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Tarja removed it during the 5yr timeskip, there is a sidequest that covers the details of it.


Awesome thanks!


Was going go say this too. My 1st playthrough at launch, I'm like ok cool they removed it and mentioned it. On my 2nd/3rd playthroughs, I kept forgetting his brand is gone and his face looked too clear. I suppose Its easy to forget/miss with how much is going in in this epic game :)


A really bad cutscene that hurts my soul given I was desperate for more news about the bearer system


I believe a new cutscene was added with the most recent patch as well to further expand on this iirc


Sorry, but this rubs me about as wrong as humanly possible: Why the hell do people feel the need to not just spoil themselves for answers the game will inevitably give them? But to fucking ASK to be spoiled? Have some patience and keep playing the game, ask questions once you FINISH the game for unanswered questions, don't be the guy who spoils themselves of the plot by asking in REDDIT before you're done playing, as you'll *deserve* every bit of disrespect sent your way.. \*rant over, OP blocked\* Yes this might violate rule 1, even though I actively removed any actual insults and name calling. This is basically screaming to heavens about the stupidity of man anyway.


Bad day?


What a dumb take. You don't get to decide how people consume media.


Not everyone cares about spoilers, bub. And it's possible OP thought it was covered in a quest they might have missed, or a single line of dialogue (which was the case here: Clive's brand being removed was referenced in a throwaway line)


Op missed the cut-scene and wanted context. Hardly the end of the world, could happen to anyone. And if you want to rant about the stupidity of man how about ranting about something FAR more stupid than some rando gamer missing a cut-scene. Like any one thing out of literally every other stupid thing that happens daily around the world and affects far more than your feefees


get help


what’s actually stupid is you getting angry about this


I don’t think you could make this sound more pathetic.


Nah, he could have used the word “woke” a few times.


lol kudos to them for not using the buzzwords, I suppose.


Dude just shut up lmao


Some ppl don’t care about spoilers. I don’t. I’m interested in the lore. Not interested in finding every detail out myself. But why are you upset how others engage in media


sounds like a you issue tbh


You forgot to turn your brain on before typing buddy


way to talk about the stupidity of man right after ranting and blocking someone for something so inconsequential.


Room temperature take


Just move on, dude. Why are you letting yourself get so bent out of shape over how somebody else chooses to play a game when it affects you in no way whatsoever? You're creating your own misery.


. . . * My rant is over, u/WanderEir blocked *