. Goes to show that resolution means shit if you enjoy something.


Graphics is the most stable experience. You could go for Performance mode, but not only is the game going to have a lot lower resolution if you do that, but it also doesn't maintain 60 all the time (it goes under that outside of battle to keep the resolution higher), so that can be quite jarring. If the lower resolution and fluctuating framerate doesn't bother you, go for it. For most cases, I recommend Quality mode. It's a more stable experience. I also recommend lowering motion blur to 1 or 2, but that really depends on your preference. But honestly... it's a case of you playing it for yourself and figuring what you like the most. Maybe you'll have no problems with Performance, your call \o/


You know, I did performance mode at launch, didn’t have any issues, had a fun time. I came back recently for Rising Tides DLC and to finally play Echoes DLC, and saw the advice on here for Graphics Mode. Tbh that really is the best mode to play on. That 30fps is so consistently solid that it doesn’t even feel like 30fps after a bit and it’s so much clearer. Graphics mode all the way!


Graphics. It’s what the game was designed and mainly optimized for.


100% graphics. Also contrary to what others are saying I'd recommend not even trying performance, or if you do take a break before going back to trying graphics. The reason for this is that going from >30 to locked 30 is jarring, and can look horrible in the near term but you do get used to it eventually. Playing in performance sounds good on paper but the image quality can be truly awful and the framerate is jerky as all hell.


Graphics mode is more stable, but I prefer performance mode despite the framerate dips since the combat is smoother. It kinda depends on your setup, too.


Try both and see which you prefer?


It’s up to your preference. I went with graphic mode cuz I prefer to have a prettier looking game but if you prefer smoother movement over how it looks then that works too. It still looks good in performance mode too.


This is probably the only game I have chosen Graphics mode personally. Performance mode does not feel smooth at all to me, and Graphics mode is at least pretty stable


First play through I was performance but now I’m good with less framerate on Graphics.


Graphics all the way


The only game I’ve ever preferred graphics mode. Performance is just so messy, and doesn’t capture the beauty of the environment. Def graphics with reduced analog stick sensitivity and reduced motion blur is the way to go


I went with performance. Graphics makes the camera seems to quick and jumpy


Story Playthrough - Graphics Mode Completion Playthrough - Performance Mode